What's in a Name?

@agfarm (930)
United States
May 13, 2008 7:21am CST
Okay....yesterday I started a conversation about Beagletts....... I received a whole bunch of lovely responses. Okay since it take a whole day for me to complete 1 thought........I've thought of something else..... For all of my Yorkie - loving friends............. If a Mommy -Yorkie has baby Yorkies........could we then call these little guys....." New- Yorkies ///" I've got a million of these ....I just haven't thought of 'em yet! I love all of My Yorkie-Loving Friends ( even though they ....the yorkies.....still look like Hamsters with Teeth ! )
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4 responses
• United States
14 May 08
rotflmao LMAO LMAO i missed the beagletts post I guess but the new-yokies has me laughing out loud for crips sake .... Agfarm are you alway this crazy? Are you this funny in your off line life? rotflamo
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@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
13 May 08
Hi! Thats a really good and funny name!LOL! I wonder why I never thought of it myself.LOLs! It kinda makes sense too. The good jokes are the true and serious ones.hehehe I dont have a Yorkie and I dont think Ive seen one in person my entire life. Just maybe on tv or in magazines, books, and encyclopedias but never in real life. They must be lovely. I have a dog and I dont know what breed he is. I dont think he even has one. I knew his parents. His mom was our dog before, I know that she doesnt have a breed and his dad is the black dog next dog. My dog turned out to be a rich golden brown, the only full brown in the bunch of puppies. All his other brothers and sisters were black with white socks and brown patches. His mom was a full color coffee with cream brown so maybe he really got to have the best of the mix. Anyways, maybe you could think of a new breed for breedless dogs. That would be really fun and maybe it could change the name of breedless dogs in the world.^_^ Have fun with your Yorkies or "New-Yorkies" if you have them.^_^
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@Breath (1297)
• United States
16 May 08
@jer31558 (3683)
• United States
14 May 08
Lol, my niece has one of those "New Yorkies". I have never thought of it as a hamster with teeth, but that does fit. Keep them coming, I don't know about the rest, but I am enjoying these post.