John Kerry's Comments

United States
November 1, 2006 5:42pm CST
Do you think John Kerry's comments regarding only the unintelligent people are in the armed forces will hurt him and/or other democrats in upcoming elections?
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14 responses
• United States
2 Nov 06
Here's to the Democratics getting majority in the Senate and Congress - it's about d@mn time. Maybe they will start holding Bush accountable for all this crap - cuz god knows the republican are not!! Impeachment! LMAO Oh maybe I should not say that cuz now that Bush signed that bill to get rid of Habas Corpus then I could be deemed as a 'terrorist' or and 'enemy' and get arested and not have any rights at all!!!!!!!!!What has this world come to??????? Oh that's right - we have a weasel for a president.... God Bless us All.
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• United States
2 Nov 06
Watch out, Big Bubba is watching you at this VERY MINUTE! Run! You are in real danger! But then so am I! We will just need to stick together when they come pounding on our doors and yank all we poor American Mom's into the paddy wagon for speaking our minds, that's all, our GOD-GIVEN RIGHT under the Constituiton of the United States of America! How's THAT for irony!!!!
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• United States
2 Nov 06
I'll be right there with you, fighting the good fight to the bitter end, you can count on that for sure!
• United States
2 Nov 06
This world is so scary now...... I'm so glad that I have someone tho to stick by me!!! LMAO!!
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• United States
1 Nov 06
To add to my post..... The republicans have completely blown this out of proportion and they knew EXACTLY what Kerry was meaning to say. They are jusy tryin to take away from the election and the fact that the republicans are STUPID!
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@jess1874 (1021)
• United States
2 Nov 06
i completely agree
@sbeauty (5865)
• United States
2 Nov 06
I really don't think he meant it the way it was taken. When I heard it I thought he was meaning that if you don't study you might have no other option than going into the service. I didn't at all take it that he was demeaning the wonderful people who are serving in our military. How can anything he says hurt the democrats any worse than Bush has hurt the republicans? Maybe we need to revive the Bull Moose Party!
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• United States
2 Nov 06
No he NEVER saw combat, nor did Rumsfeld nor Cheney . . . I'd think the troops would be pissed about that! I know I would!
• United States
2 Nov 06
Did Bush ever fight in a war??? NO! He tried his d@mnest to get out of it and he DID!
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@jess1874 (1021)
• United States
1 Nov 06
I think its definetly gonna affect the democrats which sucks, but i also believe that what he said was aimed at the president and he just placed words wrong. It was a simple mistake and its gotten out of hand. he screwed up what he was saying
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• United States
2 Nov 06
I agree. I think he was trying to point out the way the Bush administration is. Some people may not realize it, but since he has taken office, and moreso since he implemented the no child left behind act, Bush has used the info to campaign HEAVILY in inner city, low income and low performance schools for military recruitment. If you research this, you will find that since the military now gets more info on school records, they seek out students who don't perform well, or don't have a lot of money, because their statistics show it's easier to recruit those kids. Kerry should have worded his statement very differently though, because it was easily misconstrued to sound like only uneducated, low income people go into the military, which is not true at all.
• United States
2 Nov 06
It is possible it will hurt him in the election, because while it was not intended to put down the troops, but Bush and his lie induced state of war, taking it out of context and accusing him of putting down the troops is not good for his campaign. Since the attack of 9/11 the right wing knee-jerk nationalist fundamentalists have been having a hayday in American anyway. It is only through exposing the current administrations lies and the over 800 US laws they are violating daily, not to mention violating treaties, the Geneva convention etc, that there is any hope for rational thought returning to the American people.
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• United States
1 Nov 06
You people didn't listen to his entire speech - just what Fox news wants to tell you. He was bashing Bush to begin with and it all kinda flowed together. They are just showing the public that certain quote and making it seem like it was bashing the troops.
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• United States
2 Nov 06
Keep talking, Girl, and maybe they'll hear you! Kerry botched a joke, that was aimed at the President and his adminstration ONLY, and the repubs are doing everything in their power to blow it out of proportion and twist it all out of shape! Fox news is idiotic, Fox news panders to the repubs, Fox news is a sore on America's behind!
