How often do you do laundry?
By Jess
@JJ4Ever (4693)
United States
May 6, 2008 12:27pm CST
Some people may frown on this, but I typically do laundry once every three weeks (or longer). I think I've waited up to two months to do laundry at times!
I do two or three full loads each time I do laundry. I'd rather get it all done in one day and not have to worry about it for a while. One load is white or light clothing; another is in-betweens (such as bright colors); and the last load is dark clothes. I don't see the need for having anymore loads than that. Each partical of clothing should fit into one of those categories.
I like having clean clothes and always put my things in the hamper after I've worn them once, but I don't see the need in doing laundry each time something gets dirty. I wait until my hamper is filled to the seams before I'll start a load of laundry. I like to make sure the washer and dryer are full so I don't waste water and electricity.
I have so many clothes that I don't seem to run out of clean things for a while. This came in handy at college for the past several years since we had to pay to use the washer and dryer. I guess that's kind of how I got into this habit!
All of this probably sounds crazy (LOL), but I'd love to know how you handle your laundry. (My grandma said that doing laundry about twice a week is normal.) What's "normal" for you? How much laundry do you do? How often do you wash your clothes and linens? Do you do your own laundry? Do you wash your clothes at your house or at a laundromat? I understand everyone has a different scenario, but I want to know about your laundry habits. Thanks in advance!
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85 responses
@shannonjyl (421)
• Canada
6 May 08
heaven me..i do laundry a fews times everyday! there are 7 people living here, four of them are teenagers. yesterday i woke up throwing up so i did get a break from my endless mound but that just means more today. i already did three loads. there is no places i can even hide the dirty laundry..we have a old damp basement and i do not want to keep it down there. it will sit in piles upstairs infront of their doors or mound up in the bathroom. i happen to like folding laundry..i can do it while i watch ty..its like a break ..

@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
21 May 08
That's quite a bit of laundry, but certainly worth it in the long run. I'm sure your teenagers are thankful to have you do their laundry, although I have the same question MommyBo does. My mom made my siblings and me start doing our own laundry at the age of 13 or soon as we could decipher between colors in separating loads, etc. There were eight people in my family when I lived at home. A couple of us are moved out now, so my mom only does laundry for three or four people now. That's a lot of laundry (and probably too much!) for one person. You have a huge job on your hands, but your enjoyment of folding I'm sure really helps nicely. I'm the same way. I like to fold clothes as I watch TV or listen to music. Too bad I couldn't fold laundry and response to myLot discussions at the same time! If I could find some way to get the folding and something else done simultaneously, I'd do it! Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed reading about your laundry habits.
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
7 May 08
Please explain to me why you don't have your teens each do their own laundry. LOL! I can't figure out why everybody doesn't do this, it really saves on workload but you have to be prepared to allow them to let it slide and run out of clothes occasionally.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
6 May 08
I HAVE to do at least 1 load of laundry everyday. We are a family of 7, and my kids are all very little still.
Each of us probably only has enough outfits to get through a week without wearing the same thing twice, so I have to keep the clothes clean or we'll be running around naked.
Plus, if I don't, the pile gets so large it would be far too overwhelming to even look at it.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
21 May 08
I like your way of thinking! I think it's great for you (and your family) that you don't let dirty clothes grow into piles. If you were to become too overwhelmed, nothing would get done once you laid eyes on a massive pile of work. It's better the way you handle it, and I'm sure your family is very thankful that you're so organized! I'm also very glad you get the laundry done so none of your family members have to walk around for a while without any clothes on! That might get a little chilly in the winter too. (LOL) Thank you so much for your response.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
6 May 08
I do the same as you, I only do a laundry when I have enough to fill the machine, electricity is just so very expensive.
Normal for your grandmother, was looking at a family not just one person, yes if I had a family, husband and a couple of kids I would be doing laundry twice a week or more depending on how fast we went through clothes, but I don't and I can't afford to pay my electricity as it is.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
22 May 08
oh yes many people are thinking about that now, the cost of electricity is sky rocketing, and so is your grocery bills, you have to save where ever you can.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
21 May 08
You're a woman after my own heart! I'm glad I finally found someone whose laundry habits are just like mine. (LOL) So perhaps I'm not so out-of-the-ordinary after all. That's very encouraging to me! I'd rather not have to pay for all of the things that go into doing laundry. I'd rather spend the money on clothes that will last me for a while so I have enough if I don't want to and don't have time to do laundry for a couple months. It sounds so strange, but just think about all of the things that go into a load of laundry...water, electricity, detergent, perhaps dryer sheets and fabric softeners as well...and just plain wear and tear on the closes themselves. I'm glad you're like me on this one. I feel much better!
