HELP! SOS! I Need Money To Pay The Rent by Monday!

United States
April 26, 2008 4:03pm CST
I'm at my wits end. Hubby was out of work for a month and we're one month behind. I just spoke with the landlord, who said, bring me a month's rent on Monday or get out by Monday. He's already lined up a tenant for this apartment (which is an illegal one). He said that his morgage for the property is $11,000 per month, and his late fee is $700 if he's late. We've caused him $700 in a late fee, and he's not happy. Here's the problem: Hubby gets paid by his new job on the 6th. I don't have the money ($1200) for the rent now. I have $200 to live on until Hubby an I get paid on Friday. I assured the landlord I could pay him back if he can just wait one more week, I even gave him the dates when I can pay him back. He seemed understanding, but he's in a bind himself. I cannot ask my relatives for money. I have done every money-making spell that I know. I am going to try to get some bucks through selling a few things on Craigslist, but I doubt I will be paid for them in time. I haven't any credit, my car is not saleable, and I'm in a lurch. What would you do????? What have you done? I need help ASAP. Thanks.
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18 responses
@linda345 (2661)
• Canada
26 Apr 08
I don't know where you live but here in Canada they can't kick you out until they bring you before the landlords and tentants tribunal. Only then a decision is made if you have to get out. Has he severed you an evicition notice yet on paper? Find the local landlord and tenants act in your area. They will be on line and read the rules. My friend just went through this and she could not be evicted until they brought her before the board. She finally got straightened out and got her rent caught up and now everything is ok. Let me know what happens.
2 people like this
• United States
27 Apr 08
See responses #4 (as well a the added comment), 5, & 15. Even if he has a HUGE mortage he has on the place, it loooks like he's lying to you when he says "700 late fees" ... Ready to put your dukes up? Here's some ammo. From the comment in response #4 & response #5 ... * If he tries to evict you, then first of all, he needs to pay an estimated $1,000 (on a BIIIIIG discount) to get a court order to evict you. From the response in #15 ... * If it's an illegal apartment, some municipalities in our area will be QUICK to declare property commercial as opposed to residential. The taxes on that place would sure go up several hundred percent. He'll also end up owing backtaxes I'm sure as well. Keep us up to date on what's going on.
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• United States
3 May 08
Hi, KK! Long time no chat! I can only say...THANK YOU! I had no idea what the fees were for eviction, and I had no idea that they would declare the property commercial if he was reported. That's great news! I've already been thru one eviction, so I knew about the 30 days...but technically, he's already had the time. Our deposit has been used, and I expect him to come knocking and threatening again this weekend. Regarding my prayers, though - I did a homemade spell that has worked so far, and you wouldn't believe the simplicity of it. For those in the same situation, I recommend it! I made a poppet (and I don't usually do this, but I figured it was time to try it)of my landlord out of a stray block of cedar (meant for freshening clothes in a drawer). I think I found it here when we moved in. It's possible that it was his when he was living in the apartment. I drew his features on it in pencil, and carved it a little. Then I bathed it in St. Michael's incense while chanting that he should leave me alone. I wrapped it up're gonna laugh - a potholder that I've used a LOT, and tied it off with twist-ties from my baggies/cellofane drawer. It looks like he's wrapped in a rug, and all tied up. On top of that, I gathered railroad spikes from my local railroad, bathed them in blessed salted water, blessed them in the St. Michael's incense, and chanted again that he should leave me alone, sank them in the ground around the property, and then marked them with my urine and a few drops of my blood. So far, it's been wonderful. Not a knock, not a peep. He's been drowning himself in his work, and not bothering with us. I'm hoping that this continues until I can pay him. I've just gottne the bad news that Hubby's paycheck will be less than expected. This weekend, I'm going to be Craiglisting in earnest, trying to seel various pieces of musical equipment as soon as possible. I'm also looking for a new job. I need more pay. Really. If it comes down to it, we'll move. Thanks for all your help. I really appreciate EVERYBODY's support. :)
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Apr 08
OMG DarlingGirl I don't know what to say here. Is there any way you can get temporary Public Assistance...the only problem of course would be the time factor as PA is not exactly swift with their paperwork--I know cause when I had run into a problem myself I applied as well, but I didn't get the needed funds until almost a month later. The only thing I can offer are my prayers for you...Please keep us posted about this all right?
