Hillary and Obama on one ticket? What do yall think about that

United States
May 7, 2008 10:31pm CST
i was listening to the radio tonight, and callers were getting so heated, the supporters of Hillary did not express the same views as those that Obama supporters shared. Some people felt that if Barack is to join with Hillary he would be shoving his foot in his mouth, regarding all of the change he said the he would like. Hillary basically has her set politics as usual agenda. What do you all think is going to happen?
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3 responses
• United States
8 May 08
in the end the "politicians" will do what they do best. COMPROMISE. and that means each will have to give something up for them to form a team. this is something that George W. Bush has not done in the two terms he has been in office. Our current president has not wavered in his war on terrorism but it seems that many issues in the UNITED STATES has been sadly put on the back burner. I just hope the next administration gets back to basics and puts the interest of its own people ahead of the rest of the world. We have been the policeman of the world for too long of time and we should start fixing our own problems before trying to solve the problems of the WORLD. This election has only shown how the two Democrat candidates wasted all this time talking trash when they could have been putting something on the table concerning health care, immigrations policy, war on POVERTY and bringing jobs back to the US instead of being such a good "trade partner" to the rest of the world. First it was the Japanese who made us look back by not keeping up and now it is China who has really passed us in just about everything WE used to make with American workers.
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@mehale (2200)
• United States
8 May 08
Even if Hillary is able to win the nomination- which at this point is looking very doubtful - I do not believe that a Hillary/Obama or Obama/Hillary ticket would work. Hillary has her eye on the prize - the Oval Office and wants to settle for no less. Also as much bickering has gone on between the two during this campaign for the nomination, I really doubt that they could work together as President and Vice. I also think that the small differences between them on the important issues would cause trouble if they ran on the same ticket and NOTHING would get done. I could be wrong, but I really don't think this is a good idea. I also don't think it will happen.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
9 May 08
I have very mixed feelings about this idea. On one hand it seems hard to believe it could be even remotely possible but on the other hand if they both truly are determined to make sure their party wins in November, and I think they are, they just may be able to set aside their differences and team up for what would likely be an unbeatable ticket. Much stranger things have happened; I was too young to remember the election of 1960 but from what I've heard and read about it since then nobody would ever have expected Kennedy to choose LBJ as his running mate but he did and they won. From what I understand they had much bigger policy differences than Obama and Clinton have today, so who knows! I'm sure there are people behind the scenes at this very moment researching and studying every possible choice for VP. Annie