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@Katlady2 (9904)
• United States
7 May 08
There is no way I could make it doing laundry every three weeks. The way my husband and daughter go through clothes, my house would be buried in dirty laundry. I have to do mine every two or three days just to keep up. I have my own washer and dryer so there's no worrying about whether the laundromat is full of people or not. The only time I go there is if one of my really big comforters needs to be washed, since it they won't fit in my washer. My only problem with doing laundry is that I absolutely hate folding it. So I usually have a "laundry mountain" at the end of my bed. LOL!
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
2 Jun 08
My laundry is starting to pile up a little quicker now that I have more sheets and towels to wash with being on my own and all. I'd love to do laundry as often as you do to keep up with everything, but with a full-time job it's really hard to find the time, except sometimes on the weekends. Of course, on the weekends, I usually go up north to stay with my fiance and his family for two or three days. I wouldn't dare take my laundry with me either. (LOL) I thought perhaps that thought might cross your mind. I actually do enjoy folding, hanging, and putting away my laundry as long as there's a place for it. If my closet is too crammed, a "laundry pile" will be created on an extra chair or spot on the bed in my bedroom. (LOL) Sometimes I procrastinate putting my things away, but I really like MommyBoo's idea of putting everything right away because then you don't have to bother with it anymore after that until the next time you do laundry. I've been there and done that both ways, though! Sometimes I'll purposely not fold or put away clothes that I know I'm going to wear. In fact, I find it much easier to pick out what I'm going to wear the next day while I'm doing my laundry. It saves time and trouble that way. I don't like to let dirty or clean clothes pile up, but sometimes it's inevitable. Thank you both for your input on this subject. Thanks for your fun response, Katlady!
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
7 May 08
LOL! I know way too many people who wind up with a laundry mountain! I honestly do wash, dry, and fold a load all at once, as quickly as I can so it is out of the way and done with. My husband used to wear clothes, drop them all in a pile in the corner, when the pile got big enough, he'd put it in the washer, toss in the dryer, when dry he would return the pile to his bed where it would sit and slowly dwindle down as he wore the clothes again....
Because there are now 3 of us using that bed (4 year old crawls in bed with us), that can't happen any more lol!
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@scarywhitegirl (2766)
• United States
6 May 08
If you have enough clothes to go for three weeks without washing them, then yeah, no reason not to! :) I dated a guy for a little while who was really bad about doing his laundry, until I started dragging him to the laundromat with me. He had plenty of underclothing, but he eventually would start wearing the same shirts over and over again.
My fiance and I do our laundry every week. On Sundays, I do a load of whites and a load of towels, and on Thursdays, my fiance washes all of the darks. That's also usually two loads for him, since his work uniform is all dark colors, and we both wear a LOT of dark clothes. :) We usually wash our sheets every couple of weeks, and blankets maybe once every other month.

@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
22 May 08
Wow, you and your fiance are really organized about your laundry. That's great! I love how you have such a nice system (and that you managed to drag your boyfriend to the laundromat to learn how to wash his clothes too - lol!) I think I already know that answer, but I have to ask just to make sure...the guy you dated who you described in your response isn't your current fiance, right? Just curious. (LOL) Had to get that straight. I really like your system, and I think I might steal it! I also wear a lot of dark clothes apparently because whenever I put together a light load, it ends up only filling up half of the basket. My darks are always overflowing. I don't wash my sheets and towels but every couple of weeks. I also do what I call an "in-between" or "bright" load because it's basically made up of clothes that don't fit into either category of lights or darks. They're most bright colors such as pink, orange, yellow, etc. It works well for me! I'd say I have to do five or six loads to get all of my "normal" clothes and linens washed on a regular basis. It's amazing how that number has grown over the years. (LOL) I have so many clothes that I don't really have to wash things as often as what others would consider normal. I appreciate your response in that you definitely understand that if a person still has clean clothes to wear, there's no sense in them washing more clothes before they need them (unless they're really bored or have a nice system like you do). If I can eventually get a nice laundry system down with my living on my own now, I think I'll be set. I'll be able to do laundry on certain days and even at certain times so that I won't have to plan on doing the laundry randomly. It would be a lot more organized. Thanks for encouraging me to get a system down through leaving your excellent response!
