Do you dye your hair and have you had any disaster experiences?
By anawar
@anawar (2404)
United States
May 2, 2008 6:17pm CST
Hi ladies. I was wondering how many of you dye your hair? Do you buy your own kit, or do you go to a salon?
I started dying my hair in my thirties when my natural blonde started to darken. The one time I tried to dye my own hair, I actually turned some parts pink!
When I went to the beauty salon, the girls all came rushing out to see my pink hair and then they started shouting
'hair repair, hair repair'.
I always go the salon now, but I hate the expense of it. When I look in the mirror afterwards, I'm happy, so it's worth the money to me.
How much does it cost you to dye your hair? How often do you dye it? How much do you pay?
Do you have any hair repair stories?
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18 responses
@joimarquez (1836)
• United States
6 May 08
i dye my own hair..i have never had any major disaster experience on dying my hair (knock on wood!!). i think the only think i have encounter is that when i do it, usually its just the top half part was the one colored...i dont even know why.

@joimarquez (1836)
• United States
10 May 08
no not the roots...when i dye my hair it colors my hair from root to halfway of my hair but from halfway down to the very tip of my hair...the old color stays the same...its like the the color didnt even reached the half part...
@anawar (2404)
• United States
11 May 08
Are you pulling the colour all the way through your hair?
Your entire head should be covered.
When I have my hair done at the salon, my hair is covered in solution. They pile it all together and sometimes put a plastic cap over it. The heat helps the colour process and it lasts longer.
When I used to do my own hair, I did the same thing.
Did I get it right this time? Or am I still misunderstanding? sorry.

@ihearttinytim (614)
• United States
3 May 08
All I have to say is if you have naturally dark hair (dark brown to black), and want to go blonde, WATCH OUT! I tried this once - I wanted go from black hair to being platinum blonde. BOOOOOOOOY, did it backfire! My hair was platinum blonde, alright! It didn't look right with my skintone, and my hair was so fried I looked like Rosanna Rosanna-danna for 6 months!!! Also tried to dye it back to black immediately after that fiasco - the mix of blonde with black turned my hair dark again, but with a greenish tint. I had to cut all my hair off - I mean short, too - and hated myself for that for a whole year afterwards, until all my hair grew back to normal. (I normally have long hair - down past my butt.) You could imagine the shock of having hair as short as a man's.
@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
4 May 08
I have no idea who "Rosanna Rosanna-danna" is but my parents and their friends used to call me this when I was little!
My name is Dana, but it was supposed to be spelled Danna and they still pronounced it that way even though it is spelled like Day-nuh. "Dan-nuh" is my name. 

@anawar (2404)
• United States
4 May 08
Oh. I'm so sorry about your lovely long hair. It must have been a horrible shock. Did you cry? I would have.
What was wrong with green hair? I heard it was in fashion for a few years. If you wear it with a green mini-skirt and black halter top, you'd be a real knock-out! LOL
So, what now? Are you keeping your natual colour or going to a salon to have it done?
Nice to hear from you. Thanks for joining in.
@ihearttinytim (614)
• United States
4 May 08
Heck yeah I creid! LOL Well, green hair isn't good to have when yuo're trying to find a job... LOL Rosanne Rosannadanna was a character on Saturday Night Live back in the 70 and early 80's, which was played by the late actress, Gilda Radner. She was hilarious! Here's a pictuer of her so you can have an idea of what my hair looked like:

@whittby (3072)
• United States
3 May 08
I've colored my hair since it started to go gray. I used to have it done once a month or so in the beauty shop, but do it myself now and have for years, mainly due to finances.
I was doing it auburn and loved it, but I' recently gone to golden brown - it looks better though I hated to admit it. If I were to go blond again, I'd have to have it done - my hair doesn't bleach out well.
I had my hair colored once at a hair demo at the salon and she did it reddish pink (and no, I thought it was going to be auburn - this was a rep from a hair line that did this to me!). I went back a few days later and had to have it stripped out and redone. I also had it turn bright orange one time when I did it. I wore baseball caps when I went out both times. So embarrassing.
I pay up to $10.00 tops for hair coloring. Usually lots cheaper and on sale. I color my hair every three weeks - my roots come out fast.
By the way, your hair is the shade of blonde mine would never go to.
@anawar (2404)
• United States
3 May 08
Ouch. Reddish pink and orange hair. Sometimes I think we're all crazy. Men don't do this to their hair.
I had my hair stripped because I went red for awhile. Everyone told me the only way to get rid of the red was to strip it. My hair survived, but I was terrified.
My hairdresser in NY came up with this color for me. His products are from Germany and there's no ammonia smell.
I guess all of us should keep a supply of ball caps around the house!
@lucky_mom (62)
• United States
3 May 08
I am young but I also have a lot of gray hair. I decided to dye my hair for prom. I decided I would do it myself and my mom was there to help me. I dyed it blond then wanted to get a little darker blond so I tried dying it a little more the next day (same color and type of dye) and it turned out looking more purple. To make it worse my prom dress was green, I was called Barney for a long time after that.

