I met Gordan Ramsay Yesterday - Have You Ever Met A Famous Person?

@ellie333 (21016)
May 15, 2008 6:16am CST
Over the years I have in fact met many celebraties. Cliff Richard sometimes used to come and take our school assembly and we do have well known people within the family but as I met Gordon Ramsay yesterday I thought I would ask you if you have met any famous people? Have you anyone well known in your family? Are you in fact well known yourself and maybe in disguise here on myLot looking for inspiration from discussions for a new script, a new song or something? Please share. You don't have to name names of family members or if you are famous yourself but it would be good to hear your stories. Ellie :D
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20 responses
@novataylor (6570)
• United States
15 May 08
Ellie, that's so cool! I want to hear about Gordon! You didn't say a thing about him, so what's up? Come on, tell, girl! Back in the 70s, I worked for a major concert promotor, and I met many rock stars from that era - I was in my very early 20s, and wow, what fun it was! The stories I have are endless and I won't bore you with them, but suffice it to say that I was in the perfect place at the perfect time in my life and it gave me memories I will cherish all my life.
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@ellie333 (21016)
15 May 08
Oh Nova I wish I could but I can't. All will be revealed but at the moment I cannot say how and why. SORRY. All I will say is that he is fabulous. That is fantastic though that you got to meet so many people and yes memories will always remain eh! You should share, these memories and experiences are part of what makes us who we are now. It was a drummer of a band that turned my life around many years ago when he asked me out. I was quite low in self esteem then and it was always my mate that got asked out. I asked him why me as he was quite successful, very good looking and had the pick of any girl so to speak his reply to me was regarding my friend 'take away her makeup, her fancy clothes and hairstyle and you have a shell, with you there is a depth, a vivacious character and a beauty from within that I would like to get to know more' Wow, we only dated for about three weeks but boy did he change my perspective on ME! Sorry went off on a tangent there but it was you mentioning the music world. Ellie :D
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@ellie333 (21016)
15 May 08
Hi Nosey Rosey LOL. I agree Nova should share. This will be a fun discussion. Ellie :D
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
15 May 08
Nova..she told me its about a show and can't talk about it right now..so i'm guessing she might be in a show of his soon...Can't wait to hear this... Ok Nova..who,what where..I'm very curious..Nosy Rosie..LOL..about those rock stars and stories..please do tell in a discussion story..LOL...I'm jealous!
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@Gollywog (1092)
15 May 08
Im in disguise! I live at "Buckingham palace" no more clues lol. I would love to meet Gordon Ramsay he is so lush, I have been close but never actualy met any one famous. A lot of stars come to the Pavilion to take part in pantomimes.
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@ellie333 (21016)
15 May 08
Oh no how do I curtsy online Padon me Your Majesty He most definately is lush I agree. Ellie:D
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@ellie333 (21016)
15 May 08
Oooops I mean Pardon, silly me, please don't invite me to your Garden Party as I will only mess up in your presence. Ellie :D
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@Gollywog (1092)
15 May 08
I do hope you like cucumber sarnies, and of course my corgies! they might bite you if you disbehave. I would love to live in a palace or castle with loads of servantsm wouldnt you?
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@urbandekay (18278)
16 May 08
No, luckily not. But never mind, I am sure if you just have a good wash you will quickly forget the encounter all the best urban
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@urbandekay (18278)
16 May 08
Sorry I forgot, I have met the Queen several times and not just at garden parties and functions, Indeed, part of my duties necessitated me spending some time with her. I would not advise you to meet her, she suffers from terrible halitosis, BO and the most foul smelling flatulence all of which makes conversing with her most unpleasant. Also, aside from official functions she is rude and rather arrogant. all the best urban
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@ellie333 (21016)
16 May 08
Just about to go up and have a bath now ok! Ellie :D
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@ellie333 (21016)
16 May 08
Where you QCS or a Welsh Guard or just on duty at the palace. I personally have never met her myself. Ellie :D
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
15 May 08
I have met several artists in my Country like singers, actors and actresses but I never got a chance to get closer to them like taking pictures or even just a hand shake!LOL! It's annual festival in our City where the government will invite them to make the event more wonderful and to draw more crowds! In my family, no one is famous as that, I wish I will be! LOL! joke!
2 people like this
• United States
15 May 08
For our friends in the list, yea! I agree! LOL!
