Can a house dislike the people who live in it?
By gemini_rose
@gemini_rose (16264)
May 3, 2008 3:58pm CST
I fell in love with my house the moment I saw it, I felt that my house hated me on sight. I have never felt comfortable completely in my house and many strange things have happened. In fact from the moment I moved in, everything went wrong for me in life.
Of course it is not the time to go into all the details of this, but I wondered is it possible for a house to dislike the people or a person in it?
It is warmer outside my house than inside, honestly when I am outside the house it is lovely and warm but as soon as I come inside within minutes I am freezing, it is only in 2 rooms of the house that I feel this, does anyone know why this could be?
Is it possible to cleanse a house of old residues of the past, could it be this that makes this house seem so unfriendly?
I love my house and want to feel happy in it, but I just do not and I do not know what it is, so if anyone has any dealings with things out of the ordinary, things like this then any knowledge that you have would be greatly appreciated!!!
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14 responses
@ellie333 (21016)
4 May 08
Hi, I have read all the responses so far and you have been given some really good advice here. I am sorry to hear that you feel uncomfortable in your own home. I have recently experienced an unease here at my home where I have a feeling of being watched and a fair amount of other activity too. I have sought advice and Tessah was extremely helpful over another issue that I was experiencing.
I didn't choose my house, I was housed but if I were able to have a choice I would definately find out the real reasons for it being sold for example if the previous residents werehaving relationship problems if house not cleansed of their energy it could start affecting your own, or if they struggled financially, same scenario. This is only my opinion though.
I remember years ago when I was househunting for a house with my husband at the time I went into one house with the estate agent and felt immediately unwelcome and I just came out with that the lady didn't want us to buy it. My husband elbowed me and told me to shut up but the estate agent sided with me and said no she doesn't seem to want families with small children to buy for some reason. That shut my husband up. LOL.
I really hope you get yours cleansed and sorted so that you will be able to enjoy. I don't think I'd like the idea of someone farting and brushing past the bed!
Ellie :D
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@gemini_rose (16264)
4 May 08
I swear that is the funniest thing that has ever happened, you had to be there to appreciate it but we must have looked so comical trying to work out who had done it. I still get the giggles now when I think of it!! I have had some good advice with this one and I need it because I have tried to talk to my Mum about it before but she just rubbishes it off, but it is not just the feelings that I have there are other things too, things that went wrong from the moment we moved in. But thanks for your input on this, much appreciated.
@megumiart (3771)
• United States
3 May 08
There's a lot of reasons why your house can be seemingly "mean" to you; there can be things that need to be fixed internally like plumbing or insulation, or there could be spirits of people actually in the house. There are a few different types of spirits, some are good, some are annoying and a few are evil. It's possible to get rid of them, but i think it would be best to consult a psychic or some one who nows a lot about houses like a carpenter or plumber to see if you can debunk you problem. :]
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@gemini_rose (16264)
4 May 08
I know that it is not the plumbing or the heating, the rest of the house I am warm in, it is just two rooms that I feel cold in, and I mean chilled to the bone.
@mummymo (23706)
3 May 08
Honey anything is possible! I know though that in my living room it is always colder inside than out - sometimes even with the heating on yet I do not feel uncomfortable so maybe it is different altogeher. Have you thought of speaking to a priest or minister as I know that they sometimes do this type of cleansing! I do hope that you get the problem sorted out so you can live happily and comfortably in your own home! xxx
@gemini_rose (16264)
4 May 08
I feel daft though speaking to someone about it, it is just probably me and not the house at all!!
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@mummymo (23706)
4 May 08
Well zukepr you may well know more than me but I thought it could be a spirit not resting and a blessing from a clergyman could be effective in helping the spirit to get peace!
You know most of the clergy would not be fazed in the least if you talked to them about this rose sweety! It is just all I could think of off the top of my head! xxx

@anawar (2404)
• United States
7 May 08
I would guess the last occupants left behind some negative energy.
Or, maybe something bad happened there and the souls involved remain attached for reasons unknown.
I've lived in houses where I know I'm considered an ememy or an interloper. I know the emotions of the people before me are lingering in certain rooms, and I dread going in there.
I know how I cleared things up, but it's kind of weird to talk about it here.
It has to do with a combination of crystals, rearrangement of furniture, candles, spoken words, blessings, asking the presence to move on and let me live there in peace.
Sometimes the presence is so strong, I bring things from nature into the house. Fresh dirt works, it indicates new growth. There are things you can find that a spirit will attach to, rather than stay in the house from their past.
Okay, this is getting way to weird, and because I can't give you exact details, I might not be helping at all!
@gemini_rose (16264)
7 May 08
What you say does make sense, I should try and ask it to move on and let me have peace, I did this before in another house that really did have a presence and it worked there.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
4 May 08
objects hold the energy thats been infused into them.. so it is quite possible that yer house feels icky if the people who lived there before you werent very nice people that housed lots of negative energies. you can try cleansing the entire perimeter and each room individually. sage works well.. so does just regular cleaning with the intent of removing all negativity as you remove the dust thats cluttered up. the house i live in was so terrible before that itd make me feel ill. my husband and i have stated redoing the entire place and making it "ours" and as each room is done.. we do the sage thing, and the atmosphere in the room changes dramatically. if this doesnt do the trick, you might have an inhabitant that you really dont want to be there anymore.. rid it, and recleanse. remind whatever is there that it is YOUR house now, not theres, and they/it/whatever doesnt belong there. if none of these suggestions work.. gimme a hollar, i might be able to assist further. good luck 

