The Newest Victims Of Foreclosures

@pyewacket (43903)
United States
May 2, 2008 7:27pm CST
More and more one hears the dire news of how many people can no longer live in their "dream" home...they can't make their mortgage payments and the home goes under foreclosure, but what really ticks me no end are the latest victims of foreclosure....the pets. I read this rather disturbing article over at the Best Friends website that in all to often the case, rather than being conscientious and perhaps trying to find a new home for their pets if they can't take the pet with them, they simple abandon it...leaving the pet or pets to starve...some will even resort to locking them in a closet so no one will hear their barking or meowing. Here's an excerpt from that article. {Quote} Everyday families thru out the United States are foreclosing on their homes due to financial hardship. That is nearly 2 million families in 2007. Take a rough estimate of 2 – 3 animals in a home. You do the math. Some are lucky enough to make it to a shelter but the majority is abandoned by irresponsible families. The San Francisco, CA SPCA reported that on Saturday Jan 26th they took in 33 dogs from families that were moving into rental units. In Cincinnati, OH that wasn’t the case. In May 2007, more than 60 cats were found abandoned in a foreclosed home. 20 of these cats are still foster care but a group stepped up to help out the financial costs for caring for these abandoned kitties. The group is 3 dogs and 20 birds in Lorain, OH; 24 horses in Biloxi, MS; 21 deceased Great Danes in Bradford, PA. On January 24th, 2008 the owner of the Great Danes plead guilty of animal cruelty. Did you know that it can take weeks for an animal to starve to death and there are usually scratch and bite marks on the doors and window sills from desperate attempts by these animals to get out. Some people have gone as far as locking their pets in closets as to help muffle the sounds of yelping and meowing from these desperate animals. Those who have been found abandoned are usually on the brink of starvation or maybe already dead. People think that a Realtor or the Police are right around the corner waiting and will show up the minute they leave. That is not the case. Realtors may not be on site for days to weeks, depending on how busy. Cops may not show unless there is a problem. The HSUS has a tip sheet for families that are heading into foreclosure. You can visit the HSUS site for these tips. It use to be pets were surrendered due to moving issues, but now it is due to foreclosure. Pets are brought in by families and police departments on a daily basis due to foreclosure. When you adopt a pet, this is a life long commitment. You just can't give up on your pet just because you are having financial issues. Just like a child, these animals are relying on you to care and protect them...." Link to the full article There's more to the article, especially tips on what to do with a pet if one is going through foreclosure. I'm sorry though, I can't help thinking how heartless people can be though. First, if one knows they are heading to the road to foreclosure, and maybe can't take the pet with them, shouldn't a person do everything possible? Either one, find a new residence that DOES accept pets, Two, try to find someone who will take in the pet or pets, and maybe at last resort bring the pet to a no-kill shelter. But come on, to just abandon the pet? Is that right? If a person takes in a pet in the first place that is a commitment there, a commitment to a living breathing life that has feelings...but to just abandon that animal? If that is the case, I would hope that there would be a way to track such heartless people that have abandoned their pets, leaving them behind to starve to death, and have charges brought up for animal cruelty. What's your opinion? If you faced foreclosure, would you do everything possible for that pet of yours..either to find a new place that accepts pets or give the pet to a new loving home? Do you think people that just abandon pets like this should be punished for animal cruelty?
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28 responses
@jairgirl (2877)
• United States
4 May 08
hello pye, that is such a horrible thing to do to an animal, i am an animal lover and environmentalist and stories like this really breaks my heart. i cant believe people do crap like this. i can understand that the foreclosure if really bad but do they really have to let a life suffer coz of this, if they cant take care of the animal then at least bring them to a place where they can be taken cared of or look for someone who can take care of them. i had to leave out turtle and fishes in china coz we cannot bring them here as it is against the law so i just look for a family who loves pets and my husband and i buy him at least a 6 months food and all extra equipment they need to help the pets. i tried to communicate with them now but they never reply to my emails so i can only hope they are happy out there. anyway, my husband and i loves life and we have talked already that no matter what happened our pets are our family and if we have to half our food for them to survive we will do it coz they are family too. no one should be left out in our family and if in case we cant really take care of them we will make sure we find them a nice home that can take care of them better than we do. regarding to people who thinks cruelty to animal is nothing, i honestly feel that it is either they are fine to whatever abuse they cost the animal OR they be put on jail OR they have to take a community service where they have to take care abused pets and give them some love. i know it will be hard to facilitate such thing but i hope our government (and everywhere in this world) will do something about it coz we all need each other and harming animals is not the answer nor will make life easy. reason why i feel hunting should be illegal as well. oh well. takecare!
