A Day With My Grandson
By someonesmom
@someonesmom (5761)
May 14, 2008 3:23am CST
Yesterday turned out to be a very special day for me, as I got to spend the day, from before lunch, until just after dinner with my grandson. It was just the two of us, until my daughter came home from school.
I think my grandson's extraordinary because he's autistic. Of course I know, all of your kids and grand kids are wonderful too, to each and every one of you. My little guy is almost five, and I don't get to see him all that often. This is due to family scheduling, as well as his therapy, all of his appointments, and the fact that he's in school.
He's come so far, and is talking a lot now. He led me around by the hand, wanting me to play with him, so we had a lot of fun. He was calling me by my first name, but then when I said 'grandma' he called me this, for the rest of his visit. He sat and ate his meals like a big boy, using his spoon, which I found very impressive, because of the autism.
He's still in diapers/pullups, because these 'special children' find it hard to grasp the concept of toilet training. At one point, I was changing him, with the help of my daughter, and it was a 'messy one' if you know what I mean.
I can't quite remember what I said to him, about getting him changed, but he earnestly looked up at me, and said, "I sorry." So adorable, and my heart melted.
Just wanted to share this here, as I don't often get the opportunity to talk about him 'online,' and how dear he is to me.
Have you had a special day like this, with a beloved child in your family?
Do you have any 'special needs kids' that you get to be with?
What cute things have they done, that have caused your heart to melt?

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10 responses
@tholitz (1127)
• Philippines
17 May 08
They say that grandparents have the tendency to pamper their grandchildren more than their own children. I'm still looking if this saying would hold true also on me.
It's really nice to know that you have spend a great bonding day with your grandson and how you appreciate the simple things that he was doing. I could imagine how wonderful your grandson could be. I wish that you could have more time together and be a part of his growing years.
@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
17 May 08
Hi tholitz,
Yes, I've heard that this is true for some, and it was a great day for us, as we don't often get the chance to be together. Even the most simple things, are major accomplishments for him. He's come so far. Thank you, and I really appreciate your response. Take care.

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@mummymo (23706)
14 May 08
Oh 'mom I am so pleased for you as I know you love to spend time with him and you don't get as much of a chance as you would like usually!Sounds like you both had a very special day and it does my heart good to know it!
My sister is a foster parent and she has had a few special needs kids that are absolutely adorable kids. When I did my training I also worked with kids with special needs and loved it, it was such a rewarding way to spend time! I hope you get to spend the day with him again my sweet friend! Hugs xxx
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@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
17 May 08
Hi mummymo,
You're so correct, and it was a really good day. I commend your sister for foster parenting, as I 'know' from what I've heard, that it's not an easy thing to do. I used to babysit a special needs child (who was in a wheelchair), many years ago, and it was as you've said. You've mentioned here, "when I did my training," but I'm not sure if you've shared this with me before. If it's my lack of memory, please forgive me, but I would like to hear about it. I appreciate your response here. xxx

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@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
17 May 08
Thanks so much for sharing this here. As far as I can remember, I'm hearing it for the first time. The term "nursery nurse" is one I've never heard before. It's interesting to learn all of the differences in what 'we' call things, in each of our countries. I imagine these terms are the same throughout the UK? Over here, we call these workers 'Childhood Educators' too. My DIL was going through for this, but then modified her courses, and became an educational assistant. It's too bad that she can't work in this field today, for such a variety of reasons, and has to work so hard at her supermarket cashier's job. Take care. xxx
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@mummymo (23706)
17 May 08
Not sure if I have mentioned my training before or not! I trained for 2 years in childcare and qualified as a nursery nurse , working with children 0-8 years old, you are qualified as a nanny to work in nurseries, schools etc. You have to learn about Physical, Intellectual, language, Emotional and Social development as well as health issues, art, movement, food all sorts of things. When I trained we spent 3 days a week in college and 2 days in practical situations! It was great! Nowadays nursery nurses are calling themselves Early Childhood Educators! It seems to be a family thing though as one of my sisters and a niece (daughter of a different sister) both did the same training! xxx
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@weemam (13372)
14 May 08
I know just what you mean pal ,I have a friend with 2 autistic teenagers and I have a son with Cerebral Palsy ( as you know ) the powers that be said he wouldn't live , we worked with him and every little thing he did I felt like putting it in the daily newspapers I was so proud of him, he is brilliant now , Has his HND and doing open university courses , he still surprises me , he is so confident know he has put in for a place of his own and I KNOW he will manage , so you my friend I know how your heart melts every time you look at your precious grandson , I have 4 grandchildren now too from aged 10 to 18 and they all treat him like a big brother , and no different to any of their friends xxxxx

