What crime did Sadam do against USA ?
By BigMouth
@BigMouth (335)
22 responses
@wrcurtisjr (376)
• United States
3 Nov 06
This is not about Sadam this is about the fact that we as Americans believe we need to save everyone. Sometimes we get blinded by that and allow our President's to speak for us from the beginning and then when we don't like it speak up later. I don't think we should have gone in without complete agreement of the United Nations. Sadam needed to leave that country for the future of the country but should the US have gone in and done i themselves...NO!
As for Osama it is a touchy subject.

@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
3 Nov 06
The trouble is.. is terrorism expanded by 50% (50%!) in the 90's. These folks are serious.. if we, as political parties, just keep squabbling over, and cursing the war against terrorism, these folks will rise up among us.. right now, it's working better for them to raise money here, among us, and quietly recruit, in our prisons, and streets, etc..
...in the meantime, their propaganda keeps convincing us we deserve whatever it is they plan.. us.. or our children..
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@soonergirl980 (261)
• United States
3 Nov 06
oh I dont disagree with you one bit on that one. I firmly believe we let it get to far because we did not stop it in the 90's. With the first attack on the WTC and the attack on the U.S.S. Cole and so many others we should have been there along time ago.
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@billysbabe (578)
• United States
3 Nov 06
Never mind the USA what about the crimes he commited against his OWN people, EVIL man , deserves to die and let GOD hand out his judgement.
@i_agree_but (1183)
• United Arab Emirates
5 Nov 06
More than 550,000 people are killed in Iraq because of US lead invasion. Who can put an enquiry against Bush and Blair? Saddam is innocent. US has no legitimate right to hang him.
@soonergirl980 (261)
• United States
3 Nov 06
if you really believe more people have been killed since saddam has left power then before you should do some research. Also, most of the killing over there since the war has started has been done by other islamic radicals from places like Iran and Saudia Arabia not by the U.S.
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@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
3 Nov 06
Saddam killed 800,000 Kurds alone..
I think it is (unknowingly) in the psyche of human beings, that we can make 'world peace' with despots and dictators, if we just let them finish their genocides first.. but such a thing is impossible..
Saddm sent his top nuclear scientist to Niger.. twice. -[That was the true scandal.. what were their names? it all ended up with Scooter Libby being 'canned' but the true scandal was the covering up of the fact Saddam was in the 90's seeking spent uranium, which is Niger's only product..
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@kesfylstra (1868)
• United States
3 Nov 06
In World War II the world complained that the US sat around until the threat was at their front door. Now we take initative and remove a monster from a seat of power, a man who has committed genocide, has defied international law, and had no intention of being a good guy to anyone, especially the US. And again, the world complains about it. I think they just like to complain because they are envious of our super-power status.

