sick of obama's vote for me speechess
By bond0077
@bond0077 (375)
May 8, 2008 5:17pm CST
i watched a oprah show and she asked who was voting for Obama and Hillary and why? the Hillary supporter said exactly y he feels Hillary is the better candidate but when the Obama supporter spoke all she could say was he was inspirering and visionary ,which beings me to my blog here!i find Obama more deceptive than Hillary and sneeky as well ,what Obama is doing especially with the young people is no more than a bunch of race dogs chasing a fake rabbit around and around!allow me to demonstrate,when you ask Hillary a direct question let's just say "senator Clinton what will you do about the IRAQ situation?""well i will bring the troops home in a timely fashion etc... now Obama's turn "senator Obama same question""AAAAA UUUUUMM...well...AAAA I BBEELIEVE IN AMERICA,(NOW HE GOES IN A PREACHER SPEECH)I BELIEVE IN YOU,I THIN...AAAA hey OBAMA CAN YOU GET BACK TO THE QUESTION!OK OK AAA I THINK WE SHOULD START FROM THE BOTTOM UP TO FIX THIS PROBLEM BUT IF YOU VOTE FOR HILLARY ITS more of the same!yet he is too busy inspirering to answer the question,this has worked for him for the whole race,but would inspirering really solve the problems g.w.bush is leaving America?Obama is having an easy time because he has managed to brainwash a bunch of people who are victims to this non-tranparancy approach,which means he can do whatever he wants if he becomes president since he is NOT making any promises just "inspiration"!
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8 responses
@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
8 May 08
Obama knows these are not easy questions to answer. Part of the problem is based in the politics we know today. We need people who care to change the problems, not people who are making contracts in Iraq and sending more American money to the Middle East.
He has to be careful answering the questions he does, because there are a lot of institutions who don't want to be outed, or closed down, or start any political battles.
When Hillary is out of the way, Obama will be show his position, because he will have to debating McCain.
Our electoral college, and the voting system, things need to be changed. Republicans have caused the problem with the Democratic party, those that voted to move the primary date in Florida, so here is the issue.
Our system needs to be fixed, Obama can't go around telling people who we need to change everything, but there are things you know he wants to fix, why not give him the chance? I don't feel that much passion and love from Hillary or McCain. I want someone who cares about this country, like I do.
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@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
9 May 08
One man cannot run a country. If the people of that country are active members in contributing to reforms, volunteer work, etc, then we are going somewhere.
Obama's message is simple, Americans need to get more involved, and show we care, or they will use us for their own political agendas. We let them rig the last election, yeah there was some uproar, but no one did a real thing about it. If Obama does not receive the Democratic Nominee, I'll know this was rigged too. How can you win, more votes, states and delegates, and lose? What does he have to do to Win when he's been winning all along?
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@bond0077 (375)
9 May 08
if obama loves this country so much than y does he not put his hand over his heart during the nation anthem?i saw the video of it the speaker said let all rise for the playing of the national anthem and he didn't do it!what politics that we know today?you really think congress will allow presideny obama to change the status quo?this y hillary is not running on that platform,she is married to a man who everything about the politics in washington,plus she has been a senator for how long?she knows something obama does not!all these impossible promises obama is making will be his own downfall!

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
15 May 08
You're certainly not being fair at all in this, obviously because you dislike Obama so you're not really looking into what he's actually said or what his plans are. In some ways Hillary is making too many promises and going into too many details; people know she can't live up to all these promises.