@weemam (13372)
17 May 08
I was just thinking as I read your reply pal , what lovely memories your Grandson ( and I hope my Ross ) will have when they are older , they will look back on the nice times they used to have with us , I still talk about the fab times I used to have with my granny .My Mam has Alzheimer's now but we still have a lot of laughs xx
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@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
17 May 08
It is so important to create these memories for our families, and I'm 'sure' your Ross already has so many wonderful ones. I'm sorry to hear about "your mam's" Alzheimer's. There's far too much of this around. Take care. xxx
@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
17 May 08
Hi weemam,
Your son is proof that these 'special kids' can accomplish so much, if given the chance. I realize that each case is different, but there's no way "the powers that be," should lump them all together. Everyone is an individual. I'm sure he'll manage in his own place too, but do hope that he won't be far away from you. You have such a loving family, so I know it'd never be any other way. My grandson is truly wonderful, and is learning new things all of the time. Thanks so much for sharing here. xxx

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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
16 May 08
you are so fortunate, I never had the opportunity to spend much time with my grandson, he is 12 years old and hardly knows me, most of the time I am too sick now and he wasn't not in my life when I was well, his mother and husband took the kids to live 3,000 miles away. Good thing they came back.
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@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
17 May 08
Hi winterose,
I'm sorry to hear this about your grandson. It really makes it so difficult when family is this far away, but am glad that they're back in your life now. I can relate, as I have a stepson, and new (step)grand daughter, who's around eight months old now. They live in another Province, so none of the family has seen her yet. I can't see the situation improving very much, in the near future. Thanks for sharing.

@sherrir101 (3670)
• Malinta, Ohio
14 May 08
How wonderful for you both to have this time together. I hold a special place in my heart for people with autism. I have cared for two different eople with autism. One a child and one an adult. Both of them captured my heart.
I was lucky enough to spend the last couple of days with my grandson. It was a joy from the start. He was not feeling well. A bit whiny, but wanted an abundance of love.
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@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
17 May 08
Thanks. Good for you, and they certainly are truly special. I'm glad you got to spend time with your grandson too. Thanks for your response.
@heavenschild (4777)
• Canada
17 May 08
Hi Mom
Sorry I have not made it in here yet but there is a lot going on as you know!
My Son's Therapist was sick and so canceled on Tuesday so I had my son here to look after and then went to work when my Husband got home. On Wednesday I had to go to the health store to get my son's DHA etc and went to work from the mall...Thursday Morning flew by after the therapist arrived as I had to be to work early and then do banking etc prior to that! Thursday night I had to bus downtown as my husband was at the church and I had to get J. Yesterday I had J all day due to the P.A Day and did laundry in the afternoon after my Husband got home, getting home just in time to make dinner...Just wanted you to know how my week has been (I also got groceries this week) and let you know that I have received all of your E-Mails
Also, I am off next Thursday...
Sorry it's so detailed (off topic) but I know you get concerned when I seemingly disappear from the planet and so here I am!
To get on topic, I am so glad that you were able to spend the day with your grandson! I am sure your daughter in law really appreciated having the break as those seem so few and far between these days!!
It truly is a lot of work but so worth it when you see them come so far! :)
I am glad that he was good for you and that you had such a great time with him!
Thanks so much for everything!
Love and Hugs,

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@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
17 May 08
Hi heavenschild,
No worries. I just wanted to make sure you didn't miss seeing this discussion. Thanks for letting me know all you've been up to. I don't know how you do it. You've mentioned your son's therapy cancellation on 'Tuesday,' and then that you 'went to work' when your husband got home.
Weren't you on a bit of a road trip that day? I mean, just you and your husband.
You're welcome, and I truly did enjoy having my grandson with me. He's made such tremendous progress. I couldn't do this every day, because I was tired afterwards, but was very happy that I was able to have him here. Please take care of yourself, and don't overdo. I know, easier said than done. Have you looked into getting another respite worker? Enjoy the rest of your weekend ... I hope you're off on the holiday Monday as well. Love and hugs back to you.

