
United States
May 2, 2008 11:49am CST
It may seem a bit old fashioned but some people still use handkerchiefs. (Hankies) Cringe. I personally think that they are disgusting, germy little things that I HATE to have to laundry especially since I don't use them. The only thing that I think a handkerchief is good for is making a butterfly quilt. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Acres/3307/quiltpage1.html Yep, I made one.. Do you or do you know anyone that still uses a hankie and do you find them disgusting, too?
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11 responses
• United States
2 May 08
I think you don't usually see a man carring around tissues, do you? I work in retail and we sell them daily. Most of the shoppers that buy them are men.
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• United States
2 May 08
No, you don't normally see men carrying tissues. But, if they have a desk, as my husband does, he keeps a box there and one in his car or truck. But, as I stated in a few post back. He did used to work outside and it wasn't feasible to carry a box of tissues around with him. He would have looked rather silly doing it, probably. Thanks for the response, Sherlock
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• Philippines
2 May 08
My wife actaully bought me the hanky and she sometimes used it when there is no tissue around. It's quite handy.
2 May 08
My granddad had a riddle; what is it that rich men keep but poor men throw away? The answer; snot. I don't use a hankie anymore, but I used to. Everyone is saying it is gross but think about it; where did that snot come from? It's sitting just inside your nose... And how many of you sneeze into your hand and then wipe your hand on your clothes (or a wall or table)?
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@scribe1 (1203)
• United States
2 May 08
I don't use hankies and haven't for many, many years, nor do I know anyone who does. I agree with you that used hankies are rather disgusting. It's way too easy to tuck them in a pocket or wherever and pull them out again once the snots on them are dried out. To be honest, I don't think that hankies are even sold any more. I have postnasal drip and use a bit of paper towel or toilet paper to wipe my nose and discard it as soon as possible. That way, I don't spread any germs.
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• United States
2 May 08
I try to discard a tissue as soon as it is used and wash my hands as soon as possible, too. I am glad someone agrees with me on this. Thank you so much for sharing, Scribe.
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• United States
2 May 08
To me using hankies is disgusting and think about all the germs that are contained in a hankie that has been used. We have kleenix available and as a last resort toilet paper. I don't use hankies and never have for that reason. You can dispose of a kleenix but a hankie is kept. Thank goodness my husband doesn't use hankies. Just thinking about it makes me go yuck big time. I like the link that you put here. Now there is a good use for hankies.
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• United States
2 May 08
I agree. That is why they invented the tissue. My husband uses hankies and they gross me. I hate to even wash those things with other whites. I have to use bleach in the whole load of wash because it is just disgusting and I can't very well wash just a few hankies alone. And to hand wash them..ewww, no thanks. He only uses them in the wintertime, for which I am grateful, I guess. Quilts and crafts are the only thing a hankie is good for in my opinion. I am glad that you liked the link. They do make pretty quilts. Thanks for responding.
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@wickedangel (1636)
• Dominican Republic
3 May 08
Yuck, yuck and mega-yuck. I hate hankies, always have done. My mother used to have them - lacey things but I never could get my head around it. How can you keep your germs so close to you. You wipe your nose or blow it (even worse!) and then KEEP the darn things close to your body (generally up a sleeve).. EEEERrrrrgggghghhh Me, I have always been one of those people who has a tissue and I THROW it away once it has been used. Mind you here in the Dom Rep people don't even have tissues and I must admit that I really don't like to see them blow their nose and use their fingers to 'throw it away' that has got to be slightly worse. I'm not sure about shaking hands with people when you think about these sort of habits... Thanks for sharing this pleasant discussion with us! LOL... :)
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• United States
3 May 08
Mega Yuck here too..lol Ohhh..you are so very welcome for the discussion Wicked..LOL I can't stand to see someone else blow their nose. I blow in the bathroom, throw the tissue in the toilet and wash my hands. I mean if possible. Sometimes we have to blow our nose while out. I carry around hand sanitizer in my purse just in case.
2 May 08
Ewww no I don't know anyone who keeps hankies. They are horrid things, though I do worry about the environmental impact of tissues as people get through lots in a lifetime.
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• United States
2 May 08
Yes, that is also true. But, I think tissue are biodegradable just as toilet tissue is. Maybe not as much, but I would think that it would have to be as many that are probably used daily. Thank you so much for responding :)
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@Modestah (11177)
• United States
3 May 08
It is a very wise thing to carry a couple clean handkerchiefs with you as a habit. They can serve as a sling for an injured arm - as a bandage they can not be replaced or even for a tourniquet if necessary. They can wipe tears, or signal a need for assistance... they will clear smudges, and hold up so much better than a tissue during allergy season.
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• United States
3 May 08
I love your answer Modestah and yes, you are absolutely correct. I hadn't even thought of a hankie in that respect. Wiping tears with a hankie sounds so poetic, like an old time movie :) Thank you for a very insightful post :)
@robert19ph (4577)
• Philippines
2 May 08
Sorry to disappoint you guys but I am carrying a handkie in my trousers. I don't have runny nose everytime so I think my hankie is germ free now. I usually used it to wipe my hand dry after using the toilet. Most restroom usually run out of clean paper towel and the hand dryer took sometimes to keep your hand dry, so I used my handkie to do the job. Sometime when I am sweatie, I used my handkie to keep me dry. It's quite hot here and dusty in our country and the handkerchiefs still has it uses.
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• United States
3 May 08
Aw, no disappointment here. You actually make a very good point about carrying it around to dry your hands on in the restroom. I can handle that and wiping of sweat. Thank you so much for sharing.
@gemini_rose (16264)
2 May 08
I do not think that I know of anyone that still uses hankies anymore, I think that most people that I know just use the disposable ones. I also hate hankies, you are right they are disgusting, my Grandma always used to make me have one and I hated it, I think the only thing I used to use them for was when I had a cold and I used to put eucalyptus oil on them to put under my pillow to clear my nose.
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• United States
3 May 08
Well, the ladies hankies are very pretty, or used to be anyhow. With the lace and all on them. Those ones make exceptionally beautiful butterfly quilts..lol
• United States
3 May 08
Haha saigon! I def agree....yuck! I do know people that still use hankies for "style" though because apparently hankies can make you look more mature and professional. Maybe we're the ones missing out? ;)
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• United States
3 May 08
Hey! Maybe we are missing out! Think maybe we should start carrying one? I don't know where I would put it..it would have to be worn somewhere so that it could be seen. Back in the older times women used to put them in the sleeves of their clothing. Long sleeves with the lace hankie hanging out, perhaps it also made one look more mature or fancy?
• Philippines
3 May 08
lol.. ive had this same thought in like forever. i even remember saying it to my dad while we were going out of the car. i actually dont get it... for me its okay to laundry since everything in the laundry are dirty and needs to be washed out [eventhough i dont use it]. but i dont get why they use hankies... lol... they take it out, wipe it in their face. then they place it back in their pockets. then take it out again to possibly wipe lets say their necks, or their arms something of that sort... lol.. the dirt in the 1st wipe would be on the hankie and then in the 2nd wipe the dirt would stick back into the skin. right?! lol... i totally agree that tissues are much better to use. after using it you could just dispose of it properly.
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• United States
3 May 08
Yes, I guess they are your germs though. If it isn't your hankie then it is kind of gross to touch, don't you think? I hate to even touch one when I sort laundry. I pick it up between pinched fingers then immediately wash my hands..lol EWWWW.. Thank you for sharing, katbalu :)