Responding to others.

United States
May 5, 2008 7:54am CST
Ok I know that sometimes I don't always respond to my friends discussions. With my mind and life it's hard to keep up I'm eperimenting thought this month I'm going to try and answer one discussion from each of my friends. Becuase I feel bad that I start discussions then I get caught up in them and find it hard to respond to others. [i]So I'm asking you do you post more than you respond? Or do you respond more than you post? On average how much time do you spend on the lot? [/i]have a nice one all!!!
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41 responses
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
16 May 08
Hi, Bella! I know commenting on the responses of others to your own discussions is difficult at times, especially when you want to continue posting your own discussions as well as respond to discussions others have posted and get your points to increase! I haven't been too good about this myself, to tell you the truth. I have a discussion I started probably about a week ago now, and I know there are at least 62 responses that I haven't even looked at yet. It's not that I don't like getting back with people. That's definitely not it. I just generally work through all of my e-mails that I receive in reference to myLot. I use my e-mail notifications regarding myLot as a "to-do" list for myself. Once I'm done responding to a discussion or comment, I delete the e-mail. It really is a great system! I've felt like I've gotten so much done, and I believe that I have. Perhaps this is a tool you can use as well. I respond to discussions (and comment on my own discussions) much more than I post discussions of my own. I'd much rather respond to discussions than start my own because there are so many great ideas here! I always comment on every response I receive, though. If you see one of my discussions that I haven't started commenting on yet, that means I just haven't gotten to it yet. You'll see that all of my discussions have my comments all over them! (LOL) I know commenting doesn't get us points, but it really is worthwhile. I've seen my earnings go up so quickly from posting comments. I'd much rather my earnings go up than my points, wouldn't you? Great discussion, Bella! Oh, and by the way, I think your resolution to respond to at least one of each of your friends' discussions is a great idea! I'm going to try to do that, too, although who knows how long it'll take to actually get around to doing that! MyLot definitely keeps me busy even after spending countless hours on here each day and maintaining a full-time job also. It definitely gives me something to do in my "spare" time. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts. Excellent post! P.S. I'm not sure exactly how much time I spend on myLot each day, but probably at least two hours per day, except on weekends when I'm busy. I'd spend much more time here if I weren't working all the time!
• United States
18 May 08
I might have to do what you do to get some of this work on my lot I have done. LOL!!!
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• United States
21 May 08
Thanks I'll have to look it up ...
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
21 May 08
Much appreciated! Also, if you decide to use your emails as a to-do list, please do keep me posted on how that goes for you. It's time to get organized - I'm telling this to myself as well. (LOL) Take care.
@mummymo (23706)
5 May 08
I definitely respond more than I post! I don't worry whether my friends post more or respond more (I know some people do) as I think it all evens out in the mix that is Mylot! I love when I see friends respond to my post but don't get upset if they don't - I do understand that we all have lives that can interfere with the fun we have on the lot! lol It depends on each given day how I feel or what is happening how long I spend here! I guess I am never away for that long and probably spend more time here than I would at a real job if I were fit to work! xxx
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@mummymo (23706)
6 May 08
You don't say! lol I had noticed - I spent a ton of time here yesterday too and most of it was spent answering your (mainly food related) posts! xxx
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• United States
11 May 08
but they were delicous discussions weren't they?
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• United States
6 May 08
LOL! yesterday I spent more time on my lot than I had in a long time. LOL!! I started a ton of discussions and I can't wait to respond to them because I have actually gotten a decent amount of response to some. LOL!! Have a nice one hun.
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@mouse27 (1155)
• Canada
10 May 08
i would have to say that i respond more than i post. i don't respond to my friends discussions all the time either. i will sometimes try to respond to them as soon as i can but sometimes the discussions are relavent to a certain day and well if its been longer than 3 days that i finally get to that discussion than i won't respond or if its something i don't know anything about.
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• United States
18 May 08
I try and stay out of discussions that I know nothing about I would hate to give bad advice.
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@golfproo (1839)
• Canada
18 May 08
Hi There, I would have to say I do post more than I respond. I guess I get caught up in all the different discussions and run out of time to get back and carry on the previous discussions. Add to that the fact that the discussions have often turned another way by the time I get back and that is why :) I do not spend too much time on here in the typical day but it does vary. cheers,
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• United States
18 May 08
Thanks for your response I know what you mean sometimes you get caught up in a day of really good discussions and things just tend to slip.
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@kbourgerie (8780)
• United States
5 May 08
How much time do I spend on mylot? Is that when I'm working or not? Yesterday I spent my entire day off on the site. My fingers were gnarled by the time I went to bed. I am not always good at responding to my posts. I used to be, but since I started working, I just do what I can do and just hope that people will understand. I usually post anywhere from 1-5 discussions a day. I respond to as many as I can relate to and that will vary obviously. Yesterday, I posted a few discussions, but mostly I responded to the comments left. Whew what a task. Smile!