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
27 Apr 08
PS..just read some of the other posters responses..legally your landlord can't just kick you out like that...he would have to get an eviction order processed which would mean him hiring his lawyer and court fees...that I don't think he would do as it would cost him way more than that late fee of $700..get some legal help if you can..there are probably LegalAid services near you, no? They work for free.
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@olivemai (4738)
• United States
27 Apr 08
This: "EVICTION Following appropriate notice, a landlord may bring a summary non-payment court proceeding to evict a tenant who fails to pay the agreed rent when due and to recover outstanding rent. A landlord may also bring a summary holdover eviction proceeding if, for example, a tenant significantly violates a substantial obligation under the lease, such as using the premises for illegal purposes, committing or permitting a nuisance, or staying beyond the lease term without permission. (Real Property Actions Proceedings Law ("RPAPL") § 711) To evict a tenant, a landlord must sue in court and win the case. Only a sheriff, marshal or constable can carry out a court ordered warrant to evict a tenant. (RPAPL §749) A landlord may not take the law into his/her own hands and evict a tenant by use of force or unlawful means. For example, a landlord cannot use threats of violence, remove a tenant's possessions, lock the tenant out of the apartment, or willfully discontinue essential services such as water or heat. (Real Property Law §235) When a tenant is evicted, the landlord may not retain the tenant's personal belongings or furniture. A tenant who is put out of his/her apartment in a forcible or unlawful manner is entitled to recover triple damages in a legal action against the wrongdoer. Landlords in New York City who use illegal methods to force a tenant to move are also subject to both criminal and civil penalties. Further, the tenant is entitled to be restored to occupancy. (RPAPL §713, §853) It is wise to consult an attorney to protect your legal rights if your landlord seeks possession of your apartment. Never ignore legal papers." is from the New York website at:
@ch88ss (2271)
• United States
27 Apr 08
OMG. So sorry to hear this. When you firt moved in did the landlord ask for a first month and last month deposit? If he did then he can always use that money to pay for the rent first until you get paid. But remember if he does apply your deposit, then don't pay him that month again. Save that for an emergency. Also don't sweat it, landlords usually take a very long tim before they can evict you. It takes long paperwork process. But I suggest not to take this route because you would lose any creditabilty you have with your future landlords. I wish you the best.
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Apr 08
For one, stop grudging yourself. Landlords will do and say anything they can to make you feel bad for him. No mortgage company charges that much for a late fee, and my guess is, his amount he pays per month for the mortgage is on more than one place. Now, to help you make your payment, try to get ahold of first call for help, they are a nationalassociation that has local offices in every major city accross the country. You can also try some local churches, and if there is a saint vincents de paul in your area, they help with rent, bills, and food, to help you get by. Best wishes to you. There are laws and steps your landlord has to follow to evict you. In my state a landlord must take a person to court before they can legally kick them out. My guess is its the same in your state. Check out your laws.
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@icyorchid (2564)
• United States
27 Apr 08
Well, first of all he has to go to eviction court to kick you out! If you haven't been to court, don't worry about it. IT IS AGAINST THE LAW TO EVICT without going to court! By the time you get a court date, you will have the money to pay him. Money tricks, I don't like to advise this, but if you have a checking acct. You can go to a cash advance place and get the money, but they usually only do up to $300. At least it is something for the landlord instead of nothing. Payday loans or cash advance loans don't go by credit checks, so no worries there. You can list some things on Ebay, but what you said about craigslist, is the same for Ebay. I wish you the best of luck. I've been in your situation and we were evicted. I didn't have my job, had an accident, and hubby couldn't handle everything on his own. Expensive appt. We had exhausted everyway of getting money. It worked out better in the end for us though, so I feel for you. Good Luck. ~icy~
1 person likes this
• United States
26 Apr 08
I'm not sure where you are but there should be laws and various government agencies and church agencies that may be able to help you. You will have to do some foot work and search around in your area for crisis help. Good luck!