@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
7 May 08
Glad to see somebody who doesn't wash bedding every week, or every other week. I never seem to get that done as often as my parents used to make me do it - I think I was doing it every week when I was growing up! I did meet somebody who said she washes bedding several times a week, so she's even more off the deep end than my parents were about that. LOL!
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@maliki2 (255)
• United States
6 May 08
I do laundry a few times a week. But when it's my wife and I, and our son, if we don't do it or be lazy it backs up big time.
We wash them at our house. It's cheaper, more convenient, and well that's what our washer and dryer are for. And I do most everyones laundry. My wife will do hers once in awhile.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
7 May 08
You have clothes for 3 people... and one of them is very small =) If it were just 3 of us, it would be very easy. LOL! Actually it is as long as the other two do their own stuff. THAT as you know is a constant struggle. Sometimes I have to ignore the piles they have.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
21 May 08
Wow, a husband who does laundry? That's great! Your wife is a lucky woman. (I agree with you, Mommy, about the amount of laundry.) When I was younger and lived at home, there were eight of us in the house, including my parents. My mom did all of the laundry for several years until slowly but surely each of us kids learned to do our own. I think she's down to doing only four people's laundry (my parents' and my two younger sisters' laundry). It must've been quite a job! I find it hard enough doing just my own laundry! The other thing is that there's not only clothes to wash. There are bed sheets and covers, towels, hand towels, wash clothes, and linens that are used in the kitchen. I've also seen people wash their shower curtains (and other curtains) as well. You've quite a job on your hands, even for only three people! I guess I must have too many clothes because my laundry piles up quickly. (LOL) Thank you both for sharing.
@marciascott (25529)
• United States
6 May 08
What do you do let your Laundry pile up? that is crazy, then you have a that laundry to do, maybe you don't have the time? well, If I were you I would get someone to do my Laundry.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
22 May 08
Yes, I know I'm crazy. (LOL) I have so many clothes that I don't have to do laundry very often to have clean clothes to wear. I know exactly what you're thinking, though. I don't wear anything that's dirty or has been worn before. You're exactly right about me not having very much time, but there's more than that. First of all, I work full time. The only chance I have to do laundry is at night, and usually I have obligations in the evenings along with my home business after I get done with my normal job. The other reason is that I used to live at home with a family of eight (including me). It was next to impossible to squeeze in a load of laundry with my mom and siblings constantly using the washer and dryer. I know many people could agree with me that that many people in a household should be the very reason to get a second washer and dryer. Of course, I realize most people can't really afford the extra luxury of having two sets...along with the extra electricity, water, detergent, etc. I recently moved to my own place where the washer and dryer are at my disposable at all times. It's a really nice thing to have, and it's amazing how much more often I can do my laundry nowadays! (I obviously posted this discussion while I was still at home, fresh out of college where I was used to not having to do too much laundry as it was since it always cost money at school.) I know all of this probably sounds ridiculous and like crazy excuses, but now that I have my own place, I'm getting into some regular laundry habits where I can now do laundry one or twice a week without having to worry about who's next to use the washer or dryer. There are so many advantages to not living at home anymore! (LOL) I appreciate your concern and your questions. I'm really glad I was able to resolve my laundry issues. You're right about my clothes piling up. I just got tired of it and never looked forward to doing all that laundry. I really enjoy folding the clothes and putting them away when they're clean, though. Thanks for your input!
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
17 Jun 08
You're definitely right about that! I feel like when I'm sweaty, I have to chance clothes all the time to get something fresh because it feels so nasty to me to have sweaty clothes on. I'm paranoid about smelling funny too. (LOL) It's a good thing to do laundry more in the summer when it's hot and humid outside. I think the amount and quantity of laundry you do per week is just right according to the size of your family. It's perfect! Thanks for sharing.
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
6 May 08
I am doing laundry twice a week. I always made it wednesday and saturday!With my blouses, I always wash in manually since I don't like to rely on the machine. I have only few clothes so, as much as I can, I am trying to give extra care on it! LOL!
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@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
21 May 08
Well JJ, I am not working so if you are, I can't blame you for that routine..LOL! I am lazy also if I will be facing mountain of clothes to be fold,LOL, So, as much as I can I am just trying to do it one at a time so I can manage to fold and iron it! I wish also I have that enough clothes for me to last even a month of not!
