Will you spank your kids?
By DeaexDecora
@DeaexDecora (9)
May 12, 2008 7:57pm CST
I wanted to have a consensus from the community. A lot of people these days are refusing to punish their kids. They don't spank them, they don't put them in "time out", they just ignore them, and let them run free.
I've seen countless kids misbehaving in stores and malls, and all their parents do is sigh and say "Tsk, tsk Johny... What am I going to do with you?". I've gone to houses of friends, and seen the children cursing their parents and flipping them off, even when parent's requests are reasonable. Some of the things I hear come from my friend's mouths towards their parents are shocking.
Will you spank them?
Also, add your thought on:
Acceptable punishments for children
Are parenting skills declining?
What do you think about spanking
Anything along this vein.
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7 responses
@insaneduck9 (836)
• United States
13 May 08
When i get older, i will NEVER spank my kids. Just teach them dicipline in a fair matter without resourting to violence.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
13 May 08
Spanking is not violance. Beating some one adult or child with an object or beating them with your hand is violance. Spanking a child because they did some thing wrong and it needs immediate attention is not violance. When you grow up you will realize the differance.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
13 May 08
I am not one to spank my daughter but I also don't put up with any thing either. You don't have to spank your kids to get them to listen to you. My daughter spends time in time out. but my daughter also knows when I say no I mean no. Plain and simple no means no.
My daughter is 17 months old. Her acceptable punishment is time out for 2 minutes. Every once in a while when an immediate reaction is needed she gets a spanken. Such as running toward the road she has gotten ONE spanken for that, thats all she needed.
If you have to spank your child more then once for doing the same thing then you either spank them too much OR thats not a punishment that works with your child. EVERY child is different and for some times outs will work for others spankings will work. So kids don't take to any thing. Some kids its a matter of "the look".
Parenting skills aren't declining time with our kids are. Who can honestly raise there kids good working full time or more what a lot of parents are doing these days.
My husband and I both work full time, we have made sacrifices so that our daughter is with one of us or at her grandmothers at all times. She is never with a sitter outside of our family and she never will be. There is no reason for it. When some one is watching my daughter they know the "rules" and they follow them and expect her to.
I think people want it all but don't know how to get it. I think that parents need to stop and tell there kid no and mean it. Don't say no let your kid whine about it then give it to them. THat just reinforces that whineing or crying gets you what you want.
@DeaexDecora (9)
• Philippines
13 May 08
If you spank a child, it reverberates until he/she's grown up. It's a hazardous practice, and is ultimately ineffective as it only teaches the child to fear his/her parents and dangerous as it can lead to antisocial behavior in life.
There are number of reasons that a parent might advocate or abhor spanking.
The most influencial is the parent's own childhood experience. Another is, it stops children from doing whatever it is they're doing.
But it's not so right to issue empty threats, a parent should be consistent with his/her warning and issued punishment. In this way, a child will learn that when a "threat" is issued, the parent will carry through with it.
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
13 May 08
My child does not fear me in the least bit. Nor do I fear my parents for ever spanking me. It does teach them I have only had to ever spank my child 2 or 3 times. The first being because she ran into the street guess what she hasn't done it since. Because I got IMMEDIATE attention from her. She knows not to do it again. There is no need to beat a child into anything but a spanking on the DIAPER is not violoance or beating. I am extreamily social. I was never BEAT but I was given a spanking here and there. You have spanking confused with beating.
Spanking a child that is playing with "fire" is getting immediate attention and some times that is needed. Spanking a child because they don't put there toys away is uncalled for.
I am a very good parent that is kind, loving, firm, and as much a friend as a parent. You can be both you just have to know when its appropriate and when its not. I teach my kids values, morals, respect of themselfs as well as others, my kids know the value of a dollar and they know right from wrong. They are growing up in a nice home with 2 great parents that love them and are here to teach them and love them.
When I read your comment to me it seems like you are a person that got a lot of "spankings" as a child. Maybe too many and thats why you don't know the differance between a spanking and a beating.
I feel sorry for people as closed minded as you. You really need to grow up (by the way I didn't look at your profile as I don't know how old you are but I know how old you sound). Figure out what is really bothering you. Talk to some one about your own past.
I will agree to disagree with you at this point. Because there is no changing your closed mind. Just as there is no changing my mind into thinking that spanking a child is wrong.
@raynemarie (32)
• United States
14 May 08
I myself was spanked as a child and I turned out fine. I have 3 children ages 17 3/4 years old, 16 years old and 10 years old. My oldest lived with me til he was 3 and then his fathers mothers got guardianship of him. While shopping with him from the time he started walking and I'd make him walk into, thru, out of the store; if he touched something after being told to keep his hands at his sides yes I'd spank him. Granted I was considered a child myself but I thought I was doing a good job. He and I are 19 years 6 months and 3 days apart, eventho I have not raised him since he was 3 he's a remarkable kid. I am extremely proud of him.
My next child I tried putting him on his knees, a suggestion by his father, and that did not always work. So when necessary yes he got spanked; especially when he was 5 and tried setting the house on fire. After that I also put his hand over the burner of the stove to make sure he knew what fire was, it was a gas stove. He did not try that again and he knew I meant business when I said NO I meant NO.
