
@MsTickle (25180)
May 7, 2008 7:15pm CST
Should children, that is teens, have to have permission to get a pircing? Should kids have a signed consent form to get a piercing? What about intimate piercings? Lots of kids have pocket money these days, what's to stop them getting any piercing they want? Have you let your young teen have piercings other than ears?
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29 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
8 May 08
No I would only let them get ears done and only maybe 2 times I seee nothing good about any other ones
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
10 May 08
When we lived in New Hampshire we lived nexst to a school bus driver and she had one side of her nose that was years a and years ago the piercings are getting way out of hand I think!
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
10 May 08
I don't mind a tiny little one in the side of the nose with a tiny stone.
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@penny64 (1106)
• Australia
11 May 08
I always think that tiny studs in the nose look like pimples. I can't help it - it's the first thing I think when I see one.
@dfollin (25543)
• United States
11 May 08
I believe that yes all minors should have parental permission for all piercings.We are part native american,so I asked my son's if they wanted their ears pierced and I think they were like 9 and 12 when they got that done.Then my daughter got her's done when she was about 6. The boys wanted other types of piercing's and I said no.When they wer 18 do what they want.One got his nose pierced and about 6 months later let it grow shut.The other boy has his nipples pierced.Whatever !
@dfollin (25543)
• United States
19 May 08
I know I got a good laugh.My son that has his nipples pierced now has a daughter that is now 18 months old.And over a year ago,I think when she was about 6 months old,he was holding her and he started handing her to me and he yelled "Hold it, stop" and I asked why and he said she has a hold of my nipple ring,I started laughing and I told him,well you shouldn't have them,that'll teach you. Yesterday,I talked to my 16 year old niece and she said she got fired from her job and I asked why and she said because she got her her tongue pierced.And that her mom went down there and the manager said that she knew that was a rule and that she could stay as long as she did not wear the ring in while working and my sister told her no because it would get infected.My niece then told me that that it did not matter she is young and can go get another job.I told her,but you can't keep doing that breaking the rules and then thinking you can just go find another job.She told me that she didn't care if people liked the way she looked or not.I told her,well neither do I,but I limit that to the shirt Iam wearing.But,I don't wear it to work,church or any other place that it may not be appreciated.I asked her why she did that and she said because it was cool and that she was bored with just her ears being pierced,that she had 5 piercing in each ear.And I asked her why she had to get something else pierced and she said it was the thing to do.Then,my 11 year old daughter got on the phone and told her how stupid it was and then my daughter promised me that she will never get anything else pierced or get any tatoos as my niece said she was going to get.My daughter only has each ear pierced once and she doesn't even like that much.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
18 May 08
I think making them wait till they are of age is a great idea and also a fair one. Some posters have said they didn't go ahead with it and in your boys case he took it out. Some think it's cool...I don't think it is and I don't understand why they think it's cool.
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• Australia
27 May 08
I think this is an area that is very tricky to regulate. Often teens don't know what is good for them or understand that piercings and tattoos are forever, not just until they are bored with them in 5years time. They also don't understand or care that their choices can affect future employment prospects. Absolutely age restrictions should be adhered to. They are put in place to protect the fragile minds of our teens, and save what little sanity the parents have left. I thought here in Australia, parents weren't able to give permission for their teens to have piercings if under 18. I thought the laws were very clear that a child has to wait until they are legally an adult before making life changing choices like this. Same with tattoos. Yeah, kids will find away around things, but it is for their protection that the laws are there.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
2 Jun 08
I'm not sure about that new, I've known people have baby girl's ears pierced, especially Italian and Greek babies. Also, it was a trend several years ago for pre-pubescent boys to have an ear pierced...it was a trend. I think there should be some sort of legal restraint in this area if there is not.
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• Australia
11 Jul 08
Babies are a little different, as are those cultural piercings. I just feel that the teens get them done without really thinking about the long term affects, which is typical thinking of them any ways.
