Letting your kitten outside....advice?

May 9, 2008 11:29pm CST
As I reported here a couple weeks ago, my kitten Nigel was hit and killed by a car. He was only 6 months old but he was a free spirit and could not be kept inside, as much as I wanted him to be. Now my new kitten Alfred is growing up and wanting to explore outside. He is only 7 weeks old but is already a mischief maker. We have a back deck attached to our house and it is fully enclosed. Because of this we leave the back doors open, as no one can possibly make it onto our deck to enter the back doors. Isabella our older cat jumps off the deck through the bars, onto my partner's motorbike and then onto the grass below. I'm afraid Alfred will copy her and do it too, he's already watching her and sticking his head through the bar. My question is, how long should I lock Alfred inside for? How old was your cat when you let it roam freely outside?
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8 responses
@gemini_rose (16264)
10 May 08
I am not sure, it is hard to keep them in once they want to go out. I used to have to keep mine in until they had had their injections but I cannot remember how old they were. When I first started to let mine out, I used to put butter on their paws to stop them roaming, just until they got used to not wandering off, that works too.
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• Australia
12 May 08
How does butter on their paws stop them from roaming? WOuldn't it just rub off on the grass?
@dodoguy (1292)
• Australia
18 May 08
Hi gemini_rose, The one that got away probably skidded on a road somewhere with the butter residue still on his paws, and got collected by a little old lady do 90 in her motorized wheelchair. Hopefully some little girl adopted him somewhere else and he just decided the pickings were better on that side of town.
@gemini_rose (16264)
12 May 08
I have not got a clue how it works, I remember I had a cat that kept running away, everytime he run away he would go to the same place and I would go down and fetch him. He did it that many times I did not know what to do, a friend said put butter on his paws it will stop him. I just laughed and said do not be daft what will that do, he will just lick it off. Try it they said, so I did, I swear down he did not run away when he had butter on his paws, I could not believe it. I put it on religiously everyday for about 2 weeks, he never strayed from the back garden. One day I was really busy and I forgot, let him out, whoosh, gone, I never saw him again!! True story. I did it again on another cat that kept roaming, did it on him though for a long time until eventually he just forgot that he liked to roam and stopped of his own accord. I do not know what it does, but for my cats this really worked.
@Pitgull (1522)
• United States
11 May 08
About two months old, she's too crazy...But I don't live on a busy road...I let her out for a short amout of time and gradually longer... It's hard, but sometimes we need to just let go, they are animals, they shouldnt be pent up...I understand the car risk, so maybe you should wait until you live somewhere safer... I'm sorry to hear about your kitten, RIP Nigel **
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• Australia
12 May 08
I also agree that they shouldn't be locked inside. They're animals. It's in their nature to be outdoors.
@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
10 May 08
As I haven't been able to be on My Lot much lately, I wasn't aware your poor kitten had been hit & killed by a car. I am very sorry. Regarding your new kitten, how busy is your road? I have always let all of my cats outside, but then I have always lived on quiet streets. The risk is still there I know. One of my old cats was once hot by a car, & required knee replacement surgery. I let my cats out bit by bit. First, I let them out the back under my supervision. Eventually they are allowed out the back whenever they want. I know they can jump the fence to get out the front, but they tend not to for awhile. Next, I begin letting them out the front. Do you know what I did with my latest cat? I bought a cat walking harness & took her out the front with that for awhile, before I let her go on her own. Both cats seem to avoid cars. I usually wait at least two weeks with a new kitten before letting them outside, following the above process. Good Luck.
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• Australia
12 May 08
Yeah our street is a little bit busy as we live behind a main road so people often take short cuts through our street. however it's not what you'd call a busy street..if that makes sense. I agree that we should let Alfred out little bit at a time and wait a while before we totally let him roam free.
@GreenMoo (11833)
10 May 08
I think my kittens were allowed to take a look around outside within a couple of weeks of my getting them, so they must have been 8-9 weeks old. I do live in a very quiet area though with pretty little risk during the day time. My biggest worry at the time was our own dogs!
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
10 May 08
So Sorry Coffee about Nigel..i know i've lost some kitties over the years just like him. Right now almost all my cats are old and just hang around the front porch, but i do have one mama in the garage with 4 baby siamese..the parents are Siamese too! Hopefully you let him have some freedom but unless you keep them enclosed allday long, they will sneak out and get into mischief and thats the worse that will happen.
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@sturner03 (326)
• United States
18 May 08
Thats to bad, I am sorry for your loss. Maybe if you have enough land you should get a fence that they can't get out of. Or they make cat leashes so you can slowly introduce the outside. I'd say around a year or so I'd let them out. Give them time to figure out the world and realize were home is so they will always come back. MY best advice hope it helps..
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
10 May 08
I'm sorry to hear about your kitten, Nigel. Well, it mostly depends where you live and how brave your kittens are. When we lived in the country, we let them out after they were three months old -- if they wanted to go outside, we always encouraged them to like being indoors though this didn't always work out. If you're in the city, I wouldn't reccomend it until he's at least a half a year old and wiser about cars. A healthy fear of cars, when you let your pets outdoors is very useful. Nowadays, since we're in the city we won't let our cats roam freely. We will hold onto them and take them out for walks around our house and backyard. And we bought a harness for our oldest cat who dislikes to be held outside, so that he can walk where he likes but we still have his leash just in case he gets frightened and tries to run away.
@snowy22315 (185908)
• United States
18 May 08
I don't let my cat outside. There are just too many dangers out there. My cat used to be an outside cat when someone else owned him and he has the freespirt also. He does try to get outside frequently, but I have a screened patio door and that is just going to have to be good enough. I'd be crushed if anything happened to him.