have you tried playing "spirit of the coin/glass"?
By checapricorn
@checapricorn (16060)
United States
May 4, 2008 3:17pm CST
I want to know how many people here have tried these game and what are your experiences/lessons learned from doing it?
I have tried "spirit of the coin" together with my 8 board mates. It was very funny since that time we all had our rosary hanging in our neck since we are all scared to do it.
After 5 minutes, 1 of our board mates stopped and she is a nun now. She was not comfortable and was tired at the same time, waiting the coin to move. To make my story short,we were able to do it, we were so excited to raise questions and with our surprise, it really loves to the different letter we have prepared in order to form a word as his answer.
We were hesitant to believe at first and each of us will remind each other not to push the coin, but, it was moving so fast and answering questions. With our names, he was able to answer it but to events that we are asking, it didn't happen at all!
Have you tried doing this? What was your experience? Do you think really that it was a spirit who made the coin move? or believe that in a way, once people will concentrate, we will make things possible?
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21 responses
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
5 May 08
what is that game I never heard of it, is it like the ouija board, when it answered your questions, I don't understand did you say that answer were wrong or right?
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
5 May 08
thank you for your explanation, sounds like just the people there were maybe moving the coin just to have fun.
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
5 May 08
You're welcome winterose! I'm not sure really! Take care!
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@_mIrAnA_ (1)
31 Dec 09
ahM, We trIed iT aLso., iM a yOung gUrL., bUt i wanT tO be a pArAnOrmAl expErt., i trIed pLayIng thE spIrIt of thE cOIN., wiTh mY frendS., aftEr thE laSt questIon we aSk,., thE gUrL shOweD uP to alL of uS.,.,. shEs a whIte LAdy buT dIsApeAred bEfOre oUr verY eyEs.,.,. I WiLl Do IT AGeN ANd AGeN., To LEARn MANy THINGs BoUT THeM

@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
5 May 08
Yeah, I did play both the games of spirit of the coin and spirit of the basket during my middle school days. It was weird that the coin could move very fast as we just rested our fingers lightly on it. To our astonishment it always stopped in front of the correct answers when questions were asked.
Children here are forbidden to play such scary game as there was a frightening case about the spirit of the coin refused to go in back to the coin again but to attach itself to one of the boys who had played the game. The 14 years old boy was complained that he was not courteous when playing the game. He never asked for any excuse and simply let his finger to take off straight away from the moving coin. The coin stopped at once and all of them dismissed in fear. I was told that later the boy suffered a lot from chronic high fever. Doctors and specialists could do nothing to the boy as his case was rather extraordinary. The unlucky boy passed away after a couple of months then.
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
5 May 08
I also heared a lot of bad news after playing the game! Actually, after we decided to stop asking questions, the last question we had was, what do you want us to do for you? and to our surprise, the coin moves to the different letters and forming all those by a word, prayer for me! and we did it really before we slept!He named us all correctly and he was even able to guess who farted during the session but about future questions, I know it didn't happen all!
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@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
4 Jun 08
Come on my friend, I never guessed you guys would ask question about farting then. It really makes me lol. The last question that we usually asked before to stop playing the game was “May we say goodbye to you?” If the answer was negative we had to continue until he was willing to leave.
The house where the deceased boy mentioned earlier living kept a lot of pigeons, and some people here believed that the germ in the droppings of the birds was the main cause of the persistent high fever due to the meningitis, which took away the boy. The delayed treatment might be another cause.
Thanks for the best response awarded. I really enjoy the chatting with you on this interesting topic. I do learn more information about this from you and the rest of the responders here as well. Thanks again my dear.
Happy posting and have a wonderful day.

