Age Nothing But A Number???

United States
May 6, 2008 9:45am CST
My little sister, who is 16 years old and in the 10th grade, is dating this guy who is 20 years old. When she told our mother and oldest sister, they freaked. I can understand why they did, but I'm saying.... My paternal grandmother got married at 15 and had her first child by 16. I'm pretty sure my grandfather was at least 18, if not older. Yes, my little sister needs to be focusing on school and not boys. I have no problem with the age difference, but she doesn't have a promising future if things don't change. A man can't "hustle" all his life and make a good, honest living.... You can't help who you like, but what is your take on it? Did my family overreact, or were they in line for how they acted?
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