@kbourgerie (8780)
• United States
3 May 08
Funny you should ask this question. I started dying my hair blonde when I was 21. I thought I saw a gray hair. I've been dying it ever since. About 2 years ago I decided I was a middle aged woman trying not to look like she was middle aged, so I wanted to go back to a more natural color. Hmmm......I decided on red. Well, it was fun for awhile, but now I hate it. I have tried and tried to lighten it to no avail. My understanding is that I will have to have a color correction done at the salon, but the trouble with that is, its way out of my price league. So just today I bought another boxed blonde color and I'm almost afraid to use it. In fact, I was just thinking about tackling it before I saw this post. So I don't have a funny dye story yet, but give it a couple of hours and you may have one fresh off the press.
@anawar (2404)
• United States
4 May 08
Well, since I've been gone all day, I guess you did your hair already. When I went back to blonde from red, I had all the color stripped from my hair. It was really scary but my hair didn't fall out.
I'm back to the blonde that suits me. Let me know if you found your perfect colour. If not, I think there's a sale at Target on ball caps. Sorry. lol
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@kbourgerie (8780)
• United States
4 May 08
You are right, I already took the plunge. But I'm happy to report that it turned out really well. I went to work and actually got alot of compliments on it. I can't remember the name of the product that I used, but its the best I've used to date. It actually did make it more blonde, instead of a lighter red. So no ball cap required, which is a good thing because I really don't like shopping at Target all that much. LOL.
@CelticSoulSister (1640)
• Southend-On-Sea, England
3 May 08
I began dyeing my hair when I was about 17. I've always (apart from the first time when my mum did it) dyed my own hair as I hate going to the hairdressers.
I did have one disaster where my hair had been bleached, and I got fed up with keep on having to touch up the roots, so I decided to go dark again. I put a dark brown dye over the blonde, and the result was that my hair turned a bright carrot orange. At the time (in the early 1970s) I used to wear a brown leather mini skirt, and with this orange hair, my workmates (until I sorted the hair problem out) nicknamed me "the girl with the leather skirt and the plastic hair".
@anawar (2404)
• United States
3 May 08
Oh no! What is it about hair turning orange? So many people writing in end up with orange hair. I imagine your skirt was beautiful. Sorry the orange hair distracted from it. I bet your workmates had a good laugh at your expense!
Thanks for joining in with all of us.
@CelticSoulSister (1640)
• Southend-On-Sea, England
3 May 08
LOL I don't know why the hair dye fairy chose orange....I think I would have preferred pink or green. Thanks for your comments, and I've given up on Clairol now, and am letting the grey take over. Far less trouble LOL. Have a good day!

@taface412 (3175)
• United States
3 May 08
I have been dying my hair forever and I stick with one brand (Clairol) and I follow their tips they offer through a magazine they send out for free with each season.
The only time I had a bad experience (besides finding out I have red tones) is when once I wanted to highlight my hair at home and I didn't have anyone else to help me pull my hair through the cap. Well, about thirty or so minutes later when I tool the cap off....Platinum Blonde everywhere. Apparently I had puncture a few more holes when pulling the hair through.
One of my co-workers said I lit up the darkened hallway coming through. Most people thought I did it on purpose. LOL
Clairol Nice'N Easy is one of the best. check out their web site and sign up for the magazine if you can.

@anawar (2404)
• United States
4 May 08
Some of us are naturally talented in the hair area. Some of us (like me) lack any skills whatsoever. While you're saving money by doing your own hair, I'm stuck saving money for my next hair appointment. Yuck.
Good to hear from you again. Stop by anytime.
@anawar (2404)
• United States
4 May 08
No way. Not a blonde disaster! Blonde is one of the harder colours to capture. Especially if it pulls red!
No way am I ever doing my own hair again. I'll save up to have it done every six weeks. It helps my self-esteem.
You punctured a few extra holes Oh, that's sad. Thanks for stopping by and dropping off a bright and shiny platinum blonde story for the rest of us to enjoy.
@taface412 (3175)
• United States
4 May 08
hey you live and you learn. I personally love to do my own I save anywhere from $60-80 bucks a shot by just buying a box costing around ten bucks or so. Plus, like I said that magazine they provide is a God send.
In fact, I think it is time I highlight again. Yeah!!!

