Do I really wanna get married?

@Jemina (5770)
May 2, 2008 9:33am CST
I have just gone to the Civil Registrar office in Norwich to finalize the wedding date. And while the officer was questioning my boyfriend they asked me to go to another room. And I asked myself this question. Married couples or myLot friends, please share your marriage life with me including the good and the bad sides. And if you have any advice I need them very badly. Thank you.
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26 responses
@tigerdragon (4297)
• Philippines
3 May 08
first of all you ask yourself if you are ready for marriage and if you have doubts then don't. would you want to grow old with that person? are you willing to compromise? are you willing to sacrifice yourself for that person you are going to be? and lastly, do you love and will love that person all your life?
@Jemina (5770)
4 May 08
It's really a big decision, isn't it? And once you go into it you can't go back to where you used to be. You emerge as a new person. Thanks for those things to ponder on.
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
4 May 08
First of all, congratulations, Jemina for I think that you are about to embark on a journey of life which is considered honorable to all. I've yet to experience this but I do know of some of my friends; be it female or male having 2nd thoughts to marriage right after they have registered. I think we call it pre-wedding jitters here. I think that it's pretty normal for you to go through this phase and though I am not yet married, I would advice for you to go all the way and do not have doubts. If you have made such a decision as getting married, then it has already shown how ready you are in this course of life journey.
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@Jemina (5770)
4 May 08
It's so wonderful to have good friends like you who are always ready to give help and advice whenever somebody needs one. Thank you for the words for the moral support.
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@Jemina (5770)
8 May 08
Really? Maybe in written word I sound too nice but in person they say I'm a snob. So yea you can put your bet and I'll run away with it. JK! Thanks for being active in my discussions. I really appreciate it. I'll get back to you, promise. (Unfortunately, they don't have the emoticon with a long nose here) Cheers!
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@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
8 May 08
Awwww, you make me blush again, ha! You are none too bad yourself. I find your discussions engaging and you are a friend in need is a friend indeed type of person, I'm so sure of that I could put $10 right now, LOL. ** -just kidding about the $10 part, but not on the you are the good friend type.
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30 May 08
a very good friend of mine once told me before my wedding: there will be times when you will not feel love for each other. i was quite struck by that, because in love as i was, i found it so impossible to happen. but now, being married for 4 years, i know what my friend meant. he was right. there are times when my hubby and i dont feel love for each other. for others this can mean break up of marriage. because what is there left to be happy about? but i realized, happiness is a decision. it an everyday decision,especially when you are starting a family. when you have a child, it's not about you anymore, or your husband. it's most importantly about the child and what kind of person he will be everyday, i decide to love, to accept, to bear, and be happy about simple things that life offers me. because if i give up and find someone else, it will still be the takes a lot of hardwork to keep the passion burning. you have to consciously work it out with your husband.
@Jemina (5770)
30 May 08
That's a good point, Anne. I have actually thougth about it before. I ask myself whether the love I have for my future husband will always be there in my heart. I think that is why God put the head higher than our heart. Like you said, happiness is a decision.
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@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
7 Jun 08
So, did you get married? You posted a month ago and I'm wondering. My advice is usually "When in doubt, don't!" Wait until you are sure.
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@Jemina (5770)
7 Jun 08
No, I haven't yet but will for sure and to be exact, I'm getting married on 7th of July this year. I am not really in doubt but somehow I couldn't refrain from asking that question. Maybe I was just looking for some more affirmation from myself that I DO wanna get married. Thanks for that sage, anyway. I like it. Cheers!
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@Mingjie (20)
• China
6 May 08
From the first I saw my wife to the day we got married, everything comes so spontaneous. We love each other, care each other, and we both want live together forever, so we composed a family of our own. So, it depends on you.
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@Jemina (5770)
6 May 08
Wow! Very succint. Thanks Ming!
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@Jemina (5770)
6 May 08
Sorry I mean "succinct". forgive the typo.
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@redkey65 (221)
• China
3 May 08
once there is a saying that, a couple maybe is not the perfect one but the suitable one. sometimes and almost most times we married someone whom we did not love deepest. a marrige is just the right person at the right time, or maybe it can describe like that.
@Jemina (5770)
4 May 08
I like the last sentence..A marriage is just the right person at the right time. I hope I really am the right woman he had longed for all this time.
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@Jemina (5770)
6 May 08
Sounds like you know me and my fiance very well. Thanks anyway.
@redkey65 (221)
• China
6 May 08
I am sure you are the right person for him. Best wishes!
