What are you planning to do ,this weekend?

@QujuYu (17)
May 9, 2008 10:57pm CST
The coming on new weekend,my classmates discuss how to relax. Swimming may be a good way.How about you?:)
9 responses
@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
10 May 08
Hi! Welcome to myLot. We were actually going to swim this weekend too. Well, actually we're having an overnight swim at one of the resorts in the neighboring towns. I thought that we were not going to have a swimming plans for this summer but the emplyees at our restaurant asked for it and my parents said yes and so we will come too. Its only overnight and we will jsut ocm back tomorrow mornign in time to open our restaurant. Well, thats how I will spend my weekend. Have a nice day.^_^
@QujuYu (17)
• China
10 May 08
Swimming is a good way to relax.Enjoy it! Have a nie weekend.:)
@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
11 May 08
Hey, just got back from the swim.^_^ How about you?
@sameroad (3179)
• United States
10 May 08
I need to take some photos for my blog. I might go hang out with my cousin. and I need to give my dog a bath.. he is starting to smell. I also need to go to the store for some things and i think that about sums up what i'll be doing this weekend..
@QujuYu (17)
• China
10 May 08
Thanks to responds. Have a nice day!:)
@julievy (593)
• United States
10 May 08
I am going to visit my new granddaughter! She was born last Saturday. I think this is going to be the best weekend of the summer!
@QujuYu (17)
• China
10 May 08
Congratulations!Such a nice weekend, everything is fine. Wish your life's best and a world full od wonderful joys. Thanks to share the happy news. :)
@jofeli (502)
• Indonesia
10 May 08
this weekend i plan to make some cakes for my hubby. nothing special to celebrate but he will have an overtime job on saturday and sunday. so he will be more tired than usual and i will just try to comfort him :)
@QujuYu (17)
• China
10 May 08
Oh,souds so sweet! Have a nice weekend!Thanks to responds.:)
@coneest (168)
• Malaysia
21 May 08
Most probably i will be doing my freelance job :p
@excellence7 (3655)
• Mauritius
14 May 08
Hhhhmm this weekend - I dedicate my week-ends to bodybuilding because I really love bodybuilding. Hey Qujuyu, we are same age- wanna be friend? Friendship is a blessing..:)
@jayalaksmi (1039)
• India
13 May 08
Next weekend i am not actually going to do anything special except a tour of a different place. I think i would be changing my place of study next weekend.
• China
11 May 08
Staying at home leisualy as usual.....
@allan5d (120)
• Philippines
14 May 08
i want to watch tv this weekend. i feel exhausted from work during weekdays so i think i should pamper myself this weekend.