God's Creation Or The Big Bang...
By twoey68
@twoey68 (13627)
United States
May 9, 2008 12:39pm CST
Without getting into a big religious debate, I got to wondering what ppl’s personal thoughts were on a topic. The Bible says that God created the Heavens and the Earth in seven days. That everything in the world including the world itself was made in His own designs.
Scientists say that the world was created by a big bang. I’m not sure of their theory completely but something along the lines of a star exploding and the Earth was made.
I personally was taught that God created it. That every plant, grain of dirt, animal, mineral, person, cloud, raindrop, snowflake, and everything else was made by God. When a baby is born it’s a gift from God. I’m not saying that anybody that doesn’t believe this way is wrong only that this is what I believe. I also believe that when God sees what we’ve done to His gifts…children, animals, the environment…it breaks His heart. I try to take care of what I’m given and that ppl I can help I try to help them…I’m sure I could do more though.
Do you believe God made the world and everything in it or do you believe it was a big bang? How do you think He feels when He sees what we’ve done to His gifts? Do you try to do your part to take care of His gifts?
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48 responses
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
9 May 08
The big bang theory would have us believe that the universe and everything in it is the result of random chance and nothing more than a big crapshoot.
Call it Intelligent Design, or call it Creationism, but either way we are here because God put us here.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
10 May 08
I guess that is the big question, and one the scientists cannot answer.... yet they still preach the evolution gospel.
Isn't it funny how Christians are so berated over their beliefs while the evolutionists are so buried in their own dogma?
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@freethinkingagent (2501)
10 May 08
The only problem I have with the big bang happening by itself are these:
#1 All the material in the universe was released from this explosion, Okay I beleive that, but where did the nuclear material come from, I mean the atoms?
#2 If one took all the matter (including anti-matter) in the Universe and collapsed it into a singularoty as they say was the beginning of the big bang. The weight and mass of this singularity would be such a crshing weight thatall atoms would becompressed to a single atom with the mass weight of the whole. such an atom therefor under its own weight could not simply explode and the constant weight would not allow anything including itself to exscape. So what caused the fusion within this single atom?

@Hayley_N (525)
• Argentina
6 Jul 08
Ummmm. There is sooooo much to address in this one. First of all, just because science points towards the possibility of a Big Bang, and evolution is the only theory that we have ANY evidence for doesn't mean that we have all the answers yet. That is what is so great about science. One day we may discover what caused the big bang, and then you can spend your time trying to justify why that can't be true. (you know, just like evolution)
Second, as far as confronting God face to face, I would love to, it would clear up a bunch of things for me, and I would have a lot of tough questions for the big guy. Here you go: GOD IF YOU ARE REAL PROVE YOURSELF TO ME.
I have said it many times in prayer in the past and guess what, NO ANSWER. I'll give him another chance and will post my findings directly if he does give me anything to go on. But unfortunately I need more than a funny feeling in my tummy or hairs on the back of my neck. He will have to give me some tangible evidence. Most Christians at this point will be saying, "you can't test God". Convenient, but the bible says to test all things, and this is my fleece. If God doesn't prove himself to me today, will you believe that he doesn't exist, or does it mean that he just doesn't like me personally?
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@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
11 Jul 08
Hi Hayley N,
What it means is that you haven't yet found GOD and you don't really know...
But if I show you would you understand?
If you are sleeping how can I wake you?
A revival of your heart will reveal the truth, not the truth that you think, but the reality that GOD is here and has spoken to you and you have seen GOD and you would know the truth, if only you could find in yourself what you are looking for.
Peace and Blessings,
(GOD Jesus Lives)
TGWB - Gary
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@sweetdesign (5142)
• United States
11 Jul 08
I also believe that the earth, and everything on it and everything around it is created by God. I believe that not only are babies and animals gifts from God but each of us is His precious creation made to be a blessing. So taking care of the gifts that God has bestowed within you and the gift that you are is also very important. God created each of us and there is a reason why each of us was created. We are all fiercly and beautifully created to do good works.
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@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
9 May 08
I believe its God's creation. I don't believe there is any way that things could "just happen" the way everything is designed to work together so beautifully. It has to be the creation of someone who thought it out and has wisdom beyond our comprehension.
@revdauphinee (5703)
• United States
9 May 08
GOD did time to God is not the man made version we here on earth go by instead
(2Pet.3:8 But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.
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@freethinkingagent (2501)
11 May 08
Yes and from the beginning, when God created the heavens and the earth, no time period is given between the beginning and the time when the earth became void and the first day. Might and probably was billions of years.
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
10 May 08
I know there is a creator. There are laws and a law giver even a Big Bang had to come from something so I know God created and made humanity and all the world we live in. Many can deny it but creation itself shows it as to evolution if that were the case things would still be evolving including we humans. We aren't though. Mutation is not evolution. Darwin who wrote about the "theory of evolution" later in life renounced it and said he was wrong. Of course many don't want to hear that.