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
6 May 08
I think the first thing you need to do here is work out if these are just "pre-marriage jitters"; or if this runs deeper than that. The very fact that you have concerns can be troublesome for sure if you are not at least somewhat sure of the reasoning behind these feelings. EVERYTHING has a good and a bad side! It all comes down to the balance! Can you imagine spending the rest of your life with this person? Waking up to them every day for th4e rest of your life..... NO-ONE else but him and you physically etc. If you cannot, don't get married! Wait a while longer until you are sure. Love alone is not enough. From my experience (married twice) love is always there; even if not obvious; what it truly comes down to is compatibility, respect; and the ability to be accepting of each others idiosyncrasies or differences. You will NOT always be happy; you will NOT always get along. Marriage like anything else goes up and down. It's the constant that is important! Good luck.
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@Jemina (5770)
6 May 08
Thank you for this one, accepting each other's idiosyncracies, I believe this is a very important foundation in marriage.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
5 May 08
All I can tell you is that if you have any serious doubts about your b/f, don't marry him or at least wait. Things change when you marry. Is he kind, thoughtful, considerate, generous with finances and affection. Do you respect him and can you trusty him? Do you know what his expectations of marriage are? His expectations of you? Have you both planned things like when you will get a house, have children? Does he have a career and a plan to advance in his career? Is he ambitious? Has he discussed his plans with you and has he fit his relationship with you into his plans? Are you top of his list of what's important to him? Do you spend time together and enjoy each other's company? Can you talk to each other and do you do so every day about little things and big things? Do you share interests and laugh together? I think I have covered many things of basic importance. Marriage is a very serious step and not all daydreams and fantasy; hearts and flowers. Most importantly....what does marrige mean to you and what does it mean to your boyfriend. If your answers are different you need to seriously think about things. I've been in 4 serious relationships, two marriages and two might well have been married. There was little communication between these men and I. There are many levels of communication within a marriage and my men failed at all but the basic everyday Hi and bye. My first husband even failed at that most of the time. We were married young and he resented my very existence. You don't have to be wealthy to be happy (some might disagree with this )but you do have to be very comfortable with each other and to understand each other. You should not have to tolerate any bad behaviour.
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@Jemina (5770)
5 May 08
Wow, this is a good eye-opener, a real ice-breaker. Thank you for sharing this wonderful piece of advice. My boyfriend loves me very much but of course I'm aware that no one is perfect and sometimes he fails and I too. We are still learning how to communicate with each other more openly but it's more on my part. I tend to keep some problems to myself sometimes. Anyway, thank you very much for sharing your valuable counsel. ++
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
8 May 08
There will always be some risk involved when committing your life to another. That's where the trust comes in handy. You need to be able to trust him as well as yourself. You know I wish you well. I have a feeling things will be ok with you. I wish you both every happiness my dear. (((((Hugs)))))
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@Jemina (5770)
8 May 08
Wow, thank you for those words of assurance. However, I still keep in mind that it's up to me and my future hubby how we will handle the obstacles we might be facing and stay together till the end.
• United States
2 May 08
Some questions you want to ask yourself you lobe the guy? Does he make you happy? Is he a good guy? Is there something specfic that has happened to make you ask yourself this question? What are your doubts about it? Can you tell us anything else to help us understand why you're feeling this way? Maybe you're just getting a little wedding jitters, which are totally normal! But no reason to cancel a wedding!
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@Jemina (5770)
2 May 08
Thanks a lot. Those are good points to ponder on. I think you're right, I'm just having a wedding jitters as nothing particular happened to make me back out.
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• United States
4 May 08
Oh that's good!! :) Yeah, wedding jitters are defeniatly nothing to worry about! After it's all over, I bet you're going to be so happy! =D Congratulations!!!
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@Jemina (5770)
4 May 08
Thanks for the assurance. I really could use some. ++
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@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
8 May 08
Dear friend, It ourself who have to live our life moreover the experiences and opinions are well valued too. Still in the marriage or us I hope we have decide how well we could go along with our partner.As each individual has his own ways of dreams and we need some one whom we can share all our feeling may be our life with. Hence I feel marriage is purely based on the people who enter that contract if they think they are capable with all they want in married life. Still life after marriage may also differ hence I feel take each step well. As I had reminded me quote of William Shakespeare as it goes like this "Love is like a glass. If u break it, it’s hard to fix, And even if you manage that , it’ll never be the same". May be this might be also applicable in married life too.
