Would you agree to change your surname after marriage?
By dpk262006
@dpk262006 (58673)
Delhi, India
May 9, 2008 12:27am CST
In India, when a girl gets married, in most of the communities, she is supposed to change her name or surname or both. Her surname is changed and after marriage she is supposed to add her husband's surname along with her name. Her original surname remains no more. However, lately many of the girls have protested to this practice and they insist that their original surname or name is not changed at all, after their marriage. Some of the girls adopt a mid way - they keep their original surname and also add their husband's surname along with their name. Suppose someone's name is 'Mary' and her surname is 'X' and her husband's surname is 'Y'. After marriage she would change her complete name to Mary XY.
I would like to know the opinion of women members here, irrespective of the fact they are married or not, whether they would prefer keeping their original surname with them after their marriage or would agree to change their surname, as per their husband's surname? Please share your thoughts, with any inhibition. Thanks in advance.
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82 responses
@tipsyflash (581)
• United States
9 May 08
I am married and my last name is still that of my maiden name, but that's because I'm from Michigan and he's from Indiana. Since we're in the home buying process, we have no real home so I've figured not to get an Indiana license if I have no real address. Now that we're getting a home, I'll be getting an Indiana license. I will then carry his last name. I'd prefer having his last name.
@ediona (147)
• Romania
9 May 08
I think it is ok to change the surname,because you see that it is a way to share everbody you love him,and you are agree to make this change for him.A lot of woman thinks at this like a posesion(o i have his name,like i be his trophe)It isnt that way you love him and this think dont matter enymore.
@riyasam (16556)
• India
20 Mar 09
i think i have been brought up seeing girls surname being changed after marraige but i personally donot approve of this practice.after marraige i dropped my fathers name nor did i take my husbands fathers name,i just added my name along with my husbands name...

@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
20 Mar 09
It means that after your marriage, instead of adding your husband's surname, you added his first name to your name? As far as others are concerned, who change their surname, I believe, they do it as per prevailing customs, norms and culture in our socity.

@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
9 May 08
Hi Deepak,
Well I changed my surname after marriage. It was not even a conscious thought, it just came so naturally to me. There were problems of course like bank account and PAN card and voter card, but gradually over the years we changed that too. I don’t really understand this identity thing you know. The name to me is more important than the surname. You know me by my name as do all my friends and acquaintances. Does it matter what my surname was pre-marriage?
Secondly, many women find it irritating to change their voter cards and ration cards and such and also feel that all their educational certificates and such are in their maiden name, so they should keep the maiden surname. If that is the case, then they should not move in at all with their husbands! Once you change your residence, gradually you will have to change your address and other identity cards, surname or no surname. Thirdly, many women have this childish argument that why should they change their surname, it’s a part of their identity? Does the actual identity of any woman (Indian women at least) stay the same after marriage?
It is only for self-employed professionals like doctors and lawyers and such that the argument of retaining the maiden surname holds true. Their customers and clients know them by their entire name and once the surname changes, there may definitely be confusion. In that case, as you have written, they write both the maiden surname and the married surname.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
9 May 08
Though I find your thoughts on the conventional lines, yet your line of thinking is quite justified. Specially, when you say - "Does the actual identity of any woman remains same after her marriage". Your this argument stumped me. And you are very right when you say that it is professionals like Doctors etc.....who wish to retain their maiden name, for the sake of retaining their clients.
I also agree with you that the first name is the most important one and if one is recognised in a society and amongst friends and relatives etc. by her first name, no harm in that. I also buy your argument that it is hardly going to effect me, what was your surname before your marriage. To me, you are my friend and I can address you by your first name conveniently, no hassels in it.
Tons of thanks for sharing such a wonderful and logical thoughts, you appear really intelligent, wise and mature.++++++.........rated.

@SViswan (12051)
• India
10 May 08
It's interesting you brought up the identity issue. But I fall in that category of women. And unless and until I do feel that my husband and I are able to discuss differences of opinion and come to a consensus (in short...behave like adults), it is an identity issue for me. It does feel that I am 'so and so's property....while I didn't feel the same with my maiden name. If it's an equal partnership, I would gladly change my surname....because it then feels like I am part of the family...but as long as that's not the case, I would hesitate.
And as far as addresses go, mine's been changing since the time I was born...so it doesn't really matter....and my permanant address is still my parents' home (I would like to point out that I share nothing in the form of assets with my husband....no bank account - the last time we shared one, he withdrew all the money without informing me). So, I am yet to feel like we are one and so add his name to mine. And anyways, he doesn't want to go through the hassles of changing my name either.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
9 May 08

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@Candee (530)
• India
9 May 08
I would like to keep both. My father's name is important to me and so is my husband's and for that reason I would keep both. I think we should be free to take or discard surnames. Family name is important but not as important as the fact of being together. And I wouldnot like to marry the guy who makes fuss about this issue. My love, my respect my involvement should have been all that he should look at.
Thanks deepak.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
9 May 08
Amongst the response, received till now, you are the only one who says that you would like to retain your maiden name (along with surname).
I appreciate your approach and personally I see no harm in your appraoch, I have seen women, who affix their mainden name along with their husband's surname. So you are the 'unconventional one' amongst the respondents (again repeating, till now).
Thanks for sharing your interesting thoughts with us.
+++++ ..........rated.