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@mummymo (23706)
5 May 08
I have been thinking the same thing here too - what is going on with the avatar - it is making me dizzy I am so confused! xxx
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• United States
5 May 08
ok am I missing something here????? I now see the same puppy on a bunch of my friends .. May I be clued in by way of pm or some other way?? LOL!!! I hate the out of the loop feeling. ok now onto the response. I guess you could say you do an equal amount of both lol!!! I hope that your fingers are feeling better and take care hun...
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• United States
6 May 08
did anyone pm you about it mummymo?
@gemini_rose (16264)
5 May 08
I think that to do everything on here you have to be extremely fast at thought and typing!! When I first came on here I was too nervous to put discussions up and so was quite happy going around just finding things to respond too. Of course then I made some friends and so I was even more happier just responding to theirs, and yours obviously because you are my friend. Anyway, I decided after a few weeks that I felt confident enough to try and start something of my own, and boom my well organised routine just went out of the window. I just had friends discussions and my discussions responses coming out of my ears. How on earth was I going to cope with all this. Answer I have not, I am still catching up on things. I love responding to other peoples discussions more than I like to set them, and so I have now decided to spend more time doing that, I will still set some discussions up but they will not be as many, unless I can get myself organised a bit more, which as you know with a lot of kids, is highly unlikely!!!
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• United States
5 May 08
LOL Organization what's that???? I know what you mean completely LOL!! I tend to write more than respond and I try and make it a point before I go and respond to try and at least catch up on my discussions. I like to try and write about 10 a week and then the rest is trying to respond to others Iused to have goals set for my lot and that went out the window. By the way I love the new puppy.. It's so cute. Thanks for being my friend by the way.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
5 May 08
I think that I might be starting to get organised slowly!! You are welcome and I am glad that you are my friend too.
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@mamakat (321)
• United States
9 May 08
I definitely respond more than I post. I still haven't gotten over that fear I'm going to start a discussion that's been rehashed about seven kajillion times already and either get no responses, or get zinged for the topic. lol There are times I wish I had about seventeen more hours in the day so I could spend more time here. When I can log on, I don't really sit down for one long read/respond session. Instead, I'll leave the site up all day long and sit down to respond here and there as time permits. On these days, I might be able to respond to ten to twenty discussions. Then there are times when I can't log on for up to a week at a time (BLAH!). Ya never know what you're going to get around my house! One thing's for sure. I know I'd really love to be able to keep up with discussions started by the friends I have here. Again, if only there were more hours in the day!
• United States
18 May 08
I so hear you on that one I need more time in the day and more hand and about 100 computers all going at once to fully respond to all the discussion that interest me here.
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
8 May 08
I have to admit I don't spend as much time on here as I used to. Life gets in the way. And, frankly, I haven't seen a whole lot of discussions that interest me. I am not going to respond to discussions just for the sake of responding. I read through the myLot Digest I receive in my email and usually find at least one discussion to respond to... like this one. And any other discussions that come through my email bring me back here. But actually coming to myLot of my own volition has not been happening lately. There's just too much going on online and off. I find Saturdays are the best days to come on because there are more discussions and I respond more.
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• United States
18 May 08
Yeah I understand and thanks for picking my discussion to respond. I tend to get busy and sometimes end up neglecting the lot. LOL!! but I have so much going on it's not funny. LOL!! Ihave five little destructions devices that tend to take my time on the weekend so I'm usually here more fduring the week when they are in school. LOL!!!
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@dmillman (2273)
• United States
8 May 08
I respond more than I post for different reasons. #1 - you get more money for responding to other people's posts, #2 - I have trouble figuring out what to post, #3 - I still have some posts with 0-1 responses and that just kind of takes the "thrill" out of even wanting to post.
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• United States
18 May 08
YOu win some and you lose some I think that figuring out a title that draws people in even if it's a wow factor helps.. LOL!!!! I have a whole page that has zero response and I have some that have 1-5 responses. only. I tend to try and do both. I like to make discussions so I have pages and pages of discussions.
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@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
8 May 08
I usually spend more time posting my own discussions and responding to the comments that I get in them than I do responding to other people's discussions. When I'm not getting responses to my own discussions, I spend most of my time reading through pages and pages of discussions to find something of interest =P I spend at least 2 hours collectively on MyLot each day, but I can fall out of my MyLot pattern very easily and be away for weeks or months =P
• United States
18 May 08
I know what you mean when I start a discussion I can get absorbed into the responses but then when I have discussion that don't take off I have the time to go and respond to others. LOL!!! I have been known to disappear but that is usually because I live a busy and chaotic life.
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@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
5 May 08
I definitely respond more than I post. I started here on mylot 9 months ago. I just went back and counted the discussions that I have started since; the number came to a whopping ::::drumroll:::: 15! I have been trying to come up with new topics to discuss but I find it easier to keep up with everything when I can just respond. I have no idea how much time I spend here. I come and go for a few minutes at a time all day. I usually have a good block of time at night when everyone else is asleep to post.
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• United States
6 May 08
I try and do it when my older kids are at school and I only have one kid who is uninterested in me when she had noggin playing and then only comes over to play and eat for a bit and then she goes upstairs and get her leap pad to play with for a while. LOL!!!! so I try and do it then.
