Life of a Divorcee in your part of the world--Howz it?

May 8, 2008 11:43am CST
Well, I must say I am curious! How is a divorcee viewed in your part of the world? Does he or she have to tolerate pitying glances? Whispers behind his or her back? Intolerance? Ridicule? Or is he or she given a lot of support? Encouraged to move on in life? Find another partner? Make another attempt? In my hometown, a divorcee (both male and female) has a special name--they are called "second hand" or "used." Well, some of them do remarry, but most of them don't have to guts to try it again. Divorce is something that is still looked down upon and, I guess "Taboo" is the word I am fishing for! Will be glad to get your views on this! Cheers and happy mylotting!
2 responses
@GreenMoo (11834)
9 May 08
It's not something we particularly discuss around here. It's a pretty staunch Catholic area with an eldely population, so divorce is not something that's quite so easily accepted as it may be elsewhere. I wouldn't go so far as to say that people are looked down upon though. It's an unfortunately fact of life now.
• India
9 May 08
Yup, I understand. The Mangalorean Roman Catholic community (in which I was born) has the highest divorce rate. At least one divorcee/separated in one family! A lot of them are in the families of priests too. But, still divorcees are looked down upon. :) Hope I get more responses. This is quite interesting.
@GreenMoo (11834)
9 May 08
You're right, this is an interesting discussion. I've just been reading the other responses. For the record, the comments I made above are on the attitude to divorce in rural Portugal, not the UK where I don't think anyone could really give a monkey's any more.
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• Czech Republic
8 May 08
I live in the Czech Republic, and their views on divorce are pretty much the same as those of secular, city dwelling Americans. Czech Republic is just about the least religious country in the world. Something like 80 or 90 percent of the people under 40 are atheists. They don't pull any of the "but God wants you to stay together" stuff when a friend or family member gets divorced. And, at least from what I've heard as a foreigner, they don't call divorcees things like "second hand" or "used." Czechs are generally grumpy and distrustful, but they mind their own business when it comes to divorce, something they consider a private family matter. On the flip side, getting a czech to open up about something is like pulling molars. A few decades under communist rule makes people act as if everyone's with the secret police.
• India
9 May 08
Thanks a lot my friend! This is quite informative. Cheers!