@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
12 May 08
After receiving so many replies, I feel there is not a single opinion on the issue. It is divided. I feel, those, like you, who wish to continue with their original surname, should also be respected, and they may be allowed to retain their original surname, by their respective husbands.
If possible, please read other interesting replies too.
Have a great day!
What about PM?????????

@aisaellis22 (6445)
• United States
4 Mar 09
Hello deepak! I would PROBABLY change my surname and use my husband's name. It's one way of saying that we are one and that how much I am proud to be his wife. I even use his surname now and he is very happy to know it.
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
5 Mar 09
Hello! Aisa!
Bases on your response, I conclude that You appear to me a TRUE wife, who is committed to her husband and marriage. Hats off to you and your hubby must feel proud that he is lucky to have YOU, as his wife.
Many thanks for responding.

@aisaellis22 (6445)
• United States
5 Mar 09
yes, I am true to him and he is true to me too..we are both lucky with each other.
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@heavenschild (4777)
• Canada
20 Mar 09
Hello My Friend!
First of all I want to apologize for missing this topic eleven months ago and congrats on such a successful topic also!!!
When I married my husband almost seven years ago I had a hard decision to make but ended up deciding to take my Husbands name as is Tradition in my family to do so.
The reason I had a hard time deciding was because I am an only child and therefore wanted to carry on my Father's Family name....
I had thought of hyphenating both names but then would have a different name than my husband and when it came to having children...I just did not want two different names! My Husband even contemplated changing his last name to mine as he has two brothers but then he lost his Dad when he was seventeen and has his Dad's name for a middle name and so did not want to diminish the memory of his Father either and so I took on his name after all was said and done with no regrets though it is sad that my old name I CAN DO NOW...I DID WHAT I THOUGHT WAS BEST and easiest at the time!!!
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
21 Mar 09
Hello! Havenschild!
First of all no need to ask for any kind of apology, you are free to respond, whenever it feels convenient to you, as far as my discussions are concerned. Thanks very much for appreciating the discussions.
I can understand your predicament in changing your maiden name to your husband's name and I agree with you that it was not feasible to use both your husband and father's name simultaneously.
Many thanks again for enriching the post and sharing your wonderful experience with us.
@heavenschild (4777)
• Canada
20 Mar 09
Sorry for the Cap Lock and also, the last part should have read this way....
No idea what is going on with me today! LOL
"so I took on his name after all was said and done with no regrets though it is sad that my old name is no more and I do miss it and when my Dad passes away the name will be no more but there is nothing I Can do about it now...I DID WHAT I THOUGHT WAS BEST and easiest at the time!!!"
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
9 May 08
Hi deepak! I am married and I have adopted my husband's surname. My original surname became my middle name therefore, it is like the way you illustrated with Mary XY. It has been a practice here in my country and that is alright by me. However, it is also allowed here in our country that a woman can maintain her maiden name and not adopting her husband's name but with proper court proceedings. However, I really don't know the process on that since it has been widely acceptable here in our country just to adopt the husband surname. And I really have no problem with that. Just my thoughts. Take care and have a nice day! 

@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
12 May 08
Your reply makes an interesting reading and it is good that you are allowed to retain your original surname and can add your husband's too. I think, it helps you maintain your earlier identity and it makes you feel better as an individual.
Thanks so much for sharhing with us.
@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
9 May 08