@TheGreatWhiteBuffalo (4822)
• United States
6 Jul 08
It seems to me that people are not accepting what they are told to think, they are thinking about what they are being told and reading.
Thinking about what is read in the Bible proves a false point like the Earth was once considered to be flat and that fact as believed had to be removed from the Bible when it was proved to be false, the world is actually spherical.
But the authors were all inspired by a god of gender and his/her truth.
The truth is we are not buying either theory as another does exist. Matter and Mass have always existed in a state of constant change. The Universe is infinite and we as humans need to be free from oppression and corruption.
The foundations of the Church, Mosque, Synogogue and Temple are trembling...
Accountability is being called for!
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
10 May 08
I believe God made the world and everything in it. I do not believe it was a big bang. I also could never even begin to think what God thinks. I think he must be kind of disappointed to see the results when he gave mankind the freedom to make their own own choices.
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@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
9 May 08
I don't interpret the Bible as literally as some. Creation is certainly Higher Powered, no matter what "method" we believe it to have occurred.
It doesn't seem important to me to imagine God as more than that - gender, physical image, etc.
God is.
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@wooitsmolly (3613)
• United States
9 May 08
No, I do not believe that God made anything because I do not believe in God (if you couldn't tell hehe)! I do not think children are gifts from God, just as I do not think God put ANYTHING on this earth for humans to use... as I know a lot of people think. The topic reminds me of a cartoon I saw the other day.. let me see if I can find it. I will add it as an image. I hope it does not offend you or anyone else!!

@freethinkingagent (2501)
10 May 08
Good Creation and big bang/evolotion are not opposits. They go hand in hand if correctly translated from the bible. People seem to think you have to believe in one or the other, sad, they miss out on the true inspiered word of God beleiveing the two are opposed. you should read my responce to this disscussion on page three. I know it wont change anyones mind, but it gives an example on how the two can complament each other.
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@littleowl (7157)
9 May 08
Hi Twoey-in my opinion we were a star created by the 'big bang' theory-am sure one of mylotters will explain in more detail bout it-also where there is water there is life-we grew from through different stages of evolution-before man there were dinosaurs-there were different times of them in thousands of years plus lizards some of which we still have today but in a smaller form-man came along in small shapes and forms we had the differnt stages through man from the cave man upwards-slowly creating into the way we are now.
I don't beleive we were created in 7 days by what God said-and adam and eve were the first people on earth-there is too much science and logic to prove otherwise-instead I do beleive in a Higher Power-Divine Being-littleowl
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@dragonfly242 (1060)
• Bahamas
11 Jul 08
hi twoey!
I believe that God created the world and everything in it.
The great bang never made much sense to me.
If we can create such marvelous things, isn't it then logical to think that we were created.
I believe that we are mandated to take care of what we were provided with.If we plant a garden dont we nurture and take care of what we have planted?
So i believe that we must do our best to take care of what we are blessed with.
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@isme78 (104)
• Australia
15 Jun 08
Its so obvious. There was absolutely nothing in physical existence before the big bang, according to scientists... right?
Then how on earth did an explosion happen. There were no dust particles, bacteria, chemical elements nothing.
There were no forces, pressure or anything, nothing to cause an explosion.
But someone had to cause the bang. Obviously God is the only one who could have set it off. Not only that, a mathematics professor form the university of adelaide calculated that the probability of getting anyform of life after the big bang was 0.0 followed by another 120 zeros (I think from memory) then a 1 or something. So impossible basically.
He, along with many other scientists admit that the only possible way that there could be life is a supreme designer and creator.
Thats it basically. You posted too many questions I don't have time to answer them all now.
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@Mirita (2668)
• United States
9 May 08
My answer to you is very simple even if the world was made by a big bang, I still believe that God had something to do with that. To get to number 2 you need to pass number 1 ,so it would be a very strange world if everything just happen by itself and there is no meaning to life.

@freethinkingagent (2501)
10 May 08
I eccho your thoughts, please see my responce to this post on page three I beleive.
@tthom64 (535)
• United States
10 May 08
I second this belief. Just like you could say that my husband and I created our daughter. There was a deliberate act that started the whole thing but then the laws of nature took over. We did it on purpose and, eventhough we may not have known the particulars, we knew we were creating a child that would grow and develop in a certain way. Maybe God understood more of the particulars or maybe the particulars don't really matter as long as there becomes a universe capable of bringing forth and sustaining human life.

@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
9 May 08
I have a hard time wrapping my head around either theory but I would lean more towards evolution then some magician creating something out of nothing.