1 person likes this
29 Apr 08
Is that legal?? I know here you can't be evicted that quick. I would definately seek legal advice. I think he is trying to scare you. Perhaps he just wants the property back but knows he can't remove you legally and is trying to be devious about it. If you haven't got the full amount I would pay what you can as a good will gesture and seek advice on what your legal rights are.
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
27 Apr 08
First off, I can assure you that if his mortgage is $11,000, he is not just charging rent to break even, he is making a profit. Go back and read your lease. What does it say about eviction notices or does he have a clause in it that says anything to the effect, that he does not have to give you notice other than a day to be moved out by. Most have to give you 30 days notice, which in that 30 days should all rent and fees be paid up then he can make the decision to let you live there. Other than that,how much of that $200 do you actually need to live on til payday? Is there any of that you could give your landlord? to show him you are trying to get caught up. good luck
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@guss2000 (2232)
• United States
1 May 08
I don't know if you've fixed your problem yet, but I just wanted to send some prayers and tell you that you are not alone. I learned last week that alot are in the same boat. The mylot prayer ring seems to help though.
25 Sep 08
Hi Everyone. I can see that here some people have problems and look for jobs at home. I can offer something. I have a business in Austria. I'm looking for someone in USA who can help me. If you're looking for a job at home, feel free to contact me Jost write "Job USA" to the topic. I need 3-5 persons. Or please advice where I can post such offer. Thanks Amanda Henley.
@snowy22315 (186233)
• United States
26 Apr 08
There should be a local agency that helps those with issues between landlords and tenants. You can also try legal aid. You should have an office either available in your city or town or nearby. If your husband gets paid on Friday you could also give your landlord 100 of your money to hold your place. You shouldn't need to spend two hundred dollars by Friday. Good Luck! This sounds like a conundrum.
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@grammasnook (1871)
• United States
27 Apr 08
A Landlord has to go through the legal system of serving you eviction papers. Are you under a lease? Just make sure you catch up when you get the money, There are lots of places that might be able to help you if you are in the states. Check out catholic charities,salvation army, local churches. Also do not take his word about that late fee either if he tries to get that money back. Call your local legal department and ask if you would be responsible to pay the late fee. They will put you in the right direction. If they say yes ask for proof of that being the late fee. I have a 2200.00 mortgage and my late fee is only 56.00. I hate to say it some people are conieving. Good Luck.
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@Psyclown (131)
• Venezuela
27 Apr 08
I just can say you good luck, maybe where you live you cant find help.
• Pakistan
27 Apr 08
here in Pakistan also it happend a lot, and it is so miserable condition dear i just say sorry for this. and here u go on work hard at mylot then u can have enough money dear .
@djmarion (4898)
• Philippines
27 Apr 08
I'm sorry to hear that, money is really getting hard these days. even in our place money is really hard earned. you know dear, its hard to find money these days. if you need it fast, mylot can't help you. this site is good and helps us earning extra income but it can't solve your problem fast. if you want to get enough money to pay your bills i suggest you try to get a loan, there are lots of financial institution that could help you get a loan fast. i do that too when i need money fast. you can also get a side-job to earn extra income.
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
27 Apr 08
Do you have community Action in your town? Or call the catholic church, $1200 is a lot to come up with at one time, why can't you ask for help from any of yours or his relatives. That is what families are for.He can tell you to get out but he can't put you out until he gets a court order and by that time you will be paid, if he is in such a bind he is not going to turn down the rent money, maybe give him a little extra, if not he still can't get you out with out a court order, so you might have time to look for something else,do you have a $1200 deposit with him, he can use that for the rent. good luck, I don't know about money making spells, if I did I wouldn't be in such a bind my self. lol
@paulw33 (297)
• United States
27 Apr 08
well i do know there are alot of payday loans out there you may be able to get enough im sure and you dont need credit so i woud try that that is about the only thing i can think of ok