Are people just rude?
By bellaofchaos
@bellaofchaos (11538)
United States
May 1, 2008 8:46am CST
I have been debating this thought for a while.. I have noticed more and more of the rudeness of people online and off! I'm I the only one who notices this?
I doubt I am but I'm sure many of you know what I'm talking about you in a store somewhere and instead of a person saying excuse me they run you down .. Now your not in the middle of the isle but the ilse is so congested that you have to dodge and weave at times. LOL!!! But it doesn't stop there. I have notice people just don't stop to think before they speak either!!! This completely baffles me at times.
I was brought up by my gram never to say something unless one you mean it or two you have thought it out before you say it!!
Is the younger generation ignoring this or is it just not that important anymore?
What is you take on this? Do you see this happening around you?
I mean there are more examples but need I put them down?

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22 responses
@Kecia08 (554)
• United States
1 May 08
First of all, it's not just the younger generation. Teenagers nowadays seem to love drama, but it's not just them. I find older people more hateful than younger ones. It's like the think since they are older, they are superior, and are allowed to be as rude and hateful as they want.
I am not trying to defend teens here, because some of them just walk around with this "I don't care about anything" attitude, which causes them to be so disrespectful to themselves, their family and friends, and even strangers. I just want it to be known that it doesn't really matter about age...people are still rude.
As far as online, people are more free to say what they want with less consequences. In real life, you could be beat up or even shot for speaking your mind or being hateful. Online, the worst you could really get is being banned from a website/chat room, or maybe some threats. You have the occasional weirdo who will attempt to track the disrespectful person down, but for the most part, you can say what you want on the Internet and get away with it.
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
1 May 08
how true that is how true that is. I think you have very valid points. I guess I just notice in the area where I live it's mostly the younger generations. LOL!!!
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@kate0250 (314)
• Philippines
2 May 08
I agree! Teens nowadays are EMO, i mean emotional and that leads to drama.
SOME people online mean to be rude because they think they can type and say anything since u don't see/know them, I think that's coward. But then if you're an educated or a civil person u won't be rude to a person with no reason at all, so we gotta maintain that level and just do the right thing. ^_^
@tessah (6617)
• United States
1 May 08
no.. you neednt put them down. and i isnt just the younger generation, ive been mowed down or had doors slammed on me by the older as well. and i dont mean the 80 year old senile sect either.. but people in their 30`s & 40`s. i can be crass at times, outspoken.. blunt. and i lack quite a bit of tact. i dont find much use in mincing words to spare anothers feelings and find a "nice" way of saying something that isnt going to be taken nicely anyways no matter HOW you say it, some things are simplistically black & white, right or wrong, so im sure some find me "rude". but i always make a point of holding a door for someone, saying excuse me please, thank you and i beg your pardon.. sorry, my fault! and it annoys me to no end when someone else doesnt show me the same courtesy. struggling with a carriage full of crap with one hand and a babe in my other on my hip.. and some 35ish year old goes slamming past letting the door close on me as if im not even there.. thankfuly my outspoken lack of tact also provides me with spine enough to SAY something in the moment and chastise said individual for their rude illmannered behavior, rather than just bottle it and go home and fume on it all day long after the fact.
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
1 May 08
Yep it's the 30ish's and 40ish's too that have this problem I'll agree with that. I don't fume on it just wonder if they weren't taught eticate at one time. I wonder it it's a dying art? I use to be very outspoken about crap like that but I find more and more it's not worth the breath I waste to berate them about their manners.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
1 May 08
Its kinda hard for me to say since coming from Canada and moving to the U.S I automatically notice ppl are far more rude than what I'm use to BUT is it worse now (here in the U.S) than it use to be...I really dont know..I would imagine so though since thats unfortunately the way life has become ya know...I know the teens in Canada these days are less compassionate and polite than we were at that age..
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
1 May 08
It's sad isn't it. I think that this needs to be fixed. But the question is how and the only answer I can find is by teaching my kids to be polite and kind to others.
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
1 May 08
I think rudeness is becoming the normal thing anymore in everyday life. Just this morning, I took a friend in to get some x-rays at the hospital, and we were sitting in the waiting room waiting for the technician to come and get her. Her, and her daughter and I were yacking up a storm while we were waiting. We weren't loud or anything, just talking quietly. When the technician came, her daughter and I decided to go into the outer waiting room, and this little punk that had just come into the room and sat down said "THANK YOU....please leave!" It was like he didn't want anyone to be talking around him. I told him how rude I thought he was, as did his mom at the same time, and walked out. I just don't have patience for people like that. And in the stores? I think full body padding is a must have there to avoid getting injured.
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
8 May 08
full body padding novel idea. I must try it. LOL!!!! I think the punk was lucky ... I would have laid into him a lot worse probably reducing him to tears.
@gemini_rose (16264)
1 May 08
Oh yes I know exactly what you are talking about, I have a 2 year old daughter who now walks everywhere and does not go in her pushchair anymore, and people just push past her, they have no consideration for her at all. I get so cross about it.
But I tell you what I have noticed and it makes me more mad, is that it is not the younger ones that are rude and bad mannered, but the older people. Yes, those same older people who once taught us manners are now seemingly forgetting what they taught us.