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@bond0077 (375)
15 May 08
Ok there are a number of ways to look at a problem,your way, my way or the real unbiased what really there way! correct?i am being objective here,fact number one,the IRAQ war,which was the fault of the GEORGE.W.BUSH'S adminstration,not Mccain's,not HILLARY'S NOT OBAMA'S!but leaving IRAQ anytime soon would be a even bigger mistake,because the IRAQIE PEOPLE are not ready,not as a police force,not as a army,therefore there is a distinct possibility that IRAN,would move right in and be just a stone throw away from israel,and we know IRAN would go to war with israel for any reason,which is where the final battle of ameggeddon is predicted to take place,not that i believe in that but i do think IRAN and israel will go to war!this problem will be there for the next president whether he likes it or not!so do you think obama can just bring the troops home for the sake of a promise oh but then again obama also said he would need the option to put troops back if its needed,giving himself a way to go back if he had to,he always talking both sides of the mouth,this is a obama trait,just to cover himself from making a mistakes,sorry obama as president you cannot flip flop with AMERICAN lives!i did checked his plan on his website,and he says things no one can disagree with there,you can't critique him,things like he will help the handicap,oooo every presidents have done something to help the homeless,handicap,etc some better than others george w bush has a fund for aids in africa but you probably never knew that right?but my question is what changes will he make that will make life better for the general population and congress?obama seems to forget that the only way to make changes in congress is to get the other side to vote with you ,this is not a dictatorship,so how can he promise something he doesn't know he can do? unless its just for effect to get votes?can you give me an example of obama running a big corperation,state as in a governor,that i can feel confident in him being in the driver's seat?bill clinton was a governor then president and Hillary was with him the whole time,i know this is not complete experience but its better than obama!OK out of colin powell,hillary,mccain,obama,condi rice,who has the least experience?i know obama is trying to turn his inexperience into an asset by saying more of the same therefore no experience makes him change or different ,smart but not realistic,this is the highest most important job in the world,one wrong decision will affect the world ,not just AMERICA not new york,not just a home but the world,obama's mistakes could start the next world war or save the world from a war!do you remember what happened in cuba with the russians when they perceived john.f.kennedy as being weak?on his newly elected post as president?we came to within one hr of going to a nuke war!when jimmy carter became a bible thumping president,the IRANIANS,took advantage and held the AMERICAN embassy and staff hostage for i believe 400 or more days!now do you think any country would try that now?after george w bush?but with obama i think they will!i think AMERICA needs a person to not make major changes now just mend fences,fix the economy,find a way to help the IRAQYs help themselves,take back the jobs from outside AMERICA,and obama is not even saying how he plans on dealing with these major problems,just inspirer inspirer people, i find this deceptive!
@bond0077 (375)
15 May 08
i would suggest you check out how hitler was able to get a whole nation to just follow him to into the holocaust!his speeches were full of promises,to end poverty for each german person,give the poorest german a house,make germany return to its greatness,jobs,jobs,follow me and you will never go hungry again!all good oration like obama,this saying what the people wants to hear to get votes is not new!its been around from the time of TROY,J.F.K. used it effectively in the early 60's yet he started the viet nam war,AMERICA'S worse defeat in history!the lst goes on and on,yet you follow obama just like the germans followed HITLER 68 yrs ago,how original!

@megaplaza (1441)
• Nigeria
15 May 08
hey you guys should just leave him alone, aint america tired of the clinton's family, i guess america is not their family cake, i guess you should know that if hilary wins, definitely bill clinton is back in power.
@bond0077 (375)
15 May 08
hey if BILL CLINTON is back in power then everybody wins,he was the best president AMERICA ever had,ended the war in serbia without one American body coming home in a body bag!left the white house with a surplus of money!left an economy doing very well,plenty of jobs,highest job pay of any decade in history,including Ronald Reagan!took on congress!won two terms in office hands down!was successful as governor then successful as president!aside from rev wright legacy and helping slumlords what does OBAMA BRING TO THE TABLE?CHECK YOUR FACTS BOY!all OBAMA can do is keep playing the race card,that will only get you so far in the real election,then what?if IRAN invades israel then tells president OBAMA fuc_ you and the horse you rode in on what's OBAMA gonna do?let's talk "i believe in you"and inspirer them to stop? HA HA!
@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
9 May 08
I am not very fond of any of the candidates. I don't feel that Clinton, Obama or McCain should be the next president. I don't think the democrats want to win. Kerry was never going to make it and unfortunately I don't think the democrats will win this time either. But McCain is uncertain about everything. I feel sorry for this country if they win again.
I can say that when the Clintons were in the white house I was making pretty good money at the age of 25. I'll never forget when my regional manager said "Welcome to the middle class." LOL
@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
9 May 08
yadda yadda yadda yadda. Simply more of the same. Slam one candidate and ignore the deficiencies of the other.
Lets see Mr. Obama has clearly stated that he will responsibly end the war in Iraq and get our troops out in 16 months. Far better plan than what Ms. Clinton has offered which is irresponsible and pandering to the emotions.
Ms. Clinton has used the race card as a divider. Mr. Obama has repeatedly refused to rise to the bait.
Ms. Clinton has a history of deception as the first lady to a governor and a president. Why should we believe that she would be different now?
Judge the candidates based upon what we know. Ms. Clinton has a history that is well known as she her self has stated time and again.
