who would you choose? obama or clinton or mccain?
By teddyfer007
@teddyfer007 (197)
8 responses
@wrynmac (27)
1 May 08
I'm for Obama even though the polls say I'm not supposed to be. I'm a white, forty year old, low-income woman. In my opinion, Obama's main problem is that he doesn't promise quick easy solutions to our problems. That's why people think he's just full of it. You can't reduce his solutions to a quick soundbite. He's thoughtful and intelligent. He also says that he can't change anything if americans don't step up and help, one person can't do much but millions can do everything.
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@Demonsoul98 (71)
• Canada
2 May 08
EXACTLY! I don't see how no one else understands this. Clinton doesn't give a crap about the people. Seriously, I swear she just wants to be the first female president.
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@teddyfer007 (197)
• Philippines
9 May 08
yeah, survey's are survey's..its just a mere media exposure of predicting who will be...besides election will be on november...and the national campaign hasn't started yet...and I guess obama will be good for america...i know for a fact that despite he has no sufficient experience..but i know that he'll be an inspirational leader for united states.
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
7 May 08
i pick McCain, he is the lesser of the 3 snakes, it does not matter who we get, they don't give a heck about the little people, nor are they interested in helping them, miss Hillary talks a good line, but she will do whatever feathers her and hubbies pocket when or if she gets in, don't think that is possible, as I don't think she can beat Obama, he is a snake that we don't need in the white house that is for sure, I think he has showed us his true colors. At least with McCain I believe he will do all in his power to try and keep us safe. I do believe the DEMS will screw their own party, by the other side going for McCain to keep the other one from getting in.
I am waiting for them to put on the ballet NONE OF THE ABOVE, THEN I CAN VOTE AS MY HEART TELLS ME
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@bdugas (3578)
• United States
9 May 08
well if you like people that runs with gansters and low lifes who runs america down then I guess he is the right man for you. And when did age have anything to do with it, you would prefer a snake to someone that might do something to help the people of america. It is people like you that will be crying oh help us after the election and you help to get the snake in there I hope you get just what you deserve, only thing I have to suffer too
@spiritwolf52 (2300)
30 Apr 08
For me it would have to be Clinton. She has experience, the knowledge and she cares about the American people. Obama has little experience to date. McCain won't be any different than the idiot that is already in there. We do need change, but Clinton is the one to do it. She cares about the environment, the people, world affairs. She knows what the country needs to get back on its feet. We can't afford another republican in the White House. Just look at what the last 8 years has done to us.
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@Demonsoul98 (71)
• Canada
2 May 08
The thing is, she cares about those things, but Obama cares MORE about them. He wants to reduce CO2 emissions more than Clinton, he wants the war ended, he wants poverty ended. WHY Clinton?
@asuniqueasyou (354)
• United States
2 May 08
After carefully reviewing and researching my choices I decided that Hillary is a better candidate of the 3. I want a fighter who will work on issues that are effecting me in the now...the economy is my biggest issue. i believe that Hillary can fix it and bring back some relief to all of us. My vote in the primary was for Hillary and I hope she gets the nomination because she is the only candidate I will vote for in the general.
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@tigertang (1749)
• Singapore
5 May 08
Hillary is a smart lady and it would be nice if she had a chance to be in the spotlight after 8-years of being in Bills shadow and having to work as part of a team in the senate during the last 8-years of the Bush administration.
However, is she really presidential material. No doubt she is intelligent and hard working but if you look at it this way, President's don't need to be that intelligent but they need to be inspirational, which is where Obama trumps her. She may be better off as Secratery of State in an Obama Administration.
And then there is the idea that the USA was founded on getting rid of a king and yet we could have a situation where the last 3 Presidents are Bush-Clinton-Bush - do we need another Clinton and probably Bush combination for another 8 to 16 years?
Personally Obama is more inspiring but I do have a soft spot for John McCain even if I don't agree with his views on the Iraq War. At least this man fought in a war and can talk about leading troops in a credible fashion.
