What do other people in the world think of the US in Iraq?
By kingcrapper
@kingcrapper (1536)
United States
May 11, 2008 4:27pm CST
I know the United States has had troops in Iraq for sometime now but with the coming elections this situation has become soemwhat of a sticking point. I would be interested to hear what other people in other parts of the world think about the United States having troops in Iraq (or even other parts of the world)?
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4 responses
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
11 May 08
well, i live in the US, but I wanted to comment anyways. I am an Army wife and my husband has served twice over in Iraq. Do I think we should be there? Absolutely! Unfortunately, there is always gonna be some kind of war or disagreement somewhere in the world, whether it's Iraq or where ever. Our troops are out keeping our country safe and I commend them for it. That isn't just because i'm a military wife either. I supported our troops way before I even met my husband. Their job isn't easy and it's a lot of nights and years without their families and each person here in America should be thanking God that we have courageous men out there fighting for us. God bless
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@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
12 May 08
I applaude your position. Can you imagine the sacrifice the families as well as the soldiers themselves are putting into this? How many other countries are standing up and giving freedom to people? Whether some liberal want to bring up the idea of 'Bush lied about WMD' is, at this point, pointless. The troops are there and we need to support them however way we can.
As an Army wife, is there anything you could recommend for the rest of us to do to show our support for your and your spouces in the combat zone?
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@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
12 May 08
I can imagine. I have been without my husband, raising three children on my own, for the last year. He is finally coming home though in two weeks. He's in Utah now though. He left Iraq two weeks ago. The best thing that people can do to show their support to our troops and their families is really quite easy. Just say thank you. If you see a service member, say thank you or if you see a spouse of someone serving say thank you. There are so many people out there protesting the war that a simple thank you would mean more to us than anything else you could do. That and pray, pray for the families left behind at home and pray for their soldier out fighting the war. Other than that, there are some soldiers over there that have no family that could use boxes of things they need. I would check with your city to see if they had a program, if not you could find one. Thank you for caring enough and supporting our troops to ask what needed to be done. God bless
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@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
13 May 08
Since your husband will soon be home I am sure you will have some catching up to do. Can you do me a favor? First of all, thank him for me (and my family) for doing what he did for us. I know there are many out there who protest against the war but even if I am against the war (which I am not) I would certainly be there to support those men/women who went there to serve! Ask him, for me, what the soldiers there need (especially those without families or means) and let me know what they need or could use for us to show support to them.
I have some special projects that I do with school age children and if you could be my abassador and assist me in getting through the system (first hand information of soldier's needs through your husband, etc) I will see what I can do. If I can raise 15,000 canned goods in 5 weeks I can certainly send some items to our soldiers at the front lines!
I will pray for your and your family as well as others in your position. :-)
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@SusanLee (1920)
• United States
12 May 08
The selfish and narrow-minded part of myself thinks all our troups should come home and just leave them with it.
Or, bring all our troups home, empty all our prisons of the murderers, child molesters, and others like them, train them, and send thier butts over there.
Give them something worth while to do. Maybe if they have to spend a little time being the target in a place like that it will give them a new perspective on what freedom really is and what it's like to be a 'victim'.
But the common sence part of me says I understand why we have to have troups over there, it's what we do, it's what we have always done, we go to the aid of the less fortunate.
And I am very proud to be an American, I am very proud of all our troups that are over there, and I appreciate what they are sacrificing, what thier families are sacrificing. Because of what the American troups do, and what they stand for, I'm able to go to sleep at night knowing I'll be able to get up in the morning with the freedom to do as I wish. I have a history of family that has served in different branches of the military.
@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
12 May 08
Thank you for your persective on this situation. You have no idea how many kids I see play around during the Pledge of Allegience and how many adults let them do that. Can you imagine all the men and women who stood in the face of danger all over the world to ensure that freedom was still available to us? From the idea of the people at Valley Forge to those troops in Iraq.
Whether a person feels a driving force to get them home or keep them their we have to do what we can to support them and their familiies. How about getting a group of kids together to make cards or some businesses together to send them care packages.
Best of all what we need to do is to teach our children that no matter what some groups say, the United States is the most wonderful country on the planet and we need to remember the sacrifices that went into making it that way!
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
20 May 08
After what I saw last night on 60 Minutes the Iraqis don't think too much of us being there, that's for sure. I'd had this opinion before from different things I'd seen and read but this was really disgusting. It seems many Iraqis who had worked for the U.S. troops are now being refused any help from our government even though they fear if they go home they'll be killed. They risked their lives to help us and now they have no country at all! They'll be killed in their own country by their own people but are refused entry into the country for which they gave up everything. Can anyone blame them for hating us?
@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
20 May 08
I have to admit there is such a mess over there. There is something that I have learned about life...anything can be changed with a degree of attitude. If we have a bad day we can change it by changin the degree of our attitude. Sadly, to say that also happens in the media. A reporter could as easily go over there and talked to people that are being helped from the situation and record a 'upbeat' report as easily as the opposite. With so many people with relatives over there it is sometimes very hard to realize this. Everything is exactly as we look at it. Good or bad. History will the best teller of the results.
@MERCEDES1112 (115)
• United States
12 May 08
DId you know the Us Contistuion says that any Pesident only has 2 years to spend tax money or any other money from the country to fund the wars of any kind!! Then why is taxes still going up and why is this wAR STILL GOING STRONG! Bush and the goverment is stealing our money to get our people, Americans killed !!! That not right!! This war needs to end it's gone on too long and Bush should be up fr warcrime right now for useing Americas money to support this war that has went on well over 2 years!!! I fell for all the soilders still over there cause dont expet to come home soon aslong as bush is President anyway! God bless the troops and the world but not Bush he got us into this mess!
@kingcrapper (1536)
• United States
13 May 08
I am glad you support our troops dispite your feelings agains the war. As far as the Constitution is concerned I have no doubt it may say that but is there also a clause that states that aid may continue with the support of the Congress. So how did our Democratic candidates vote to support the war in Iraq.
There are many, many Americans killed. I pray that the Iraq people will quickly take up arms in their own defence. Do you know the history and aftermath of conflicts American troops were pulled out without the native defence being ready?
I am so open to your feelings and hold the idea of diffence and important to our graces as Americans...and free Americans at that. Please, share with me your thoughts with historical facts, Constitutional documentation and figures. There may be much we hold in common!