Obama isn't wrong a vote for Hilary Clinton is certainly a vote for more of the same. More of the Clintons and a devisive government. More of a divided country. More of a divided party. More of Bill Clinton in the White House. More Whitewater. More Ken Starr investigations. More lying. More deception. As Ms. Clinton has said....we know her and we know her record.
Being the wife of a President does not prepare you for anything other than being a wife of a President. She has no more experience than Mr. Obama. Her entire campaign is based on smoke and mirrors. A woman that can casually write a $6.4 million personal check to her own campaign is not "of the people". Yet this is a woman who has the unmitigated gall to call her opponent an elitist?
Please fool me once shame on you.....fool me twice shame on you....fool me three times then well we all get what we deserve and shame on this entire country
@bond0077 (375)
9 May 08
you sound like a brainwashed follower you even use his words word for word how sad,let correct you on most of the things you said,first off you favor lies over truth right?do you in your heart of hearts believe obama will bring the troops home in 16 months and end the war in iraq?how?the IRAQ war is to insure America has IRAQ's oil prices low or at this level indefinatly you think congress will let him pull out?so even though he is just saying that to get votes and lying through his teeth you like him over hillary huh?ok!you say hillary is pandering to the emotions,how?OBAMA is the biggest panderer of them all what r u taking about?all he does when makes his speeches is say things like "I BELIEVE IN AMERICA(EMOTIONAL)I BELIEVE IN THE YOUNG PEOPLE OF AMERICA(MORE PANDERING)BUT YOU CALL IT INSPIRATIONAL BUT THAT ALL HE SAYS IN HIS SPEECHES,my question to you is y is he focusing on making everybody feel good because it gets him votes without him having to answer the real tough questions,what will he do about the deficit?or the collapsing housing market etc?i don't need to be inspired i am not running for president he is!actually everything you said about hillary its obama you are talking about!obama has made it from day one vote for me or you are a racist!he is the only one to played the race card,check it out ,in texas he kept saying "my asians,my latinos,my mexicans etc etc" isn't that playing the race card to the max?when have you heard hillary say "my whites or my latinos she respect their intelligence too much to assume just because you say my this my that they will come running!and obama lost that one!obama has set it up to be us minorities vs hillary that is all he has done that my dear is truly playing the race card!you say hillary is more of the same ,more of the same as what Bill?when he was president?no obama is saying in actuality hillary is like the republicans ,like bush?where does he get this from?well let's not go there obama isn't president yet but already he is connected to slumlords,rev wright,should we wait until he get into the white house to find out worse?by the way KEN STARR was having an affair while going after bill ok?and with all of his investigation he couldn't impeach bill!obama is fooling twice already and you don't even know it!
@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
9 May 08
Fresh views, new faces, DIFFERENT NAMES!!!! Why are all these people continuously voting these political families into office, if we obviously need something new? Step out of the comfort zone, our country needs help...These families had their chances...
Calling Obama an elitist is beyond hilarious. Hillary Rodham Clinton? White Female, former First Lady and Senator, okay Hil?!
Hillary has been talking about herself and the Republican party since the beginning. Not the Democratic party she's supposed to support. And now she's supporting the idea of a gas tax holiday ....and McCain was the first to suggest a summer suspension of the tax, or a gas tax holiday...
We need to get away from old, dirty politics. There are better people out there...
@lvaldean (1612)
• United States
9 May 08
You are not reading for content are you? You are leaping feet first and quiet emotionally into an arguement that is difficult to win if you don't read for the content of a message.
At no point in time did I state that I was a adherent of any candidate. I simply pointed out that you had misstated what Mr. Obama had said.
I like factual statements rather than mis-statements. It simply makes discussions more interesting when facts are on the table.
So here are a couple of "facts" for you so that if your desire is to attack me personally rather than the political issues you have the groundwork to do so.
I am a independent liberal. I have no party affiliation and never have, not since the day I turned 18 in 1975 and was eligible to vote (fact one).
I have voted for both Republicans and Democrates since 1975 based upon my personal perception of their character and their ability to lead the country. I use my intelligence and my ability to research their contributions, speeches, voting records, and other public records to determine my vote. I never follow the silliness of the crowd which clearly is not to be trusted (fact two).
I like Bill Clinton a great deal and believe that he was one of the most intelligent Presidents that we ever elected to the office of President. His greatest failing was the lie that he told, should have simply said it was none of anyones business. His second greates failing, in my opinion is his wife. The greatest failing of his time in office was not his but rather the Republican party and their need to undermine his success and ability to actually drive this country (fact three).
