age and maturity,are they the same?

@BYOLA2871 (4371)
South Africa
April 27, 2008 4:55pm CST
In my culture we believe that age comes with maturity or that maturity comes with aging.This has been proven to true in so many instances,because of the experiences of people who are older .however in recent times i feel so dissappointed when some suppossedly elderly people open their mouths to talk ,they such things that you wonder if its actually coming from them,this has made me to take a second look at this believe regarding age and maturity,in the light of people"s attitude and utterances these days can we really say that maturity is synonymous with how old you are?
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25 responses
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
27 Apr 08
No, age has nothing to do with maturity. I know children who are more mature than 45 year olds. It has more to do with your personality, your life experiences, and how and what you choose to react and do with both. I have found an increasing amount of older people - older than myself - who have a surprisingly juvenile and childish view of things, no common sense, no regard for the common good, and are extremely selfish. They treat other people as if they are dispensible, replaceable, and not worth as much as they are. I have also met younger people who act this way. My thought is that the older people who act this way are influencing younger people - because with a role model like this, what else are you going to learn?
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@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
27 Apr 08
yeah,that may be true but i think the way we grow up and the experiences in mour lives also have so much to do with all these things,but really,maturity is more of individual preference and not age
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@magrylouyu (1627)
• United States
27 Apr 08
No they are not the same. I am only 22 years old and I am more mature than some 30-40 year olds I have met! I think that is very sad. I dont understand why people just dont grow-up. Alot of young people are growing up quicker these days. I had to grow up quick because I had a child young, so I had no choice. I cant stand when people think that age and maturity are the same thing, because they not the same. Good discussion.
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@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
27 Apr 08
thanks and i also agree with you because i ahve found myself in the midst of older people who are nothing next to maturity,its a shame though,some dont even know how to handle a simple matter,today the younger people tend to think deeper than this pwople with shallow thoughts
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
28 Apr 08
I wish it were the same but it's not. I've seen far too many older people behave and say things that make me wonder if they are mentally a five year old. I've also seen the opposite happen. There are some teenagers that I have known are far more mature then their age alone. Just like with anything else we shouldn't judge people by just their age. We need to wait and see what people are like and not think just because they are a certain age they are going to act or be a certain way. Everyone is different and we need to accept that.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
29 Apr 08
You're quite welcome. You are right, there are some that refuse to grow up. I know a few personally that way and there isn't much you can do about it. You just have to accept it and go on with life.
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
28 Apr 08
I don't think so. People can still be immature at an older age. When you talk about old though I wonder how old. Some people are old fasioned others have some form of dementia or are senile. Just because people are even mature does not mean they know what their talking about. I think just about everybody eventually matures somewhat though.
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@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
28 Apr 08
i am talking about maturity that comes with ability to deal with issues of life a person can actually be well educated and yet be dumb in issues of life,you know education and experience are 2 different issues.
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• United States
28 Apr 08
Good observation. Maturity does not mean having a lot of knowledge. SOme one could be as "dumb as a door nail" when it comes to education, but be very good with dealing with life and people. I think this person would be mature even though they are not "smart."
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@olivemai (4738)
• United States
28 Apr 08
I do not think age has anything to do with it, but mostly getting older makes one more mature! Maturity is different to everybody!
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@olivemai (4738)
• United States
28 Apr 08
Thanks! I was mature enough for a young lady, and now I know how to be a kid too!
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@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
28 Apr 08
i agree with youn its individual when it comes to maturity,olivemai,this new aviatar of yours is good,nice smile
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@chrissieatu (1033)
• China
28 Apr 08
I personally do not think age goes with maturity from the very beginning. I've met a lot of people who are older than me but seem to be naive in my opinion. Even though older people experience more, that doesn't meant that they think more about what they have been through and take them in. I am 21 years old and most of my friend who realize me consider me to be more mature than my age. But I do not deny that I am naive in some aspect.
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@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
29 Apr 08
yes the things you say are right,we actually have a better understanding of life not just by our educationa and experiences or age ,it is amn individual"s ability to relate and learn how life works and the things and people around him/her and in every situation to be able to respond correctly not just by speaking but also in actions and thoughts.
• China
30 Apr 08
Yes, I agree that actions and thoughts is the reflection of maturity. And that's also why I always respect senior citizens. I think they have much for the youth to learn.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
28 Apr 08
i still think that mostly maturity comes with ages, but many times we look at the deviations from those facts. amny older peopel talk like children and in many cases younger ones act more mature way.