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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
12 May 08
Your first sentenced stumpted me..........I understand you have kids........but you say you are not married as yet?????????? (Please do not take it otherwise, I am just curious .......)
@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
13 May 08
No I am not married yet, I would like to be though. Sometimes things don't always go as planned my friend.
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@monishavakil (1019)
• India
10 May 08
yes why not. well i really do not see any harm in that. guess it is has just been going on forever and my kids would follow their fathers last name. so i really dont see the reaosn why not.
@triptadasgupta (900)
• India
11 May 08
yes friend i personally feel that after marriage a girl should change her surname.It is ok when she is single but when she gets married she gets attached with some other family and i think that to get attached to the other family she should change her surname as well.Another thing is also that now when two single people become one person then they are calles as MR and MRS and it would sound very odd having two different surnames.I feel it this way friends....
have a nice day........
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
12 May 08
So you are in favour of following the conventional system of our society. No harm in that. You are free to change your surname, as per your husband's surname, after marriage. Thanks for sharing your ideas.
Two point here -
(i)Are you married?
(ii) I sent you a request for adding me as your friend, I suppose, You have kept it pending so far, will you please check that?
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
12 May 08
I have again checked up my frineds' list, your name figures in that. Thanks for your acceptance.
[so please ignore my question (ii)]
@arlene05kang (277)
• South Korea
14 May 08
Hello...Here in korea, you can't carry your husband's surname, only your children. I like to change my surname but I need to pay for it and also I need to take exam (korean). I like to change my name because it's too long compared to korean names. I'll give you an example. My name is Arlene M.Raymundo. If you write that in korean , it's like this ?? ? ????.Korean names are more simple ..for example my husband's name ? ? ? (Kang byeong ho - translation)
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@arlene05kang (277)
• South Korea
14 May 08
Sorry , i tried to write an example using korean letters but it didn't appeared.
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@meiteoh (416)
• Switzerland
9 May 08
In Malaysia, the women don't change their names upon marriage because it's a hassle - it's not automatic like in some countries where when you sign the marriage papers, they update everything else. Plus we don't see the point of adopting our partner's names formally. Socially, we are known as "Mrs So and So" but that's it.
So when I married my hubby who is French (and in France, ALL the women adopt their hubby's family name legally), I ran into some issues trying to hang on to my surname - didn't see the point in it. It didn't help that my parents kept harping on the fact that I should keep hanging on to my family name for the sake of it AND pass it down to my kids.
Legally, I am still carrying my maiden name but for finance and other matters, I decided to add my hubby's family name to mine - so I'm actually "Mabel (my family name) (hubby's family name)". The paperwork for this is kinda crazy.
You see, in Switzerland where we are staying, I'm fine just the way I am - maiden name and married. But in France, people just give me that weird look when I say that I'm married but am not carrying my husband's name. So the banks and etc have to go through this whole application process where I have two names on record (my maiden name and my married name) - just in case I show up and want to get some moolah out.
Personally I don't know what's the big deal... :S
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
12 May 08
Thanks for sharing your ideas, but here in India, in many of the communities, bride's surname is automatically gets changed after marriage, her surname before her marriage is dropped and is replaced by her husband's surname. So as per your reply, it all depends upon place to place and country to country.
Surely, there is no big deal in it, it is upto an individual.
@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
20 Mar 09
No. I did not change my name legally. In certain circumstances, I do use my husband's name just because it's easier, but professionally and legally I still use my maiden name.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
21 Mar 09
So you use your husband's name, as per requirement or convenience, otherwise you are happy with your maiden name, this is what I understand.
Thanks for enriching the post.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
13 May 08
In the US women USED to always take their husbands last name. Now with the feminism movement, they feel they somehow lose their identity. I think this is stupid. I believe that when you marry, you don't lose your identity, you add to it! I would certainly take my husbands name.
@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
9 May 08
I did take my husband's surname when I got married. However, if I had it to do over again, I wouldn't. My husband and I divorced, but I waited until my daughter was 18 to change my name back to my own surname. I did that because I didn't want the confusion for her at school.
Now I have my own surname back; what a lot of trouble it was. Oh, changing it was easy, but changing all my records everywhere was a nightmare! I had to change it with Social Security, work, my driver's license, my mortgage, my auto insurance and registration, my life insurance, and more! So if I ever marry again, I will keep my own name!
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@penny64 (1106)
• Australia
10 May 08
I'm married for the second time, and use my original maiden name for exactly the reasons you have stated here. I call myself by my husband's name as far as my daughter's affairs are concerned, just to save confusion for her as she is only young, but everything official is in my maiden name and will remain that way. I read your post and thought wow - that's me!
@moondan (712)
• China
16 May 08
Every country has their own tradition.In my country,women need not to change their surname after marriage.If i am one of the woman in your country,i will also insist on my own surname after marriage.After marriage,we make a new family with our hunsband,but it can't change our blood,we must be responsibility to our parents.I think the love that parents for their children is self-giving,withour answering return.As a girl,we can pass the surname to our children,so the only surname with us must insist on,i think.I have though that if i have more than one child,i will ask my hunsband whether he mind one child has the surname with me.In my family,my parent only have my younger sister and me,so our surname will not pass to my child for ever.
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@cortney09 (1345)
• United States
13 May 08
I took my husband's last name when we got married. I am one of those women that are traditional in that way. I feel like that is just the way it is supposed to be.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
14 May 08
Yes i would. I know its a hassle to change your name on all the social insurance, drivers license, mail, passport and all that and can get expensive but I'd do it.
If he however wanted to change his name to mine i wouldnt mind at all. I wouldnt hyphenate the names though it would be too long.
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@Sarduspater (64)
• Spain
13 May 08
i think that everybody has to be free to chose if they want to change their surname, both wife and husband, if a husband want to take the wife's surname why not?the same is for wife, if she want to change the surname ok but if she doesn't want to nobody should force her
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