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
10 May 08
I respond more than I post. I only post when a topic really hits me. I like to think of new stuff to talk about and that is hard to come up with sometimes. But I definitely respond more.
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• United States
18 May 08
i definitely post discussions more I think. But haven't done the calculations. that would be interesting to see that though. LOL!!!
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• United States
5 May 08
I've started responding more than I have been posting. Summer is coming and I don't have the time to set in front of this machine for hours a day looking for something worth commenting on like I used to.
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• United States
5 May 08
As soon as the kids hit out of school we're so so going to not have that much more time. LOL!! I'm going to have to be up all night .. You can do it to.
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
5 May 08
i respond way more than i post. i tend to only start a discussion if i have something on my mind thats naggin me. i spent quite a bit of time here in the beginning.. but the "newness" wore off, and ive gone back to being the antisocial lurker type, only responding to the email alerts of posts made and a couple random searches on new discussions that happen to catch my eye as interesting.
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• United States
5 May 08
Ahhh the mylot burnout we all experience. LOL!! I know what you mean I use to search for discussions now I stick to friends and branch out when I have the itch to which isn't to often since I love to make a discussion mor than post to it. LOL!!!!!
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@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
21 May 08
I always respond more then I post. But I always respond back to the discussions I started. I try to spend as much time as possible on mylot except when I have errands to do.
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• United States
22 May 08
same here I try and spend as much time as I can but unfortunately that isn't much time at all. grrr.
@suhascg (227)
• Australia
5 May 08
i usually respond to more than i post.. its not like that all the time though.. if i dont like the discussions which have already been started i start my own.. it all depends..
• United States
5 May 08
I see your point I usually can come up with at least one or two discussions with out thinking to much about it. LOL!! I usually to Post more than I respond.
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@raijin (10345)
• Philippines
6 May 08
I respond more than start my own discussion, I haven't posted or started anything lately. I guess I'll just keep doing this, until I get my groove back. Not really enjoying this community this past months, too many negativity and false accusations are being thrown here and there. Once the administrators address this, then that would be the time that I'd be coming back to my usual activity here.
• United States
6 May 08
I'm sorry that the negativity is getting to you Raijin. I too have seen what you talk of and just hope that it goes away. I don't know if there this will be addresses or not. But if it continues I hope they address the problems that are affecting people.Otherwise we may lose some good people. LOL!!!
• United States
6 May 08
I have no clue why I did the laughing out loud I think I need to take a break my head is hurting today. LOL!!! And I have to go kill myself at some point today.
@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
5 May 08
Hello bellaofchaos!:-) I respond to discussions much, much more than I start my own, no question about it. I think the ratio of my responding to starting discussion is somewhere near 14 to 1. It doesn't mean that I respond to all my friends and all of their discussions. In fact, I fall far behind in responding to all my friends' discussions. Most of my time is spent here in reading discussions, mostly that of my friends' discussions. And then, many a time I feel that I have nothing to add of any interest, either because of my lack of knowledge or because I wouldn't be adding anything new to discussion. Sometimes though, even if I am repeating that is already been said, I would still respond in my style or just to support a friend. As for time I spend here, it varies a lot. Sometimes, I spend hours in reading and responding when I have time, other times, I may spend just few minutes or just an hour. There have also been those days when I don't come here at all. One has to balance online life with off-line duties, charms and friends, not to mention a walk with the nature! :-)
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• United States
6 May 08
yep balance ummm what is that???LOL!!! I tend to write alot of discussions. I never thought about the ratio of what I write to what I respond to? that is a very thought provoking thing. Unfortunately I just don't have the patience to even try and come up with the answer. LOL!!! I do like to start a lot of discussion and I know I have over ten pages of discussions. LOL!!! I also have over 7 pages of unresolved one I need to get on the ball today and resolve some along with answer and make some. LOL!!!!Have a nice one today...
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• United States
17 May 08
i have been offline for a while and everything is now helter skelter so now I'm playing catch up. LOL!!! I hate that.
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• Philippines
6 May 08
I respond more than start a discussion.It is difficult to think of good ideas to write
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• United States
17 May 08
I seem to have a thousoand Ideas at once and sometimes I have these really good ideas and then they are out the door before I can get them down on paper or to the computer.
• Philippines
18 May 08
you can at least take down some of them
@mimico (3617)
• Philippines
18 May 08
I don't respond to all my freinds' posts as well I usally check out discussions from my interests as well as similar discussions to those I've responded to. On average, it would really depend on my mood whether I start a discussion more than I respond. I think it's a lot easier to respond to discussion because sometimes it's taxing to come up with new topics to talk about. I believe for my past posts, I've responded more than I started discussions. I think the payout is equal for both anyway so it doesn't matter much.
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• United States
18 May 08
I haven't checked to see what is a better payout. LOL!!! But I know I don't seem to have a lack of ideas.. More trying to put it in a non wordy fashion and be straight and to the point.