My last child and only daughter, has been spanked, time outted, and put on her knees.. and of course talking to her is like talking to a brick wall cuz she just tuned me out anyway. She is now 10 years old and she gets spanked when she really needs it. Like when she runs to the road without looking to make sure no cars or trucks or tractors are coming. Opening the car door when it is moving (altho that was completely innocent on her thinking). Her lying gets tabasco sauce on her togue.
Of all 3 of my children my daughter is the only one who really gets my goat cuz I can be talking to her about things she should not do and next thing you know, thats exactly what she's doing.
This is just my experience with my three children. I love them dearly and individually they are wonderful kids, put them together in the same room and you have a fight going on.. the middle child and youngest child mostly do the fighting and the oldest is the odd one out cuz he wasn't raised with his brother or sister.. Thats the one thing I regret, that I didnt get to fully raise my oldest child.
Anyway good luck with your kids and everyone else good luck ....
@meiteoh (416)
• Switzerland
13 May 08
I was spank as a child, up until I was 10 actually (not often but it usually happens when I'm rude to my parents or if I make funny faces, don't apologize and continue to be rude), and I actually turned out pretty alright - I'm not a sociopath, I was a straight A student in college and uni, I graduated with a postgrad with a near perfect GPA... so really, I don't believe that spanking will turn your child into a monster.
My hubby was also spanked as a child and when I asked him why, he said it was because he was behaving like a little devil and just wanted to be difficult. =.=
Anyway, I have come across kids who get slapped and "spanked" around in public at the first sign of trouble and I think it's very unbecoming and very wrong for the parent. Usually, children don't have to wait to be spank to be obedient so I don't understand why these parents use it as a first method of teaching. Sometimes I think these parents spank their children out of anger...which is VERY wrong.
Like yourself, I have also come across parents who just let their children behave like hooligans, some even shout and curse their children which is equally wrong...
For me, I would try to talk to my child first, explain, and try to get them to understand. The other alternative is a time-out. Firm talk is also on the table and so are things like taking away privileges.
I would only spank my child as a last measure punishment - if talking fails to get the message across; if explaining doesn't do the trick; if my child is still rude, curt and just a little devil even after time-out; if nothing works at all, then I'm sorry but I will spank him/her because I won't stand for such rude and uncivilised behaviour - it's unbecoming.
But when I mean spank, I don't mean the kind of beating that will kill or put the child in the hospital or even leave bruises. A firm beating on the rump once or twice BUT never in the face and never things like pinching and stuff.
@SusanLee (1920)
• United States
15 May 08
I'm from the 'Old school' I guess. I believe in a good old fashion spanking.
BUT!!!! There is a difference in spanking, beating, slapping, hitting, and knocking a child around.
I think the way they have 'Time out' these days is a good thing.
But when I tell mine, 'If you go in the road, I'll spank you' I mean it. For some offences there is only one recourse, and that's a whipping.
When there is only one shot at getting the importance of a message across, something that could cost them thier life. Then I will truely blister their behind.
I was spanked and I never once thought I wasn't loved. What was going through my head was 'I ain't doing that again'
@Bebs08 (10681)
• United States
22 May 08
Well, I could say, spanking is the last resort.
when the kids are properly guided when they are yet very young, teach them courtesy and good values, parents will not be having problems with them when they are older enough to say something. It is the parents' faults why kids now are rude and uncourteous. It's because they ignore their bad behavior when they yet young thinking that they could make a change when they are older. Well, at this age the child would retaliate when you discipline them because they are not use to it when they are younger. Just like a plant? it is easier to bent a tree when it is yet twig but when it becomes a tree, it is very hard to bent. It is the same as the child.
Give a little smack while they are yet young then let them understand why.
Well, good topic!!!
@emptymiror (19)
• United States
13 May 08
(sigh) lol, violence is not the answer! it hurts, both mentally and physically, when you get spanked. i would say spanking is the last resort.
@DeaexDecora (9)
• Philippines
13 May 08
we had the same belief that spanking is not the answer. I strongly believe that spanking doesn't work, if you spank a child, they're not really learning to stop the action, they're learning not to get spanked.
But if you take the time and explain rules and boundaries to the children, then time-outs will be a lot more efective.
For effective punishment, you have to curtail the action immediately as the child is doing it, otherwise they won't know what they did to make them get punished.
Also, postitive reinforcement works as good or sometimes better than negative punishment. Praise the child for good behavior and it gets promoted.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
13 May 08
I spanked my daughter. I think that it depends. There are a lot of factors. First of all and most important NEVER spank out of anger. I always sent my daughter to her room if I was upset. I always thought it through. We utilized this punishment sparingly and for the purpose of getting her attention and showing the severity of the action. She is now 14 and I think that the last time she was spanked was when she was 5. The reason for this is we were very consistent. I never did that stupid counting thing, that just shows the kid the have more time. I used time out mostly because it worked! I feel the punishment should fit the crime and you should always choose your battles. Children are not perfect, would you really want them to be? I wouldn't they are simply too much fun the way they are! My daughter is not a violent person, but we also did not use spanking to vent our anger, we used it as a consequence for serious stuff! I agree with spanking but only when used correctly!