@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
4 May 08
I've had a few nightmares and disasters with dying my hair. The one time I had done my hair and at the time I was still living with my parents. My mother complained that it was too "Brassy" so she called my aunt who is a hair dresser to find out what to do. She said to just redye I did. It wasn't worth arguing with my mother about. Figured if I didn't like it oh well. So I dye it and the next day I go out to the flea market which has a lot of sun. I get home and the tips of my hair had turned green. Yes, green!
I had to strip out all the dyes and to do this I had to put this stuff called Metalax on it. It felt like soapy honey. I put it on and had to sit for an hour with it, then rinse. I had to do it twice and then still ended up having to have my hair cut in order to fix it. Since then when ever my mother tries to say something on my hair I just mention this incident.
She backs off right away.

@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
5 May 08
Well I dye my hair red and anything red my mom finds to be brassy; whether it is or not. I ended up cutting it and having it look almost black for a while. A total nightmare.
I bought it at Sally's Beauty Supply. I might have the spelling wrong but went by the sound of it.
I do know so men who dye their hair so it can happen to them as well. 

@anawar (2404)
• United States
4 May 08
Oh no! Brassy is nasty, but I guess mom's can be wrong sometimes. I know I make mistakes. I try not go give advice anymore. I ask my kids 'well, what do you think?'
You had to cut your hair to fix it! I hate hearing it. I think it's so sad. But sometimes the hair cut ends up looking better. Not often though.
I never heard of Metalax. I'm glad you mentioned it, because someone might read this, and the process will work for them. Where did you buy it?
And yes. Blonde hair does like to go green. Too bad guys don't have these problems.
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@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
4 May 08
I have gone to the salon for highlights and to tone down some of the brassiness of my blonde hair.
I dye my hair blonde at home. It is naturally blonde but I dye it a little bit lighter and add highlights to it.
The worst thing that has happened to me was I dyed my hair one day when I was 17. I didn't think about it and went swimming a couple of hours later. The chemicals in the pool turned my hair green! I don't remember what I did to fix it. I know I fixed it at my house with a friend though.
@anawar (2404)
• United States
4 May 08
Oh yes, definatley stay out of the chlorine with blonde hair! I also wait at least 24 hours before I wash my hair because the colour holds longer.
I'm glad you got rid of the green. So, you can dye your own hair and put highlights in as well? Hmm. why can't I have those kind of talents?
So far, I think I'm the only one who goes to the salon!
Nice to hear from you again. Stay in touch.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
4 May 08
I used to dye my hair, just for fun and because my husband (now ex!) kind of liked it. Then I stopped because of the expense and the mess and the hassle. It also damaged my hair. I was too cheap to pay someone to do it and my hair looked like it!
Now I haven't dyed my hair for years and have a lot of silver in it. My son says it's beautiful when the sun shines on it.
@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
5 May 08
I must admit that I have what one woman recently described as "virgin hair" as it has never been colored and has not been permed or otherwise treated to anything except trims for the last 15 or 20 years.
I have a friend who would like to take me this coming weekend to get my hair colored for the first time as my dark brown hair is looking salt and pepper with a lot of the white hair concentrated near the face and with some interspersed with the other hair on the rest of the head.
I am more than a bit nervious about it. I have one friend who is telling me to do it and someone else in my life telling me that if I do it I will have to keep on doing it or risk uneven hair, bad looking hair, etc. I value that person's opinion as much as that of my friend.
I do not know what is best to do. I am in my late 40s and am looking for a new job in the mental health field as the clinic I am working in is closing effective May 31st. I do not know if I should color the hair or not... Is it going to make any difference? Do employers care if their female employees have long dark brown and white hair or do they demand the uniformity of just the dark brown hair? That is the question that I am asking myself now. Wondering if you have any ideas.
@anawar (2404)
• United States
5 May 08
That is a well-thought out and complicated question.
First, once you start colouring your hair, you do continue dying your hair to maintain the desired effect. You can damage your hair if you don't know what you're doing. Sometimes women have friends who help out.
I think a woman's hair says a lot about her personality. Some women colour their hair but wait too long in between treatments. The roots show too much and it's not attractive. Not all women can keep up the four to six week cycle. Some are pressed for time or money.
I don't think employers demand uniformity. I do think they appreciate a polished and professional look. That doesn't mean you have to colour your hair if you don't want to.
If you are comfortable with your overall image, then leave your hair alone.
Many women colour their own hair, because it is expensive to go to a salon. I would rather save up and have the money every four to six weeks and go to the salon.
My hair plays a large part of my self-image and my ocnfidence level. If I don't like my hair, it's hard for me relax around other people. I've had some bad hair experiences, enough to ensure I go to a salon for a professional and flattering look.
The rule of thumb for women who are over forty is that long hair doesn't flatter their face or their image. It's only a guideline. I have older friends with longer hair and they look attractive.
Longer hair on me drags my face down and ages me. Some people think long hair is only for young women and for the most part, I agree.
I know a woman who is an instructor and attends several high power meetings. Her hair is unkempt and long past time for colour. When I look at her I think_
'If she would only fashion her hair, she would look much more attractive.'
I wonder if her 'look' distracts other people, or if noone cares how she looks. I don't know. There are places of employment who expect to see a woman with a tidy, professional look.
I don't know if the place where you work cares about that or not. If you have a chance to check out who works there, see what other women do with their hair.
That doesn't mean they want everyone to wear their hair the same way. What flatters one woman, may not work for another.
If you decide to start the regimen of colouring and styling, I would suggest you go to a salon. There are several books to look at to give you ideas about the colour of your hair and your cut.
Also, if the colour of your hair is not uniform, you need the correct formula to cover the gray and get the colour you want.
There are also some magazines with pages of possible styles and colour. They helped me.
If you go the salon for your first attempt, it's possible that once you know what colour you want, you may be able to duplicate it and do your own hair.
If you're worried, don't go for a huge dramatic change.
Start small. You can always go shorter, but your hair can't be glued back on once it's cut. lol
I hope I haven't overwhelmed you, and you can post here again and I'll try to watch out for your questions.
When I look at people I always appreciate a professional and accomplished image.
Good luck and have fun with your hair!
@busta1baby (1230)
• United States
4 May 08
yea i dye my hair and no i havent had a bad experience yet
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
3 May 08
Oh Geez! I got a really funny one. My hair is naturally dark brown. For some reason I have always wanted blonde hair, but I have red pigment. I have tried blonde dyes, and they usually turn my hair a lighter shade of brown, with red highlights. It's actually very pretty that way. But I have never achieved blonde! Well one day, while shopping for blonde hair dye, I came accross something that said it was guaranteed to turn my hair blonde. It as a bleaching solution instead of a dye. Well I should have known, I have red pigment, so bleaching my hair will turn it red, not blonde.
So I go home and use this bleach solution. OMG! My hair was neon flippin ORANGE! I swear I looked like Ronald McDonald on acid. Not to mention, I'd missed a huge chunk on the side, so that was still dark brown.
And I had to go out that night to pick up my boyfriend from work, with this ridiculously orange hair. OMG did he laugh at me!
The very next day I dyed it back to brown, and have since given up on having blonde hair. I have once or twice dyed it a darker brown, or a very nice shade of maroon.
@anawar (2404)
• United States
3 May 08
That is one of the funniest hair stories yet!
My hair pulls red as well. I know I need to choose a dye with a violet base.
It sounds like you found the colour you like. I can't imagine what your boyfriend thought of your bright orange hair! Did you take a picture?
Thanks for sharing your story. We can all get a good laugh at your expense. Sorry. At least I know I'm not alone!
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
3 May 08
A picture? Are you nuts?!? I wore a towel on my head while driving to pick up my boyfriend, there was no way on earth I'd let anyone see that!