@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
4 Jun 08
You're welcome lkbooi!
We honestly ask about farting to check more if the spirit knows and we were also laughing when we got the answer and the one who did it also admitted and was shock! Anyway, to end up the game, we noticed that he started to slow, so we ask him what he wants us to do for him since we are about to end it, pray for me was the answer. We did it really!
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@agfarm (930)
• United States
4 May 08
I've never heard of this game is it like ouigi?
I do not play ouigi. I don't believe in ghosts ; however , I am not One to test this particular theory of Mine.
I acknowledge that there is a greater force than Mankind , and I do not want to piss it Off!!!!!
I am curious about this " Spirit of the Glass " could you please expound ?
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
4 May 08
I also don't have any idea about ouigi? I will try to research that! Spirit of the glass in played by putting one coin at the bottom of of an inverse glass!SO, you'll cover the coin with the glass, we prepared letters A-Z and 1-10 and place it around the glass! Then in each prayer we omit saying Amen, then every start of it, we always ask" spirit of the glass are you in?" placing one finger of each person around on top of the glass but never lean or touch the glass! This is very common in my Country and known as not safe game.
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@agfarm (930)
• United States
4 May 08
Thank you....I have never heard of this.
I'm not sure I need to play this game....I'll stick to go-Fish....that's more about my Speed!
Also my Mental-ability as well.
I can't get into these games....I don't know if I have some underlying fear of these Kind of Games , But I recognize that there is good energy and Really , Really Bad Gravity.
I fall down a lot so Gravity already has a pretty good hold on me as it is.
I am not gonna push it too Far ya know?????????
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
4 May 08
I agree agfarm, After that experience, I swore to myself never do it again! You know living in a boarding house where all your room mates are young and experimental, that was our situation before, but I can tell, It was very scary especially when we were about to finish, I tell you, no one would like to hold the coin anymore and we decided to never turn off our lights whole night! LOL
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@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
5 May 08
Well, i have tried this when i was in grade school... inside the classroom when the teacher was away... only once... and it didn't happen again... it was not a very good experience... and i don't know if the coin really moved by itself... or if i was being fooled by my classmates...
I prefer not to play with certain things... since i might offend those who are not seen...
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
5 May 08
I also learn a lesson, never do it again! Thanks for dropping by!
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
6 May 08
Hi cupid,
Honestly after that game, we happen to talk to a priest to ask his opinion and he told us that it was not a spirit but a result of every one's effort to focus and let things happen!I also don't believe it though I have witness it since I have not seen the spirit! ANyway, charge to experience! thanks for dropping by!
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
7 May 08
I agree, I can remember all my friends eye in surprise and can't wait their turn to ask questions! Anyway, Thanks again for dropping cupid! Have a great day!
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@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
7 May 08
You are welcome dear
and i like the feedback of priest, true scholars think a like.
but at least u girls might have sensational experiments and i can imagine what would be your feelings when u were thinking that got a sipirt in glass , under ur control
Take care

@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
4 Jun 08
Hi posham, Thanks for sharing! I also can't remember what we did to the coin, since no one would dare to touch it after the session!
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
5 Jun 08
Really? I have not heard about it, I know one of my roommates throw it away! BUT, I am sure we did not bury it!

@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
11 May 08
I'm not familiar with spirit of the coin or glass. I've used ouija boards and psychic boards before but that is all I have ever used. I've used them by myself and with friends but I've found I prefer using them by myself because I never know what everyone else is doing when I'm trying to use it.