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
21 May 08
Your laundry habits are quite normal. I'm finding that I'm the one with abnormal habits! (LOL) I think it's very good to have set days that you do laundry. That way, nothing else will really get in the way since you already have the time it will take to do the laundry blocked off. Nothing will take the place of it. I think one load of laundry at a time is very good and easy to take care of. I've done three and four loads of laundry in a day, and that's so much work! The majority of my clothes get washed in the washer, but can't be dried in the dryer or they'll shrink. I know what you mean about washing your blouses by hand. I have a few things that I should wash that way, but I'm too lazy so they get thrown in the washer with everything else on a gentle cycle so they'll still be ok. I guess I should take more time to ensure my clothes are well taken care of so they'll last a little longer. I have too many clothes, though! It must be nice that you have just a few clothes to work with so things don't lost and so you don't lose track of everything. I know I forget what clothes I have, accidentally leave them in the laundry room and dryer, and so many other places...if I do a lot of laundry in one day, sometimes I don't even have time to fold and put away all of them. I like your system and wish I could be more organized like that. Thanks!
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
22 May 08
You're definitely right that I work full-time, so of course my laundry gets put off like crazy (and I have too many clothes as it is that they do last me a month or more before having to wash them again!) Don't worry, though...I don't wear things twice. (LOL) I know many people probably had that question in the back of their minds. I can't stand wearing dirty clothes...wearing it once makes it dirty even if it's only for an hour or two. Thanks for making me feel better about working full time and putting off doing the laundry!

@jairgirl (2877)
• United States
4 Jun 08
hello JJ4ever,
i honestly dont know if i have responded to this one already coz the discussion sounds similar to one i did responded before.
anyway, forgive me if it is just a repeat.
like you i do my laundry as less as possible. right now i am doing it twice a month coz it is just me and my hubby and a towel for my dog.
we have plenty of clothes that i think will last us more than a month even with our habit of changing clothes sometimes twice a day.
BUT two weeks will make our hamper too full so i want to make sure that i am just washing the right load and not too much.
i have 4 hampers:
1. sensitive (hand wash)
2. whites
3. light color
4. dark
i do fold em as well when i place it there coz i like it neat despite the fact that they are considered dirty LOL
i am doing this cycle coz i am trying to conserve energy as well as water. i do my laundry by weekend or at night time coz i know the energy used at that time is less compared to using them at daytime or weekdays.
i do the washing and drying at home, we dont like to do it at the laundry mat so we just buy our own and we make sure that it is the best one so we can have it for a very long time.
it saves us in the long run.
takecare and good night!
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
4 Jun 08
Wow, I absolutely love your method of organization when it comes to the laundry! I'm glad you're like me because I agree...doing laundry as less as possible really does save money in the long run, I believe. I like how you think "green" when it comes to the environment. I never even thought about the fact that doing laundry at night and on the weekends would be better because that's not as common for other people to use that kind of energy then. You're definitely right, though! For instance, most people water their grass (usually with a hose or sprinkler system) during the day while the sun is out. I'm sure it's rare for them to water it at night as sometimes it rains at night, and probably most people don't even think about that. I think your four separate hampers are a fabulous idea. Wow, I think you're even more organized than me! I have three hampers. One is for whites and lights that can be washed together (usually on gentle cycle since I don't really wash anything by hand). Another laundry basket is for in-between or bright clothes that can be washed together. It's funny because it seems like I'm getting more and more bright clothes! My third laundry hamper is for darks (jeans, black, etc.) I think I'm going to add a couple of hampers, though, thanks to your informative response. I need to add one for the things that must be washed by hand because that's a really good idea. If I have clothes that really need to be washed by hand, I could be ruining them or shortening their lifespan by putting them in the washer on gentle. Even gentle cycle could be too harsh. I'll also add another hamper just for my jeans. I have so many that they pile up so quickly. I think I have probably 20 pairs. I used to cause the washer to become unbalanced and almost threw out the motor in it a few times! (My mom wasn't happy about that when I lived at home.) I'm trying to do better about that, but if I have all jeans in one load, I don't think the washer would become unbalanced. Good idea? You'll have to let me know because you're obviously the laundry pro! I think it's cute, too, that you mentioned your dog's blanket. I really enjoyed your response as well as being able to comment on it. Keep up the good work. I think you have a great system!
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
17 Jun 08
You're the most like me when it comes to laundry habits, so congrats go to you on your wonderful response! I had so much fun reading every bit of what you wrote regarding this discussion. (I apologize if this discussion is too similar to another you responded to, but I can tell you that I sincerely do my best to be as detailed as possible so my discussions are unlike any others.) I hope that makes sense! You were extremely thorough, and I appreciate all the time you put into this discussion. About what you said in your latest comment regarding washing jeans, I agree with you completely that if there's more than three pairs of jeans, they earned their own load of laundry. (LOL) I never even though about the rough material in jeans rubbing and ruining any other clothes that might be washed with them, but great idea on your part! I'm really glad you brought that up. I'm going to take after your great response by now listing the ways I separate my clothes per load according to the many great ideas I learned through this discussion as well as your informative response. You'll have to let me know what you think! Here they are...
