Don't Hate Me 'Cause I'm Beautiful! LOL

Regina, Saskatchewan
May 10, 2008 2:20am CST
Ok, ok, before you all start moaning and groaning again, would I really be me if I didn't change my avatar whenever I had a serious mood swing? Well would I? Of course not! Actually people I have changed it because I've grown up! It's true, I swear! I have decided that in shedding the soon to be ex, it's time that I became serious about my life, and that the new path I am about to embark upon, be one of maturity, stability and total self reliance. No more men trying to change me, control me or convince me that I'm an hysterical, hormonally challenged female that needs a good put down to keep in her place. The pretty blues in my new avatar are a symbol of the great pond I hope to cross soon, lapping at the shores of my beloved England. The fact that it says, 'I've lost my marbles', is to reassure you all that I will never lose my sparks of insanity. LOL So who's taking bets on how long THIS one will last? ROFL
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17 responses
• United States
10 May 08
It is saturday now so I am betting you will have changed it again by the 20th. what do I win if I am right? I look forward to you embarking on this path of maturity, stability and total self reliance. I know you can do it. I've been amazed you have been the way you have been for so long in your relationships. Look out world cause here you come. Those poor Brits aren't going to know what hit em.
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• United States
10 May 08
i thought caterpillars made silk Cyn? who wants a pigs air purse?
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• United States
10 May 08
P1ke should be nervous. Especially more so if I ever come to visit. And as for the silk purse, I'm allergic to pig you can keep it.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 May 08
Nope they won't. I think P1ke is getting nervous now! LOL And you win a silk purse! ROFL
3 people like this
• United States
10 May 08
Oh I Have no doubt that you will accomplish great things from here on out. I have total faith in you Sparks. You mental state is never in question either. Lord knows your as mad as a hatter, but that is the motivation is it not? You have to be insane to over come what you have thus far. I have a front row seat to your metamorphoses, that cocoon of a prison is breaking open a little more each day. From what I can see what is emerging is more beautiful than anyone can imagine. As far as you AV I give it tops 3 weeks.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 May 08
3 weeks huh? Well now that Loud has given me a new one which MOVES like it's supposed to, you just may lose that bet! ROFL Hey.............blame Loud! Thanks for the lovely words Angel. Hugs.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
10 May 08
Hey don't you dare go serious on me and do not change I love you as you are and I want you to stay that way do you hear me You are getting as bad as me with the Avatar lol I would take a guess at it staying a week maybe
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
10 May 08
Right to wouldn't change my Spark ever
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 May 08
Ah sweets - don't worry, between the other loonies here and your Gissi, Sparks won't be allowed to change! LOL
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
10 May 08
YOU GO GIRL!!!! I SAY LOOSE YOUR MARBLES!! girl you are an inspiration to many seriously. i think you standing up and taking your life back is wonderful. the end of a relationship can brake some people. no matter how bad things got. and you are here reclaiming your life back. reclaiming you and who you really are. I am proud of you girl, and I hold up my glass (of rum) and toast to you!! Yeah i know it's not noon, but it's mother's day weekend and i got three kids, i should be allowed to have a cocktail before noon!! so To you a toast, welcome back to your life!! Cheers
• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 May 08
LOL - momma! Drinkies before noon ---------------hey count me in! You have a great Mother's Day you hear? Hugs sweets.
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@34momma (13882)
• United States
10 May 08
what is wrong with drinks before noon?? LOL
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 May 08
Burp,hic............not a thing! LOL
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
10 May 08
You change you avatar more often than I change my bras!! But this change is do much for the best of reasons. Not sure about the maturity tag though. We should be growing older disgracefully my dear - bugger maturity, leave that to the 30 somethings. I hope that you will let this man at least manipulate you as far as the odd book shop, cream tea, pub lunch etc and let him meet you at the airport when you arrive!! I promise that will be the extent of it though. I have a hard enough time with my own hormones. LOL.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
10 May 08
That "do" should of course read "so". Finger trouble I am afraid.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 May 08
You'd better the welcoming committe P1ke! Good heavens I throw myself off the Cliffs of Dover if you weren't!!!!!! As for the maturity thing - I rather had 'gravity' and the force it has expended on the old bod in mind when I wrote that! LOL But then again - I've enough 'disgracefullness' in me to still play with YOUR hormones! ROFL Thank you nova!
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
10 May 08
Play away way, play away, play away...........
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• United States
10 May 08
Well, it seems we keep our avatars about the same time. Like my new one?? I guess I'm feelin froggy today. Actually I was just tired of looking at my own face so up close...but anyway. You are a wonderful person Spark, and I'm glad you plan to grow up a bit, without loosing your identity. We could all learn a bit from you...
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 May 08
ROFL - you're new avatar is so cute edgy! And thanks for the lovely words. You go girl, and do have a lovely Mother's Day.
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• United States
10 May 08
Why thank you(((humble bow)))
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• United States
10 May 08
...oh, I forgot to place my bet, I'll give it a week, but no longer. I wonder if I could make it that long??
