Girls and dating
By bdugas
@bdugas (3578)
United States
May 8, 2008 10:26am CST
Do you think 14 is too young for a boyfriend, is it that today kids start dating way younger that they used to. My grand daughter is 14 and she has just got a boyfriend, he is a bit older than her. I can see what he writes to her on Myspace and he professes his love for her comment after comment, he is so possessive of her her mother let's her go to his house and she came home with these hickeys on her neck and she said he was holding her down. I think he is way more mature than she is and has too much of a influence on her. What do you think, her mother says she must earn the trust to do the things she wants to do, I trust her it is him I don't trust.
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21 responses
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
9 May 08
Yes I do think that 14 is too young to be dating and especially a 16 year old. Some people keep saying that kids are more mature these days but are they really. 2 years at that age can really be a big difference. My kids weren't allowed to date until they were 16 unless it was a special school function then it had to be a class mate the same age. I think kids are pressured to date too early and that is one reason we have so many teenage pregnancies. Any time a boy of those years is dating a younger girl he will and can control them so much easier that if the girl is the same age.
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
9 May 08
I just read some of your comments on a couple of responses about her liking your husband and her father not doing any thing with her. May your husband could talk to her about how a man should treat a lady and she is a lady and so on and so forth. Maybe she would listen more if it came from him.

@sid556 (30953)
• United States
9 May 08
I have a 14 year old and the older guys scare me. I have had a couple of incidences where older guys have wanted to date her. She is not allowed to "date" in the same sense that a 16 yr old would. She has boys come to the house and they hold hands and I'm sure they have even kissed when I'm not looking. She is not allowed to go to the boy's house unless I've talked to the parents and I know they'll be home. I have noticed that most of these little romances last about 2 weeks tops. I will say that if any boy held my daughter down and put hickeys on her neck, I'd be right there knocking on the door to have a little sit-down with him and his parents. I'd be very concerned that my daughter was ok with this sort of behavior or else that she was all ok with it and she is telling stories. either way, I'd be all over that situation.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
9 May 08
Yes, it does appear that this boy has a very uncaring homelife. I actually am like a 2nd mom to a boy like 14 yr old thinks he is hot but there is no way he will be around her. As close as I am to the boy, he has never met my daughter. He is basically a good kid that comes from a home where the parents just don't seem to care. I have known the kid since he was 7 and he is now 17. He just got put in a home because the parents don't keep track of him ....not at all. I asked the mom if she missed him yet and she said,"hll....he's only been gone 12 hours. ask me that again in a couple of months." I'm not his mom and I missed him before he was even gone.
@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
9 May 08
Yes. How simple is that. No question that 14 is to young. The problem is that we have lost sight of this. She is 14. She doesn't get it I mean anything. Not life, not the world, not the future, not her own body, not her emotions....nothing. She doesn't get it.
If she doesn't have a strong support system to rely upon that includes a social support system, a strong father, mother, and extended family...where does she look for role models? Certainly she will look at her sister, her friends at school, peers and of course the media and see others in her age group making really stupid mistakes. She will think their mistakes are acceptable and will not wreck havoc on her life.
14? To young? Why is this even a question today. That is like asking is the mother of Britney and Jamie Lynn Spears qualified to write a book on parenting. Based on the outcome of her experiences I would say no, wouldn't you.
I don't care what type of boy he is. Jock or nerd. If he is putting hickies on her neck. Holding her down to do so (abusive behavior) or otherwise, then it would be the last time and I would talk to his parents. Grounded? Yes, and I would be driving her to and from school for a while. No access to the internet accept for those activities that I deemed appropriate and I would monitor closely. Children go to far to day and parents don't go far enough to keep them safe.

@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
9 May 08
Poor child. She has you and your husband. She has her mother. Clearly not much of her father.
I don't think any of us (adults) really know just how bad it is today in the schools. Just how far many of these young people will go or how much harm they will do to themselves or others. It is frightening. If your grandchild can't protect herself than she is so vulnerable.
@paulw33 (297)
• United States
9 May 08
well you know we are going thru the same thing there was this boy that was dateing my step daughter she also had a myspace but then we found out things were happening like they were tuching eachother but guess where in school this was a while ago about in 2007 we told her there was no more him we brouhgt this to the schools attention and they had gave them both in school in 2007 then just recently i had a gut bad feeling that something wa going on we did not know but e were checking her myspace but wasnt checking her yahoo well i decided one night to check it and the stuff we found writin you would not believe it was pretty discusting she is also 14 talking about f---ing each other and makeig babys and they were still touching each other in school right in there class room underneath the tables and at lunch under the tables my sugestion to you is to get into her other email because i bet there is stuff hideing this school were we are at told usthat kids could not get on there yahoo mail but guess what all the discustiing emails were done in school so it is possible i would check it out
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
9 May 08
My daughter downloaded a program that shows her the tracks to where her 2 daughters go when ever they are on the net. They do not know she has the program on there. After she goes to bed at night she looks for where she has been and can then see everything they typed on each site.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
8 May 08
I think that mother is headed for trouble, hickeys at 15 what is going to happen at 15 or 16, I would not allow my daughter to have a boyfriend at 14 if I saw hickeys, no way, already the warning signs would be up.