@highflyingxangel (9225)
• United States
11 May 08
I feel that a lot of it has to do with how you treat the spirit. If you treat them with respect and take it seriously, then I think you're fine. Also, prayer before and after the session is definitely helpful because it helps ensure you are protected.
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
18 May 08
I agree and never insult or make fun of it, the lesson that one should observe also in this game!
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
11 May 08
wow...you are brave, I can't imagine myself doing it alone highflyingxangel! Thanks for sharing!
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@dolce_vita78 (8062)
• Philippines
5 May 08
Yes, I have tried both spirit of the coin and spirit of the glass. I also have tried using the ouija board with my friends. My friends and I tried these stuffs when we were in high school. It was just out of curiosity. I didn't like the results. They were all scary!
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
5 May 08
I agree and I don't like to do it again and will always discouraged young ones not to ever try it! Thanks for dropping by!
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@gemini_rose (16264)
11 May 08
The game that you have played I have never heard of, but I have done ouija boards a few times in my life, I first started messing about with them when I was 10 and then on and off until I was 18. That was the last time that I did one as my experience at that age were a little too scary for my liking, and I did not like the fact that I did not really know what I was messing with. I think caution has to be taken when doing these things unless someone really knows what they are doing.
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
11 May 08
I agree that is why i will never recommend anyone in my family to do it! pretty scary and like some of the stories from newsresulted some young kids to die or possess!
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@ruthinian (2309)
• United States
5 May 08
Honestly, up to now, it's still a mystery to me. I still don't know if my brother was the one pushing the glass or the spirit. I was still convinced that the experiece was there because we were expecting it. It really moved and the letters where it went was exactly the ones in my mind. But still I don't know if it is real.
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
5 May 08
That's my feeling too but every one of us has a doubt that someone is pushing it but we all know, no one did since we tried to raise a little bit higher our fingers away from the coin! Anyway, I still believe it's not good to believe on it!
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@carinio98 (2929)
• Philippines
6 May 08
i like to play that game but the sad part
i dont have friends that can play or know about it. some belief you are calling the bad spirit instead of the spirit your calling or summoning. they only reply at the end with there true name some name are little bit too hard to pronounce so i guess it is a little bit exciting to experience that...

@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
7 May 08
I agree with you, when we ask his name, we even can't pronounce it and we ask if he was a Filipino but he replied NO. Anyway, charge to experience!but, I will never recommend it to any of my friends or relatives!
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
7 May 08
you got it! Charge to experience indeed! Have a wonderful day carinio!
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@carinio98 (2929)
• Philippines
7 May 08

@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
6 May 08
Hello ladym,
Maybe that is how it is called in your Country. Same process and materials needed! usually in my Country, only students tried to play it and there were bad news before on TV that some were possessed. I don't know if it's true! Thanks for dropping by!
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@chechuva (1275)
• Philippines
18 May 08
i haven't tried playing spirit of the glass/coin. im really afraid that i might invite bad spirits and possessed me. i do believe that if you try disturbing or invite spirits they will respond to you. and we don't know what harm they can give us. better not try it so that no one will get hurt.

@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
18 May 08
Correct chechuva,during that time, we were like 8-10 board mates and we were still scared and after the session, I have promised to myself never to do it again!
@jesbellaine (4139)
• Philippines
6 May 08
Yup, we tried "Spirit of the coin" when I was in high school. My friends and I tried it in the restroom. It moved yes.. but we really didn't scared because I believe one of us is moving that darn coin! lolz. Cheers!
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
6 May 08
LOL, thanks for sharing jesbellaine! I also don't know what happen that night, is every one was honest enough or what!
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@jesbellaine (4139)
• Philippines
8 May 08
yep right. I guess I am really for that kind of stuff hehehe. My other friends could feel that there is some spirit in the room but me... neva... I don't feel anything.. Thank goodness. lolz
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
5 May 08
really? wow! In our case, we just throw the coin in the trash bin and say a little prayer as what he asked from us before we ended up the game! We confess to the priest by the following day!
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
5 May 08
Hello slickcut, I also don't know about aweegie board! I tried to research it but I didn't show any result! Anyway, Thanks for dropping!
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@FoxyMilie (1)
• United States
25 Dec 08
Wow this really sound intresting...I'd like to know how you play it....I like to try diffrent things and not afaid to do it..
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
16 Jul 09
That's what happens when you people stick your noses to some game you have no idea what would be the consequences at. those stuff are not play thing and could hunt you for life if the ghost didn't feel at peace or simply it was a very very bad spirit. i didn't experience that but i was possessed once in my life but my mom told me it was epilepsy...at least that what i thought she told me..
@yuxuande158 (20)
• China
17 Aug 09
NO , I have never played the game above that.I don't understand what it says,but I believe nothing can control our spirits,except myself.