• United States
2 Nov 06
You go, Girl!!!!!!!!
• United States
2 Nov 06
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@juls2me2 (2150)
• United States
1 Nov 06
Young Marines by a Tank - Young Marines proud of our country and the military, standing in front of a Tank
The only way it wouldn't hurt him is if the unintelligent people anywhere didn't realize it was a put down. How crazy for him to say such things! Worst part is he now denies ever saying it.... What's that all about? Question now you think anyone in the Armed Forces would want to protect him after saying such a ridiculous thing?
• United States
2 Nov 06
Yeah - a put down to our president!! I don't think of it as being a put-down to the Americans - so am *I* unitellegent?? I think the unintellegent ones are the ones who think it was solely about the TROOPS. He was talking about BUSH!
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
2 Nov 06
I am sure it will hurt him, and his chances of running for President, as even if this was a Joke, and a slip up, he should have Read the whole thing as it was intended to be Read. As for hurting the other Democrats... unless they are backing him up and making a Big deal of it like the Democrats do, I see no reason it should even effect them.\ But one thing I have learned, when it comes to Politics, is that everyone tends to think they are better than the next person, and know everything. But have they ever walked in someone elses shoes to really prove they are better?
• United States
2 Nov 06
I don't think it was a "slip up" - he meant to put down Bush. It's easy to.
@FraYFaN09 (1558)
• United States
2 Nov 06
I definitely think that it will hurt Kerry's chances in the upcoming election. Hopefully it won't hurt other democrat's chances because after all they didn't say that comment, Kerry did.
• United States
2 Nov 06
Hurt Kerry in the upcoming election?? He's not even running!
@eoconn03 (152)
• United States
2 Nov 06
He is now saying that it was suppose to be a jab at Bush, but when I heard it I was sitting on the couch next to my air force fiance! My fiance busted his butt through high school and went into the military. He ended up in Iraq and I would like to think hes not stupid! I do think this is going to hurt him and many other democrats in the upcoming election. I dont see how he can change it around and make that comment something positive. Do we ever know why they say some of the stupid things they say? This is really going to effect his chances in the election.
• United States
2 Nov 06
Kerry was talking about HISTORY, but flubbed it. How we needed to educate ourselves so we would never make the same mistakes others have made in the past. It was an itellectual comment that he flubbed in translation. His fault. But remember this: Kerry SERVED IN COMBAT for crying out loud, which Bush never did! And Kerry has done more for American troops and their families in Iraq than probably any other senator than John McCain. Look up his congressional votes if you need more proof. Do not count on the media or anyone else for unbiased and educated edidence. Think for yourself, after you've looked at the FACTS. John Kerry does not hate the military. He hates what Bush has done to them, and America as a whole.
• United States
2 Nov 06
I don't know that it will hurt the Democrats. Anyone can pretty much see that his assinine comments/beliefs are not shared by others. I have heard that he was thinking of running for president in 2008, and if he thought he had a chance, he can definately kiss that goodbye.
• United States
2 Nov 06
I don't think so at all. Anyone who is smart will look at the ENTIRE story and see that his remark was made at BUSH!
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@usmcsgtwife (4997)
• United States
2 Nov 06
I hope this picture comes out
• United States
2 Nov 06
no it was a sign that military in iraq is holding up that says halp us jon carry we r stuck hear n irak
@Rumble (523)
• United States
2 Nov 06
I dont think its going to hurt the democrats in the upcoming elections but I think it sealed his fate. I think people are ready for a change and with all the scandals the republicans have been having his comments wont have any effect at all.
• United States
1 Nov 06
Well if you knew what he was talking about you would not be posting this. If you would have seen his entire speech he was bashing Bush and that comment was meant as BUSH being stupid to get us into this crap in the first place. He was NOT calling the troops stupid and unintellegent. He was referring to our stupid @ss president.
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