@BigMouth (335)
• India
3 Nov 06
What exactly is a super power?!We are super power because we have WMD and nuclear weaponary and we have the best of all weaponary...
but when somebody tries to make a similar beginning tht guy becomes the bad guy?!NAME A COUNTRY THAT IS CONSIDER A SUPER POWER WITHOUT HAVING WEAPONS?? i cant think of...
so who is gaining...? the common people? definitely not... and our soldiers are just puppets for people in power... for Bush to send them to Iraq... and for Kerry to laugh at the Soldiers ...
Then there is the Pearl Harbor and WTC story on whos dunnit... the ultimate loser is ordinary people not those who send people to kill or establish peace by violence...
How many politicians have sent their children to Iraq to 'fight for our country?'
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@soonergirl980 (261)
• United States
3 Nov 06
ITA before the war many people compared Saddam to Hitler.
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@soonergirl980 (261)
• United States
3 Nov 06
I'll have to find the data but if you look at the stats. More politicians have sent family members than the average citizen per capita. Not actual numbers because that would be impossible but percentage wise yes they have. And sorry soldiers are not blind puppets that is almost as bad as saying their stupid.
@varunvij (255)
• India
2 Nov 06
he did no crime...
i like him a lot because he became the nightmare for both Bush Sr and bush Jr and the so called super power......He is a warriror and he showed the world how a small country can rub the balls of the super power..... The result was obvious but look at the pain which Bush's gave to fellow Americans as well as iraqians........
Now these buggers are not quitting frm iraq....there eyes are on Iraqian Oil fields...... he has been dethroned and shud be exhiled but he has not done wrong....
Ultimate Criminal is US..who for its own lust for power are not quitting...Iraq and Afghanistan
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@soonergirl980 (261)
• United States
3 Nov 06
wow obviously you were never under the rule of this cruel dictator.
@firelight (1858)
• Australia
5 Nov 06
i think you need to read what you have written then go slap yourself upside the head and rethink before you make a fool of yourself. killing hundreds of thousands of people is doing no wrong you live in an unruly country
@wantaferrari (142)
• India
3 Nov 06
Hey I perfectly know taht there are many saddam apologists here, but i think its just idiotic to support a man who has committed unforgivable crimes against humanity....did the US have to kill him is another arguement, but then the USA always like to get up other countries noses dont they?
@vipul20044 (5793)
• India
4 Nov 06
Terrorism has caught its extreme roots throught the world, that Even if saddam or osama arent too prevailant then too terrorism will preveal
Saddam did a crime of being a terrorist, scaring US with arsenals and all
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@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
5 Nov 06
No, I don't think Saddam did any crime as such to the US (or the other countries involved in the coup) except, probably, to endorse terrorism by certain groups (including Al Qaida) towards the West.
That, however, is not the crime he was charged with. Once he has been hung, it will be impossible for him to defend himself against any further charges and so it will be unjust to make any allegations to that effect.
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@mlmpeople (777)
• India
6 Nov 06
I think Saddam did crime agaist his own Muslim brothers.America came to rescue those innocent muslimes.That turned out to be a war.
@BigMouth (335)
• India
6 Nov 06
Sadam is NOT innocent... but is BUSH innocent? I do not know... you tell me... I have heard that Father Bush (US-CIA) is the one who supplied arms to Bin Laden in the initial stages to fight against USSR and it later turned out once USSR was over.. Bin Laden started his own games.... Is it true?
@sinfulsparrow (125)
• United States
3 Nov 06
I think both. Saddam has done crimes against ALL people, not just Americans. Same with Osama and his views on Christians.
What you're forgetting is that it's not an issue of "America vs the world", but religion. Christianity and Judaism vs. Islam -- which, by the way, is one of the newest, far-reaching religions out there.
Somebody always has to one-up the other guy. "My beliefs are better. Yours are wrong."
@BigMouth (335)
• India
3 Nov 06
"The common man" be it Iraq or be it in US are sufferers of the war.
Nobody can say all the people of Iraq are bad (especially since even US people are there right now)....
Why should we (US) poke our nose into somebody else's problem ? Why is the UN then ?
BAD PEOPLE SHOULD BE KILLED, but let our innocent US soldiers die... is not obvious that the fight is about oil...
@soonergirl980 (261)
• United States
3 Nov 06
I totally agree with you not all people in Iraq are bad thats why they didn't deserve what Saddam was doing to them and thats why if for no other reason, which I believe that in the 23 days before the war yes he did ship all his WMD to Syria, we should have taken him out a long time ago.

@sabrinam (1203)
• United States
4 Nov 06
Saddam harbored the terrorists including Osama that terrorized the US. Osama killed thousands of innocent people from all over the world that were in the world trade center buildings, the US isn't the only country that should've reacted to that atrocity. Not to mention the hell Saddam put his own people through. People do not deserve to have to live under rule like that.
@exchange (947)
• Australia
6 Nov 06
sadam breathed some air!
america tried to get sadam in the past and fail, america does not like to show that they cannot win so they let sadam go for another time
osama is another example
he was hard to find and could not be found so they swept that war under the carpet and went after sadam
osama will be safe from the americans for a while now
american went to the middle east to stop terrorism but they left the terrorist leader alive hmmm were is the logic?
@infoholics (492)
• India
4 Nov 06
don`t fight guys .beleive in God .He has punishment list for all those who goes against humanity.
@working4theweekend (2403)
• United States
6 Nov 06
I think Saddaam killed thousands of innocent people, and I think Osama is just as bad. However, on the other side of the spectrum, I think that the U.S. should leave Iraq and Afghanistan. Obviously, the Middle East has been fighting for years, and whether the U.S. is there or not, it's not going to stop. So why should we get involved? I think we should kill Osama for bombing the world trade center, hang saddaam and then get out of there, and stay out of it. We shouldn't have gone in the first place, they are going to fight no matter what we do, and until the Iraqi government realizes they will have to govern themselves (instead of letting the U.S. do it) there will be no improvements.
@BeachBaby (815)
• United States
5 Nov 06
what are you trying to do? start a war on here.. jeepers!! You had to have known this was going to cause issues.. you are retarded to think that he didnt do anything! READ