How long have you been playing.

@Shawchert (1094)
United States
April 29, 2008 8:21pm CST
Well my 5 year anniversary for FFXI is coming up shortly, next month actually, and it made me wonder, how long has everyone been playing Final Fantasy, what made you stay?
4 responses
@rebekkahm (149)
• Canada
30 Aug 08
I've been playing off and on since summer of 2003. I'm curious what the new level synchronization will do to the leveling issues. I think it would be funny to see someone leveling the dunes in full homam hehe. Mostly the interactiveness with people made me stay. My friends have all quit though, so I'm going to have to make some new ones :(
@Shawchert (1094)
• United States
30 Aug 08
yeah I know a lot of people who have quit, especially because of the party wait time. But I like the idea they have of lvl synching. ^^ I'm excited for the September Update :D
• United States
9 Aug 08
I started playing FFXI the day it was released for the playstation. So my five year anniversary will be next year. It was my first MMO. I've gone on to WoW and some others. But I always return.
@Shawchert (1094)
• United States
10 Aug 08
even though people put it down FFXI is one of the best out there, In my opinion of coarse!
1 person likes this
• United States
30 Nov 08
Happy belated anniversary! I've been playing since early 2005. I started as a mule my bf made on his char. I got to play after he'd fall asleep. lol She was a mithra warrior who liked to fish in Windy Woods. After constantly getting tells about "R U a girl irl too?", I decided a mithra is just not the best idea. After we moved in together, a mule on his char just would not do. And my adorable taru was born! Her 3 year birthday is right around the corner. Oooh maybe my now hubby will craft me a birthday pie... or a cookie... i love cookies!
• United States
26 Dec 08
I first was introduced to final fantasy in 1996 but didn't really get into them until 2001. i kind of just took off and have played all of them except 3 and 11. I haven't played 11 because i haven't had access to a good computer for a long time and i just never committed. So um, here is to the many hours that i have lost playing these amazing games. Viva la Final Fantasy!