How to receive Christ?
By wendylb
@wendylb (203)
May 9, 2008 2:47am CST
Hello mylot users! If you have time may you give a portion of it to read steps below how to attain Eternal Life. I got this from The Navigators Website and its worth reading the steps below because it will let you know the reason why we need to receive Jesus Christ or to let Him INSIDE our heart.
Step 1 - God's Love and His plan.
God created us in His own image to be His friend and to experience a full life assure of his love, abundant and eternal.
Jesus said, "... I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10)
"... we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." (Romans 5:1)
Since God planned for us to have peace and abundant life right now, why are most people not having this experience?
Its because of the problem, we are separated from God.
Step 2 - Our Problem: Separation from God
God created us in His own image to have abundant(meaningful) life. He did not make us robots to automatically love and obey him, but he gave us a will and a freedom of choice.
We chose to disobey God and go our own willful way.
We still make this choice today. This results in separation from God.
"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." (Romans 3:23)
",,, your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you so that he will no hear." (Isaiah 59:2)
**** On our own, there's no way we can attain the perfection needed to bridge the gap to God. Through the ages, individuals have tried many ways... without success.
**** Good works won't do it... or religion... or money... or morality... or philosophy...
According to God's standard(The Bible)
" There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death." (Proverbs 14:12)
Step 3 - God's Remedy: The Cross
Jesus Christ is the only answer to this problem. He died on the cross and rose from the grave, paying the penalty for our sin and bridging the gap between God and people.
"For Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God..." (1Peter 3:18)
"For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Jesus Christ. " (1 Timothy 2:5)
"But God demonstrate His own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us." (Romans 5:8)
Step 4 - Our response
Believing means trust and commitment - acknowledging our sinfulness, trusting Christ's forgiveness and letting Him control our life. Eternal, abundant life is a gift for us to receive.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." (John 3:16)
"I tell you the truth, whoever hears and believes Him who sent me has eternal life and will not e condemned; he has crossed over from death to life." (John 5:24)
With the steps above mentioned, Is there any reason why you shouldn't accept Jesus Christ and crossed over to God' side and be certain of eternal life? We'll it still up to your decision. But when you decide to receive Jesus Christ, here's how to follow.
1. Admit your need(I am a sinner).
2. Be willing to turn from your sins (repent).
3. Believe that Jesus Christ died for you on the cross and rose from the grave.
What to Pray:
Dear Lord Jesus,
I know that I am a sinner and need Your forgiveness. I believe that You died for my sins. I want to turn from my sins. I now invite you to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as the Lord and Savior of my life. In Your name. Amen.
**** God's assurance of eternal life If you've prayed this prayer and are trusting Christ, then the Bible says that you can be sure you have eternal life.
Following the verses assurance from the Bible.
"... for, everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." (Romans 10:13)
" For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God - not by works, so that no one can boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9)
"He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. I write these things to you who believe in the name of the Son of God so that you may know that you have eternal life." (1 John 5:12-13)
Receiving Christ, we are born into God's family through the supernatural work of Holy Spirit who indwells every believer... this called regeneration or the "new birth."
Myloters this will be the beginning of your wonderful new life if you receive him now.
Have nice day!
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3 responses
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
9 May 08
I'm sorry but I already know all of this plus a lot more in the bible which has made me understand that it was all written by man and man cant be trusted so i just trust my heart and mind, and NO GOD will condemn me for following what he actually gave me to follow
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@Zelmarq (12607)
• Cebu City, Philippines
12 May 08
I was not talking to you for any matter. I was talking to libertarian freedom and not you.So it means that what you wrote here for me is generally unsolicited advice and even so i still thank you for saying what you ought to tell me. So after saying all these things to me, do you feel any happier? Satisfied?
You have all the right to say what you want to say and I am not forcing anybody not even you to believe what I say here, so much as I respect you for saying what you want to say here, PLEASE, respect me. I dont care what you believe in, what I care about is for people to open their hearts, and I know for one you are one of those who have chosen to harden their hearts. SO good luck to you.
Thank you and have a nice day! Even if you have said not so good things here against christians, I dont blame you, maybe you have many expereinces in your life that you blame God. You know sometimes its not about blaming anyone what happens to your life. Its all about being responsible to the consequences and wrong decisions.
You know I think where the problem lies? Its between you and yourself.
God bless!
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@Zelmarq (12607)
• Cebu City, Philippines
12 May 08
Im sorry if you felt bad about what I wrote here. You must have lived a not so very pleasant life,I can tell by the way you write here.So much pain so much anger. There are lots of people who are like you and I am sorry for all of them and most of all to you. You end up living life as if you are in a maze and dont know what you like and dont know what to do with your life.As if you are a boat who does not know where he is going.
Thats a life without Jesus. So empty life. You are like running and dont know where to run and I pity you.I may be a very low person in your sight and you think im a good for nothing person, but I tell you. I matter to SOMEONE up there. And of course you matter to that SOMEONE too, its just a matter of acknowledging that apart from God you are nothing.
Have you thought of it?Who gave you air to breathe? The sun that goes to shine everyday and the moon to light your way? Do you associate all these with what you call science? Is your brain that limited only? Then if its limited to only there I wont wonder why you have such limited understanding.
God bless you!
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@individualwill (17)
• United States
12 May 08
I dont blame god because he,s not real, and no christian deserves respect. Myself and millions of other wouldnt have near as many problems if not for christians. So to alleviate the problem christianity should be suppresed, because it is the enemy of freedom. You were too talking to me, you said mylot users, right? Every person on this planet could lead healthy fulfilling lives if not for your religion. You know this. The truth be told, you lean to God because you cannot cope with life, God is a crutch, a savior to save you from your own fears and delusions. So keep preaching to everyone, your religion is on a rapid decline, more now than previously in all history, and for every one you convert, I de-convert about 10 people. Have a nice day.
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@Prophet_Warrior (93)
• Philippines
9 May 08
I admire you for having the boldness to preach the gospel of Salvation through Jesus Christ. I received Christ as my Savior and Lord in 1999 and since then, I thank Him for the salvation and now by His grace, I am growing in His love. Yes, receiving Christ is the best thing a person could ever do. It means eternal life in heaven with Him. Have a wonderful day my fellow christian!
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@wendylb (203)
• Philippines
12 May 08
Thanks Prophetic Warrior! Hope to see you in heaven with your fruits also. Thanks be to God for the one who shared to you and you have accepted Him as your Lord and Savior. I hope that gift of Love you got from God above will be shared also. Last Saturday, we have medical missions just one hour from our work place and we did evangelism. Almost 800 people accepted Jesus Christ and I hope there will be Christian group in that area to follow them up so that they will grow knowing god personally in their lives.
Knowing you growing in His love, I was encouraged to share and follow up soul again.
Hoping for your prayer my brother!
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@indianajks (16)
• United States
9 May 08
That's really cool, because I'm a Navs leader at Xavier in Cincinatti (or however its spelled)... but anyway, i think its awesome that you posted this and definitely I'll be praying for you and everyone on here.
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