Religion and Politics
By clrumfelt
@clrumfelt (5490)
United States
9 responses
@Steph_shortnsweet (62)
• United States
14 May 08
I do very much belive Religion has a place in politics. That is what this country was founded on, and as they've decided to sepperate the two you can see what it has done to our country. But I do belive people use it to there advantage and manipulate people and give religions a bad name.Things could get better if people would find the facts and not take things at face value.
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@Steph_shortnsweet (62)
• United States
14 May 08
In light of this whole sepperation between church and state issue,there never has been any thing written of the sort in the decloration of independance. and if there was how does it make sence if we are sworn in with the bible in any court setting? Where's the sepperation there?And why would Thomas Jefferson have made a law to allow prayers in schools? Here's a link that may help.
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@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
15 May 08
"I do very much belive Religion has a place in politics. That is what this country was founded on"
Complete and utter nonsense. Have you ever read the Treaty of Tripoli? It was passed UNANIMOUSLY in the early days of this country, and it EXPLICITLY states that "the Government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion...".
Not in any senes founded on the Christian religion. Also, you're probably ignorant of the fact that the Constitution dictates that treaties on the same level as laws. In other words, the law clearly says that the US is not in any senes founded on the Christian religion.
The decision to separate church and state was made YEARS before the Constitution was even written. Get a clue, and stop spreading lies.
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@Steph_shortnsweet (62)
• United States
15 May 08
I'm very sorry you're such an angry person. I hope you can have a polite disscussion one day and not be so rude about it.I will deffinently do more reaserch on the subject and hope to find some thing new I have never found before, I don't mean to spread lies and am very sorry I offended you. I hope you have a great night and God bless. :)
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@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
14 May 08
Politics has always be in Religion. It started from the early days. But Jesus Christ came and show us that Politics is not right in religion when he went in the synagogue and turn over the table and say 'do not take my father's house for a gambling house'. The Government was there collecting taxes and pressuring the citizens. So this is an example why I do not think politics is right in Religion. Religion is about salvation and living right. Politics on the other hand is depravity.
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@drknlvly6781 (6246)
• United States
14 May 08
These are two separate entities, and they should be kept as such. However we see every election someone promoting their religion and how very devout they are so vote for me. Its sickening really, and I don't see how politicians get into office using this technique. In the United States we are allowed to practice whatever religion we desire, or none at all. So what should it matter what religion a politician is? He can't please everyone, because he can't be part of all religions without looking like a hypocrite. So I feel that religion has no place in politics for that simple reason. If there is to be a Separation of Church and State as listed in the Declaration of Independence, then why should it enter when people are running for office?
On the other side of the coin, politics have no place in religion. I am sorry that I can't come up with any reasons for it at the present time, but neither the twain should meet.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
15 May 08
Very well said drknlvly and I agree with you...
In the United States we are allowed to practice whatever religion we desire, or none at all. So what should it matter what religion a politician is?
It SHOULDNT BUT unfortunately the masses as far as I konw are Christians so they manage to weasel it (the politicians do) in there and sadly the minority really doesnt have a way to fight it which in all honesty sucks hardcore as far as I'm concerned because its really NOT fair to ALL the ppl of this country when Christianity is so heavily a part of the political world...
crap I need more coffee..did that even make sesne??

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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
14 May 08
There is nothing wrong with politicians standing up
for good solid Christian values in their campaign,
but as for promoting a church or specific religion,
they shouldn't. Nor is there anything wrong with
citizens trying to promote Christian values by means
of influencing the government in one way or the other,
but also citizens should not try to use the government
to promote their own churches, in my opinion.
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
15 May 08
It's real easy for politicians to claim religion
and Christian values. The only way to know what they
really believe is to look into their past government
participation and how they have voted on the issues
that were presented to them.
@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
15 May 08
Absolutely not.
The only way for EITHER religion OR politics to thrive is if the two are kept far, far away from each other. Otherwise both will be corrupted by the other, as has been seen often in history.