1. Whites
2. Lights (if necessary and cannot be combined with whites)
3. Darks
4. Brights (I have too many to wash these with darks now!)
5. Jeans (if I have more than THREE pairs; if not, they'll go in darks)
6. Linens (sheets, towels, dish cloths, tablecloths, and other miscellaneous linens)
7. Sheets and towels (if there isn't enough room for all of the linens to be washed together)
That's quite a few loads when it's broken down like that, but at least it keeps things interesting rather than washing all the same things each day! I can still wait to do laundry every couple weeks (or even months, as bad as that sounds). We'll see how it goes when I get into my new apartment, though. I'm sure there will be more "surprises" in figuring out how to work around other people's schedules for a public laundry room. Should be interesting. Thanks for your excellent response and encouraging comment. Take care, friend. Congrats again!
@jairgirl (2877)
• United States
5 Jun 08
thanks for agreeing with me haha!
yeah i try to be a environmentalist for that matter as i feel we should all be responsible to our mother earth.
i am not sure if it is illegal in your area to have a sprinkler or over watering your plants but here they are giving tickets to those who is not being responsible with their water which i agree coz we are in a tight situation.
yeah, washing the sensitive one with your hand will help the lifespan of your clothes and it is saving energy and water too coz a delicate cycle lasted 40 minutes imagine just having one piece inside haha
btw, i sure agree with you of separating the jeans with the other clothes specially if you have many of 'em.
you have to consider that jeans are hard type of fabric and they are being rubbed to the other clothes while they are being washed and that makes the soft or cotton one be ruined or shortening their lifespan.
i dont know but that is my reason why i separate the washing of jeans if they are more than 3 pairs as i feel it is safer for the other clothes.
i can imagine the washer having the clug clug noise on it coz of the jeans LOL
thanks for your kind respond and words, appreciate it all. i have to giggle when you mention i am a laundry pro - how i wish, haha!
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@roi452 (232)
• Philippines
4 Jun 08
I do my laundry once a week. It's only my own laundry so one week worth of clothes is not too much but it does take time to finish all of them. Although sometimes i split my schedule to 2 times a week. One for my white and light colored clothes and second for my heavily colored clothes.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
4 Jun 08
I agree with you that sometimes the loads should be split up during the week. That way, you'll be able to wash certain colors of clothes one day and wash another type on another day. I don't know if it makes any sense, but it keeps your clothes circulating through your clothes. (LOL) I think you have a great system. Once my condo is finished (I get my new washer and dryer installed tomorrow; I can't wait!) I'll stick to a better schedule...probably at least once per week I'll do laundry. Thanks for sharing!
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
5 Jun 08
I do laundry once a week on weekends. Sometimes I'll wait two weeks to do a certain colour load so there are enough to make a load but otherwise Once a week a load of whites a load of darks and a load of sheets. If nothing else gets washed the sheets ALWAYS get washed on a weekly basis.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
17 Jun 08
The only difference between your laundry habits and mine is that I do laundry whenever I need to (not on a set schedule), and I also have an in-between or "bright" load. I guess I must have more bright colors of clothing than many people. Normally I'd wash them with darks, but they've become so many that they have their own load now! (LOL) Thank you for your response.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Weekends are really good for doing laundry unless you have a tight schedule at that time too. I think every other weekend for me would work the best because I'm so busy during the week, and some weekends are just about as crazy. I like your good use of time in your own schedule, though! It's interesting finding out how different people's schedule work out and allow for laundry time. Thanks again.
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@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
4 Jun 08
I probably run about 2 or 3 loads of laundry in a typical week. If I let it pile up, then I do more loads to catch up. I don't have a set schedule for doing laundry. I just do it when I see that some clothes need to be washed. I also don't wash everything after I wear it one time. I don't get clothes "dirty", so I can wear a shirt a couple of times before it needs to be washed. I probably wash a lot of my clothes before I really need to. I have several sets of sheets, so I don't have to wash the same ones over and over. I change the sheets on my bed probably about every week or week and a half. With towels, I change to a fresh towel about every week, which is about 3 or 4 uses for me. I do the laundry at my house and I do use the dryer to dry them instead of hanging them outside. I just could never get up the nerve to air dry my clothes! I do have a new washer and dryer that are economical and don't use tons of electricity, though.
