A message to the oil companies and gas stations.
By bellaofchaos
@bellaofchaos (11538)
United States
May 7, 2008 8:15am CST
Oil has gone up to 124 a barrel and they are looking to it going up to over 200 a barrel over the summer what does that mean for us. Well for the middle class and the low class citizens it means now instead of struggling to keep afloat we are going to drown. I say that because we all need gas for work we all need to buy food which is brought to us in vehicles that use that freaking gas. What can we do to get the message to the oil companies that we won't stand for this. This happened because we have an idiot in office and we aren't standing up against this .. WE have taken the defeatest attitude and just sat and adjusted our lives because of this.. When we should be picketing the white house getting petitions refusing to vote for anyone to go into office until the oil prices are lowered and on top of that we Should ultimately be showing MOBILE EXXON BP and many others that we are not going to patronize them .. Get your gas from the Ma and Pa stations that are barely making it now. That way this big oil companies start losing money. It won't hurt them to not make over a 200% profit for five months to a year. Our problem is we do this for one day or a week and the oil companies have the profit for that not to hurt them YOU WANT TO HURT THE OIL COMPANIES DON'T USE THE MAJOR ONES FOR A YEAR ..Yes a year of lost profits that will kick them in the kester. We need to think of not what we can change in our lives but what we can do to get what we want. If even a small portion of us did this they would notice the difference in the ir profits. Don't roll over and take this fight. Show them we have a right for reasonable oil prices. Heck we should have a discount since we rebuilt Iraq up. Also petition the white house. Make a form letter save it on your computer and every week send it to you senator or state representative and one to the president owww it cost a stamp and hey if you do that then you can say I have done all I can.
So are you going to continue to let them run your life and make you pay ? Or are you going to take a stand and show them what the american nation is made up of.???
If we pull together and unify the middle and lower class on this we can make wonders happen but the key thing is we can't be divided we have to be a unified nation.
7 responses
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
7 May 08
Stubborn little fact: NO PRESIDENT SETS OIL PRICES, "idiot" or not.
OPEC does that.
If you want cheaper oil, free up companies to drill HERE, & to build refineries. The so-called "environmentalists" have put the kebosh on all such efforts, & even blocked efforts to install giant windmills on the grounds that they "aren't esthetic enough (Ask Ted Kennedy about that)."
As it happens, I find them beautiful, but I confess it does give me pause that some folks call them "high-rise Quisinarts" because they slice & dice birds in midair....
@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
7 May 08
No president sets oil prices but they do sign contracts with OPEC so yep I still blame the president .. I still think that if we get someone in office that can take on OPEC or what not then they should be voted in. But also I think we as a nation need to make a stand.
@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
7 May 08
Well, you can forget that. This "nation" has lost its sense of self-worth, apparently. How else explain the rush to throw out our sovereignty, with things such as the North American Union, the Amero (goodbye dollar bill), & the Law Of the Sea Treaty?
America as we know it will be gone in 20 years, part of the one-world government put together by Bush & the Canadian & Mexican governments.
I just wish I weren't going to have to move yet AGAIN because of eminent domain when the 8-football-field-wide "Trans Texas Corridor (aka the NAFTA HWY)" plows through our nation.
Dang. Now I'm all depressed.
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
7 May 08
Aww honey I'm sorry.. we still have the constitution that says we can overthrow our government. LOL!!It's not much but hey we still have it and maybe we can use it before it's to late.....
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
7 May 08
I have to say it is a great idea but come on Bella it just isn't feasible. The closest Ma and Pa gas station to me is 11 miles away and out of the way of everything. If I were at the mall and my gas light was on then the BP 500 feet away is going to get my business to save me from calling a tow truck when I ran out of gas driving the then 20 miles to the Ma and Pa gas station.
Surprisingly though I was just out by that gas station last Thursday and their gas is 3 cents cheaper a gallon then the national names. But it isn't worth the gallon of gas it would take me to drive there to save $0.33 cents on my whole tank.
I have started doing the majority of my shopping at Giant Eagle because for every $50 I spend buying the over priced groceries they give me $0.10 off a gallon of gas. But to get to their getgo to get the gas is still out of my way.
So again...good idea but I just don't see it being feasible.
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
7 May 08
hey if you don't want the gas perks I'll take them that is why I do shopping there. LOL!!! But I mean some places this is feasible. Also if you get some gas cans make one trip and get all the gas you can. LOL!!!!
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
8 May 08
Well Bella, sort of barging in to uncharted territory but could not help it. Residing in the world’s richest nation, you feel the pinch and the heat of the oil crisis, even when your own Govt is knee-deep in Iraq (let’s not go into reasons). Just think of us then, here in India, when we can NO LONGER AFFORD a decent meal of rice and other staples just because oil has crossed the 100$ mark and America is not moving out of Iraq and middle-east is in a mess over a host of intertwined issues. America…1000 of miles away, no way related to us even by distant dreams, yet we feel the heat here, right in our kitchens and in our bellies just because some President somewhere is sticking to his policies and other are trying to pull him down and not succeeding and zillions of other reasons, none of which is happening in my backyard. So friend, if you all do have any influence over your Govts, pls do something quick otherwise the middle-class in very many countries would soon have to skip one meal in a day. I don’t really care if Obama or Clinton wins, but I leave it on to my friends like you to ensure that whoever sits in the Oval office, does not do anything that puts the very existence of the hard-working folks like us in danger.
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
8 May 08
I agree with you in that one day or one week is not going to hurt the oil companies, however, where do you think the 'ma and pa' gas stations get their gas from? Do they have their own little oil company out back, or are they getting gas deliveries just like the bigger ones do? Unless or until the American public as a whole decides that they can walk a few blocks to the store, and stop using their vehicles as much, it's not going to stop.
@gangus2 (373)
• United States
8 May 08
Great idea and to all of those who responded too. I for one think that oil is being used to destroy this Country, and yes, there are those that are going to sit back and let happen, most will make big profits from it (Food producers are seeing a surge in their profits), but the people in general believe that our Govenment will step in and do something. Wrong, they are the reason we are in this mess. The sup-prime mortgages should have never been allowed to go unchecked and unwatched (if you have 401K's, look out) and now we are all suffering, big Banks are investing in oil to make up the loss they are feeling due to the mortgage prices, so no matter what, they will get their money.
Personally I think, that if everyone did their best to cut back, we will only see oil continue to rise, it has been stated that we are at "Peak Oil" and that means that demand is higher then supply and that is never going to change, it will only get worse. We have done to little to encourage and use other power resources and we are too late.
@blackmantra_x (2732)
• Philippines
8 May 08
I totally agree with you. if you folks who live in a powerful country like the US starts to worry if the barrel reach 200 us dollar, what would happen to the people who live in a small and powerless country like I do. Oil is like air for our machines with out it our machines won't simply function. These oil in barrels like air in tanks is quickly running out but unlike air which is free and abundant, oil is a non-replenishable resource. I agree that gas stations should cooperate with us and meet us half way in resolving this and put profit gains in the passenger seat. As we do this, we must also initiate to find alternative source of this organic gold. Instead of spending of millions if not billions of dollars for weapons of mass destruction, they can divert some of these funds in finding an alternative fuel and oil resources.
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
8 May 08
These are great ideas. This gas thing is getting so scary. There needs to be a cap put on these barrels. Too ridiculous. I just got a new used car to help keep my costs down but it still sucks the big one. We can unite and do something if only more people believed that.