My poor baby looks like he's taken a beating

@GreenMoo (11833)
May 1, 2008 5:25pm CST
OK, he's a toddler now, but he'll always be my baby. Anyway, I've just put him to bed and the poor little mite is just so covered in lumps and bumps and grazes that he looks as if he's been in a punch up. He took a tumble down the steps outside earlier, and came up with no less than FOUR bumps on his head. Three are in a line across his forehead and the fourth and largest is under his hair. He must have bounced down them all. He has a cut on the fourth bump which of course shows through his hair. During the same accident he's also managed to scratch the side of his face and bruise the outer corner of his eye (will it blacken overnight? I do hope not). There's even a scratch on his nose itself. Then in a different accident he grazed his little knees. Honestly, the poor little sausage looks so, so rough. He's fine, honestly, and after he'd had a good cry and a cuddle he was off playing again (straight for those steps again, aaaahghhgg!). I guess I'm just going to have to brace myself for more of the same though. This must be the age of physical development and experimentation, and experimentation leads to accidents. I guess I'll go and make sure I've some frozen peas on hand before I let him out to play tomorrow!
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10 responses
• United States
3 May 08
After the fall - A picture of my 2yo after she fell down the steps a couple months ago.
My toddler did the same thing in March. She was sitting on her little car toy and her brother went down into the basement to get the laundry. I was upstairs and heard the banging and thought he had fallen trying to bring the laundry up so I ran down to help him. The whole time he is yelling for help. But it wasn't for him. He had just watched his baby sister fall down the basement stairs on her car. She was a mess. She had a big goose egg and cut on her one eyebrow. Another huge bump on her forehead. Her face was all scraped up. She looked like someone pummeled her. But she was okay. She just kept yelling "I fall down the basement!" over and over. For 2 weeks she had the worst shiner I have ever seen. And even now she has a bump under her eyebrow where she had the cut. It doesn't hurt to touch it.
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@GreenMoo (11833)
3 May 08
Oh no poor little thing! That photo looks pretty nasty. I think sometimes it is worse for us to see them hurt than it is for them. They forget as soon as it stops hurting but we remember. I still remember my eldest son falling down the stairs years ago in slow motion, like it was yesterday!
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• United States
3 May 08
She's fine now and I do think I was more traumatized then she was. Except for maybe my 6yo son who witnessed the whole thing. He is very attached to his baby sister (they have an amazing bond). He was almost in tears because he couldn't get to her to help her because the laundry bag and car were in the way. He just kept screaming for help. Then a couple weeks ago I heard the baby and my 5yo daughter playing on the steps to the 2nd floor. The baby is really good at walking up and down the stairs and doesn't need help but I was about to yell at them to not "play" on the steps when I heard a bunch of thudding. Sure enough her sister caught her off balance and down she went. According to my 5yo she went head over heals down the stairs and landed on the larger corner stairs where the 5yo stopped her from falling down any others. I think her older sister was more upset then she was. They have both fallen down the stairs more times then I can count. When the baby was 7 months old she learned to crawl and I was really tired one night and not thinking and didn't put the gate up to the living room where she was and she crawled out and down the stairs (luckily those were carpeted--we were living somewhere else). A couple days later the same thing happened. I had a broken foot and I ran all the way down the stairs on it because she had made it to the bottom and had hit her head on the ground. She was okay but I think I made my foot worse in the process. My 5yo trips and falls on the stairs almost daily. She is such a klutz.
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
3 May 08
I watched my son bounce down carpeted stairs face up, head first, wide blue eyes. He is over thirty now. I think that one happened twice. LOL Hope the little girl gets to doing better.
• Bahamas
2 May 08
Hi Greenmoo. I had to smile while reading your post,it brought back so many memories. My kids always looked like they were on the losing end of a bar brawl. I remember the time my son was two and riding his trike he didn't want me to hold onto it, so while trying to pull away he took a tumble and fell knocking out two of his front teeth and busting his lips.You could just imagine my horror and the horror of the emergency room workers when i came in screaming with my son. He's now fifteen and the only evidence of that day is a scar on his bottom lip and in my heart. I think all the emergency patch ups i had to do qualifies me for a certificate in
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@GreenMoo (11833)
2 May 08
I only remember my eldest having two accidents when he was younger, but I'm sure that can't be true! I think I've probably deliberately forgotton them all, otherwise I'd never have considered going through it all again. The first time was when he fell off the back of the sofa onto the stone fire surround & cut his head. There was blood everywhere! The second time he fell all the way down the stairs. I remember his doing it now, it's stuck in my head in slow motion. I saw him do it but couldn't get there fast enough. I remember yelling to my sister who was upstairs as he was falling, but what I thought she's be able to do to stop it I have no idea! Anyway, he was just a bit shocked but I virtually needed sedation ;-)
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
3 May 08
At two years old my son decided to do somersaults. That is not too bad, except he thought that one of those old aluminum chaise lounges was the place to do this. Every vertebrae up his spine had a bruise. In kindergarten he ran, full speed, into the tether ball pole at school. He had a bruise in a straight line the whole length of his face. He eventually grew up to be quite co ordinated, though. Your kiddo will heal up, and be a great adventurer.
