surviving in the fish tank!

May 2, 2008 10:13pm CST
i bought a fish tank few weeks ago... i had 9 fishes then.... slowly my fishes started dying... and now the number's reduced to 4.... wht do i do to keep my fishes healthy and alive..??? its hardly a month and i am facing such great crisis.!! or can anyone suggest me fishes which can survive better than others..!! i had 2 sharks,1 sucker,1 molly,2 kissing gorami,1 tinfield barb,and 2 gold fish. now only 1 shark, 1 sucker, 1 kissing gorami and 1 molly is alive! guys please help me out!
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2 responses
• United States
4 May 08
I would just keep the fish in there and keep checking the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate until the ammonia and nitrite go to zero and then start to do regular weekly 20 to 25% water changes with dechlorinated water of the same temp. When you do a water change make sure to vacuum the bot ton so that you get rid of the uneaten foods and the fish droppings (fish poo). (If you have any house plants or garden plants use this water to water them with.)
• India
4 May 08
how do i chech the ammonia, nitrate and nitrite levels???
• United States
5 May 08
Pet shops sell test kits for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and pH. Or a lot of stores will test these things for you . Take a sample of water in a clean glass gar to your local fish store and have then test it for you.
@Fishmomma (11376)
• United States
3 May 08
Goldfish are cold water fish and should never be put in a tank with a molly, which is a fresh water fish that likes a warm temperature. How large is your tank? Does it have a heater and what temperature is it set?
• India
3 May 08
my tank is 2 foot large... and it doesnt have a heater... actually the temperature here now is about 35-40 degrees so i dont think heater is needed for the moment!