@ellie333 (21016)
8 May 08
One of my daughters fainted just getting her ears pierced and has never ventured down that road again but my other daughter has her tongue, her belly and lots of ear piercings. I personally would draw the line at facial ones and she once wound me up big time with fake lip and nose and eyebrow ones, the same as tattoos, the eldest not having coped with the ear piercing has never bothered but the other has two. They will do what they want to do anyway a lot of the time but my only stipulation is never to have anything done that in years to come they will regret, ie names, markings on facial areas or hands etc which could prevent employment etc. Years ago I had a lot of piercings before it became fashionable and have had tattoos so they respect what I say as a voice of experience. I believe that they should have parental consent at this age and I think intimate peircings shoudl be at least for over 21s. Ellie :D
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
10 May 08
Very wise words Ellie. My own girls to this day don't take any notice of what I say...both have tattoos they got when quite young. They have children of their own now and are very strict about what the children are allowed to do and not allowed to do until a certain time.
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• United States
8 May 08
freakish tattoos  - The worst tattoo and piercing I have ever seen. It made me sad that someone would do this to themselves.
I think that minors should be required to have parental consent. Once they are 18; I suppose they are of legal age and can pierce whatever body part they want. I am certain that many grow older and regret it.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
10 May 08
Only someone pigheaded and not too bright would disagree with you. I really cannot unders\tand why some people go way beyond the norm with things like this.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
19 May 08
Yes, we generally say that before you permanently alter your body, consider whether you will still be happy with the alteration in 10 years. Sometimes (many times) that is enough of a deterrent. LOL! I can certainly say that it is a bad idea to get a large tattoo around your belly button and THEN have a baby. I did not do this... but the person who did now has a very lopsided stretched out warped looking tattoo...
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@penny64 (1106)
• Australia
10 May 08
I went with a friend to have my ears pierced when I was fifteen. I was in my school uniform, I didn't even consider asking my parents, and it was done without question. It was a form of rebellion, but I don't think my parents ever even noticed! On the other hand, I would want to know as a parent - mainly because of the risk of infection. Mine won't be a teen for almost ten years - who knows what the fashion will be then!
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
11 May 08
I had my ears done when I was in my early twenties. My girls weren't interested in getting there's done but did eventually. It was done more to keep hold of your earrings as clip-ons were too easy to lose....lol. My elder daughter has said 12 is the age that her girls can have their ears pierced. It's something the eldest really looked forward to and now the younger one is looking forward to it. The elder one is looking forward to a trip to Egypt, just her and Mum in Oct this year. There are more important things than body piercings....lol.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
14 May 08
Sorry Penny, I mucked that up. Granddaughter 1 is 12 and had her ears pierced for her 12th b'day and is travelling to Egypt with her Mum later this year. Granddaughter 2 is 9 and looking forward to having her ears pierced when she is 12. There will also be a trip for her with her Mum to somewhere special too. My daughter believes the rite of passage to womanhood should be cause for celebration.
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@penny64 (1106)
• Australia
11 May 08
Let's see ... piercings or a trip to Egypt ... which one would I choose?? ... mmm ... LOL! Wow, that sounds absolutely fantastic. I've never been to Egypt but it is one of my dream destinations. One day I would love to go with my daughter. You will have an amazing time. My mum never had her ears pierced, even though we girls tried to convince her many times. She was worried about the pain - while ironically, I think clip ons are much more painful.