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@heavenschild (4777)
• Canada
18 May 08
Sorry Mom.....
J's therapist did in fact cancel on Tuesday and so I did have him in the morning yes and we did go on that road trip
I'm getting everything all mixed up these days.....Too Much!
Yes, I am off Tomorrow of course and Monday and then also Thursday as I mentioned before and earlier nights next week as well
I hope your daughter does not work on Monday....
Again, thanks for everything!

@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
14 May 08
That is wonderful that you had the little Fellow and yes I agree with you he is special and I also know that his Mum is working hard with him to be able to do what he can do and I really admire her for that she is one strong Lady and so are you
I am so happy that you managed to spend some time with him
@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
17 May 08
Hi gabs,
Thanks. I agree, as it's so much hard work to parent a special needs child. I appreciate your kind words to me too, as there are many times when I don't feel strong at all. It's wonderful to see you here, and I truly value your friendship, and support. Take care.

@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
14 May 08
Sounds like you had a great day. My son is 7 and he is also Autistic and even though he has his issues he is the sweetest thing so I know what you mean. Autistic kids seem to just have this incredible innocence that you cant help but smile at. Luckily my son is potty trained but it was hard and he trained very late about 5 years old was when he was fully trained just in time for school. What melts my heart right now is when he kisses and hugs mommas belly he loves to talk to his new baby sister/brother.
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@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
17 May 08
Hi minnie,
I know how hard the parents of special needs children have to work, and often especially the moms. I admire you for this. So true about the innocence. My grandson's therapist, with the help of his parents, have tried to potty train him before, but he's just not ready (yet.) I've heard it's an individual situation for each child. Awwwwww, what a sweet thing for your boy to do. Thanks for sharing here.

@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
14 May 08
I haven't had the opportunity to spend the day with an autistic child but I can imagine that he really is a joy to be with.. All children should be cherished for their innocent wisdom.. I can only wait until my son has children, so I can brag about my grandchildren also.. Next time you see him, give him a hug from "Donna".. I do love children and get to spend time with my niece's 3 "monsters" and I enjoy every minute of it.. They are untamed and almost wild in the way they show how they love to have fun, talk, listen, watch movies, do crafts and be played with.. I have been a "horsey" and a storey teller, we have watched movies, painted, skipped rope, now that was fun, and done almost everything that we could do to have fun.. I do enjoy them but for a day at a time, I am too old to enjoy them more than once a week.. But I do love them so much.. Also it gives their mom a day off, as she is a full time working mom.. Enjoy them while they are young as they do grow up too fast.. Almost anything a child does can make your heart melt if you truly love children..
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@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
17 May 08
Hi DonnaLawson,
Yes, he is, and he's accomplishing so much, and I can tell that he too is proud of this. I'll give him an extra hug for you. I'm sure you'll be an excellent grandma, as you're obviously a wonderful aunt. I wouldn't be able to spend everyday with my grandson either, even if time allowed, as it'd be too much for me healthwise. I know what you mean, about them growing up fast, as my daughter's almost seventeen, and the push is on for independence. I don't know where the years went. By the way, my grandson that I've mentioned here, is my middle stepson's little guy, and I also have two other stepsons. All three are in their thirties. Just wanted to clear up any confusion I may have caused, by mentioning my daughter. She's just finishing grade eleven, and is at home here, with me. How old is your son? Thanks so much for your response. Take care.

@triptadasgupta (900)
• India
14 May 08
well rind i am really touched by your this incident It seems to me that you are a very loving and doting mother as well as grandmother and that fact that you love kids.Well maam i did not have the privelege like you but yes i am very much attached to old age homes and i keep doing charity for them.
have a nice day and all the best...
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@someonesmom (5761)
• Canada
17 May 08
Thanks. That's wonderful that you enjoy working with seniors. I also enjoy them, as they're very special people, and should always be made to feel that they are. Thanks for your response.