Miracles today
By Maggiepie
@Maggiepie (7816)
United States
April 30, 2008 12:45am CST
Some Christian denominations believe the "age of miracles" is over. My particular one (Eastern Orthodox) doesn't. In any case, I have a question: Have YOU ever seen or participated in or been affected by an actual miracle?
I must define "miracle" here. I do NOT mean such things as peaceful feelings, gorgeous weather when you want it, or the "miracle" of birth--all nice things, sure, but what _I_ mean is the sort of events which cannot fit the scientific understanding of the world as we ordinarily see it (it needn't be dramatic, but it does have to be real).
I personally have known of many, & I know other folks who have, as well.
Please describe the events you experienced. I'll reply to anyone who wants me to -- except those who don't like God, or miracles, faith & so on. That would be pointless, as the whole point of this is to share the joy. That's all.
Thanks in advance for your stories!
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9 responses
@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
30 Apr 08
One in particular that comes to mind is when I got a phone call on Mother's Day several years ago.
My son, I believe around 23 or so at the time, was involved in an auto accident. He lived 1500 miles away and my other son is the one that called me, saying that he was taken to the hospital and they said his neck was broken and they were in the process of transporting him to a much larger hospital with better facilities/doctors.
I was away from home when I got the call and as soon as I hung up from my son, I started calling every number for family/friends that I had stored in my cell phone and got the prayer chain started immediately.
You can just imagine the thoughts that were going through my mind - my handsome, smart, industrious, full-of-life son who was just starting his life as a young man, embarking on a career in architecture with a prominent firm, now facing the possibly of confinement to a wheelchair or worse. Yes, I was very thankful that he was alive, but it was still heartbreaking, to say the least.
The prayers were uplifted from all over the country at the very time he was enroute to the other hospital.
After admitting him, he was checked by several neurologists that evening and praise God, his neck was NOT broken and there was no permanent injury expected.
Those doctors looked at the original xrays and said that indeed it did look like his neck was broken. They had no explanation as to why it turned out differently, but I know.

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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
30 Apr 08
why didn't you provide an example then? I still do not know exactly what you mean,
but I will say my boyfriend was expected to die when he was 15 after being hit by a car. He did not die, his mom a jewish woman prayed to jesus to save him because the accident happened at christmas time and he was saved, it was a miracle. When I start posting my stories I will post that one.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
1 May 08
thank you for best response, and thank you so much for providing the examples, this makes the discussions all the more interesting now.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
30 Apr 08
One time a man came into my church. He had been diagnosed with Bell's Palsy and the right side of his face was sagging badly. The people of our congregation got together and prayed for him and his face returned to normal and he didn't have any more problems with the disease. The Lord healed that man.
I have experienced what I consider small miracles a lot of times. I have a really bad habit of leaving my purse places, once in a game room, once in a shopping basket at a store, many places. It is a miracle that I have always found it where I left it and nothing has been stolen from it. One time I was driving and I had a seizure. It is a miracle I didn't crash the car into our front porch when I pulled into the driveway.
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@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
30 Apr 08
I have witnessed and been blessed by many miracles in my life and the lives of those around me. I could stay on this list all day sharing these blessings, but I'll just pick a couple.
First, my brother was a very little baby(toddler ish he was crawling) he got run over by a Chevy Impala. He still had some of his soft spot on the top of his head. The doctor told my mother his head should have popped like a pimple. He had a fractured rib, the doc wanted to keep him over night for observation. The next day he had many little purple dots all over his body, these were broken blood vessels, nothing serious. The doc called my mom into the room, he had new x-rays, you couldn't see where the fracture had been. He had NO internal bleeding, only slight bruising, NO broken bones, NO brain trauma. He was perfectly healthy that second day. The doc said to my mom, you have a miracle child.
