Spanking Children

@phoenix25 (1541)
United States
May 7, 2008 3:42am CST
How do you feel about spanking your children?
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14 responses
@urbandekay (18278)
10 Jul 08
My mother hit me as a child and it made me hate her with a passion, beware! all the best urban
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@urbandekay (18278)
19 Aug 08
However, unlike yourself I am not an arrow but move of my own volition all the best urban
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• United States
19 Aug 08
Ah, I see! Now I understand you better urb! I should have suspected this!
• United States
19 Aug 08
How the phuck does that relate to this conversation my friend?
@rpegan (596)
• United States
7 May 08
I'm not a parent, but I was once a child. I don't resent my parents for spanking me. In fact, I see the disobedient temper tantrum throwing kids today, and I'm almost thankful for the pain my rear end endured to keep me in line. My parents didn't randomly beat me for no reason, but they did administer spankings, and I was always QUITE AWARE of what I'd done wrong. I'm in favor of spanking. I look at children today and wish more parents would practice it. However, I don't blame some parents for being afraid of getting accused of "child abuse" for a little discipline. Like I said, it's no big deal when it's JUST a spanking and you're aware of the reasoning behind it.
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@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
7 May 08
I was abused as a kid, so I got spanked and other things for no reason or for stupid things like spilling a glass of milk. Even though that happened, I still think it's okay to spank your kids as long as you let them know why they are doing it, you have told them not to do whatever they were doing wrong and they still do it, and as long as you don't spank spank them over and over again without stopping or hit them in other parts of their bodies like their abdomen or face. Then, I think that is headed towards the child abuse zone. I live in Iowa but was raised in Louisiana and I can't spank my kid infront of anyone up here because I know someone would call child protective services. I in no way abuse my son, but sometimes he does things that he knows he shouldn't do and doesn't listen when I tell him to stop. I hate, though, that people up here will give me dirty looks when my son is misbehaving in a store or a restaurant, but if I were to spank him, I would be in big trouble. What do they want me to do?? :)
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@rpegan (596)
• United States
7 May 08
One of the key things (in my opinion), is making sure that the child knows what they've done wrong. Also, you shouldn't hit a child hard enough to mark them in any way.
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• Canada
26 Jan 09
Phoenix, being in public never stopped me from giving a needed tap on the bum. When the child knows that it is unacceptable somehow in public, they will misbehave more at those times because they know they can get away with it without any repercussions and gain sympathy from others at the same time. That's the game my eldest used to try on me...but only for a short time. I called her bluff and others in public that tried to shame me for simply disciplining my unruly child.
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
16 Oct 08
[i]Hi phoenix, I have no kids but with friends even if they hate it but they need to do it to discipline the kids and after spanking the kids, they will talk to the kid and ask why he or she was spanked so that she or he will learn and realize that for every wrong doing, there is a punishment![/i]
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• India
7 May 08
I was against spanking when i was not married, but now that i have a son, i know just when my temper runs out when i have to spank and its a necessity. Some times using a spank will discipline. I have observed it and so i say yes, spanking does disciplne, of course not for no reason at all...
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@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
7 May 08
hi dear i can imagine what u r saying and agree with U
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@sturner03 (326)
• United States
30 May 08
I think that it depends on the severity of the situation. I don't think that there's one right punishment for everything they do wrong. For instance if your child is always acting up and they are always told "no" that word will lose effectivness after a while, just like spanking or time outs. I've found the best method that works with children is a variety. Like if my daughter does something dangerous, she gets her hands slapped. If she does something she knows she's not suppose to do she will either get put in the corner or maybe a spanking.
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@jakesmum (154)
• Australia
13 Jul 08
How many children do you have? I'm curious because I only have one, plus way too many dogs, and my son doesn't do things he shouldn't. I basically let him know why he should do the right thing, and if I give a good reason why, he can see the rightenss of it. He's a good boy and knows right from wrong. When he was younger he had time outs from time to time but that was time out for me really, if I got too frazzled.
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• United States
12 Jul 08
To be completely honest, I hate spanking my daughter. It makes me feel bad and makes me cry. Sometimes I feel as though I need to spank her because she's getting to that point where she doesn't obey me the way you used to. I usually give her time-outs or take something from her that she uses a lot for punishment. When she gets really unruly then, I'm forced to spank her. But, I can count how many times I have spanked her. It's not like I do it on a daily basis. She's gone months and maybe even years without a spanking.
@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
13 Jul 08
I don't do it on a regular basis, either. Just because parents spank, doesn't mean they have to do it every day or anything. I can tell when my son has gotten to the point where only a spanking will get him back in line. I don't like doing it either and tend to use it as a last resort also.
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@Zmugzy (773)
28 May 08
I know the current PC trend is not to spank, but I don't think it is something that should be completely prohibited. But if you're going to spank, you must be sure that your child is guilty of doing something bad. I remember being wrongly punished and hit as a child for things that I didn't do, that for me is where the real damage is done.
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
7 May 08
feel bad after doing it
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
7 May 08
Well its hardly one slap or scolding but still feel bad inside. but i know its for kids betterment, Raising a kid does not mean to have him groww but need him to learn ethics and manners tooo Take care
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@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
7 May 08
I do feel bad sometimes after I spank my son, but then I remember how much better his behavior has gotten since I started spanking him more when his behavior started to get really terrible.