@slickcut (8141)
• United States
10 May 08
I think she is a bit young for hickeys..My daughter when she was 14 was not dating,she liked a boy and they visited in the living room,and they went to things as a group ut not alone,and for sure no hickeys...
@kykidd (6812)
• United States
8 May 08
Wow, hickies at age 14. That doesn't necessarily mean he is more mature than her...but it is definitely a scary thought. I agree that her mom needs to draw a line and say if you want me to trust you, you have to earn it. Coming home with hickies, is not a way to show responsibility.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
8 May 08
Hi bdugas, Hasn't that always been the question, what age is too young? Society is changing but parents still have to make that decision, and it's never an easy one. You don't give the age of the boy, sometimes this matters but not always. I hope things go well for her. Blessings.
@chrislotz (8137)
• Canada
17 Jul 08
I think 14 is awfully young to have a boyfriend but as long as they are supervised then I think it is okay. But as a parent there is no way I would leave my 14 year old daughter alone with a boy. I remember what it is like to be 14 years old and I know I was a bad girl. So were all my friends, bad girls. And then especially, she has a boyfriend that is a bit older than her, yeah he wants more than a few kisses and hickeys. I would forbid my daughter to see him alone after that incident.
My daughter and I went to the mall last week and we saw these two kids, couldn't have been older than 12, walking and holding hands and stopping in the middle of the mall to kiss. It was quite a site.
@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
8 May 08
I think it all depends on the kid. I wouldn't let my daughter in that position. Obviously his parents aren't around or don't care. My daughter's wont be allowed to go out on dates that young, unless its a group thing. And they definitely wont be able to be alone with a boy, under any circumstances.
Kids are growing up much faster these days, but I really can't talk because I had already passed into the adult realm at that age. I regret it, and hope I can help my daughter's not follow in my footsteps.
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
8 May 08
i had my first child at just a little more than 18 and you are right grow up too fast, I tried to explain to her last night there is plenty of time for love, and this is just a fad and there will be tons of boys after, you are right she has a 16 year old (her sister) that when she gets dressed for the prom, she could pass for 21. Did we look like these kids today when we was their age. think not
@soupspoon911 (1)
• United States
11 May 08
i personaly think that 14 is old enough to date but when she is coming home with hickies i think that is a little much. if they were both responible enough to handle that id say let them be together. but it seems like he acts a little to old for her.
@lovespecialangel (3632)
• United States
10 May 08
I think age 14 is ok for a boyfriend, but I had to learn the hard way that it is too young for them to visiting each other at their homes. It sounds to me like your daughter needs to step in before it's too late. If she is already getting hickies from him, you have to wonder what else are they doing?
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
9 May 08
i think she is too young for a relationship she is only 14..for God's sake. and what's with the hickeys and stuff.. they should not be allowed to be alone together. it is right that you dont trust this guy.. i wouldn't trust him too.. how old is he anyway?
@AmbiePam (96483)
• United States
9 May 08
This is just my own opinion, but most of the time I would think fourteen is too young to date. Double dating would seem fine, maybe two couples close to the same age going out together. But not just one guy and one girl. It's hard enough to resist peer pressure, but at fourteen it would be even harder. Waiting until the age of 16, only two years more, would still make a difference in the way the young person feels and how they handle pressure from others. But it is just my opinion. Pressure from guys can play havoc with a girl's seld-esteem and ability to make good decisions. Years ago 14 might not have been to young, but with the world of today...
@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
10 May 08
14 is a normal age for a girl to have a boyfriend but if he really is holding her down and giving her hickies well that's something to be worried about.
At age 14 it's all about high school romances that last 3 weeks, it's not serious but young adults these days are getting more and more adventurous at a younger age.
I would suggest to your daughter that she keeps a close eye on her and controls where she can and can't go with this boy. Also, being so young your daughter should have a chat about the influence other men can have and all the dangers that come with dating. If you're worried perhaps you can have a chat with your granddaughter about it, but in a friendly understanding way.
@phillygirl606 (1112)
• United States
10 May 08
I was about to say its fine, that I had my first boyfriend at 13, but coming home with hickies at the age of 14. I was still scared to come home with one when I was 17. Heck I still won't come home with one and I'm now 26. And if mom believe he held her down to give her the hickies than mom is just naive. She needs to open up her eyes and see the real picture. And let say he did hold her down for the sake of arguement, held her down and gave her them hickies, well what else is he gone to take upon himself to force on to her. This sounds like a bad situation with no happy ending. Mom needs to step in before her daughter becomes pregnant and a single teenage mom.
@maggie85 (34)
• China
10 May 08
I think 14 is too young for a boyfriend, cause she is emotion mature, but not social experience. I started to date with my boy friend when I was 22, too old, maybe someone thinks.However, I think it is ok, I have finished college successfully, and then I got my love. I don't mean that someone should be date as my age, only if you are socially mature and emtionally mature, then you can date with whoever you want, that's my opinion.