What Kind Of Pets Do You Have And How Did They Help You In Time Of Need?
@Remembering1996 (2219)
United States
April 28, 2008 8:35am CST
I have a cat he is 1 yr. and 2 months old. His black and white. His name is Butterball. I got him from a friend at work. Butterball is a funny cat he loves doing the indy 500 around my place. At times I restle w/ him and play hide and seek it's funny. Him and I have a great time playing. He is very good about letting me know when something isn't right. I was sleeping one afternoon for I work nights and my kitchen sink was almost to the point of over flowing. I live in a complex so the apartment next to me was backing up into mine. Butter ball came and woke me up I was in a daze looking around wondering why he woke me up. I saw him bolt into the kitchen and then come back to me meowing and bolting for the kitchen again. I knew at that point something wasn't right. I got up followed him he was on the counter and stareing at the sink which had a 1/4 left to go befor it was running onto my floor. I had that problem fixed but thank god for him. What animals do you have and any special stories about them?
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5 responses
@welshdai (77)
19 May 08
i got a dog called robbie he a border collie,and he my baby and also my grandparents as,i be away at uni and really miss him,when i go back home,he like to give me attention the minute i walk in the door,and does not stop the whole time im home,i got to just play with or give him attention.
he always watch out for my family,anyone new coming in to the house,he got to watch them and i always remember me and my dad joking and my dad was playfully hit for a comment when robbie would give a bark or try stop my dad and guard me,and always warn us if someone coming in to the house and we not hear them.
@Remembering1996 (2219)
• United States
21 May 08
It sounds like you have a really beatiful collie from what you described of him and a great watch dog as well. I can see where he misses you and is glad when you return home and dosn't leave your side. My cat is the same way he know's that when I put my shoes on at night that I am leaving him and he dosn't like it but I always reassure him I will see him in the morning and I do. He is always waiting right by the door for me he hears those keys and right there he is. Then after I come home for alomost an hour he will be right by my side and not leave no matter what I am doing he will follow me around. Then once he know's I'm not going to leave he mozies off and does his own thing. He is so loveable and likes me to play w/ him which I do and he loves it. I couldn't ask for a better cat.
@Remembering1996 (2219)
• United States
24 Jul 08
That is great that you get to see him next week and yes be sure and give him lots of love and attention. He'll be so happy to see you it's funny how when we leave our animals for sometime we wonder who misses who more us miss them or them miss us. Have alot of fun with him and thanks for responding take care.

@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
19 May 08
We have a cat, Morgana. She came to us at a very special time. Just after we got her, my Petey...my dog and best friend...passed away. I'd had him for 9 years and we'd been through everything together. He was and still is truely my best friend. Although Morgi can't take his place she's been a great comfort to me and helped me get through the loss. She has her own special place in my heart and I don't know what I'd do without her.

@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
19 May 08
Morgana is a great cat and she loves me so much just like I love her. She will follow me around and actually cries when I have to go out for the day LOL
I'm glad you like the avatar. I had it before when I first started out and then changed it but I'm glad I put it back.
@Remembering1996 (2219)
• United States
21 May 08
hey twoey how's it going? I opologize for the late response to you and the other's on this and many other discussions I have started. I'm now going through them all to respond.
Morgana sounds like a sweet cat and she loves you lot's. I know she can never replace your best friend petey but she has helped you through the tough times you were going through when you lost him and that is nice. I'm glad you found a special place in your heart for her like you did w/ petey. Treasure her always take care.
@Remembering1996 (2219)
• United States
19 May 08
I know it's hard to replace an animal that has been your best friend such as petey. Morgana will make you feel special and try to love you the best she can and you will grow attched to her just like you did petey. I am sorry you lost such a good friend like him I'm sure he was special. I have a special bond w/ my cat Butterball and we have some good times together. Enjoy her she sounds really sweet. By the way I love the new avatar you put up it's pretty. Take care.

@luvstochat (6907)
• United States
28 Apr 08
I have two 4 month old kittens. Their names are Frisky and Jazzers we adopted them from a humane shelter. When I brought them home we foudn they were sneezing alot and would not play took them to the vet and they had upper respitory infection after a shot and two weeks on antibiotics they were nursed back to health and now they chase each other all over the house.
@Remembering1996 (2219)
• United States
21 May 08
It's nice to know when people can rescue animals from a shelter. I'm sorry to hear your kittens had upper respitory infections.It's a good thing you got them checked and they were given medicine. I'm sure there lively as ever now running around and all that's great. I was given my cat when he was 5 months old and and he came w/ flease and had round worms that I was not aware of. I had him checked and they fixed him right up on top of getting him fixed. He's great I couldn't ask for a better cat.
@Remembering1996 (2219)
• United States
21 May 08
It's great to have pets like cat's and dog's for they are smart and know when something is wrong. My cat will do the same thing. He will be there right by my side til he know's I am ok and he cuddles w/ me. It's amzeing how they can sense things such as this w/ us and be there to help us through them.
@b1jah2 (31)
• United States
3 May 08
My cat showed up at my fiance's boss's house. She thought it was her own cat (she also had a black cat), so she let it in. She quickly realized it wasn't hers, so she called the police, put up fliers, etc. and nobody claimed him. She was going to take him the shelter, so we took him in. He had ALOT of medical problems (worms, UTI, etc), but is not alive and healthy. He always knows when we are having a bad day and will cuddle up with us when we are sick, sad, etc.....he can always put a smile on our faces!
@Remembering1996 (2219)
• United States
21 May 08
I'm glad to hear you took in a stray cat that was from your fiance's boss's house and catered to it like you did. I'm sure it once had a home but when it started to get sick and they abandoned it which is mean. I hope he is doing much better now that he got the medication and is his normal self again. yes cats are great when knowing something is wrong. Mines is always w/ me and when I'm down he cuddles and put's a smile back on my face as well.