If a female was in charge of the political world

MMMmmmmnnnnn!!!!!!!! - chocolate!
@xboxboy (5576)
May 7, 2008 1:58pm CST
would the international currency be chocolate? And would crashing into the front of a parked car during reverse parking be made compulsary in the driving test? your views please on the pros and cons of a female world leader.
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11 responses
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 May 08
xboxboy well that might make for some interesting ways of spending chocolate but wouldn't it get awfully sticky in one's pockets. and why would crashing into the front of a parked car be solely a woman's act.shame.lol I think the pros of a female worldleader is that when she got together with other world leaders she would make darned sure that they all talked out the problems instead of some leaders going off into a male huff to hide in their office instead of opening up to what was wrong in their country.Also she would not be so likely to send a zillion of our americantroops out to find non existant weapons of mass destructions in places like Iraq. Pros also for a female world leader would be to fund adequate day care centers for all working women's children as she would know what women need. pros would be making sure that thereas just as many restrooms in public buildings for women as there are for men. Cons" what cons? We woman are perfect! lollol
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
8 May 08
great response hatley! I've had my car run into 4 times in less than three months and each and every one of them was a male driver!
@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
7 May 08
Hello xboxboy!:-) I was inclined to take it as a very serious subject, which of course it is, but I felt that if I go down that road, it would be unjust with the environment of this awesome discussion. So, instead, I would just say that there is possibility that your words maybe true, if such a thing ever happen in future!
@xboxboy (5576)
7 May 08
please feel free to be serious! remember the UK was run by a woman PM for many years. she was a monster but i wonder how someone like Hillary would fair?
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@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
7 May 08
My biggest problem with Hillary- She didn't throw her cheating, lying husband out on the streets after publically humiliating her. What kind of role model is that?
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@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
7 May 08
My homeland, Pakistan, has also been ruled by a woman PM twice. While she had been my leader of choice for around a decade, I finally gave up on her as she proved herself incapable of running a state. I still believe that she was the most intelligent among all political folks there. Still, it was just bad governance, I was disgusted when Pakistan was degraded to no less than top 2nd position in the most corrupt countries. She threw away the real leadership within her party who were the real essence, and gathered around her only the opportunists. It doesn't mean that other women can't do the job. About Hillary, I don't know really, but I have found her inconsistent and people in politics would know better how good an inconsistent leader would/wouldn't be for a nation and for others too! It's up to Americans to decide, and I wish them good luck!:-)
@freak369 (5113)
• United States
7 May 08
If a female was in charge I think that shoes, chocolate, accessories and cell phones would be forms of currency. Even when the shoes are a little on the haggard side, they would still be worth something. Then again, it would be hard to put an actual face value on things. Chocolate might be an easier way to go; if you weighed it out by the pound you could have a really great way to barter.
@xboxboy (5576)
7 May 08
and on a really hot day the money would lterally run through your fingers! cool!!
@mummymo (23706)
7 May 08
I would love to say that if a female was in charge in politics the world would be a far better place and then I remember the nightmare that was Margaret Thatcher - nuff said! xxx
@mummymo (23706)
7 May 08
Now I have this image in my head my insomnia will get worse - I will be scared to sleep and get nightmares! Maggie Thatcher the milk snatcher indeed - and they still voted her in as pm! xxx
@xboxboy (5576)
7 May 08
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
7 May 08
Why am I here? Why am I reading this? So many of you think that PMS will actually affect the way a woman runs a country, it makes me shake my head and want to throw up, frankly. I'm stutteringly speechless. It's only because I think that I know you and know you are not even in the slightest way serious that I can be here at all. But the people who responded with the sexist drivel that I've read here just astound me. Good god, what are we, in the dark ages or something? What this particular country NEEDS is a woman to run it. And since so many of you are so worried about Hillary's PMS, let me assure you - there's no way in hell that she still has PMS, for one thing, and even if she did, she'd make a hell of a better president and world leader than her predecessors have. I'm going back to my recliner. I've gotta go and come back again tomorrow or something. Yikes. Please tell me there's more intelligent life out there than I'm seeing here.
• United States
7 May 08
Ok,sorry, I've just read the rest of the responses and I take back what I said about the majority of you, sorry,sorry, sorry. But what I had read when I jumped onto my keyboard and banged out that response was of a shocking nature, and I should have read more before I leaped. My sincere apologies. Now, I really am going back to my recliner for the rest of the evening . I'll try to return tomorrow with a better grip on things and not leap before I look.
@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
7 May 08
Women are realistic and logical. They also tend to think about the people who are affected by their decisions, it's what we do. Look to other cultures, female leaders have ruled for quite some time, and many were very powerful, and are still known today.
@xboxboy (5576)
7 May 08
no arguements there! woman can out think most men! and they can multi task!
@foxyfire33 (10005)
• United States
7 May 08
OOOh...xboxboy, you are so lucky you are you otherwise I may have thought some very bad things and lauched into a whooping you would not have soon forgotten! I think there have been enough female leaders to prove that they can handle the job. The downside I see...and this is mainly just relevant to the US having a female president...is that some countries still do not respect women as equals. I highly doubt they would be very happy about being led by a woman or by being told what to do by a woman. In regards to the US, we already have countries who think our president is an idiot, just imagine what they'd think if we were led by a female.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
8 May 08
I think the world is ready for a female to run it and I bet it will be a lot more organized and peaceful. So far men have done nothing but skrew things up so why not give a woman a chance?
• Australia
27 May 08
For starters, our health care systems would be tops, our education systems would be the best and our defence forces would not be sent to start wars that were thought of because one person wanted full access to the resources that country had. The down side? Being a woman myself, I don't think there are any
@ellie333 (21016)
8 May 08
Haven't got a clue as far as politics are concerned but I would like to share this story of a female parking. Years ago myself and my manageress at the time were watching this woman park, well she hit my manageresses car once then went forward then back hit it again and repeated quite a few times before I said I'll go as my manageress was about to explode. The womans reply to me was 'well I thought that was was bumpers were for' can you believe that? and I am a woman driver myself, well out came my manageress and the language exchanged I couldn't really repeat here, just thought I'd share the story. As to a woman leading the world well 3 weeks a month yeah but a week off after that as decision making then unpredicatable and a war could start without good reason unless numerous chocolate bars where exchange before troops deployed. Ellie :D
• United States
7 May 08
i don't think that happen. We women, we have a wise way to solve some problem.
@xboxboy (5576)
7 May 08
i agree, woman are very wise. always thinking laterally.