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@mtdewgurl74 (18151)
• United States
15 May 08
Intimate piercings? OUCH!I do not have any children as of yet but I do have teenage nieces and nephews who have gotton piercing without asking their parents who tried to make them take it oout but as soon as they were in their rooms or out of parents sight they put them back in. My niece had her eyebrow,lip,nose,belly, pierced wihtout asking and now she has her tongue pierced. I myself would never get anything but my ears pierced because I am to chicken.. But when we want them the teenagers to be more independent that is not what we are hoping that they will pierce their bodies. I for one don't agree wih all the piercings while they are so young(even if it is the cool thin to do) or tattoos although I would love a tat if I wasn't so chicken..lol A signed consent form? Most kids would forge their parents signature anyhow. It it best that with anything besides ears that they have to have a parent right there with them as they get a piercing. Well, nothing is going to stop them if they want it bad enough because if they can't get a professional piercer to do it they will do it themselves or have their friends do it like my niece had her friends do hers. They got badly infected also I begged her to take then out because I was afraid the infection would harm her since they all were infected..she had to take a few out and no longer have them because but she still have the nose and tongue one and ears.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
18 May 08
I don't think "ouch" as much as I think - "e-ewww!". I really don't understand why it is deemed cool. It really is quite silly and is basically self mutilation. It should have to be done in the precence of a parent if the child is under 18. Infections can be so dangerous.
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@Darkwing (21583)
8 May 08
I think that a teen kid is very unlikely to listen to their parents where piercing is concerned, if they really want it done. So, for anything other than ear-piercing, I would like to see an ID system, whereby for belly-piercing, tongue, nose etc, only be done once the juvenile reaches eighteen. For more intimate piercings, I would want to see them restricted to twenty-one year olds and over. Most kids these days just follow their friends, so they can be considered "cool", and I'm sure they regret it in later life. There was a young girl working behind the bar at the pub, who had them everywhere... and I mean everywhere, intimate and no so intimate, but all over her body. She was a pretty girl too... why do they do that to themselves? I think they're just trying to make a statement myself, but she looked awful! She was nineteen years old when I first met her. Brightest Blessings, my dear friend. xxx
@Darkwing (21583)
11 May 08
My dear friend... I feel that we have the wisdom which the youngsters still seek. We can't tell them, of course, because they think we're being dominant and perhaps a little controlling. But, in time, they will come to learn the true meaning of life. Sobeit. xxx
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
10 May 08
They see things so differently to us. Do they see things better with a clearer, less jaded version of things or is it us that sees the reality and truth of things clouded by our own judgments and experience. Brightest blessings Darkwing and thanks for your input and observations. xxxx
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• United States
15 May 08
Ear Gauge - This is one of the least awful pictures I could find of a gauged ear.
MsTickle, I am in agreement with most of the responses that in most cases teens should not be allowed to have piercings other than in their ears. Even in that case though, it can be taken overboard. BUT (you know me, there is so much hippie left in this 60 year old woman!), one of my daughters went with her 17 year old daughter when she got her nose pierced and again when she got her belly button pierced. My granddaughter is a very mature and responsible young woman. Her "rings" are very tasteful. All of the young women wear jeans now below their belly buttons and the tiny heart she wears is really rather cute. She wears a very tiny sparkly rhinestone in her nose. At her school piercings are not allowed, so she takes out the nose one and puts in an invisible one to keep the hole open. Now, if she were to come home with one like the picture I posted I might have a bit of grandmotherly shock; but I guess that I would get used to it. After all, one of my daughters came home in her early 20s with a tattoo of Yosemite Sam about 6 inches long on her wrist. I'm still alive and so is she.~D
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
18 May 08
If we look at the different cultures some of them are very extreme with their body art. Grotesquly extended lower lips and ear lobes, elongated necks dozens of neck bands applied over the years. Body piercing is done a lot by religious sects and we are simply copying these rituals ansd arts from other cultures...tattoos I believe would probably fall into this sort of category....of course only 20th century western man could come up with Yosemite Sam and Tweety Bird.