In every situation that someone has held a door for me, said excuse me to get past me and my daughter or apologised for pushing past, it has been kids. All those that try to run me over with their electric wheelchairs, do not open the door, stand blocking the aisles in supermarkets or push past me and my daughter are all older people.
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
1 May 08
Dang that makes me want to put a stick in the spokes of their wheelchairs. *Oops chaneling Cyn there for a moment.*LOL!!! But I do hear you on that one. I haven't noticed it to much here but heck I'm home most of my time and by the time I head out to do anything anymore I only encounter the youngins. LOL!!!
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@figjam00 (1445)
• India
1 May 08
People are getting rude these days especially teenagers. They are influenced by gansta type of stuff so they behave like them. They don't give a damn to anything. Not only teenagers adults also get rude sometimes. That thing exists because of selfish attitude people have on their minds. They always look for their gain on expense of others. Elderly people tend to be rude to younger ones because they are against them. They like the old school ways and there clashes the egos.
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@mummymo (23706)
2 May 08
No please don't give any examples we could be here all day! You should try being in a wheelchair when you do your grocery shopping - there are some very rude people out there nowadays! I think some of it is just that people are not thinking or rather thinking of 101 things at once and not paying attention and some is that parents so not pass on respect or personal responsiblity ( here we go again! lol) to their children and the children grow up not thinking of anything apart from what they want and stuff everyone else! We all lead busy lives nowadays (well most people do) and it is very easy to get caught up in everything they need to get on with rather than just taking a look around and thinking of other people as well as themselves! xxx
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@kykidd (6812)
• United States
1 May 08
Sad but true. Society is as offended anymore as they used to be, so they don't treat people with respect. They even treat their own friends poorly. My mother always taught me, "if you can't say something good, then don't say anything at all."
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
1 May 08
bellaofchaos, let me tell you about an experience I had while working at the PX (store on Army base) in Texas. I'm severely hearing impaired, I can't hear a thing in my left ear and have only about 40% in my right ear. I had a couple come up to me and the guy says "Oh that's the deaf girl from yesterday" I heard him as plain as day. I wanted to chop his head off for being so mean like that but instead I tried my best to be polite so I acted a bit dumb and said "Oh how did you know that? Yeah, I am deaf, deaf in my left ear and I have little on my right." The guy got a little antsy in his shoes but do you know that the girl had the balls to ask how I heard him and if I knew sign language. I told her that I read lips and read his and no I don't know sign language because I was raised in the hearing world.
Girl, if that were my boyfriend, I'd have elbowed him in the ribs so hard!! How dare he talk about others in such a manner!! Needless to say, I quit my job that day. I've had enough torment in my lifetime that I just couldn't take anymore. What the hell do people expect me to do? Where a badge? I've pondered this for many years in how do I let one know about my "handicap"? And where do these people get off on making fun of others who can't help the way they are? Just because a handicap can't be seen doesn't mean it isn't there. Mine is invisible because it's inside my head in my ear canal. I don't walk like a crippled person so I don't have any visible signs to show my "handicap" so how am I to let another know? And how dare someone talk about another in such a way! Walk a mile in their shoes before making judgment then maybe the person will have a new perspective on the whole thing.
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
1 May 08
That is so rude. I would have throttle the girlfriend and her boyfriend. Grrr. I hate stupid people like that. I have been in a PX before. I love them I miss being an Army wife. LOL!!!! I love the PX becuase it has so many things there that it's just cheaper becuase of the no tax issue too. LOL!!1 The commissary you can find certain things cheaper elsewhere than at the commissary. But back to the topic at hand I swear people either are stupid or haven't been taught how to behave in public. I remember in elementary and highschool I had a good friend who was deaf and had hearing aids to aid her in hearing. She was great she read lips really well and she knew sign language and taught a bit of it to me. I have always thought that i was blessed with a diverse group of friends.
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@anawar (2404)
• United States
2 May 08
bellaofchaos_ Yes, people are rude, but I can't make generalizations. For every teenage I label rude, I find another one who is kind.
I have good experiences with older people. They came from a different era, before the world became complicated. My eighty year old aunt brings flowers or small gifts whenever she visits. She's always polite, unless someone really provokes her.
I grocery shopped one day and it was obviously senior citizen day. I have never been surrounded by more polite and gentile shoppers anywhere.
But if I'm in a different state, watch out. Those older people can really be pushy.
You know what really upsets me? I hear parents yelling anc swearing at their own children, and the children cuss and yell back at their parents. And they don't care who hears if their kid cries in the store. That's rude.
One day in the store, a register opened up. I had been standing in line for fifteen minutes. Instead of the clerk saying 'Can I help the next person in line?' she said 'Register five is open.'
This woman out of nowhere jumps over there, dragging her daughter by the hand, deliberating cutting me off.
I couldn't stem my anger and I blurted out 'I'm sorry, but I was next in line. You should have let me go first.'
To which the woman replied 'I don't care, everyone does it.'
And I replied 'That doesn't make it right.'
She turned her head from me and finished her transaction.
GRRR. People can be so rude!