Ok, let's move to when I was 16. I was accompaniing a friend to court on a Blizzardy January morning. She had those automatic seat belts in her car, but they didn't work. SO they were disconnected and lying on the side of the seats. About 45 minutes into our drive, the seatbelt contraptions decided to move into the right place. We both looked at each other and said, hmmm, guess we should buckle up?" Within 5 minutes, maybe even less, we were in an accident. A car coming towards us lost control and slide sideways, we T-boned the other car. The front end of my friends car was accordianed up like it was papper or foam. They had to use the big crow bars to get us out of the car. Everyone at the rescue site comented on how lucky we were to have been wearing seatbelts, cuz the hood was literaly on the windsheild, it would have been pretty bad for both of us if we hadn't been buckled up.
I can keep this going, but its time for my hands to take a break.
God bless, yes miracles are alive and well today, for those who believe and wish to see them.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
1 May 08
I must gently disagree, actually. Think of Pharoah, who witnessed miracle after miracle, yet refused to acknowledge what was happening!
I think miracles are actually =mostly= for those whose faith needs strengthening. Even the Bible says as much...I was never good at exact quotes or numbers, but I recall there's a scripture somewhere about people who look for signs & wonders.
Faith is the idea of believing even WITHOUT seeing. If I had NEVER seen a miracle, I'd still believe in God. But I have no objection to seeing one, either! LOL!
And if you're talking about truly supernatural events, then even the staunchest unbeliever must be able to see it, even if he or she dismisses it, just as Pharoah did.
Of course, =believers= see & believe them =automatically.= All my life I've witnessed miracles. I won't say I take them for =granted,= exactly, but I'd never disbelieve them, & always give thanks for them.
The true test of whether an event is or isn't a miracle, btw (according to the Church) is whether it leads, ultimately, to a stronger belief in Christ. All else is vanity.
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@sreejithsreenivas (10200)
• India
19 May 08
I am not a Christian,but i firmly believe in miracles.I think there is some mysterious force controlling all our day to day activities and we are moving according to that divine force.
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
1 May 08
Hi Maggiepie! I still do believe in miracles! My mother has a best friend and she has cancer. She was diagnosed having the Stage 4 and was given 6 months to live. Her CT Scan shows all tumors growing around her body including her brain and she is in the last stage of Cancer. She left the hospital and said, I won't die because God will perform a miracle in my body. That was 22 years ago. She refused chemotherapy and said my God will heal me and He will get me in His time. Just my thoughts dear friend. Take care and have a nice day!

@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
2 May 08
Yes, I'd agree that qualifies. ONE area going into remission might be explained, but not separate areas, all over. God bless her & YOU!
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
4 May 08
My son and spouse and I were driving from our home to a motel where my parents were staying. The trip was about 5 miles on a main road. We were stopped and in the left lane to make a left turn at a big intersection. Suddenly, from our left came a utility truck driving about 60 mph in a 35 mph zone. Too late, he realized that the light in front of him had changed to red. He started braking hard and his truck turned around and was heading right toward us. There was nowhere for us to go. I yelled, "Pray!" and the three of us did just that.
It seemed like the truck went into slow motion. It was headed right for us. Then suddenly it was as if it was picked up and placed more in the middle lane. The car parked there was not as close to the white line, but it did get hit.
No one could believe that our car was not hit. Everyone at that intersection saw the big truck heading straight at us. The driver couldn't believe that our car didn't have even a scratch. The lady whose car did get a few scratches (but nothing compared to what could have been!), couldn't believe that our car had no damage. Even the fire truck that just happened to be nearby and watching could not believe that our car was unharmed...as were we.
While they were waiting for the police to come, everyone kept circling our car looking for some sign of damage. It just wasn't there.
When we did get our left turn completed and pulled into the motel parking lot, my mom came running out. She said, "I'm so glad you're okay. I heard all the sirens (what sirens? we never heard any) and I thought maybe there was an accident. I asked God to keep you safe."
And He did.
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
4 May 08
Due to adrenaline, perceptions can be quite skewed in one's excitement, but as you had witnesses, & don't have to depend on your own shocky state to verify it, I fully accept your story as a good example of both a miracle, & the marvelous, instant effect of such prayers. Good one!
Thank you.