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
3 May 08
Of course.
@GreenMoo (11833)
3 May 08
Ouch! I guess they all do it. My eldest fell face first onto a metal fire engine toy, whilst he was with my sister in law, narrowly missing his eye. When I collected him, she had mopped up the blood but she was white as a sheet! He was absolutely fine & off playing again of course!
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@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
2 May 08
I know what you mean! My son got his first goose-egg on his forhead. It was HUGE. But the doctor assured me that it was okay and it wouldn't be his last... oh joy..
@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
3 May 08
picture of the goose egg - not the best picture, taken from my phone... but I captured just how big that thing was :(
It is amazing! But thank God they go away quickly - I am sure when we took my son out in public, I got a few stares and I am sure a few people were wondering what I did to him!
@shannon76 (1232)
• United States
3 May 08
lol gee thanks, not sure that makes me feel better or not! hahahah But yeah, it was a doosey alright. And of course, the thing has a target on it and he's hit it a few times since then (on the side of his bed, the car door..etc.). So not sure when it will go away!!
@ruby222 (4847)
2 May 08
Oh Moo ..dont you just hate it when they get all bruised and battered,and as you say your heart goes out to them for having that tumble.The worst thing is that when people look and think omg whats been happening daughters little one fell down the stairs not so long ago and she went from the top to the bottom,well they took her to the hospital to make sure nothing was broken.But my daughter decided that as nothing was too untoward that she could go back to school the next day,and she was saying that she felt all the Mums eyes going to that little bruised face and she felt awful..even though she had nowt to feel awful about!!!..But mine were always bumping ,bruising and falling...we had a pot of special was Avon!!!!and it was magic cream...after a bump apply in an anti clockwise mtion until the pain had decreased...that Avon worked every time!!!!!...and God love him I hope hes smiling again now ..bless him .
@GreenMoo (11833)
2 May 08
The great thing about kids is that they heal so fast. Thankfully little'un has woken up today with hardly a mark on him bar the eye which has blackened at the edge during the night & a couple of grazed knees. He's also learnt no lessons at all about those steps, heading straight for them the moment I open the stairgate which blocks the front door. I remember vividly the day my eldest nose-dived down the stairs top to bottom. I can still see it in slow motion, but I bet he doesn't even remember it! I think I was the far more traumatised of the two of us.
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@ruby222 (4847)
2 May 08
Just the thought of it Moo is always tend to think the worst.
@GreenMoo (11833)
2 May 08
Ah, the pleasures of motherhood!
@fall3n (30)
• United States
2 May 08
Lol.. I have to laugh at little boy's antics... my son is 8 and he is still jumping, running and bumping into everything. I wonder if they ever grow out of it. My advice is to just keep the bangages and frozen veggies handy.
@GreenMoo (11833)
2 May 08
My eldest is just the same. Do you think it is just a little boy thing, or are little girls just as bad?
@fall3n (30)
• United States
4 May 08
I think its a boy thing.. my daughter has never received as many injuries as her brother.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
1 May 08
My son was always like that. One bump and bruise after another. He is still like that sometimes and he is 8. My daughter on the other hand has learned to fall more gracefully. She does not get bumps and bruises very often.
@GreenMoo (11833)
2 May 08
Yeah, my eldest always comes home from school covered in bashes and bruises from playing football rather enthusiastically. He sees them rather as badges of honour! I do hope the youngest isn't going the same way. I think they'd bankrupt me in first aid gear!!
@luvstochat (6907)
• United States
1 May 08
My son fell head first into a coffee table when he was about 2 years old we did take him to the ER to check for a concussion though just to be safe. He is almost 12 and he still has a scar from it! Your poor little guy. I hope he heals fast and those staris don't attack him again!
@GreenMoo (11833)
2 May 08
I gave those stairs a good kick, so I don't think they'll dare do it again!! Thanks for the good wishes.
2 May 08
Awww I'm glad he's okay bar his bruises. I had a friend who used t have really scabbed knees as she used to fall a lot. She also cried but then would go back to playing pretty fast. Like you say keep the frozen peas to hand!
@GreenMoo (11833)
2 May 08
My eldest views his scabs and bruises as badges of honour!
@Elixiress (3878)
2 May 08
Glad that he was okay after having a cry, boys will be boys as they say. Hopefully you don't have any awful neighbours. I know a boy down my street was a bit beat up after falling off a wall when he was playing out and some parent on the street called the police saying he was getting abused. It was so unfair.
@GreenMoo (11833)
2 May 08
Oh no, that must have done wonders for neighbourly relations! I think I would rather be unjustly accused than some really abused child slip through the net though.
@Elixiress (3878)
2 May 08
Yeah that is a good point and no it didn't do much for neighbourly relationship lol.