@gemini_rose (16264)
4 May 08
Thanks for your input there tessah it is much appreciated. We have only just been able to get to the point where we can start to do some decorating in the rooms, we recently did one room but now that you have mentioned sage I will give it a go on the room I just did. Hopefully it will work, I will also try to tell the house kindly that it is our house. If it does not work then you will hear from me soon!!
@tessah (6617)
• United States
5 May 08
smudgng an area thats still filthy with not only negative energies, but clutter, will not do any good either.. as she goes from room to room claiming the space as her own, and smudging as she goes.. the entire house will become "clean". if there is more than residual negativity from the previous occupants.. itll take more than simple sage to rid it. eliminate one possible before jumping to another.
@jer31558 (3683)
• United States
5 May 08
I have seen similiar things on tv, like on discovery channel. They would look back into the history of the house, or possibly even the history of the land the house sits on. In most every case, the house was cleansed so to speak. They usually started by hiring someone involved with paranormal activity, usually more specifically psychic abilities to check the house. This may or may not help, but i wish you the best of luck with your house.
@gemini_rose (16264)
6 May 08
Thank you for trying to help, every little bit of advise that I am given helps, I love this house and I want to be happy here, if I have to live here a bit longer I want to enjoy it at least!!
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
4 May 08
If you believe in it then it is possible to have a house cleansing. You can find people on the net that specialize in this. Homes with cellars will tend to have this coldness, damp basements etc will do it as well.
@gemini_rose (16264)
4 May 08
We do not have a basement or a cellar, thank goodness, those things terrify me!!
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
4 May 08
Hi gemini_rose! I have heard so much about this kind of circumstances and personally, I have a gut feeling that our old house has never liked us too. We have this old house that belongs to my father. I grew up there but since we have moved there, a lot of misfortunes and bad things have been happening to us. I have personally experienced smelling candles and flowers when we are all in the living room or when I am alone on the 2nd floor of our home. I will hear footsteps and people who passes by our house says that they see an old tall man always walking in our front yard. We have a prayer vigil regularly in our house and we have it even blessed by a priest but nothing seems to work. We still suffer misfortunes. I wish to move my father to another place but he does not want to. I even asked him that he sells the house but he won't hear it. He does not believe that it is the house that made us suffer. I just also wish that our bad luck will stop coming. I heard that there are people who can drive bad spirits away in the house but I can't afford their services. I am just praying that soon it will be over. Just my thoughts dear friend. Take care and have a nice day! 

@gemini_rose (16264)
4 May 08
Nothing went right in this house from the day I moved here, it is such a beautiful house. Thanks for sharing your experiences with me.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
4 May 08
I simply am not sure but we moved into a house that had many
odd things happen and am not sure if it was the house or just
the circumstaces in our life right then. Doors would fly shut for no reason. drawers would pop out for no reason. a knife'flew across the room. venetion blinds would suddenly go up. At this time my husband was diagnosed with cancer of the colon.
He had to have a colostomy done. my son was about seven and i
think he was really worried about my husband.Rooms in our house would be freezing when it was ninty.
All these weird things only happened when my son was at home.
and they all stopped when my husband came home from the hospital. From all I have read this was the work of a poltergeist. and would not happen but where a teenager was who
was troubled about something
@gemini_rose (16264)
4 May 08
Yes I have heard a lot of things about poltergeist activity being linked to troubled children. It must have been really strange though to have that going on as well as everything else.
@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
4 May 08
hmm... some people use blessed salt in areas near the home, holy water in doorways, smudging with sage to cleanse the home and even the blessing of a priest to purify the home... All of these have been known to work.
@teddyfer007 (197)
• Philippines
4 May 08
yeah, i guess it can...when the house starts to deteriorate without any cause or reason..maybe its because the house doesn't like the people living in it.
@Valenas (1507)
• United States
5 Jun 08
I do not think that a HOUSE can dislike the people, but entities can. Maybe get an expert to find out what is in the house. Take a dominant attitude in your house. It is your house. The cold may be a spirit drawing from the energy. I am not religious, but maybe a religious cleansing, if you believe.
@dawyka3 (34)
• United States
10 May 09
its not the house that hates you its called an imprint someething really bad happened there before and it left its energy the house keeps playing the bad event over and over again and you start to see and hear strange things