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
17 Jun 08
My habits are very similar to yours in that I don't have a set schedule. I just wash clothes when I run out or wash linens every couple of weeks to keep them fresh. I probably should get on a schedule, but with my crazy life (LOL), I probably wouldn't be able to stick to it! I agree with you that clothes don't always need to be washed each time a person wears them. If we did wash our clothes that often, they'd wear out! I'm more prone to sweat in a shirt rather than pants or skirt or something like that. I'd say my tops need washing more often than the bottoms. Under garments should be washed quite often since they're so close to the skin, but if you're like me you probably have plenty of those to go for a while without having to wash, just as you do with your sheets in having so many sets. I have two sets of sheets, so I'll have to swap them. I might invest in a third and fourth set so I'll only have to wash sheets once a month or less. I like your schedule of when you wash things. Sheets shouldn't stay on the bed any longer than two weeks max; towels should be changed at least once per week since they're used so much on a daily basis. Wash cloths should be changed every couple of days, I'd say...hand towels should be on the one-week schedule as well. It's tricky sometimes to find a happy medium between washing your linens too much and wearing them out or not washing them enough and having odor issues. (LOL) I'm glad you've reached that happy medium! I don't think a person should be forced to do laundry if he or she doesn't need to anyway. It saves time and money running the appliances. Speaking of which, thanks for adding what kind of washer and dryer you have. I really like how top-quality yours are in being energy efficient. That's very helpful, I'm sure. I'll have to look for that kind when I invest in my own! Thanks so much for sharing. Your response was very pleasant to read. Take care!
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@chej18 (915)
• United States
25 Jun 08
Hahaha that funny!3 weeks,two mos i think that is crazy
Hahaha.I bet you got lots of clothes.With us were doing laundry at home once in a week.Every sat or sunday thats the only day i have time.After doing laundry i need to iron all the clothes too except for the sleeping clothes.I seperated white,dark,black,and light color.i have to turn the washing machine 4 times and it take 2 to 3 hours w/ drying after washing.At the same day i do also iron them so the whole day i am busy doing only laundry
.BUt i am used to it that is my habit everyweek.Have a nice day!Greetings from Che!

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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
25 Jun 08
Hi, Che. I know it might seem odd how long I go without doing laundry! It's probably not a good things, but I'm glad you've found a system that works for you. I feel like doing laundry on the weekends is hard because I'm at work full time all week, and Saturday and Sunday are my only days to relax! So I usually do my laundry on week nights once or twice a month. I have to pay for my laundry now since I'm at an apartment...I also share one washer and dryer with several other people. It's not fun! It's ok, though, because I don't have to throw things in the wash too often. I can wait and do it later all the time. I don't try to procrastinate, though! I'm going to try to do laundry once per week now and get on a set schedule as you have done. It's a great example to me, and I appreciate your response. Take care, friend!
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
30 Jun 08
Hi there! Thanks for your comment. It was great to see you'd written more. I'm amazed this discussion has received so many responses...but then I thought about it and was like, DUH! Everyone has to do laundry, so...I guess it affects everyone, so they all wanted to respond! (LOL) Thanks for the compliment. That made my day! It's good to have finally started a discussion so many people can relate to and participate in. I love your response as well. Thanks for your understanding about a long work week that must be followed by weekends of laundry! That's definitely NOT the way I like to do things, but (like you said) if there's dirty laundry it has to get done! If I must, then I must. Duty calls! (LOL) It's like there aren't enough hours in the day, that's why I try not to waste time or just sit around. I couldn't imagine doing something like that. I'm so glad for your response and comment because I feel much better about my weird habits and crazy schedule now! (LOL) Thanks again and have a spectacular day!
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@chej18 (915)
• United States
27 Jun 08
Wauw.... 85 responses w/ your own response also on it.I envy you my friend...Hahaha..I am browsing where am i w/ this discussion but am in page 9,I thought i am mistaken that i response to this discussion but hell yeh i am right i did.
Anyway i think its sucks working in the week end coz i got a lot of activity going on.But if you need to work in the week end yah.. what can you do about it.But i wish you can make that schedule work for you.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
10 May 08
I wear my clothes more than once now that I'm a stay at home person and like you, I wash pale colours and whites in one load, brights in one and darks in another. I don't have to worry about heavily soiled because my clothes don't get stinky or filthy.
