Islam and Negative Reactions

United States
May 15, 2008 12:53am CST
Why is it that when Islam is mentioned, you get a negative reaction from people? I have my own ideas, but I would like to hear from others. I personally have studied many religions, and Islam is such a beautiful way of life to those who take the time to find out more about it. It does not hurt to seek knowledge. Also, please respond to this discussion intelligently and in a civilized manner. Thank you in advance.
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7 responses
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
21 May 08
it is all the media and government corruption to brainwash morons in society to think in a certain way.
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• Atlantic City, New Jersey
21 May 08
Amen to that fifileigh!!!
@sonja22 (16)
• Bulgaria
15 May 08
People are not responding negative to Islam, but to what this religion is associated with - terror and lack of tolerance for others (holy war). Among Christians there are fanatics that are dangerous people. Wherever there is a religion, there are fanatics who give it a bad name. Islam and Christianity (I'm talking about it because I'm Christian) are sister religions and are peaceful ones. If fanatics don't use religion (twist it, and make it something it's not) to manipulate people, they will not be able to get even a single person on their side. This is why sometimes we associate the religion with the bad things that are happening, rather then seeing it's the fanatics to blame.
@dantakum (404)
• Nigeria
16 May 08
I have come to hear the westerner say terrorist,please who are the terroriest?to me when you hear of the solgan it only refers to Muslim which should not be so.I am a Muslim and i have never come across any side of the Holy Quran that says you should kill your self there is a diffrence between self intrest and the doctorine of the holy Quran.well back to your issue,i agree with what you said above but people should stop saying what they dont know much about being an extremist is never there in the Quran,how can you call your self a leader and tell your people to kill them selfs and you stay back home with your family,lets look at this issue during Pht Mohhamed's time he appointed a leader to lead to am erand on the way the leader set fire and told the people with him to go into the fire ,some were will to jump into the fire then one of then said no,they now refused to jump into the fire when they got to the PHT's place he said had it been they jumped into the fire they would have go direct to hell fire.with this i dont think you would tell me to kill my self and see me doing it.there is one more incident in Islam if you commit Sucide you are not to be people should know what is Islam all about before calling US ALL SOT OF NAMES.and as of those wolfs who hide in human skin should STOP.if not Allah will.
@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
18 May 08
Good point, sonja. If more people took the time to research history, they would see that killing in the name of a religion or God is something that has happened as long as religion has been present on this earth. Ironic, considering that many of those religions also believe that killing others is wrong.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
15 May 08
hello! are you a muslim? anyway... i know some muslims too and my mom too.. she speaks highly of these people who does live a life taught by islam, their religion. they are good people. i know a muslim too, he is a wonderful person and i asked him things about the religion... he teaches me some and well, he told me i should not generalize, a mistake of one is not a mistake or a sin of all. God Bless you. :)
@dantakum (404)
• Nigeria
16 May 08
He had told you the truth.those who pretend or hide in Islam name and do bad things should not be consided Muslims.thats too me.
• Malaysia
7 Jun 08
because they are ignorant about Islam, they are just influenced by the anti-islam propaganda.
@Luciuzzz (34)
• Indonesia
16 May 08
Like another religion, i know that Islam also provides good way of life, teachings of love, respect to other mankind etc. But there are some techings in Islam that makes people have negative reactions to this religions. for example, killing another people to defend the religion. and also having another wives is okay, etc.I believe that some believers of Islam that we should give the negative reactions to.
@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
15 May 08
That is a good question. I really don't know. I have had to study Islam in a religion class that I took for my associate's degree and I learned that most of the bad rap that Islam gets today is because of many of the extremist leaders of Islam today and in the last century. Some of the ideas that were touted by Islam are not actually a part of the religion as stated in the Quran.
16 May 08
The main reason Islam gets a negitive veiw is becouse of the few exstremest who beleive allah wants them to kill everyone who does not submit to Islam. But I am sure that in the thirteenth century Muslems felt the same way about Christianity when the Church of Rome decided to tourcher and kill Jews Muslems and anyone else who did not submit to the Church. The truth is many in power rule by fear and use religion to get the population behind them. A few people invoking the name of God and fear can incite large groups of people to suport their efforts. Adolf Hitler used these technics by rasing nationalism to religious statis and the Nazi party as almost a reliogion. And useing fear by midnight round ups and and eicuting any who oppsed him he was able to controle the population. 30 years ago many people had the same reaction when Irish Catholics were mentioned with visions of the IRA car bombings in Balfast. Today a few in Islam wish to control the masses with fear and intemidationand invoke the name of Allah to reconcile their hate and intolorence. And most people now fear anyone assosiated with Islam thinking that all Muslams want to kill Christians, Jews and anyone else who wont convert to Islam. I have met some very kind Muslems, who respect my faith, and only want to live their lives in peace with all. I don't know if they are the majority, but I do take comfort that their is some who share the idea that people of differnt faiths can live side by side in peace.