@Jemina (5770)
8 May 08
I like the metaphor you use. Marriage is really a very fragile crystal that we have to handle with so much care. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
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@snowy22315 (186981)
• United States
28 May 08
In my experience doubt means dont. I think you need to decide whether you are actually doubting the relationship or you are just feeling nervous about getting married. There is a book that is called "Hard questions" it's all about whether or not you and your fiance are compatabile about life issues before you tie the knot. You may want to get a copy of this and go thru it with your fiance to see how you would answer the questions.
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@Jemina (5770)
30 May 08
Hi Snowy, thanks for participating in my post. I don't know but I didn't really mean to doubt my wanting to get married. But it sounds like it. I think many people feel the same way. Before I met my boyfriend I have always been dreaming of getting married before I turn 35. And now that time has come and I get this funny feeling. For sure I wanna get married.
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@nice030481 (1109)
• Philippines
8 May 08
I think, only you can answer that question. if you really love your boyfriend, why not. go on for what you want only your heart can dictate the right things for you. follow your heart. God Bless
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@Jemina (5770)
8 May 08
Wow, very simple and straight to the point. Thank you for this. +
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@lunmun (127)
• China
8 May 08
what is your worry about is do you like this guy and your future life ,Am I right? I think marriage life is two people bussiness ,only you two make great effort to creat a new life style that you like is the best choice.
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@Jemina (5770)
8 May 08
Yes, it's the couple's business but counsels are welcome. You know it's good to ask advice from the experienced one even before one enters the contract. It will help me prepare myself and what to expect.
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• Egypt
8 May 08
I realy wants to marry now but what can I do I havnot the marriage costs .I love A girl she wants me and I want her . but her family do not love me because my conditions now are not good I can not live without her but what can I do love only is not enough.
@Jemina (5770)
8 May 08
Sorry to hear about that. In some cases love is not enough. Well, you need money to live decently and for others they prefer money over love.
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• Canada
7 Jun 08
My husband and I have a very good marriage, BUT there is no way I would have gone to a different room, or had my fiance, before we were married, go to a different room. If they are going to question us, they are going to do it together. I ind that incredibly disrespectful to the decisions of the couple, and a red flag.
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@Jemina (5770)
7 Jun 08
Well, I was a bit surprised that they did that. But I think it was because I came from another country and they just wanted to make sure we know each other well.
• Canada
8 May 08
if you love the guy then go for it. and always have in mind to accept everything about him.
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@Jemina (5770)
8 May 08
Thank you. It's a challenge but I'm accepting it because I love him.
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@subha12 (18441)
• India
6 May 08
ask yourself that do you really love this guy? or do you have any insecurity which is born from any past experience? If so, think deeply. also just in relationship and marrying are different things.
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@Jemina (5770)
6 May 08
I shouldn't feel insecure as he is very nice and kind.
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@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
3 May 08
I am separated. I had made a lot of realizations after 4 years of struggle and keeping my marriage intact. One thing that I have realized in my marriage is that all things, anything, can be overcome by the couple when there is love and total commitment to stay together and that both would work on the marriage. I would have endured more and walk through fire if I am secure in my husband's love. But I wasn't. It takes two to tango so they say. Burden's shared is burdened lightened. I believe there is no clear formula for a marriage to work. So it leaves with only LOVE and total commitment. Armed with that, I believe, the couple could overcome anything. Marriage is certainly not a bed of roses and to think that it is, is really very foolish and unrealistic. But it could be happy and fulfilling and to keep it that way, the couple has to constantly work on it.
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@Jemina (5770)
4 May 08
You're right, CD. There should be a mutual agreement and feelings for the relationship to work. +
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Jun 08
If you really really love this guy you will soon know, yes I do want to get married. You have to really love someone first then that decision is so easy. I knew from the first time I met my husband thathe was the man for me and six weekslater we got married. we were so in love and we saw no reason to wait. I was thirty and he was thirty seven so we were not kids. we wanted the same things in life and we were ready.
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@Jemina (5770)
7 Jun 08
I think when we passed the age of infatuation then it's very easy to make that decision with the right person. I and my fiance are also in our early thirties and so, like you, we both know what we wanted.
@pooh08 (671)
• Vietnam
3 May 08
I think now I'm very young. I don't think about get married. When get married, I bind myself to many things don't have name. At that time, I don't have time for myself. Now I like freedom prefer. Good lucks to you and your boyfriend.
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@Jemina (5770)
4 May 08
Yea, enjoy your freedom while you're young. But don't waste too much time being free. Somehow you gotta think about your future and make some ideals or plans. It would be a great help in the future. God bless.