He Says He Loves Me!!!!

United States
April 26, 2008 8:15pm CST
Okay I know hes my hubby and I know he loves me but he never says it out loud its just not him to do that. I am okay with that as he shows his love......but just now he called from work hes having a rough day and well he ended up late at work so we are sitting here waiting dinner simmering so we can eat together. Well I do this alot and just now he said "Thanks for waiting god I love you and this is on of tha many reasons why" I was just floored i almost cried. So besides sharing my happiness I want to know if there was anything your loved ones have said that just shocked you. This can be anyone a friend a lover a child anyone even your imaginary friend.
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35 responses
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
27 Apr 08
Hi minnie_98214! Aaaaaaaw, that is so sweet! I wouldn't blame you if you got weak on your knees when you heard that! Hubby doesn't say it often too and when he say it, it is because I say, I love you and he will respond "I love you too" but when he just say it without me saying anything, my heart seems to sing and jump for joy! LOL! Just my thoughts dear friend. Take care and have a nice day!
• United States
27 Apr 08
Yeah well he wont say it when I say it to him so it made it even more special for me. God I love this man even more now if that was possible.
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• United States
28 Apr 08
Thanks I wish the same to you also.
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
27 Apr 08
i just love it when I hear two people so much in love. I wish you more love and happiness dear friend.
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@borgborg (821)
• Philippines
4 Jun 08
my girlfriend always tells me that she loves me & she can't afford to lose me in her life. that's very sweet for me. it makes me feel very loved & i haven't felt that with any of my past girlfriends. she always hugs me, & never leaves my side whenever we're together.
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• United States
4 Jun 08
That is great I hope you make sure to return the favor cause as much as you love it she does too. But im sure you do.
@borgborg (821)
• Philippines
5 Jun 08
yeah. i always try my best to make her feel loved as well. i really want to be her for the rest of my life.
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
27 Apr 08
I am sure you were floored, and taken back. No wonder you wanted to Cry. I am probably one of the Lucky ones as I hear my husband say this to me at least 3-4 times a day usually. Especially at the times like now where I am not feeling good and he gets a little more concerned. But I know it feels so Good to hear them say this can it not. I feel we can never hear it enough.
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• United States
27 Apr 08
I agree it is always great to hear at anytime.
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@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
27 Apr 08
My husband is pretty good about saying he loves me but last year when our anniversary came our budget was tight and he made the most beautiful card and wrote some very beautiful things. It meant so much to me. I didn't think he was that romantic.
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• United States
27 Apr 08
Its always nice to see another side of your loved ones.
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• United States
27 Apr 08
Minnie, that was so wonderful. I know it made you feel extra special.
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• United States
27 Apr 08
It sure did.
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@omar0913 (942)
• Legaspi, Philippines
27 Apr 08
I always tell my wife the words "I love you", and she reply thesame words adding "too", as I leave the house to work and as I return, even before we retire to bed and wake up. Saying this words should come from our hearts not just to let our partner know that we need them but we cherish the days we shared being with them.
• United States
27 Apr 08
Yep that is why it was so special for me to hear
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
27 Apr 08
that was just so beautiful, my son as a child was placed in a hospital for awhile, but they had a team and I was invited over for tea. The worker was going to make the tea, and my son said, no I want to make I know just the way she likes it, and for me that was the nicest thing anyone could have said to me.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
27 Apr 08
Yes that is pure unadulterated love. Children are just special.
• United States
27 Apr 08
awww its always nice when your child knows you so well. My kids every night at 8pm when my alarm goes off bring me water and my prenatal because they know I will put it off for later and forget. They are only 7 & 8 but they take care of there mommy.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
27 Apr 08
I felt great when my daughter told someonr I was her best friend cant beat that
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
27 Apr 08
how cute1
• United States
27 Apr 08
How sweet kids are just the best. My 8 year old tells people hes not getting married cause the only girl he loves is me his mommy its funny but so sweet.
@emmanola (482)
27 Apr 08
One of the thing that makes each man or woman unique is each person's personality. A school of thought classify men and women into two broad groups: extroverts and introverts. In summary, extroverted persons are more open, impulsive, expressive and full of life. Introverts are the opposite. Why it's not so easy to just classify men into those two groups exactly, it's rare to find a person that possesses all the ways of life associated to extroverts or introverts. It's possible that your hubby is more introverted than extroverted. In that case, he may not speak much but still loves you dearly. On the average, introverted persons are more thoughtful, they think of their action before hand. They tend to be more reliable and honest. I'm not trying to put down those who are more extroverted. Introverted persons are equally easy to be disturbed, make bitter, etc. They rarely express their anger or frustration until it's too late and then they may boil over. I feel you should take time to understand better the personality of your hubby. That will add more value to your relationship. He too should endeavor to try to know your personality better. Anyway, I feel you have a great relationship already but it can be better. I wish you the very best of luck!