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
4 May 08
I'm glad to know you are an animal lover too, and for the two of us it just doesn't make sense when we hear stories like this of people who just abandon their pets in ANY why can't these people make arrangements to find new homes for the pets or someone who will look after them? And yes, most people will view their pets as part of the family, but I guess people who just abandon pets don't. I think laws should be made to find people like this who abandon their pets and file charges of abuse against them
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@jairgirl (2877)
• United States
5 May 08
i really hope the government will do something about it to correct such mistake. i am happy to know that lately there are more and more people who is being more aware of protecting animals. we all need each other to protect one another and animals look after use to take care and love them. anyway, we can only give awareness regarding this matter and hope one day it will be solve somehow. takecare and good night!
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
3 May 08
I started a discussion on this a few months ago. I had read an article, I believe on Fox News regarding this. People leave their animals locked in the homes only to have the people from the bank find them. Sometimes they do not come quick enough. Often the animals are left with no food or water and eat the dry wall!
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
3 May 08
I think the whole thing is so heartless, don't you? These are living breathing souls, how can people do this, just leave them like that?
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
3 May 08
Heartless. I just do not understand how people can have a pets for years, take care of it, love it and then leave? WTF? Would you do that to your kids? That is why that darn pedigree commercial gets me so upset.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
3 May 08
I think that is totally horrible and yes they should be punished somehow by the law, if they loved their animals they could never just abandon them like that. You are not a pet owner only when times are good, but your a responsible pet owner always.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
3 May 08
Yes winterose, if one takes in a pet there is a commitment involved with that animal's life and one should never abandon it
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@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
3 May 08
It certainly is not the pet's fault that things are hard. Foreclosures are certainly not an excuse to abandon them. It's not something that falls of the sky in one day and that you have to leave in the next. People have to know they might happen and plan accordingly as much as it is complicated and even painful. I would certainly find a place for my pets and if I couldn't I would have to plan my new place within the allow pets at least for a while. Worse comes to worse I would ask a family member to keep them until I could find something. That failing I would just have to come up with another plan because I would not leave them behind just like that. Pets are pets, I know that, but they are also part of our family and not to be abandoned under any circumstances.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
4 May 08
I know...if people know their home is going to foreclosure status it isn't like an overnight CAN plan what actions to take especially in trying to find a new home for the pet if they can't take it with them. You're so right..I think of my two cats as my fact now they really ARE the only family I have...I could never abandon them
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@morgandrake (2136)
• United States
3 May 08
One of the reasons that I am feeding so many cats is that we inherited a couple of cats (actually it turned out to be a whole feral colony) when we brought the house. People abandon pets all the time. A neighbor across the street moved out, left the cat, and then was supposed three months later when the cat did not want to go with him. Three months in the cold, I won't trust him either. There are a ton of stories about this issue. It is really sad. And yes, I think those who abandon their pets should be punished. My pets have moved three times with me; there is always a way to keep them; you just have to be willing to do it.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
3 May 08
One common story you hear in my area is how people who no longer want pets take them in their cars to a strange neighborhood to dump them. So many think animals can "survive" on there can they if they've been in a safe environment then just dumped somewhere to fend on their own like that?