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@Gemmygirl1 (2867)
• Australia
10 May 08
There's nothing to stop them getting piercings but it's also their body & if they choose to get something done, then it's should be up to them - depending on the age of course. Intimate piercings aren't available to under 18's here i don't think so that one isn't something you'd have to worry about, if you had a younger teen! As a middle~teen i had my belly button pierced, which was fine with my parents & paid for by my Dad so that wasn't a big issue i don't think. I guess this is more for parents or something coz some parents would be more strict than others so they'd have a different idea on what's suitable. If my daughter wanted an eyebrow or nose done then i think i'd be ok with it mid-late teens, belly button isn't a big deal, ears & such are fine too. All parents have different ideas on what's ok & what isn't.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
11 May 08
Attractive to some. - I'll bet his folks are proud!
I believe it's considerate and thoughtful if a young person discusses this sort of move with their parents and abides by their wishes. Your child might own their body but will you really be happy and ok if they decide to mutilate it? That's like saying if a young person wants to end their life then it's up to them.
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
8 May 08
Hi Ms Tickle! i do not have children of my own but I wouldn't like it if my nieces and nephews and younger cousins will have piercings other than their ears (with the girls). I just hope that they could first have get a consent from their elders before they can have piercings but I guess that is not really possible since teens nowadays so much believe in freedom of expression. Just my thoughts dear friend. Take care and have a nice day!
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
10 May 08
It also seems to be a trend not to listen to parents or to heed them. And how come kids think they are so smart and know everything??? I suppose that is what being a teen is all about.
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
10 May 08
Hi Ms Tickle! Yes, kids think they are smart! I remember when I was young, I never think that way. I always look up to my parents and always think that they are smarter than me. The respect is always there. It is sad, most teens think and act that they are smarter than their elders. But maybe, when they get older they will realize the importance of their elders' advice. Just my thoughts dear friend. Take care and have a nice day!
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@schulzie (4061)
• United States
11 Jul 08
As far as I know I believe you have to have permission if you are under 18 years old. My mother would not allow me to have pierced ears, so as soon as I turned 18 I went to the store and had it done. She thought I was crazy as she never pierced her ears. Anyways, I remember I had to show them my ID to prove that I was 18 years old and then I had to sign that waiver. I had both of my daughters' ears pierced when they were babies. If they wanted a belly button ring or a second piercing I would let them do that after about 14 years old. But I don't like the nose piercings, etc.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
23 Jul 08
My elder sister was always very old fashioned and quite frumpy in her choice of shoes, clothing and hairstyles but in the last 15 years she's really come into her own and is looking really attractive these days. She got her ears pierced about 6 years ago.
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@eloouuu (176)
10 Jun 08
I think there should definitely be an age of consent with regards to piercings. After all, it is an invasive procedure which makes a somewhat permanent modification to a person's body. I think the age limit is used to encourage teenagers to think carefully about deciding to get a piercing. If there were no age limit, where would we draw the line? It's feasible that cosmetic procedures could become more readily available also, even if only minor such as botox or cologen injections. It is considered that until a child reaches the age of 16 or 18, they are not responsible for the decisions they make, probably because they are not aware of the potential consequences of their actions. The last thing we need is twelve year olds running around with tongue piercings and eyebrow piercings. The restrictions are also put in place to comply with health and safety regulations depending on your location. As you are generally required to have a license to be able to perform professional piercing in a studio, these are generally the laws of the state, rather than the studio itself. This is why many studios require parental consent for under 18s - to remove liability should anything go wrong. Still, I was first pierced at the age of 12, and it has never done me any harm, but has wisened me to the world of piercing and has certainly made me a lot more knowledgeable about the procedures and the consequences.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
16 Jun 08
Were you pierced with one or both of your parents present?
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@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
13 Jul 08
I really dont see what the big deal is. And if kids really want to get piercings, a consent form isnt going to stop them. I have a bunch of piercings that I did all by myself. I'm a teen myself, so I dont have any kids yet, but when I do I will let them get any piercings they want. I think that kids probably shouldnt have body piercings until about age 13 they need to be old enough to be able to take care of it and clean it so that they dont get infections. I think that that is the only problem with piercings.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
23 Jul 08
I really think a responsible attitude is required as body piercings are invasive procedures and hygiene is really important.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
9 May 08
I think teens SHOULD have to have parental consent (written) before getting any work done and I think it should be that way until they are 18.. both my kids have been told that I will let them get their first piercing at 15 (ears earlier if they want) and their first tat at 16
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
10 May 08
Eyes wide shut - A happy family snap.
