oil companies~The rulers of the government and us
By foundmyangel
@foundmyangel (607)
United States
April 26, 2008 10:12pm CST
When does it end? When is enough enough? Why do we have to pay for the rise of oil when we already have enough here in the US to supple us for decades and have our won oil resource capped off. What are they saving it for? Why can't we as citizens stand up and stop complaining about it and do something to petition against it all. I am afraid that if things keep up the way it is going, we will be in a depression sooner than we think. What is the government doing about it? Nothing the have no reason to do anything about because we just keep buying it and using it like its no big deal that it is almost more than we can make.Many people spend over $30 a day in gas just to go make $50 to $60 a day that is half of there wages. How do they expect the average family to make it? What is your opinion on this and what do you think they could do to change things?
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3 responses
@lovespecialangel (3632)
• United States
27 Apr 08
I think if everyone went back to using the hourse and buggy again it would change their minds about raising the prices. I know if I had the ability to, I would, just so I wouldn't have to buy gas anymore. I wish there was something we could do, but I don't think they would listen.
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@foundmyangel (607)
• United States
27 Apr 08
well the problem is they are not going to listen to a few it would take many to get there attention. they make in the billions a day form gas and oil products a day can you imagine the power they possess over the government? it would only take two days of not buying gas from across the country to get the attention to show them that we are not going to continue putting up with the increase. two days even if you filled up the day before and didn't buy gas for the two days after you filled up and everyone as a country did it one the same two days it would take multi- billions away from them and that would get the attention needed to make a change and to have our voices heard.Now the green day is starting to make some changes in the way some companies think. I am trying to build an engine now that will not use any energy but create energy to run several things even my car.We have to do something now before we deplenish our resources for the future any ways
@aquadslife (99)
• United States
15 May 08
I agree 100% about doing something right now. Waiting is only causing us to suffer more and more every day. We should all go on strike because of gas prices. Corporations would speak loudly if their employees went on strike because of the high gas prices oil companies are causing. EXXON Mobil's first quarterly report showed a 10.9 billion dollars in profits. I do not care what the CEO says! WE ARE GETTING SCREWED AND THAT SHOULD ANGER EVERYONE! The CEO cares only about the share holders which I am sure are government entities or officials that are silent for obvious reasons.
Anyways, that is where my views are right now and it is not going to change.
@foundmyangel (607)
• United States
15 May 08
you are right now is the time and I may not agree with strikes but we as citizens who voted the people in who are making these decisions if we would not vote for a new president when it comes time for elections and demanded them to change how things are now before we decide who we elect to ruin us even more then maybe we would get resolve.Demacracy should be used against this issue and handled in a way that would effect the system and not the employees that work for a living and make them strike. if The American people would just take a stand and get our country back to where it was founded for in the first place then we would be able to have a say in what goes on again...
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
15 May 08
The people who are in power in the oil industry obviously like the big bucks they are making on the backs of the poor. I saw a few of them interviewed on TV during the investigations they were having to determine if their profit making was somehow illegal.
They were so arrogant in the interviews. They basically said, "So what.We're making a lot of money. This is America, after all." I saw on the news this morning that the Saudis are going to produce more oil so maybe the price will go down some. They are only going to produce more diesel and heating oils at this time. I think that will bring food prices down some, as it will cost less to transport them, and maybe it will also help some people get through the winter who otherwise couldn't afford to heat their homes.

@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
16 May 08
Hopefully the powers that be will have enough foresight to come up with a workable solution before that time. There are already some people making good quality auto fuel from recycled cooking oils, but it's not being done on a large scale. Perhaps that would be one solution to help lessen the burden of our reliance on foreign oil.
@foundmyangel (607)
• United States
16 May 08
well the thing is everytime someone comes up with a solution they shoot it down and now its time to do something and all they want to do is talk about it.
@foundmyangel (607)
• United States
16 May 08
well they better do something because I saw on TV yesterday that In 37 years we will have tapped out the oil usage. And if china continues to grow at the rate they are then in ten years they will need 100% of the oil that is produced. So we need to decide soon as what to do about a secondary fuel source.

@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
19 May 08
It would be nice if we could stand up to the oil companies and say we are not going to take this anymore, but unfortunatly they have us all by the cahones. The oil companies are creating their own supply and demand issues, and we unfortunately are a victim of this, and the government needs to step in and do something about it. I think we need to start tapping in to the oil we have here in our country and stop depending on foreign oil. If someone drafts a petition, I will be happy to sign it, as I am sure most Americans would.
@foundmyangel (607)
• United States
19 May 08
here here I second that motion and couldn't agree with you more. We should let our voices be heard and stand up and unite as one. Take a stand and put into effect all the great ideas that has been hushed by the oil companies. Many of great inventions and ideas has been put to rest because of the threat it makes to there profit. I say stop the price increase or we will stop it for you. I am already involved in trying to get some new ideas for transportation that uses no fuel to run the vehicles we use every day. Got any great ideas lets put them together and show them we can survive without them.
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
22 May 08
We as people all need to get together and start making the damand for gas lower. Companies need to start letting employees who are able to work from home to work from home. People need to start carpooling, or taking public transportation. People need to shop less often. I am not saying buy less, but instead of running to the store every couple of days, people need to go to the store and stock up and 2 weeks worth of food, stop by the hardware store on the way home from the grocery store. People need to go to the office and stay there, don't go out for lunch. If they don't want to make lunch they can have it deliverd, just make sure a few people order from the same place to make it worth the delivery guys gas. Start grilling instead of using or gas ovens. Using our dryers only for 5 or 10 minutes and hanging things instead of running the whole cycle, for those who have gas appliances. The gas companies are not going to get the message until we stop using so much gas.