Now to some of your questions.
Do I believe that Mr. Obama will be able to successfully withdraw from Iraq in 16 months without consequence? No as a matter of fact I do not believe this. However, what I do believe is that he understands his own weakness and that he will listen to the joint chiefs of staff when they revert to him a better and more effective plan. I do not believe that he will implement a plan that will pander to big business only. I do believe that he will focus on the real problem, which is not Iraq.
Ms. Clinton on the other hand has given a much shorter timeline. She has said that she will start withdrawl immediately upon taking office at a rate of 1 to 2 battions per month. This plan would leave the Iraqie government and people vulnerable Iran and Syria and without a plan.
Which did you say was more responsible again? Which is pandering?
So Obama is a great orator? Why is this a problem for you? Because you have an issue with him building people up and causing them to hope for a future that is different than the one they have today? There have been other great speakers in our history, shall I name some of them for you?
Andrew Jackson was said to be great
Franklin D Roosevelt
Harry Truman
William Jefferson Clinton
Woodrow Wilson
Ronald Reagan (early days)
All of the men above had the same quality of controlled passion in their ability to stir their audience. Not the passion of an orator, which is more likened to a Martin Luther King, but the passion of a great speaker which is much different. Is there an issue you take with an educated man who says there is a problem in our political system today, in politics as usual in Washington and that this problem needs to be addressed if anything is to change? Or is that you have a problem with a Black man saying this?
I would be highly interested if you could point to a single speech in which Obama has used the race card. He has addressed race once that I am aware of and that was in a speech he made after the Wright flare up. He has of course addressed the issue of his heritage because it has been used against him. So please, prove your "facts".
Then on to your claim that he is the only candidate that uses inspiration as part of his approach. Is it your claim that Hilary does not do this? Really, it is the in both candidates best interest to "inspire". They have to inspire trust, inspire hope, inspiration for the future that they can bring to this country is how they will get elected. If they don't inspire the voting public they will fail to attract new voters to their campaign. That is the way of it. That Obama is better at it than Hilary is simply because he is a better speaker and has something different to say.
So you don't like the way he addresses people, never get your back up for others if they didn't get their back up first. Get a clue the use of possessive "my" is a form of speech that is common and not offensive to most within the communities that he was speaking to, certainly it is not racist or playing the race card. He gets this .. she doesn't. She never will .. he always will. Most importantly most angelo saxons never will get the cadence and idioms of speech forms and thus will always speak at certain communities demanding compliance and adherance to cultural norms. Because he has had the privledge of a diverse upbringing that crosses cultural and racial boundries he will be able to see across the lines .. she never will. This country's only problem is that many will never see him as simply an intelligent man they will always only see him as a anomoly .. an intelligent Black Man.
I would suggest to you that the best thing to do is really go listen to what all the candidates have to say on the issues. Compare their speechs from a year ago to now. Have their stances changed on key issues? What are they really saying on the issues? Do they have plans? What are they? Each of the candidates have written statements on their websites on many of the key issues such as the economy, health care, Iraq, Iran, and them and compare them. Are they workable solutions? What do they mean in the form of taxes?
Obama has said clearly that he will do away with tax cuts for those that earn more than $200K. He has said clearly that he will do away with certain tax incentives from the Bush administration for off-shoring. He has said that he wants the pork cut out of legislation and Washington overhauled. These plans are out on his website. His healthcare plan is detailed and on his website. Some of his plans will require more money than the government has today he acknowledges this and has not said where this money will come from yet.
Hilary has plans as well. They are on her website. They are detailed. Many of them will require significant influx of tax dollars to be workable and she has not said where these dollars will come from. She has not yet addressed the problems in Washington. Her healthcare plan is in my opinion not workable.
Finally I will leave you with this. I have not made a decision as to where I will cast my vote. I continue to study the candidates. I personally don't believe that the anyone in the field is the best for what this country is facing today, however it is what we have to chose from. The Democrates are being torn apart by this infighting and if it continues the Republicans will be a shoo-in for the next four years, then we really will have more of the same. The office of the President has been held by one of two families for nearly 20 years now and a vote for Hilary is a continuation of what appears to be a dynasty. I think it is time for some fresh views.

@sabbathandruth (567)
• Canada
9 May 08
I AM TOO, I cant stand OSAMA.OOPS i mean obama. I believe deep down inside hes a racist.