can someone tell me wat you earn from?

@paulw33 (297)
United States
April 26, 2008 1:15pm CST
do you arn money each time someone responds to your discusions and and i refered someone to mylot then they refered some people i only refered one then they refered 3 it seems i earned more for referals then she did can ou tell me why also do yu earn mney to add commts to stuff please help and let me know
3 responses
• Croatia (Hrvatska)
26 Apr 08
im newbie but until now i think that we are earning only for posting ... there other ways that we can earn, i never tried them but heard of them, that are submiting a picture or by search engine
@paulw33 (297)
• United States
26 Apr 08
well i know you earn from posting and stuff and i know you earn from responding im just trying t figure out from the referals and stuff so i dont know
1 person likes this
• United States
26 Apr 08
I don't know anything about it I just started yesterday so it will be interesting too find out
@joimarquez (1836)
• United States
26 Apr 08
mylot logo - mylot logo. blue logo.
you earn a cent.... -per discussion you started. -for posting or a reply on any discussion. -per photo you posted and somebody used the photo u posted. -per photo you posted on your reply or comment. -per comment you make on the people who replied on your discussion.======you earn 3 percent on your referral's earnings. you dont earn anything when.... -somebody replies on your discussion.
@paulw33 (297)
• United States
27 Apr 08
so im commenting to you now so that means this is 1 cent for adding a comment right welll i think tht is pretty cool and people are saying that the longer the response to a discussion the more money it is orthats not true let me know thanks
@gkthegr8 (163)
• India
27 Apr 08
Please contact me by mail at .. I'll tell you a cool way to earn without any sites but GENERATING your own money by keeping your computer switched on....