@jhl930 (3601)
• United States
29 Apr 08
i don't really know because to be honest i havent kept up with a lot of the things that are going on that has anything to do with the presidents lately but i have watched some...and i honestly think that hilary clinton would have to be the best in my book because she would have a former president to back her up but if you didn't like bill either...you probably won't like her or that idea...but in my opinion she would...
@aalbury759 (12)
• United States
1 May 08
She had problems when Bill was President and was not capable of handling them. William Clinton needs to help himself first
@snowy22315 (186404)
• United States
10 May 08
It's Obama for me. I used to favor Clinton. However, I do not like the personal morality of both Clintons. I think we can do better. Obama inspires we need that in politics todady.
@punkin1803 (526)
• United States
29 Apr 08
Welll to tell you the truth, they all have great issues and poe to be a great leader. But i am going for the person i see to be geniuine and truthful in what they say. The person that speaks hightly of what they can do for the United States as a country and the people in it. I am Highly voting for Obama!!
@punkin1803 (526)
• United States
2 May 08
Well thats who i am voting for, and you or anyone else can change that. And before you start talking about someone being an undercover black learn something about them first. He is an african american. And the reason behind me ACTUALLY VOTING for him, is none of your business. Just know i am ALL FOR OBAMA. Now and until November.........when the election actually takes place. And i pray to God that he wins. As for your negative opinion.....i will just pray for you, cause i see you dont know any better.
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@mehale (2200)
• United States
9 May 08
Well Honestly I am not sure there IS such a thing as a good politician, or even one that is the best suited to be president! But, given our choices:
* Hillary Clinton - well, she is at the very least determined - no matter the cost, financially or otherwise - determined to get into the Oval Office. But is she really suited for the job? She had her own issues that she was unable to solve when her husband was in office - now before the Hillary supporters start bashing me, let me explain further. 1. She tried to get almost the exact same health care plan started while Bill was in office, and failed miserably then - so how does she expect to get it working now? Also, though I have not actually heard it mentioned during this campaign (surprisingly) she was involved in the White Water scandal - just as deeply as Bill Clinton was. There have also been several instances where she changed her stance on certain issues to meet what the voters wanted to hear. She is also harping on getting all the delegates (or at least most of them) from Michigan and Florida - however, Obama was not on the ticket there due to them violating the DNC rules for the primary date. I could go on, but next.....
* John McCain - let us start off with his solution to the illegal immigration problem that the U.S. is facing - AMNESTY!! now how is it fair for people who broke the rules and came into this country to get amnesty and citizen ship with little more than a slap on the wrist while others wait months and years to move here legally. His health care plan causes more problems than solutions and really is not even enough of a tax cut to pay for health insurance in the first place. In a lot of ways he seems to be Pres. Bush made over, and we definitely do not need another 4 years of his failed policies.....
* Barack Obama - Well, of course the Rev. Wright scandal is still fresh in everyone's mind, but at least he did have the good sense to renounce the Reverend. However, just because he was friends with the Reverend does not mean he shares his anti-American views. His health care plan is better than Hillary's - at least you would only be required to have health insurance on the children, and it could actually be workable. He also has not been guilty of nearly as much mudslinging as Hillary's camp has. As far as qualifications go, ok, he is a first term senator, but his plans for the direction he wants the country to go seem to be both possible and beneficial. One of the biggest things against Obama in a lot of voter's minds is that he does offer workable solutions - however, he does not offer any quick fixes. But then if you really think about it, quick fixes will just generate more trouble in the long run, and never really work.
Now, as far as how is the best qualified to be the next president, Obama will have my vote. I think more so now than before the Rev. Wright scandal. He showed courage, logic, and true American beliefs when he denounced the words of his former pastor. I realize that many people will not share my views on what is best for the country, but I honestly believe that he is the best of the three choices we have left.
@summerfire (427)
• United States
29 Apr 08
After studying the issues of all the candidates I feel that Hilary Clinton is the best person for the job and that is who I will be voting for
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