It's great to get some family input on these things. Strange how kids are so secretive...I guess it's that they know if they want to hide it from the folks it's wrong. I wonder if the guy in this photo talked it over with his folks first?
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• Philippines
8 May 08
I don't approve of piercing. Piercing are for girls ear lobes only for earrings and that is all that should be allowed.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
10 May 08
Do you feel that there is something intrinsically evil about the stranger piercings of face and body? I must admit that I lean a bit that way.
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@slickcut (8141)
• United States
8 May 08
Yes they should have permission from their parents..Here in Texas no teenager can get a piercing without parents permission,its against the law...The only way they can get a piercing is if they are of age....
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
10 May 08
I'm glad there is some control. I wonder why such barbarism becomes fashionable?
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@mummymo (23706)
8 May 08
I don't mind piercings at all - if a person wants to have them that is fine by me but I do not think that children should have them! Here you are supposed to be at least 16 by law to have them done but some places don't worry about age - I was very upset when a 14 year old friend (she is 16 now) had her belly button pierced as I felt she was not old enough to make a decision like that, I had mine done although I don't wear any jewellery in it since I put on weight, but I was in my 20s when I had it done and was old enough to decide to do that and be responsible enough to keep it clean and deal with any infections that may have set in! Just my opinion sweety but that is what you asked for! Hugs xxx
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
10 May 08
I like the ones for adornment like ears, nose and tummy but other facial ones leave me cold...like putting nuts and bolts, big ones through the lobe or nose holes so they get bigger and bigger and inserting rods into the forehead. Tongue piercings also leave me cold as it seems to be a huge health risk and one sees young girls playing with them and chewing on them. I'm afraid I don't like that aspect of it Mo. Thanks for joining in sweety...xxx.
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• United States
8 May 08
Here in the county I live in you aren't allowed to get anything pierced (even your ears) if you are under the age of 18 without parental consent. I would let my kids get anything not hidden by intimate articles of clothing pierced. I look at it this way. It will be their money and when they realize how stupid they look with a loop hanging out of their lip or a barbell through their eyebrow they can simply take it out and chalk it up as a lesson learned. Tattoos are a different story though, they are more of a lifetime commitment and not something that should be gotten on a whim.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
10 May 08
That is one of the better aspects of piercing cyn....the fact that once you remove the metal thingy the hole closes. Do you reckon those people with an earlobe or nostril stretched to fit around a drink can or huge nut would revert to normal size?...I don't think so.
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• United States
8 May 08
well I know its hard to except someone telling you how to run your life and at the teenager stages you are at the point in life where you feel like you are an adult. With that being said, being in that frame of mind can make you do things and make decisions that you wouldn't normally do whether it is for attention or rebellion or you just think it is cool. But a parent has been down that road before and they know what it is like to make a decision you have to live with the rest of your life. Trust me on this one I know i went through that time to and what i thought i was doing at that time is what i wanted to do well later i regretted it and the rest of my life i still regret that decision. and the first thing i said was i wished i would have listened to my parents.it is not going to hurt to wait a few more years to do what you think it is you want to do at that moment. If you wait them you can take your time to decide what is right for you and if you really wanted to do it you would wait.I believe that if you are i under aged you should want to have your parents help guide you in the right decisions.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
10 May 08
I think that becoming an adult happens when you realise you should have paid attention to your parents or when youy realise you made a mistake and have the guts to admit it. I also think that getting your kids to pbey you is something you have to practice from when they are first born...and hope that eventually either you or them will get it right...
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