One of my biggest problems with the bible is the story of Noah's Ark. First of all, where did Noah get 2 animals of every species and how on earth did he stop the lions from eating the zebras and whatnot for 40 days and 40 nights on a boat?
Not to mention there is never any mention of what he did with all the animal waste that was produced or where he got food for each type of animal he took along on the voyage.
So I probably shouldn't be in this discussion but I will say that I agree that people are careless with the resources the earth has given us, no matter how the earth was created and both God and Darwin are surely rolling over in their own little patches of heaven over what is being down by us to this planet.
@freethinkingagent (2501)
10 May 08
I would like to debate you on the things you mentioned. On creation or the flood, as a pre curser you can see my responce on creation of this post on page three, I don't mind debateing science and religion. The main problem is the bibles translation, maybe I can show you origenal hebrew words that would change your prospective, I don't mean change your mind because i am not a god who can change the mind of man.
@cynicalandoutspoken (4725)
• United States
10 May 08
I don't mind debating science or religion either. I was raised roman catholic and had a very good relationship with god and was an avid church goer until I had a falling out with my priest.
It's not that I don't believe in god, it's just easier for me to wrap my head around something that is tangible then something I am expected to believe on faith alone.
And not that you asked, but just so you know I'm not some "crazy atheist" or something, but I believe in God. I went to a catholic school and got the fiction of the bible (in hebrew text or otherwise) shoved down my throat every day for 8 years. I went to church every sunday and gave my allowance to the collection plate. I spent so much time on my knees saying Our Fathers and Hail Marys that I left permanent knee marks in the pew where I sat.
If that is what "god" expects from his followers then that follower I cannot be. My god and I have an agreement. I don't go out and kill people. So therefore I am allowed to take his name in vain when I stub my toe. I don't commit adultery so therefore I am allowed to worship my sweetie every night for a couple of hours before I go to bed. I don't covet my neighbors anything so he cuts me some slack on the honor thy father and mother part, and at the end of the day when I have done something I am truly sorry for he forgives me.
That's what works for me and my god. So we can debate evolution vs gods work all you'd like. It will do little for my belief on how we got here and as you can see I think me and my god already have the rest of the stuff worked out.
@freethinkingagent (2501)
10 May 08
I can understand your frustration. But think about this, as in many Churches you were not realy tought the Bible, or even about God. You were tought "this means this and that means that, You have to follow our rules on what we say the bible is and beleive what we say God is". It is quite deffernt to read the bible anew, forgetting everything that has been tought to you and reading with a new understanding of God, Man and creation. God doesn't want mindless robots to kneel and worship him for all eternity. We are to have life and to exprence life. There is much in the origanal translations that has been deliberately missinterpeted and some through ignorence. Creation isn't the opposit of big bang or science for that matter. And God is not what 99.999% of people think he is.
So I do understand where you are comeing from, faveing theology made by man shoved down your throt, But I would ask you do this. Forget everything you were tought, forget everything you think you know. get a good hebrew paralel Bible and read again for yourself and start asking sopme questions, get the answers the Church doesn't want any one to know, find the truth and the TRUTH shall set you free.
@freethinkingagent (2501)
10 May 08
well first off god never said he created the hevens and earth in seven days, and nether does the bible say this. If one would actualy read the bible (in hebrew perfeably), they could understand that science and religion can co-exist. I will show you Gen. in light of Science and read correctly.
Gen 1:1 In the beginning God created the hevens and the Earth: Translation, Billions of years ago God created the Univers, and all the stars and the earth.
Gen 1:2 And the earth became (not was, the hebrew word here is 'hayah' wich is means came to pass or became) without form and void, and darkness was apon the face of the oceans, and the Spirit of God moved apon the waters,: Translation, Something happened to the Earth and it became "void" meaning without life, Something happened that ended life on Earth and left it desolate and lifeless. And the world was dark.
Okay, billions of years have passed and it isn't even the first day yet.
gen 1:3 And God said, "Let the Earth be illuminated" (Again literal Hebrew translation)
Gen 1:4 And God saw that the light was good, and destiguished the light from the dark.
Gen 1:5 And he called the light a day, and he called the darkness he called night, and the evening and the morning was a day.
So billions of years ago God created the unverse with waht we call the big bang, The universe was formed of billions of years including the earth. But the Earth became lifless and a mass extinction happened by means of a meteor or commet hitting the Earth, sending millions of tons of earth into the stratus and ionisphere blocking out the Sun and sending earth into an ice age that destroyed life on this planet.
Then God looking at the Earth, seeing the devastaion and darkness covering the earth, and caused the Sun to illuminate the earth once again, and then he called it a day.
Even this day does not need to be read literaly as a 24 hour period. As it is writen that a day is like a thousand years to the lord. Even takeing this into account it would mean after God came to see the destruction on Earth, over the next thousand years God began to clear the dust out of the apmosphere to allow the Sun to shin and warm the earth.