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@pangeacat (619)
• United States
28 Apr 08
I believe that maturity is dependent upon the particular person in question, who they are as opposed to how old they are. I would say that wisdom, which I would define as different from maturity, comes with experience. And, since older people tend to have had more experience with life, the chances of them being wise are much higher then with, say, a sixteen year old. Even still though, you do get your times where that sixteen year old has experienced and learned far more then the older person. It's just not as common, in my opinion at least. To me, maturity is in how you handle yourself. It lies in not only what you say, but how you say it and to whom. It deals with being able to conduct oneself in a rational and fair manner, with dignity. In my experience, I've run into older people who could not accomplish this, nearly as often as I've run into twenty somethings who could accomplish it. Hence why I say that maturity has to do with who you are, rather then how many years you've been alive.
• Philippines
28 Apr 08
maturity is being able to be an adult, aging is getting old by years
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@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
28 Apr 08
hm what a straight forward answer thanks ,its just exactly what i wnated to know,
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
28 Apr 08
I lived in a house where i had to grow up fast and take charge of younger sibs, take control of personal things for my parents and basically be in i learned how to talk and take control of the matter. Some people are Old souls and you can just tell by the way they are, in their manner and talk and then some still haven't learned that they aren't in High school anymore.
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• United States
28 Apr 08
Age has absolutely nothing to do with maturity. Any one can be born and grow into adult hood, and become elderly. But you have to be conscious of the world around, how you react to that world, and how others react to that world, to become mature. There are many people up there in age, that act as if they had never spoken to another human being, they haven't learned respect or common curtosy, these people can not be regarded as mature. In the same way, there many young people who respond to situations with descensy and curtosy. They think about the situation before they respond, they think about others' feelings and how they would react to a situation, before responding to it. These people deserve to be considered mature.
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@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
29 Apr 08
adulthood to me is just physical,ie you grow from a boy to a man and then from a girl to a woman,its more like the process of metarmorphosis while maturity is like the mental growth that comes with experience,your abilityto handle issues of life,people,and your response to circumstances whether good or bad,do you agree with my understanding or do you ahve a contrary opinion?
28 Apr 08
Age and maturity are not the same thing. Many people are mature beyond their years, and others behave like children the whole of their lives.
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@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
28 Apr 08
you can say that again,we have a way of describing those guys who refused to grow up to match their age its OGB :MEANING OVERGROWN insult meant to anyone
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@ozzeth (940)
• Philippines
28 Apr 08
No. Age and maturity are not the same. I observed that now a become matured based on their experiences and it's not concerned the age. Thru environment and lifestyle..The people sorrounds us and influencing us in how we interact the situations.. Our mind interacting to our eyes and to our mouth. The way we think covered our whole identity and personality. Age is nothing to do about being mature.
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• Philippines
28 Apr 08
its not that maturity is on age. Even they are old people they are that matured to understand everything.. they are retards sometimes...
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@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
29 Apr 08
age does not really mean you will have understanding its just an indication of how long you have been on earth and not how far you have gone in life.understanding is the key
@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
28 Apr 08
Maturity does come with age,to a certain extent,but some people are better at fighting it off than others!
@BYOLA2871 (4371)
• South Africa
29 Apr 08
you are pefectly right about thsi i agree with you completely.thanks for the response
@ellie26 (4139)
• Malaysia
28 Apr 08
I would say that maturity does not come with age. I have a friend who maturity is beyond his age. The thing is the hardship or experiences in life can actually mature anyone even if they are in such a young age. And again, age is only a number. One can be as old as 60 years and still act and think like a person half his/her age.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
28 Apr 08
age and maturity definitly do not go hand in hand. I know so many 50 year old men with "gilligan's syndrome" that it is pathetic. I have a brother who is 52 and acts as if he is still 18. I think it is good to be young at heart as long as you take care of yourself and your responsibilities.
@Postrock (270)
• Italy
28 Apr 08
I thinik maturity comes only when maturity comes. How a person is is determined by countkless factors, by what you like, by what you do and by what you have passed thru in your life (just to name a few). So maturity comes when the events in your life blend with your education and culture. The more you progress in your life, the more mature you become. Problem is that people have an idea of maturity that is absolute, while it obviously can not be since we are all different and all live a different learning in our lifes. I can mature in some things, and extremely immature in others..maturity is not one single thing, is a mixture of coutless.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
28 Apr 08
That depends entirely on the person and how well brought up and well educated he or she was.Age just by itself does not mean much but age that is well bred and well educated does show maturity. It has to start from childhood and be nurtured and educated and raised properly to show maturity. an old person with little education and no parental upbringing will be the same type of person that they were in their young adulthood.
28 Apr 08
I dont think maturity comes with aging and i strongly believe that one matures with their day-to-day experiences and also the quality should be atleast a little inborn. It varies from each individual and how each one of them are brought up. Some people do age gracefully but that doesn't apply to everyone.