@isis1212354 (36)
• United States
5 May 08
i tried to dye my hair on my own once from blond to red and i put it in and it turned pink i was so pissed i still went outside my friends laughed but no one else said anything but ti was funny
@lovespecialangel (3632)
• United States
3 May 08
I normally dye my own hair or have my husband do it for me. I did have a friend do it for me once many years ago, and it turned out to be five different shades of red with a little purple in it. It was horrible. I did get a lot of compliments on it though and had one guy ask me if it was my natural color. Of course, I looked at him as though he had just lost his mind.
@sincere4frdship (2228)
• India
3 May 08
Yes I die my hair .
I have been doing it for 2 years and haven't got any bad experience in it yet .
thanks !!!
@roniroxas (10559)
• Philippines
3 May 08
i always dye my hair, it is expensive to go to the salon for a dye. so far i have no disaster experience. maybe because since i was a teen i am the one dying my moms hair. she just tells me what to do and i just follow. i am no expert but i became one lol.
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
3 May 08
i dye my hair with henna products because i am into natural products without chemicals. and i started dying my hair in my 40s when i got gray hairs. i never had any problems yet. it looks natural on me, but colors the gray parts and gives a light all over tint. it costs $2 to $5 depending on which store you buy it at and what brand and what size. i dye my hair once a season or 4 times a year. i have fine hair so it absorbs it longer than 3 to 6 weeks. actually, henna is hair repair and conditioner, and thickens my hair a little.