Do you have gut feeling whether or not something is right or wrong?

@ellie26 (4139)
April 28, 2008 8:07am CST
There is times when we have this gut feeling like something is not quite right. That something bad is about to happen to you or perhaps what you are about to do is not right. Have you ever experience it before?
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12 responses
@jairgirl (2877)
• United States
28 Apr 08
hello ellie26, all my life i have rely on my own gut feelings. it may sound insane and be a gamble to most but to me it works and i have no regrets following it. i have found a wonderful and loving husband relying on my guts i have finished a degree based on my guts i have traveled to places based on my guts and so many more. i feel that my senses helps me out to decide better and i wouldnt be happier if not because i trusted it. i feel that the fact i have used it many times, i have perfected it somehow and it sure leads me to the right direction. i am very sensitive to what is around me, i dont know if aura is true, or even the wave length that travels around us. having this sensitivity builds my guts to something useful and i am happy with it. i know not all gut feelings are true, but once you find out how to know yourself better and deeper - you will find out that your gut feelings is directing you to a much better decision. just my experienced though takecare!
@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
28 Apr 08
Yes, I have and it is not always a good feeling.. Sometimes, the feeling is so strong that I almost hyperventilate, then I know that it is not something that I need to do, so I usually do not.. Most of the time it is just a little nagging feeling and I usually dismiss it.. I don't do things that are so really breaking the law bad, but a time or two, I thought maybe I shouldn't do that but I did anyway.. It wasn't anything really bad or serious, just a judgemental call.. Sometimes we just worry too much and that is when I have trouble making decisions, is it a gut feeling? or am I just worrying to much?? I am probably too wishy washy about some things and can't make up my mind but in so many other things I am 100% sure of what I am doing.. I guess we need to listen to our inner voice or our gut feeling.. Have a great day..
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@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
28 Apr 08
yes. often times i do feel that something could be wrong somewhere. i noticed that i have actually proven this many times and have even caught a person during the act of "slightly" being dishonest with me. i do not know how or what i did but sometimes it just happens that you feel something in you that you know is sending you a message about something. i guess this happens to everyone. we just have to be really sensitive and try to be always alert at such little things that comes across us.
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@tigerdragon (4297)
• Philippines
28 Apr 08
yes, i always do but it is not always an earie feeling but some hunch. it is called a gut feel. we often neglect to listen to our gut feel it is this feeling that saves lives. i hope we all not only consider feeling by only knowing something bad is going to happen but also to the feeling of making decisions if there are no logical answers then we listen to our gut feel.
@gabrielle47 (1219)
• Philippines
28 Apr 08
Yes I did. Back when I was younger I always knew ahead fo time if something wrong will happened and I get so nervous. At that time, 90% of them came true and I hated the feeling of knowing negative thing will happen so I prayed that that gift be taken from me and since then, I don't have much that feeling again.
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@chrissieatu (1033)
• China
28 Apr 08
I think I always have this kind of feeling about a person. Maybe to be more exactly, that's intuition. Sometimes I have that gut feeling of something bad is about to happen. But I do not have that feeling always. I am not sure when I can have that.
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
28 Apr 08
Yes, most of the times I feel that way. But I always go for whatever it is I want to do, I always do my best to put that thought in the back of my mind and think positively. I also pray, hope that things would change and turn out for the best..
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• United States
4 May 08
Yes I have it all the time. It is my 6th sense and I cherish it. And my gut feeling is about 90% correct.
28 Apr 08
My partner always refers to this as one of my *funny* feelings. Call it instinct, precognition, whatever, there are times when I just *know* something is either going to happen or something is wrong.
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@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
30 Apr 08
Yes I always have gut feelings about certain situations such as fights starting at parties. This has happened to me three times in the past couple of years where I've said quietly to someone "I can tell something's going to go wrong tonight, there'll be a fight". Sure enough it's happened. In fact, the last time it happened, I dreamed about it the night before!
@nancyrowina (3850)
28 Apr 08
I sometimes get feelings like that about people when I meet them, they may seem really nice but I just have a feeling they are trouble. The strange thing is I'm usually right within a couple of months the person has done something that has upset or messed up things for everyone, and the person has to start hanging around with new people leave the area altogether. No one ever listens to me when I tell them this though so I have to just sit back and wait and see what they will do, usually it's something like stealing things or ripping off peoples money.
@Breath (1297)
• United States
28 Apr 08
Call it my angel or just my own voice of reason.Many times a small voice would tell to wait before I went some where.I would wait a few hours to find out later if I had of left on time I would have been hurt bad or killed in a wreck that happend.Also when I was younger and was about to do something maybe not right my guilt and that small voice in my soul would tell me to stop..So yes I have that small voice of right or wronge the voice like I said has helped keep me safe a few times also..
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