U.K. gas twice as costly as U.S.!

@jtr115 (722)
United States
April 27, 2008 10:05pm CST
I thought gas prices were pretty bad here in the U.S., but it turns out it's twice as bad overseas! I just read an online journal from the U.K. saying the gas stations there are charging at least £1.09 per liter, which equals about US$7.90 per gallon.
2 responses
29 Apr 08
Yep you're right - you should count yourself lucky although I guess that as thats the price you are used to paying it doesn't seem chep to you! lol We are going on holiday next year for 3 weeks to the U.S and we've got a hire car - we are so looking forward to having a car for that long and actually speding less than what we would over here for a shorter time!! If we go on a day out now in the car it costs so much but I guess we get used to it!!
@union6 (326)
28 Apr 08
yep its rediculas over here, there is so much tax on the petral, when we invaded Iraq i though oh great now we can have free oil for everyone, but turns out thats not the case. Its crazy because when we invaded iraq our goverment aproval rating fell, the stock market fell, infact i think the only thing that didnt fall was the price of gas. ah dear i just wonder what its going to be like when the oil runs out and we start using a diffrent type of fule, hydregon prices will probably go through the roof, so stock up on it now when its cheap!
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