I still love my ex. Should I leave my girlfriend for my ex?

May 13, 2008 1:05am CST
When I woke up this morning, the first thing that came into my mind was I have to pay my internet connection. It was my first billing for my internet connection. My ex girlfriend is working at the office where I am going to pay my bill. Undeniably, I was so excited to see her again. I took a good shower, brush my hair, and splash myself with cologne. I went out of the apartment very excited and smiling. When I arrived at the office I started to tremble. But when I checked out the cashier area, she was not there. I don't know how I felt at that time. It's like am relieved because she was not there because I stopped trembling. I also feel sad because she was not there and I will not se her. Then I heard someone said, "Everybody's out for lunch. They will bback in a minute." My blood starts to rush again as if my heart is going to burst. After five minutes of waiting, she arrived. I did not looked at her because I was really so shy and conscious. One of the costumer service person came to me and get my bill and my money then shehand it to my ex girlfriend. I said to myself, "She's going to call me if she's done encoding everything."After three minutes of waiting, she called the guard, hand my receipt withoutsaying anything, went out or the door behind her and slammed it. It was so unethical. She shouldn't have done it bacause Iamher costumer. She should treat her job professionally. She should not mix her personal life with her work. I was so embarrassed because normally the cashier would call the costumer's name after they encode the payment and hand the receipt to the costumer. She's still mad at me and I feel really bad. I never wanted to leave her but I have to protect her that's why I did it. I have this girlfriend for eight years. She cheated on my and we broke up. I met the girl. We became good friends. We both fell in love with each other. We are really both connected and we really love to be together all the time. We have no differences. We talk about things that we both like. We have the same like in many things and we never fight. My girlfriend found out that I am with her. She told me that if I am not going to stop my relationship with the girl, she's going to tell the boss of the girl to fire her. The boss of the girl is my girlfriend's aunt. sadly, I have to let her go. I called her and explained to her everything. She said it was really hard for her to take everything because she cannot even talk to anyone about what's happening to her. Until now I really feel guilty but I can't just let my girlfriend ruin her job. But I really love hwr. And it makes me cry everytime I remember her. I want her to forgive me but I think it is next to impossible. I know that she loved me that's why she is really bitter right now. Because if she doesn't, she will not feel bad about our separation. I kow I am an as* because I went back to my girlfriend when I broke up with her. I just can't leave alone. My girlfriend promised me that she will never cheat. I love them both. I don't know how to trust my girlfriend because she cheated on me. I don't know if my ex girlfriend will still love me because I hurt her and she's still amd at me. I don't know what to do. I really feel so sad.:0(
5 responses
• United States
14 Jun 08
Honestly noone can tell you what to do. If that happend then you would not have a life at all. What you need to do is ask both of them the most important questions the ones that mean the most to you, or have someof your fiends hang out with them for a day or so, they know you better than you know yourself right.. Ask their opinion on bothe of them. Or just have your parents talk to them about you.. Remember the story of the 2 mothers fighting over the baby, well if not.. Two mothers were fighting over one baby, there was no proof of who it belonged to. They found a way to figure it out though.. The "MAN IN CHARGE" Told both of the women that theyy both got half of the baby. So the woman how said I want the top half was obviously not the mother, the other cried and said that she didn't want that to happen that the other woman could have the baby, so I'm not sure if it helps or not, but the woman who said take the baby, don't hurt it, is the one who was the real mother and got the baby..
• Philippines
13 Jun 08
Good day. Just wondering who's the girl in the picture, the one cheated on you or the one in the internet office? I'll summarize your story, Technically they're both your ex's the 1st ex and the 2nd ex, if I read it right you broke with your 1st ex because she cheated on you and that's why you met and have your 2nd ex, the one you have no differences with right? but sadly you have to let her go because the aunt of your 1st ex is the boss of your 2nd ex and she might get fired because of the threat of your 1st ex using her affiliation. Now, after that you went back to your 1st ex the one cheated on you because you can't simply live alone right? but you still have a strong feelings about your 2nd ex, the one you let go.. Hmmmmm. Well, I'll just advice you to follow your heart before it's too late to do so. Your 2nd ex whom you said you still love and totally jive with won't wait forever, she'll recuperate and eventually find someone while you will be stuck to that cheating, scheming little b!atch. Your choice good luck.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
13 May 08
i do not understand this still very clear. who cheated you? this girl whom you met at the office to pay for internet bill? who is the other girl with whom you were together? still i think keep with current one.
@rsa101 (38248)
• Philippines
13 Jun 08
Well I just could not get the exact details of your story. So to recap you have this girl you love but because you have a GF that cheated on you and she wants you back so she threatened you that she will fire the one you love. So in order to protect her you broke up with her. Now the girl is now bitterly mad at you for doing this. If that is your story then here is my advice. You should have asked the one you loved if she would like to risk her job over you. Maybe you made the decision rather harshly and hastily that is why she is mad at you. You never consulted her if she would be willing to fight for you as well. Why would you chose the GF that cheated you? What is with that girl that frighten you? Would you like to live with a girl that threatens you and everything just to win you over? I really think you should go where your heart is happy. Are you happy with your girl of not then be honest and fight for the girl you love most.
@anex08 (868)
• Philippines
13 May 08
Stand firm and make your own decision. It's unethical for a certain company to fire an employee just because someone told them so. And every emloyee is protected with a law that once get fired there should be a valid reason why, now if you're ex gf is confident enough that she's doing her job well, theres no reason for you to be afraid. just tell her the real reason why because the most embarrasing and hurtful things to knew is not explaining why you leave or not stating the real reason why. Listen to your heart bro, follow what it tells you, it will continually hurt when your doing the opposite. Cheers!!!