• United States
27 Apr 08
Oh I do understand thats why I dont say anything to him about not saying it back to me all the time. That is what made the moment so great is it was out of the blue I didnt say it to him I didnt ask him if he loved me he just opened up and shared it was nice. I dont need him to say it as I feel it everyday but it is nice when he does.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
4 Jun 08
It is the little things like this in life that can make the sun shine through a cloudy sky! We tend to take things and people for granted sometimes and if we were to express things like this more often the return results can only be positive. I come from a culture where men are men; and maybe showing an emotinal side can be perceived as a weaknesses. "Real men don't cry!" etc I remember one time being in a car with a colleague one evening; there was an amazing sunset happening over the city and when I said to him that this looked beautiful; he immediately laughed and said "What the?? Are you a big girl or something??" lol. This is one comment that for some reason I have never forgotten. It was said over 10 yeasrs ago yet it still amazes me that for the sake of maintaining a "manly" personality; the beautiful and emotional things in life can be pushed aside or ignored. I don't recall instances of a loved one shocking me so much though. I guess the closest I have come is actually breaking down one day when I was in my twenties and emotionally informing my Father that he had caused me tremendous pain in my life and having him say two simple words "I know"..... This was a shock for me to be honest. Unfortunately nothing changed after that; but the fact he admitted something like this for the first and only time in his and my life was a shock!
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• United States
4 Jun 08
Yeah it is sad but men are not supposed to be emotional for some odd reason. I mean I dont want my man crying all the time but if he feels like sharing an emotion with me great.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
5 Jun 08
Oh I agree that there is most definitely a time and a place for it! And the last thing you DO want is a man that cries at the drop of a hat! lol. I just find it interesting that even for situations where a man does cry once in a while; it can be seen as a weakness rather than emotion. We are all only human and we all feel sadness and pain. What difference does it make if we are male or female? Anyway, all of that aside; I hope that you continue to have many positive and loving experiences like this with your husband and children for eternity!
@mummymo (23706)
27 Apr 08
How lovely - I can imagine how emotional you must have felt! I don't recall any situations where someone has shocked me in this way although I know there have been many! xxxx
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• United States
27 Apr 08
Sometimes it is hard to recall those special moments on the spot.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
27 Apr 08
How your hubby is, is how I am and also how my dad is. I find it very hard to show my emotions like that and the words are hard to say. Even though I love my hubby, it is always him that says it first. I know that sometimes he gets a little hurt by it and he sometimes thinks it is because I do not love him, but it is not I have always been like it and it gets harder not easier as the time goes on.
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• United States
27 Apr 08
Well I think as long as you show your love it shouldnt be a big issue.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
27 Apr 08
Sometimes stressful situations brings out the best in us all, and I am sure you were very happy and appalled at his sudden declaration. Hmmm, for what has shocked me? My Fiance does it all the time, he is always saying such beautiful things to me that makes me feel so great inside.
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• United States
27 Apr 08
That is lucky for you my hubbys not an emotional kinda person.
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@SomeCowgirl (32190)
• United States
27 Apr 08
It's funny because at first I wasn't annoyed but I was uncertain about it.
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27 Apr 08
Aw that's really great. It's nice that he appreciates you during his stressful times instead of being all grumpy when he comes home all tired!
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• United States
27 Apr 08
Yeah it is nice he even massaged me a little whe he got home.
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
4 Jun 08
Ah Minnie, I am happy for you. I have been feeling unloved lately. I do know that my family love me, but its not the same as having someone special love you. Cherish each other, take care. I wish you all the happiness in the world.
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• United States
4 Jun 08
Thank you very much. I wish for all the happiness for you also.
• Belize
4 Jun 08
I was shocked for days when my boyfriend said he loved me. it was the first time i ever heard that from a man really....my man u know. anyhow he call me from his work as i walk into my work early one morning ju to tell me that. of course i said it back cause its true and even though i was shock i had a very lovely day. however that job i did at the time required me to fire someone that day. boy its so hard to fire someone when ur on cloud 9 :)
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• United States
4 Jun 08
It would be hard to fire someone any day but thats gotta suck when you are so happy
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
29 Apr 08
My husband is the same way. If he would tell me something like that I would have fell over. It is nice to know that you are loved and appreciated. I am glad that he made your day.
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• United States
29 Apr 08
I almost did fall over lol.
@idowrite72 (2213)
• United States
4 Jun 08
I'm sure that is why you do love him because even though he might not be vocal about it and you do know it he is able to surprise you with the vocal when you least expect it. That has to mean more and be more sincere than if he gushed he loved you all the time, even meaning it then. Those little moments are sometimes the glue that holds things together. I had a friend of mine tell me several things that have floored me and I love it and was so surprised. First of all he once told me that he liked my feet......of all things.....and about how soft they were. When I started talking about putting lotion on them he told me not to tell him and just accept the compliment. I thought that was kinda cute. Another time he told me that if he was around when I was in high school he would have been trying to talk to me from looking at my high school picture!! This was after we had talked about how shy I had been and hadn't dated. Your husband's a keeper!!
1 person likes this
• United States
4 Jun 08
Thanks he is a keeper.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
4 Jun 08
My best friend Nelda surprised me awhile back by saying you know I am always glad when you call as I worry about you so, you need to get out and I am so glad you are my friend. that was lovely . we have been friends for a long time now, as our two sons are also friends and fellow computer nerds. she is separated from her husband but never divorced him and I have been a widow for years now. we even haveour birthdays in the 'same month. we have a standing date every two weeks to go out for supper. this time I had to cancel it as Ihave shingles, lovelyitching painful shingles but according to my doctor this new bottle of anti viral meds should help me to get rid of them finally.
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• United States
4 Jun 08
well that is nice that your friend shared that with you.
@celticeagle (172520)
• Boise, Idaho
4 Jun 08
Yes, my grandson said something the other day. I had watched him so his mother could have a night out. We had a nice evening but nothing special or out of the ordinary. So, the other day we were all together and he said,"Mom, I want you to go again so gramma and I can spend time together." I was alittle shocked but it really made me feel good.
• United States
4 Jun 08
That is cute. Kids love gramma time thats for sure.