I could probably go longer without washing my clothes but not my linen. I change my sheets every 2 weeks or less, I hang my towel out to dry and freshen up but I like a clean one every week and I like clean tea towels as mine tend to get used for all sorts of things and they get stinky if you use them too long without washing them.
I also like to do a full load when I wash and I hang my clothes out...don't use the dryer....but I absolutelyt must wash at least once a week to 8 0r 9 days. I like things fresh.

@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
4 Jun 08
I love having fresh clothes and linens. I really like the smell of Febreze too. If clothing or towels or sheets start to smell kind of musty but aren't necessarily dirty, I'll spray Febreze on them to freshen them up. It might sound strange, but if it's not dirty, I don't bother washing, just as you said you do. I think it's perfect the way you do your laundry. One a week (or week and a half) is just right for doing normal laundry. Sheets should be washed and changed twice a month if not more often. Towels should be changed once a week if not more. Sounds like you're sticking to a really good schedule. I know I've probably said it a million times in this discussion, but I can't wait until my condo is finish so I can have my very own washer and dryer all to myself. I'll be able to get on a regular schedule of washing things and not have to worry about losing my clothes in a mix of other people's things or confusing them with someone else's stuff. I'll be able to put my clothes right into the hamper (depending on color and type, of course) instead of keeping a pile or hamper in my bedroom. Things will be much more organized that way. Thanks for your input in this discussion. You seem like a very organized person, and I like that. Take care!
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
17 Jun 08
Thanks for your comment. Funny you should mention moving because I'm actually trying to get in an apartment now. It's closer to where I work, and the condo I mentioned earlier (perhaps in the description of this discussion) didn't work out unfortunately. I'm actually kind of glad it didn't! It looks like I'm probably going to be in my own place in the next couple of weeks. I'm very excited. I'll definitely enjoy it and be grateful as you were. The laundry factor won't be as nice as it would've been at the condo since the set-up is slightly different, but I'm still happy about all of it. Thank you for your kindness. Do take care and have a wonderful rest of your day, friend!
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
1 Jun 08
what's normal for your grandma is normal for me.
i do my laundry, well, not exactly me, i pay someone to do it for me, every two weeks. ^__^;; i'm always too tired and lazy to do it myself. and since i have the money to pay for the laundry, i ask someone to do it. but when i was in college, i used to do my laundry every week. that's the time i do my own laundry because i don't have the money to pay someone and do it for me. and then for undies, i wash them everyday right after use before taking a bath. 

@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
4 Jul 08
not really well-off. i guess i just have extra money for it. ever since i started working, i felt i could get whatever i want as long as i work hard and save the needed money. but it is still much nicer to be a student. you don't have to worry about making money because it is given by the parents. you just have to worry about studies. 

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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
9 Jul 08
I really like what you said here and must quote it, "I could get whatever I want as long as I work hard and save the needed money." If everyone looked at things this way, I think we'd be in a lot better shape as a society! So many people think that things they want should just fall in their lap, and they shouldn't have to work for it. I really like your ideas because you're right on! Thanks for sharing your thoughts. You're truly an inspiration!
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
4 Jun 08
Good for you! Wow, I'd love to be able to pay someone to do my laundry. That's really neat. I'm happy for you that you're able to pay someone to do your laundry while you have your time free to do something else (and probably something a little more enjoyable!) You're right about college. I think it's a very common thing that all college students are broke and couldn't afford to pay someone to do something like that. That's normal. I'm happy to hear that you're well of now that you don't have to do that kind of thing for yourself. I'm glad my grandma's system of doing laundry works for you also! (The funny thing is that my grandma could probably afford to have someone do hers and my grandpa's laundry as well, but she chooses to do it. She's "teaching" me how...she's teaching me her ways because she wants me to do things just like her. It's kind of funny.) I really appreciate your input on this discussion!
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
26 Jun 08
I like your avatar! (LOL) I know that was completely unrelated, but thought I'd mention it anyway. You have great ideas in spreading out the work. I'm just the opposite (obviously) as I leave everything for later (I'm such a procrastinator!) until when they're huge, massive loads of laundry that take so much work to complete. I know it's probably not the best idea for me, but I like your thinking and should probably do my laundry like yours. However, it's hard for me because I live in an apartment complex, so I have to pay for laundry to use a public washer and dryer. If I did laundry each day, that'd definitely add up pretty quickly! I'm glad you have your laundry habits all set to something that works for your schedule. I love how you don't let it add up. Thanks so much for your input!