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@mummymo (23706)
12 May 08
LOL No bets being made on that by me - you would deliberately do it when I wouldn't win when I did! lol I have to confess that I was a bit confused at first but we all know how easy it is to confuse me! You have been very strong and if it anything to do with me I would say you can change your avatar as often as you like or as often as your mood changes if you like - but you better be quick! lol By the way I found some marbles - are they yours? Do you want me to return them? Hugs xxx
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@mummymo (23706)
12 May 08
Now that is a very good point! I was all ready to mail them back to you too! Mind you , you are doing a great job without them! xxx
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 May 08
LOL mummy. By the way, you can keep the marbles. If I took them back they wouldn't be lost anymore and I've to change my avatar AGAIN! Then how confused would you be? LOL
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@kamran12 (5526)
• Pakistan
10 May 08
Your new avatar is beautiful and have a cooling effect on eyes, spark, as have you on mind, even though it's through insanity sparks! :-) I wish you well as you set yourself for a new day of the rest of your life, as you say it, for more maturity, stability and self reliance. May you have the peace, happiness and profundity of the ocean you are so eager to cross, spreading your sparks on your way. But, keep a good stock of your sparks lest you have no more left when your feet touch the shores on the other side of the pond, LOL!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 May 08
What lovely sentiments. Thank you my friend. And no worries - my sparks will NEVER go out. Just being around P1Ke, and then you, will have me absolutely glowing!
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@olivemai (4738)
• United States
10 May 08
Whatever! I can understand where you are coming from and it has been a long winding road!
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@olivemai (4738)
• United States
12 May 08
Enjoy your new life!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 May 08
I'll do my best Olive, I'll do my best! LOL
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 May 08
It sure has Olive, but it's been worth it.
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
10 May 08
It's about time that ex goes away. You don't need that piece o crap... I think that you have your mind set and this one will last a good long while. I wish you all the best always!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 May 08
You are a very clever girl skinny. Thank you. Now DANCE! LOL
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@gemini_rose (16264)
10 May 08
I like the new marbley you, yes. But what is this about growing up? Surely not? If you are getting serious about your life is this the end of sparkofinsanity, will you soon be changing your name to fit your new grown up you? Something like insanitynomore or something equally as grown up, like iamallgrownup? Well I for one seriously hope not, this place would definately not be the same!!! But seriously though, I am glad that you are sorting things out in your life, and I hope that everything works out for you and you are totally happy in your new independant role, I am sure that you will be, take care xx
3 people like this
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 May 08
Sigh. We all have to grow up sometime. Sad huh? lol But never fear - those sparks of insanity will always be there or I'd go insane! ROFL
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
10 May 08
Good for you Spark you are getting rid of the x and getting a new self, whee thats liberating for sure. You do not need a man to measure your self worth by and you know you are not hysterical or hormonally challenged Now its time for you to be yourself and do all the silly fun things you want without an x to plague you lol
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 May 08
You are so right Hatley. NO woman needs a man to define her! More MEN need to realize that. LOL
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@Elixiress (3878)
10 May 08
I don't get how people could be annoyed at something so insignificant as changing an avatar. I pay little attention to them to begin with.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
10 May 08
Oh I don't think anyone's annoyed Elix. It's just a bit of fun, but some avatars have quite a bit of meaning and are worth paying attention to.
• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 May 08
Actually, my computer is the one that moans and groans! LOL It has a real problem uploading my pics. I've had to resize them all, and that was quite a job.
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@Elixiress (3878)
10 May 08
Oh right, it is just when you said "before you all start moaning and groaning again" I assumed someone had been complaining about you changing your avatar.
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@snapple (11)
• United States
11 May 08
My bets are on how long this will last is forever how long you want it to last. Ha beat that. LOL!!! Good luck
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
12 May 08
Good one snapple! LOL You win br with that answer! Well done!
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@tammyr (5946)
• Etowah, Tennessee
13 May 08
I don't like it cause another user has the same one! I get confused so easily you know. ESPECIALLY when I see you talking to yourself!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 May 08
You mean Lori - she wants to start a 'Marble Brigade' and take over mylot! LOL Can you imagine that tammy? Sparks in charge of mylot! ROFL You just gotta love the ironies of life!
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• Canada
13 May 08
I love it! It is a warm blue colour. Very relaxing. Maybe you should treat yourself to a trip to BC first, before moving. We'll meet up there and have a party first. EH?
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
13 May 08
When are you going to be in BC? Can you stop here on the way? I'll never get to BC again - I want to go east, not west! LOL
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 May 08
BC is incredibly expensive otherwise I'd be there in a heartbeat. It's very English you know! LOL And of course, we will see each other before I go to England - and aftewards too, because you'll be running a sheep farm there within a couple of years of my moving, I just know it. LOL
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• Canada
13 May 08
I wasn't planning a trip there......yet. But I would for you. And don't say 'never'. I hate that word. Leave your options open. I think it would be a good place for you to live. The sea air, and the happy people, lots of MJ around, and tolerance for it, too. It is a slower paced lifestyle. But England is nice, too. Wherever you want to go, darlin'. We'll think of something soon for us to meet up again before you go. But if I did go to the West coast, you KNOW I would stop in for a visit with you, FOR SURE. It would be one of the highlights of the trip. You know that.
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• United States
14 May 08
dnt hate appreciate
1 person likes this
• United States
14 May 08
There is absolutely nothing in this discussion that speaks of hate or anything resembling it. You're the only one who brought any hate here. You may take it back. We don't want or need it.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
14 May 08
Excuse me - but where and when was hate mentioned? This whole discussion was tongue in cheek and there was/is no hate at all involved. I see that you are new here, and I appreciate that - so a word of warning. If you are going to respond to a discussion, make sure you read it properly and respond appropriately. Welcome to mylot and good luck.
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• Canada
14 May 08
Who the heck are you and what do you want here? If you want to respond appropriately to a discussion, why don't you read it first. This is a category called "messing with your mind". It means, fooling around, making fun, and general goofy-ness. So please treat it that way and don't inject 'hate' into it.
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