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@Malyck (3425)
• Australia
7 May 08
I don't have children, but I'm certainly not against smacking/disciplinary actions. I was smacked as a kid, and I truly believe I'm the better for it. Not like being beaten up or abused, but if I did the wrong thing, spoke back, did something dangerous/stupid, was rude to someone else etc, then I would get a smack (of varying intensity) from one of my parents, followed by being sent to my room. I don't have any deep-rooted psychological issues or feelings of neglect/mistreatment/lack of love because of this, and I think it's ridiculous the things that kids get away with completely these days, or have some cop-out "naughty-corner" etc. Some things need more than a stern "No", or even worse the pathetic "That's not very nice *insert name here*" when their child is having some sort of temper tantrum/smacking someone else/swearing/screaming etc. My parents were and are my best friends, but not because they bowed down to me, but respected me and kept me level and within certain boundaries, especially in my formative years. Should I have children, smacking won't be out of the question, but they will never feel unloved because of it =) Great discussion!
• United States
19 Aug 08
I SOOOOOO do not understand how anyone could hit their children! In my opinion that is sadistic! I feel that anyone who hits their children deserves the ultimate revenge that that child will eventually have on them! I have 2 grown children and I never resorted to corporal punishment... my experience with my own mother had shown me how much a child can hate a parent that does, and I did not want to inflict that disease on my own children. I never even punished my children at all, actually. I talked to them and explained things to them and invited their cooperation. They in turn treated me the same way. I remember once when my daughter had a bunch of her friends spending the night. Later that evening she came tiptoeing into my room and whispered "my friends want to sneak out, is that ok with you if we do?" I whispered back "Where are you sneaking off too?" She said "To the lake". I said "Ok". That was very funny to me. And much more rewarding than crime and punishment. Today my kids are my BEST friends, we don't have roles that we have to play around each other and we can be totally honest with each other without fear of repercussions. Our relationship is healthy and happy and free. I highly recommend it!!!
@urbandekay (18278)
19 Aug 08
Phony prefers throwing stones at kids all the best urban
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• United States
19 Aug 08
Nope. You're wrong Mr Decay. I only like to throw stones at adults who act like little brats.
@urbandekay (18278)
19 Aug 08
Oh no, no good pretending that when your whole purpose here is too hide in the bushes and throw stones. We know you, an overblown windbag, a schoolground bully and a nasty little fascist. Who can't bear that fact that others express opinions contrary to your own, time to grow up before you spend your entire life as a spoilt little brat. all the best urban
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@jakesmum (154)
• Australia
27 Jun 08
I am totally against all forms of corporal punishment. Hitting a child is a terrible abuse of power in my opinion. If you resort to hitting a child, you haven't properly thought through the situation. I hit my son only once in his life. He is now fourteen, and has grown into a fine person. Hitting people will never properly solve anything. Locking people up doesn't solve anything by itself either. There are better, more humane ways.
@jakesmum (154)
• Australia
27 Jun 08
When I hit my son I was suffering from post natal depression and I felt absolutely worthless afterwards. Not good for me, not good for my child. I don't believe in capital punishment either. the USA has capital punishment and has more murderers than most countries - you can't tell me it works. Violence begets violence - it's that simple.
@sminut13 (1783)
• Singapore
7 May 08
i would have to say i'm not really totally against it too though i won't recommend it that much as well. i was spanked too when i was a child and like most, i too have learned my lesson you could say though it might not be the same for every children. if you do it seldom but for serious things, they're more likely to heed you. i remember one ocassion. you could say that i'm like my dad's favourite daughter. not bragging of course. maybe it's because both of us think similarly. so on this special ocassion, due to some events, my sister didn't listen to my parents or something. i think it was a serious thing as my dad was angry and he slapped her face. now he's a gentle man who rarely lifts up a hand to discipline so you could imagine my shock when i saw that. of course he was hurt emotionally as well. you could say she was much better after that, we all love our dad lots and when he's like that, we feel that we have let him down. thus, i feel that you only spank when it really is serious. if not, try and control that hand and think of other means to discipline the child.
• Canada
26 Jan 09
I raised 2 girls already, one is married with her own twin girls now, the other in University. They got spanked when and if they needed it. It seemed that the eldest needed it more often. The youngest watched and learned, therefore didn't get spanked hardly ever, really. But the eldest was always pushing all the limits all the time. Plus, she had a real problem with lying. She watched my ex (her father) lie all the time. I just cannot tolerate lying. It is just so wrong on so many levels to me. I remember this one time in the grocery store, where the eldest was misbehaving. She was swinging on the steel handrail and bumping into the other customers. I told her to stop it. She glared at me, and continued. This went on until I gave her the final warning and a threat of a spank. Well, she thought since we were in public, and people were just starting to frown on spanking at that point, that I wouldn't dare. What she found out that day, is that I NEVER make a promise or a threat that I will not carry out. She got 1 swat on the bum and made the most gawdawful screech as if she had been stabbed. Just a drama queen. I told her if she didn't stop that gawdawful noise she would get another....silence. There were OOOOHH's and AAAAWWWW's, and 1 lady even followed me out of the store and threatened to call Children's Services. I told her that was fine with me and I would even wait here for them if she liked. And if they wanted to raise the children for me by taking them away, they were welcome to do so. That shut her up as I knew it would. I just hate busybody's that think they know better about your children than you do. Particularly when they have never raised children before. Those are the worst. They haven't a clue what it takes to properly raise children with the proper morals, values and respect for others.
@kezabelle (2974)
7 May 08
It depends like a sharp shock of a tap on the hand is absolutley better than say them being hit by a car or worse so yes if say my childs runs out in the road knowing full well she shouldnt yes she gets a tap on the hand. Generally though they get time out for when they are naughty to give us all time to calm down nothing worse than telling a child off when you are angry i find it all comes out wrong discpline should be just that not a reason to rant to let off steam.
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