Separation of church and state is the only viable option if you want both to survive.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
15 May 08
I believe the essence of the separation of church and state that was given by our founding fathers in the peaceful co-existence of the two in our country. No one
is to be forced to participate in any state sponsored religion, and the state is not to control or limit the
people's involvements in the religion of their choice. Lately this right of participation has come into conflict as some religious cults have built their tenets around
denying others of their rights and breaking the laws of our land as part of their religious activities. These
kinds of organizations violate the concept of peaceful
co-existence, in my opinion.
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@freethinkingagent (2501)
15 May 08
I think as the founding fathers beleived that religion or faith does have a place in politics and to an extent the other way also. I do not believ though again as the fathers believed that the state should instatute a "State Religion", Other wise i see the two can co-exist as long as like I said the state does not instatute a state religion or observence of religious laws over the people.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
15 May 08
I admire our wisdom on this topic. The aim of the freedom of religion guaranteed in the Constitution is that religion co-exist with government in our society, not be
determined by it. Thanks for your input.
@foundmyangel (607)
• United States
15 May 08
to me its ok for a person to be religious and a politican but don't use that to get votes or make yourself look better in the publics eyes. personally I don't care what your preference is on the subject except for if you were to say you ahte religion and so on. As long as you are true to yourself you can be seen as true to others. because the one person you can't fool is yourself....
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
15 May 08
I agree that politicians should not use their religion to get votes. It is a personal thing and people are going to see from how the person lives his life what his convictions are.
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
15 May 08
That's one reason that people should look at
the candidates and see what they have
supported in the past. It shows more than their
words what their personal convictions are.
Thanks for your comments.
@foundmyangel (607)
• United States
15 May 08
thank you and with that answer you given you are now made in the image of God we are to strive to be perfect but being born in the flesh and live off the land we have an instinct to survive and flourish. Living with doubts puts sins in our minds and it is our faith that helps us understand the difference between right and wrong.A politician tells you what you want to hear and does nothing about it to make it real. So to use religion to be a liar is wrong.
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@jdrhodes (111)
• United States
16 May 08
I would not advise mixing your religion with politics. Religion is for what's inside, and politics is for what is outside. If you are truely interested in your spirituality you should probably find a more worthwhile calling than government. Politics should stay outside of religion, with the exception of law. Some people would love to do some deviant things in the name of their "religion." Perhaps they say their relgion allows 40 year old men to marry 13 year old girls and get them pregnant. Just because they say it is okay for their religion that doesn't make it legal. We are too divided to accept religion as government.
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
16 May 08
I agree that government must regulate certain religious activities that conflict with its laws or deny people their constitutional rights. People can try to justify
all sorts of wrong behaviors in the name of religion,
so I'm glad that government can become involved when the situation calls for it. As the Good Book says, "Rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong."
@soham1357 (187)
• France
15 May 08
Yes, I have seen time and again religion playing a part in politics.
India got separated hoping that it would help prevent clashes between hindus and muslims. Nevertheless riots continue . Religion is a political tool used to manipulate the minds of common people to achieve power.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
15 May 08
Religion CAN be used as a political tool to manipulate the
masses of common people to achieve power. Hopefully, people in the USA will continue to use their brains and retain the freedoms of relition guaranteed in the Constitution. Then no religious regime will be able to take over here and impose its will on the people. That's why it is so important to be active and not let our civil liberties slip away.
@tessah (6617)
• United States
15 May 08
if there is to be freedom of religion..which we are all granted under the constitution... then religion cannot be a part of politcs. as not every religion follow the same standards of what is "right" or "wrong".. but EVERYONE must follow the Law of the Land.. if religion is part of the law making process(ie politics) then religious laws are going to be enforced on the entire populce, regardless of what their religion is. thus.. no freedom of religion.
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
15 May 08
I agree with you. Any state sponsored religion would undermine our religious freedoms.