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@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
3 May 08
While I agree that it's very sad, I don't believe the pets are victims of foreclosure. They are victims of owners that aren't doing the right thing by them. There has been an occasion or two when I had no choice but to give up my pets, but they always went to a friend, a rescue organization or shelter. Foreclosure is devastating, to say the least. But it is NOT an excuse for abandoning your pets. Nor is it the fault of the government, banking institutions, higher gas prices or anything else you might want to blame it on.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
3 May 08
This reminds me of how infuriated I was when I heard of all the pets that were abandoned during Katrina...I mean even in some kind of natural disaster like that I would just think of saving my life but the life of my pets as well
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
3 May 08
this one is a mind blower I would never move into a place that wouldnt take my dogs and I had plenty of places like that! now some places will take thos ankle bitters but nothing over 20 pounds stupid they can make just about a big of a mess o a place than a bigger animal. I really thik the government should step in and stop these foreclosures make the banks take lower payments to help out the familys that have alot of money tied up into these houses and then the pet abandament would stop. Dont know what to do with the people that has to give up thier pets its a shame!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
4 May 08
that gets me too. and riding around the other day I noticed some old motels all boarded up and that seemed un real for they were always full go figure
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
4 May 08
Yes that "reasoning" that places won't take big dogs is asinine really...small dogs can make just as much of a mess. I really wish the govt. would step in and help people more so there wouldn't be so many foreclosures--the realty business/industry is really lousy and can't understand why more homes are being built when there are already so many available
@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
3 May 08
You know, this foreclosure thing is really horrible. I know a few people who've lost their houses because they just can't afford it. In 2 years our interest-only ARM expires and unless we do something - and the rates drop a bit - we're going to be in a world of hurt also. OK, yes, it's our own fault, we took the gamble and lost - unless it changes in a year and a half - but who'da thought this would happen??? But, as for the pets... My dog comes with me. There is NO WAY I'd leave her. I remember when my x had to move and he tried laying the guilt trip on me because I couldn't take his dog (well, it was the kids dog at his house). I mean, c'mon, I was a single mom, had a teeny, tiny house with a nothing yard and one dog already. There is no way I could take another dog, although I know it broke my kids hearts to see the dog go to someone else. We were very fortunate that he did find a loving home for the dog, but I would never had considered a "no pets" place to live if I had a pet!
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@reinydawn (11643)
• United States
12 May 08
I just couldn't imagine leaving her - even though I'm pretty sure we'll make it though this whole mess...
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
3 May 08
Well my prayers go to you that you can continue to manage to live in your home. If I had to leave my place I would make sure I found another that accepted pets as well, I could never think of just abandoning my two "babies"
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
10 May 08
Some people are naive _
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
15 May 08
You're so right there...some people really don't deserve to have pets if they don't take in consideration to find anyway possible to either take the pet with them or be responsible and try and find another home...but to just leave it is so cruel
@ElicBxn (63790)
• United States
3 May 08
I think they ought to be charged. I could wish more people were responsible. As irking as it was to end up with 9 cats because people couldn't keep them or wouldn't find a rental that would allow pets, at least they cared enough to bring them to me.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
3 May 08
Yes I know...knowing a lot of pet rescuers I know for a fact that no pet rescuer wants to take in more pets, but at least someone is willing to do that rather than just abandon pets.
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• United States
7 Jun 08
we paid off the mortgage on the house we live in, and have not had to do anything in that area for either miss pusser (late first cat) or now miss precious ( who we have adopted.)
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• United States
3 May 08
this gives me chills whenever i hear of it happening- one of the places i rented from,the other tenants did a rescue of a cat after call upon call to the landlord. the guy upstairs adopted the cat,and was major pissed the people never even asked anybody to take it.4 different families were interested,the cat was lucky. it's definetly can't just leave an animal like that.i'm sure in some cases,it is stupidity thinking someone will "find" it,but in others.. locking them in the closet!? oh my god.that's beyond awful:( if i faced foreclosure?i'd carry that cat on my shoulders if i had to before i'd abandon it.i'd make sure he got a home.