@joimarquez (1836)
• United States
7 May 08
i do my laundry once a week. in a week, i usually do 4 loads because my boyfriend wear almost 3 shirts (2 undershirts) its hard sometimes because theres too many clothes and his pants are really heavy...good thing that my only job is to put it all in the load and dryer and he folds all of it hehehehe...

@joimarquez (1836)
• United States
26 Jun 08
he folds his clothes and mines hehehehe...
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@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
30 Jun 08
I should teach my fiance to do that! It was kind of funny because I told him yesterday I needed some clothes washed, and he said he'd be more than happy to wash them for me. I don't want my clothes ruined, though! (LOL) He wouldn't know what settings to put them on in the washer since I'm picky and have so many different kinds of clothes and materials. A lot of them don't get dried in the dryer; they have to air dry because my clothes always shrink. Ugh! Very frustrating. Anyway, I should teach my fiance to fold my clothes as your boyfriend does yours! My fiance needs lots of practice since he doesn't fold very well right now. It's actually kind of funny to watch him try! Thanks for the laugh.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
26 Jun 08
Good for you! Make him fold his own clothes himself. Way to put your boyfriend to work! (LOL) That's funny, but hey, he's got to earn his keep somehow. I like your way of doing laundry! Of course, I do all of my own laundry, but I should make my fiance do mine AND put it away for me. That'd be really nice. Ha, ha. (By the way, cute avatar!) Thanks for your input. Your response made me laugh. 

@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
7 May 08
We do washing in our home for four people. In the days before we got a maid, we used to do laundry three to four times a week using our washing machine, and we iron once a week, at most twice. Now that we have a maid to look after an aged person here, our maid hand-washes all our clothes and she does this almost everyday. With a machine, we can't if we do not have enough load, but with hand-wash, even small amounts of clothing can be washed. One thing's for sure...we will have enough clothes to wear because they get washed and ironed quite soon after we have worn them and put them into the laundry basket.
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@lexus54 (3572)
• Singapore
18 Jun 08
Having a maid is a privilege. The pro of this is that she frees you from doing household work so you have more free time. The con is that you lose some privacy, you have to manage her and it costs quite a bit to hire a maid. I'd not have one if I don't have an 86-year old mother-in-law to look after in my home.
I reckon that handwash gives you two advantages. One is you can wash anytime and in any quantity. With the washer, you usually need to accumulate half or full load before you put the clothes in the machine. The other is that hand-washing clothes probably get yr clothes cleaner because you can soak as long as you need and scrub the clothes during washing. In the washing machine, the clothes get tumbled around with the detergent and water. That's not a very clean way to wash off stains and you still get some residual dirt on your clothes. We don't have a dryer, so after washing the clothes in the washer, the machine spin dries the clothes, and we just hang them out at the balcony to dry completely.
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
25 Jun 08
Thank you for that helpful bit of information! Wow, very interesting the pros and cons of having a maid and the same for washing clothes by hand. It sounds to me like the pros outweigh the cons on washing clothes by hand. Very interesting! Thanks again for sharing and have a great day!
@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
17 Jun 08
That must be so nice having a maid to do laundry for you now! I never thought there were any advantages to washing clothes by hand, but your response helped me to see that there are! It must be nice being able to either wash yourself or have something washed as soon as you need something clean rather than having to wait for the washer to finish its cycle and then wait even longer for the dryer. I'm assuing that since your maid washes things by hand she also puts them out to dry rather than using the dryer. You'll have to set me straight if my assumptions are incorrect! Thanks for sharing your response. It's very interesting, and you're lucky for having a maid!

@JJ4Ever (4693)
• United States
30 Jun 08
I had to chuckle when I read that a normal day for you involves doing a load of laundry each and every day. Wow, that must add up quick when you don't have time to do a load during a day. I can imagine the laundry must pile up between your husband's clothes from working on the farm and then your child's nappies. I admire your good attitude about it all, though. I hope I can handle all the laundry as you do when my fiance and I get married and start our family! Good for you. I'm glad your load a day system works well for you, and that you're used to it. I'm sure I'll be to that point someday! Thanks for your comment. It was nice reading your thoughts here.
@toosh21 (800)
• Australia
26 Jun 08
HAHA - I have 2 small boys and a husband that works on a makes for a whole lot of washing! I have also always used cloth nappies and the youngest is still in them for now so that's extra washing. I guess I'm used to it and it's just part of my day, although there are the odd days that I only do one load or if I'm lucky none but not very often!
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