WOW !! I am Reaching 500 Posts !!!

@naseefu (1607)
April 29, 2008 12:34am CST
Hello My dear Mylot friends ,Thanks for your all support.I am now near 500 posts....
10 people like this
22 responses
• Indonesia
29 Apr 08
congratulations! that's great. not just about how you're being able to paste, but 500 posts is a great achievement. i'm reaching that number also, but still quite far
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@naseefu (1607)
• India
29 Apr 08
YOu are not very far from 500,get it soon,thanks friend
1 person likes this
• United States
29 Apr 08
Yes, you are...congratulations!!! Someday, I am hoping to make it to 500 posts. How much money have you made so far? Are you on mylot for the money, the friends, or just for something to do?
@naseefu (1607)
• India
29 Apr 08
Thanks for congratulation.I wish you to reach 500 soon.I am here for friends, money, and to learn .Thanks
2 people like this
@Ohara_1983 (4117)
• Kuwait
29 Apr 08
wow! congratualation my friend, i know you enjoy much here in this furom.
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@joimarquez (1836)
• United States
29 Apr 08
mylot logo - mylot logo. blue website logo.
wow will be able to use the copy and paste option on here. it'll be easier for you to insert facts and include it on your post. cool huh! happy posting.
1 person likes this
@wickedangel (1636)
• Dominican Republic
29 Apr 08
Well done naseefu - you have truly passed the 500 posts by 19. Well done. I can't believe that I have just gone past 1,000 without even realising it! Congratulations and keep posting. It is a pleasure answering your discussions.
@JAVEER (43)
• India
29 Apr 08
ok u did a great jo b coming to fifty
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@Sir_bobby88 (8231)
• Singapore
29 Apr 08
Well can see that you had reached your target let cheers , hope you contribute to mylot more and create more discussion yea .
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@dpk262006 (58676)
• Delhi, India
29 Apr 08
Keep the good work going. Heartiest Congratulations in advance. May you reach 5000 posts one day! All the best.
@naseefu (1607)
• India
29 Apr 08
Thanks dpk,I will go with this.
@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
29 Apr 08
You made it, congratulations, way to go! I know you are happy about this.
@naseefu (1607)
• India
30 Apr 08
Thanks and as you said I am happy
@ltmoon (1008)
• United States
7 May 08
!!! Congratulations!!! Welcome to the club! .
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
29 Apr 08
Hello dear naseefu. I am glad that you have already reached 500 posts and now it is 501 posts. I have to say Congratulations on your hard work here at Mylot and do hope that you will reach another 500 posts soon. Keep it up, dear friend.
@naseefu (1607)
• India
3 May 08
Thanks and have nice day williamjisir
• India
4 May 08
A good achievement. I wish you to continue in this happy journey.
@rhane7315 (5649)
• Philippines
29 Apr 08
congrats my friend. keep up the good work and happy postings
1 person likes this
• Philippines
29 Apr 08
Just 7 more and you will get your goal... And now you can use the copy paste program.. Anytime you post again a discussion...
@naseefu (1607)
• India
29 Apr 08
YEs now i reached the 500.Now i can copy and paste,thanks
1 person likes this
• India
4 May 08
Good going,congratulation.I think you are enjoying mylot.
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
4 May 08
Hi there, I think I am a bit late to send the congratulations to you as you had reached the goal of 500 posts. Anyway it is nice to set a target for us here for mylotting. This is the great motivation for us to keep on posting here. So cheerios, my friend, to see you to touch another 500 posts very soon. Yeah, my current target is to make another hundred and thirty posts in less than ten days. Happy posting and good luck.
@whittby (3072)
• United States
30 Apr 08
You are now at 526 as I post this. congratulations on making it way past the mark. I look forward to many more discussions with you.
@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
30 Apr 08
Congratulations to you an getting your 500th.postthat is great. Keep up the good job.You will be making alot of money here before too long. Happy Mylotting to you.
@xialinye (1403)
• China
30 Apr 08
congratulations! keep on and wish you reach your goal.
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
30 Apr 08
Congrats! I made it there too and haven't done any copy or pasting yet but maybe soon..actually since i've been gone at work you passed me up!