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• United States
4 May 08
i know. same thing with storm evacuations.. my pet isn't welcome at the shelter?i'm not going foundation is solid granite and higher than the shelters.we stay here.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
4 May 08
Yes to Nutcase animal lovers like us we would never think of just abandoning our furbabies like that--we do think of them as our children. Makes you wonder...why did these types of people bother getting pets at all if they weren't going to make a real commitment to them and that would include taking the pet with them even in a foreclosure situation
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• United States
4 May 08
Very touchy subject. I hate that people do this. I know why and it's not a excuse. But I know why. They should be responsible. I believe they are for what their actions are but, often if they are loosing a house more trouble won't help them either. I don't think they should be free to not handle the responsiblity they took when they took the animal either. I wish the forclosure/mortgage company would along with all the other notices add info on the animals that the forclosed on may have. Such as a reminder they are not to leave a animal. They must do one of the following and give people a list with each of those notices that warn, progress with forclosure. I am sure it would NOT stop this from happening but it may curtail it some. They could do it, since it's a responsible thing to do especially since there is so much going on now. Further You would think they would have begun this practice long ago. Since Katrina You would think that with the knowledge they have NOW they could prepare for animal rescue NOW as well since it WAS a issue proven to be a problem then. So as to NOT have that disaster be more devastating in the wake of devastation already. Why must mortgage companies/banks/lien holders wait for legislation to demand action on them to come around to the point of improving their customer/consumer problems BEFORE the problem is smeared on the paper/news for all to feel like they should have done something differently rather than have government draw up more laws to address practices that could have been implimented as a responsible company would do without force/law to make them? I am not saying it's their job but if they just took it we wouldn't have to make laws to combat problems that become obvious need addressing since they don't do anything without prodding. I am a landlord as well and my properties (2) have homeowners insurance. One I noticed on the paperwork once said no animals allowed. But I allow animals anyhow. I just now require a additional deposit for 1/2 a months rent. Excessive? I think NOT since animals can cause more damage in 1 year (average) if not cared for and cleaned up after properly. Tough on prospective renters? Definately but I have to protect myself if homeowners insurance goes up.... or.... damage is DONE. Someone has to make the first move. Will it be government? Or Lenders??
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
4 May 08
That would be an added plus that if a home is going into foreclosure status that a stipulation should be added that if the homeowners had a pet or pets, that they can't just abandon them. I've also heard stories too, that some people literally "trash" a home in vengeance before leaving it and that's not right it? No I don't think an additional deposit of 1/2 months rent you charge for pets coming in is excessive--actually sounds very reasonable
2 people like this
• United States
3 May 08
This is so sad. I can't imagine leaving my pets behind. I am not facing foreclosure (Thank God) but I still can't imagine leaving my family behind. I never really thought that people would be so cruel but I guess when you are already faced with trying times of your own one of the last things you think of are pets. I also realize that a lot of landlords do not allow pets but there are some out that will. I am a landlord and I think I would allow a small animal. I have an upstairs apartment with only one bedroom that I rent out and I can't see having a large dog up there. I am all for helping people out whenever I can and I always try to see the best solution. I would think there are farms out there that can take in another dog or cat.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
4 May 08
Mmmm...I don't know where you are, and I'm glad to see that while being a landlord you don't have a strick no pet clause,..or at least will work something out if a person does have a in NYC area even in no-pet clause apts there is a law that if a person moves in and openly has a pet for at least three months, the landlord can't ask the person to give up their pet...and of course provided it's not making a real nuisance to others But despite a person facing trying times like a foreclosure you would think the people would make some arrangements to find another place for the pet rather than just abandoning it like that
• United States
4 May 08
I live in Wisconsin, so We do have a lot of farms and larger open spaces than you do in New York. This makes it much easier to find a home for an animal. I doubt that I would not notice a person with a large animal living right above me. I probably would allow the dog to live out in the yard if they provided the dog house and cleaned up afterr it.