@tjades (3590)
• Jamaica
2 May 08
With the behaviour of our adults it is no surprise at all that the teenagers are how they are. Added to what you described is the elderly person who walks in, sees a line and decides to take up their "rightful place" at the head of the line as if tht provision was made for them and then be crass about it when someone points out their rudeness. I am talking about grandparents here.
Impoliteness seems to be the order of the day thses days.
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@icequeen123 (934)
1 May 08
I was just about to start a discussion about this same subject when I stumbled across your question. It is so true! What is with people, young and old?
I have to agree with some comments previously that somehow lots of older people think that they have the right to jump the queue. I'm all for giving up my seat on the bus for an old dear, but I certainly expect a "thank you" for it.
Whenever I hold the door open for people, if they don't say "thank you" I make a point of loudly saying "you're welcome" in my most sarcastic tone. Sometimes people just don't think. A thank you goes an awful long way.
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
1 May 08
That is so true a thank you can go an awful long way and most people just don't have the common curtosy to do so. I always drill please and thank you into my kids I'm hoping that they do the same with their kids.
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@thebeaddoodler (4262)
• Lubbock, Texas
1 May 08
Yes, I have noticed more and more rudeness, and it makes me sad. I think the whole thing is a matter of respect. You know, if you don't respect yourself, no body else will. But it doesn't stop there. If you don't respect yourself, you don't respect anyone else either.
One other reader mentioned the gangsta influence. It seems that whole area of society is about DEMANDING respect. What you get when you DEMAND respect is fear. True respect is commanded simply by the way a person conducts him/herself, and that seems to be falling by the wayside.
Could it be that parents have been so busy the past 2 generations making money so they could give their children everything money could buy that they haven't taken the time to teach them about respect?
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
6 May 08
Hi Bella
I agree with you
The Problem is that the Kids today do not get taught politeness, Parents are to busy being out at work and coming home wanting peace
Don't get me wrong I worked but when I got home the time was for my Children
What makes me angry though is that it is not just the young, the Elderly' s can be worse then the younger ones
They are rude and seem to think they have the right to everything, like being rude or barging down an Isle, or on the road with driving
So seeing examples like that the Younger Generation will follow them to
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
2 May 08
It seems to be happening alot more with everyone around here, young and old. I went to catch the bus the other day and a paraplegic was waiting in line first to get onto the bus. Myself and another girl waited behind her so she could go first. What did the men do (older ones too), they jumped ahead of her and didn't even bother to wait and let her get on first. I thought that was absolutely rude.
People just don't care for others but themselves nowadays and that's sad.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
2 May 08
I was shopping today, and the woman ahead in line at the cashier, seemed to be in a dither. She was quite unorganised even though she had just a few items to pay for. I waited as she fumbled with her purse and ignored her empty cart, and I wondered what she would do? Sure enough she walked away leaving her cart and blocking my way. This episode didn't bother me because I could see her nervous indecision. As I wheeled her empty cart out of my way I felt Thankful that my problems were so small, compared with hers.
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
10 May 08
People are very self serving now, more so than in the past. It's like the have no regard for anyone else's feelings but expect everyone on earth to respect theirs.
I feel sorry for the bad karma these poor miserable souls bring on themselves. Oh well, they can sit in their pity pot of misery and be mad at the world. I try to lead a better life and put these people on their azz with choice words whenever I can. Of course, only if they start it and they almost always do.
@mychattime (1013)
2 May 08
Yes people are more rude and ignorant an example, yesterday after dropping my son at school I walked to town you down a lane which people park up to drop their kids of well its ususally busy with cars and the pavements narrow so people tend to walk on the lane itself. There was a couple there walking down the lane very slowly might I add and they were slap bang in the middle, a car was trying to get down the lane and would they move . . . no, the car beeped a couple of times gently but loud enough to hear and they glanced round and still kept walking in the middle of the lane, I was so amazed by this but what got me was the pavement was clear and so was the sid eof the lane so all they had to do was move over, now that is what I regard as being ignorant, I did pass a bloke and his comment was if it was him in the car he would run them over lol!!! Anyway at the end of that yes I agree with you, however there are still nice people around to, my son always uses his manners as that is how I was bought up and after all it doesn't cost anything to be nice! Take Care
@decorsales (27)
• United States
2 May 08
This is a good discussion. I am amost 49 yrs. old and I find that the older generation is much more rude than the younger. Old people don't seem to care who they are nasty to. The younger generation of people are not as respectful of their elders as prior generations were taught, but the old should know better. They act as if the world owes them and they don't have to be nice anymore. News Flash, you do have to be nice. I understand that life is tough and you have to fight your way through sometimes but all in all, rudness is not tolerated. As an older adult I find myself scolding the older generation. Even on these Networking sites, you have the older networkers making statements to others about their blogs or profiles. I do go back at them, but I don't enjoy it. I have make comments in public to older people if they are rude. I tell them they are rude. I've also told someone to not shout at me because they weren't much older than I and they could give me a heart attack. His face after that was priceless. Sometimes you just have to let your feelings be known and I feel the same goes for the younger generation. It is up to their parents and teachers to discuss respect and what it really means.