The next texts share the same as i just mentioed with thousand year days with God 'RE-Createing' the Earth slowly. Even this can be shown in a scientific way. The time periods are off though in Gen, as this story when Moses told it was already 3500 years old.
@moon317318 (692)
• Pakistan
10 May 08
thanks for sharing this knowledge... do read carefully what i responded....
@Wickedself (720)
9 May 08
Unlike many people I support both these ideas, I mean that I believe that Big Bang did happen and God was the Mastermind behind The Big Bang project. One cannot say that science is wrong. All the theories of science actually have been accepted after proof was found in nature, so God created the universe and science tries to explain how this universe works.
@freethinkingagent (2501)
10 May 08
Science and religion are two edges of the same sword. they just argue back and forth whos the sharpest, LOL. I responded to this with an argument reading Gen correctly with the corect hebrew translation that suports the creation story with scintific explanation of the big bang, the earth, mass extinction and all. You may want to read it on page three. Thanks I like to discuss things with like minded people.
@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
9 May 08
I truly believe that God made the world and everything in it.. One of the things that I have a problem with is what we are doing to his world.. I know that I can't stop anything that is going on in the world but everytime that I see someone litter, I think, this is God's world and we need to do better, so I can't litter for any reason.. Even a small piece of paper, I stick it into my purse and get it out later when I get home, but I don't litter.. I am by no means perfect, but I do not litter.. I feel as if it is a good start anyway, now if I could change other bad habits!!
Hope every one has a great day..
@freethinkingagent (2501)
10 May 08
You are a good stuward, and maybe you are the reason earths dominon was given to man, Maybe there is hope for all of us?
@moon317318 (692)
• Pakistan
10 May 08
first i would like to tell you that the present bible is not the word of GOD.... it was written by humans some part of it is true but the rest of it is false because it was currupted by humans..... ..
now about the big bang.. i am a muslim and i do believe that the earth was created in six days... but through the big bang... the book we follow the Holy Quran...
is from God and it is the only book which is its original form even after 1400 years, because it is from GOD....
Description of the universe from the QURAN: (the big bang theory)
so science is compatibe with quran because it is the true word of god...if it were from a human there would havebeen errors in it but it is free of errors...
GOD mentions in the quran that chapter7:54 that God created heavens and the earth in 6 days...
ALLAH(GOD)says in chapter 21:30 "do not the unbelievers see that the heaven and the earth were joined togethrt(as one part) before we clove them asunder"
how can a person think a book that apeared in the desert of arabia 1400 years ago could contain this profound truth.?
scientists believe that there were gas before the universe was formed... in short huge gaseuos amount was present or a gas cloud...GOD mentions it in the quran: in chapter 41:11 " moreover he comprehended in his design the sky it had been smoke. he said to it and the earth come ye together, willingly or unwillingly. they said we come together willingly "
we come to know now that every heavenly body is going around onn its course, even the sun is revolving around something... this fact is not told by bible... we came to know it now.. and it was written in the quran 1400 years early... that every thing is rotating... in chapter 21:33 "... all(celestial bodies) swim along each in its rounded course"

@marciascott (25529)
• United States
12 May 08
I Moon, I don't get mixed up in all the Religion, I believe in God. everyone has there own beliefs in god. I am a Baptism, that is all I know. so as far as others oppionion about religion, to each its own, I have a girl-friend that believes in another religion, I don't even talk to her about it, because she has her own belief, and I have mind. so we are still friends we just don't talk about Religion, because we don't have the same beliefs. Thank for sharing what you believe in. Have a good day!
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
11 May 08
I can appreciate that you believe that the Quran and the Islam religion is the only true religion, that's good for you.
As for me, I believe in God, the Bible, Heaven and that's how I live my life.
I would no more try to tell you that your religion is wrong anymore than I expect you to tell me that mine is wrong...it's rude to do so.
As I said at the beginning of this discussion, I don't want this to be a religious debate but you might want to learn to be a little more tolerate of others beliefs while still voicing your opinions. Your rather new to MyLot and you may not have realized that there are ppl with just about every form of religion on here and telling them they are all wrong and your the only right one...well, it could lead to alot of problems.
@freethinkingagent (2501)
10 May 08
very interesting moon, I had not read before the Quran's account of the creation. It does also fit with the hebrew and earlier near eastern stories of the creation. For me it is unbeleivable how so many different people and cultures can write about the same thing and yet some beleive all these people made these stories up? There must be truth tho the story. Also in Job God tells Job the the Earth is a Sphere and hangs on nothing, when alot of pagan people beleieved the earth was flat, or even on a giant turtels back, Job said almost 4000 years ago that the earth was round and was not suported.