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@Adelida2233 (1005)
• United States
9 May 08
Thank you for posting this article. It really brings sheds light on why there are huge amounts of animals in shelters now. I can't imagine just leaving a pet in my home like that. Obviously if the furniture you got out is more important than the pet, you should not be able to have animals. In the city that I live in (Richmond, VA), if you are convicted of a crime against an animal(such as abuse, abandonment, etc), you can no longer purchase a pet in this state. (Obviously there are still ways to purchases one without it being a trackable transaction, but it is a step in the right direction). I hope that a law like this can be passed nationwide, and based on the names on the deed to the houses with the abandoned pets, that they will be punished. At least let the animal out to fend for itself and at least have a chance and finding a better home. Thanks also for posting the adoption website, I'm pleased that the majority of the pets have found new homes, that is a good sign and I hope the cats have found wonderful new, caring homes
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
9 May 08
I know people seem to place more importance over their furniture then their pets. I'm glad to hear that they have such a law in your area that a person can't have another pet if they formerly abused a pet..and that would be great if that did become a nationwide thing
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@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
3 May 08
This is so Crazy. We know someone who was always leaving their cats to claw up the place and never had anyone to look after them. We never did hear what happened to her Cats when her place was foreclosed on, but we always hope they got a Good home. Why would people stoop this low even when there are places that could help, or should be places out there that would help. Problem is, when people end up in situations like this, a lot of time, they forget about their pets, or think nothing about leaving them behind just to save themselves. Maybe someday somewhere, more can be done to have this STOP happening in the end.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
4 May 08
I just can't understand why people would leave their pets behind though...would they leave their children behind? Don't these people think of their pets as part of the family? I know I do think of my two cats as my "babies"
• United States
3 May 08
Yes i would ,there's no reason to hurt these animals. They are good therapy pals, I've had a dog with me since i could remember, so for those that leave their friends behind shame on you.I wonder what it does to the childern. There's laws that exist to punish this type of crime the problem is finding the guilty.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
4 May 08
Unfortunately the laws aren't strong enough for pets...they are still considered as nothing more than maybe the laws need to change
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
3 May 08
That is just shameful, pyewacket! How could anyone treat a beloved pet in such a manner? I find the whole thing very disturbing because it is a reflection on people in general. They have become so engrossed in self that they can't be bothered to do the right thing where the animals are concerned. It is too sad.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
4 May 08
It is shameful worldwise. As you know I, like so many here at MyLot think of our pets as our babies, and most would do everything possible to make other arrangements to find homes if we couldn't take our furbabies with's unfortunate that all too many people get pets and just don't commit themselves to that pet
@di1159 (1580)
• United States
3 May 08
I've seen several reports on this in the last few days. Why anyone would leave an animal like that is unimanginable. If they can't take the animal, your local vet will take him in or an animal shelter will at least try to find them another home. In our area, we have been asked to stay alert when we see abandoned homes and asked to call the realtor or selling agent if we suspect that a pet has been left inside. I don't think that's too much ask. I hope people will think a bit before they do something of that nature.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
4 May 08
That's great that you have such an "alert" thing about abandoned homes to check to see if there are abandoned pets as well...wish more places would adopt that attitude.
@gemini_rose (16264)
3 May 08
Too right they should be punished for animal cruelty, that is disgraceful. I could never ever abandon my pets like that, leaving them to starve it is disgusting. I had a dog when I was 18, she was a stray off the streets, I was pregnant at the time and I had to go into homeless housing accomodation and I was not allowed to take her with me, she was only 5 months old. I was heartbroke there was no way I was putting her in a home or worse as someone suggested putting her back on the streets where she came from!! No way, I went round everyone I knew and asked if they could have her for a while, and I found someone and I used to go and see her everyday and take her food around everyweek for the week and take her for a walk and I did this until I managed to get a house. There were times in my life then that I could not afford hardly anything, I was pregnant and had no money, when I got money getting my dogs food was first on my list, even if it meant me going without. I do not know how people can do that to an animal that is supposed to be a part of their family, and has relied on them for love and food and warmth and then ends up locked in a cupboard and left to starve, what must go through that animals mind, it breaks my heart.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
4 May 08
It makes you wonder why people get pets to begin with if they aren't going to make the commitment in taking care of the pet no matter what, they wouldn't abandon their children, would they? Maybe it's time the laws changed and pets were recognized as more than just property which they still are. That was wonderful of you how you took care of that dog and made sure she had a temporary home to stay until you managed to get a home of your own...too bad more people don't think the way you or I would when it comes to our beloved "babies"
• United States
3 May 08
That is just so sad. Did these people not love or care for their animals when they left them? How could anyone do that? Or perhaps they knew someone would find them and would know what to do with them? Perhaps it was done out of despair and not out of hate? But that's hard to imagine. I hope the people who left them were prosecuted (not that they need anymore issues, but still!)
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
4 May 08
From the sound of it, no, I don't think these people really cared for their pets....if they did they wouldn't just abandon them like that...they would try to find a new home for the pet somehow--and yes, it would be great to prosecute people like this for just abandoning their pets this way