has anyone ever kept up with a low carb diet more than 6 months

November 1, 2006 8:35pm CST
i find that after 6 months you start to lose it and stagger off the diet never to return until you gain back that 40lbs that you just lost.
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5 responses
@Leykon (579)
• Canada
8 Feb 07
Just wanted to let you know that I have been trying to stay on the low carb diet for about 3 yrs now,I go off it reguler until I start not to feel well then go back on it.It is very hard to stay on the low carb diet when my hubby doesn't like the foods I have to eat so have to cook 2 seperate meals. I have to watch my sugar as well and by staying on the low carb it has been good. I think we should form a support group,maybe that would help
@Languish (137)
7 Jan 07
Longer than six months - though suddenly losing my job screwed me completely. I now weigh more than i started out at all that time ago... which sucks.
• United States
17 Nov 06
I was considering trying a no carb/low carb diet, but so much of what I eat has some carbs in it. And recently I'm trying to stick to foods that don't have many calories in it or they're low fat, but even those foods have carbs in them. So unless you want to starve yourself, I think it's almost impossible. And I'm not the type who can chew on carrots all day long either.
• Janesville, Wisconsin
17 Nov 06
I have tried it with my family. But I feel very sick without the carbs... I can go 5-6 days the longest on it then I get a chip or a potato product attack and give in.. So I usually just balance my diet with plenty of activities. - DNatureofDTrain
@miajane (359)
• United States
17 Nov 06
i tried it for three weeks. it was so hard because i hated eating so much meat- it was awful. so i got most of my protein from veggies. my diet was so restricted from not having carbs- or much meat! i think that it was not the right choice for me. i'm better using a balanced diet method.