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@ellie333 (21016)
15 May 08
We are all famous stars of the myLot world eh! Thants a good one to be. LOL. Ellie :D
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@ellie333 (21016)
15 May 08
Thats, not thants, I honestly can't believe the amount of mistakes I am making today. Ellie :D
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
15 May 08
One of my friends is Marion Ross (actress from the series Happy Days)...or more like an acquaintance...we have talked on the phone a few times. And I myself though not famous am the author to two books..and....my brother though not famous....designed part of the space shuttle!
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
15 May 08
To Touch a Heart is a collection of short stories and poetry. An Ax in the Sandbox is a contemporary novel that will leave you reeling. They are available at Amazon.com barnesandnoble.com or borders.com THanks for asking!
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@ellie333 (21016)
15 May 08
WOW Assoicated by default to the Fonz eh! Are your books available to buy online and are they poetry ones as I really enjoy them when you post within discussions. I do have a few to buy and read at the moment so if on Amazon I will do a bulk order. I have had a book dedicated to me by an author which I thought was lovely and made my day when I received a copoy in the post as I had no idea they were going to do that even though I knew there latest book was about to be published. The space shuttle, he must be a very clever man. Ellie :D
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
15 May 08
www.totouchaheartbyjillholmes.com you can find a link there.
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
15 May 08
Morning Ellie...oooh Gordon Ramsay my favorite mean chef...LOL..I love to watch him on tv but wish i could have met him in person like you..how did you meet and did you get an autograph? Can you get me one too?..LOL...the ones i met are can't even remember their names..the weird cop in Police acadamy ( captain) always wanted things done his way...and a guy from Hogans heros show..now these are in America so don't know if you know these...The whire haired man in Bewitched is another I know their are more but can't think yet..LOL..just woke up
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@ellie333 (21016)
15 May 08
Morning Rose Kitty, No I didn't get his autograph and I can't really say at the moment how I met but all will be revealed in a show at some stage. Will let you know when I can. I have heard of all you mention and used to love watching Bewitched. Thanks for sharing. Ellie:D
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@ellie333 (21016)
15 May 08
Hi Rosekitty, I have just seen your comment on Novas and I really shouldn't say anymore but he does look great when he's wet! LOL Seriously I will share when I can. Ellie :D
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@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
15 May 08
Ellie Ellie...please let me know as soon as you can and i'm hoping i guessed what you are talking about..if so i can't wait to see you on tv...wheeeee..I know i have to wait but this sounds so exciting...yea!!!
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16 May 08
aw id love to meet Gordon Ramsey. Ive met Bon Jovi when i won a backstage pass in a competition . My cousins in a band called Beat Union which are doing well in the UK and the States so i guess that makes him famous !
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@ellie333 (21016)
16 May 08
Wow Jon Bon Jovi, lucky lucky you, backstage pass the works eh! Thant must have been fantastic. Yes I guess that makes your cousin famous. Thanks for sharing. Ellie :D
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 May 08
Luciano Pavarotti at a Book Signing - image of Luciano Pavarotti
You know it's funny..I often DO wonder if lurking about on any of these forum type places are famous folks in disguise--especially at the fan type places...I belong to the Lord of the Ring fanatic plaza and all of us used to wonder if any of the cast members from the movie (LOTR) were there...oh, well. Oh, yup...did indeed meet some famous folks in the past...I used to be the arts and entertainment reporter for my High school newspaper, and at the time THE Broadway play was Jesus Christ, Superstar (this was in the 1970s)...I got it in my head to "interview" the cast members...I used to actually hang out there in the backstage area interviewing the cast members...so I got to meet Jeff Fenholt who played Christ, Yvonne Elleman and a then not so famous as he was to become, Ben Vereen. Then in later years met folk singer Arlo Guthrie at a small music concert (have his autograph), and as a favor to my mother who was a real opera nut, I stood on line for a book signing by the now deceased Luciano Pavarotti who had just written his autobiography..and is autographed..I even managed to take photos of him--have a photo here of him
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@ellie333 (21016)
20 May 08
Hi, Thank you so much for uploading the picture of Luciano Pavarotti for me. He has such a wonderful voice and sharing with me about all your experiences. That was a really cool idea to go backstage interviewing everyone, well done. I bet you done a brilliant write up for the scool newspaper. I bet there are some lurking here that we don't know about and on other sites too. Ellie :D
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
15 May 08
It was lovely meting you yesterday Ellie and thanks for the recipes. Pear and Piccallili Tart is definitely going on the menu of my new Exeter restaurant. My claims to fame - A childhood family friend was Jeff Lynne's (The Move, ELO) first wife and I grew up with Pete Townshend's sister's in Law and met him several times. My sister worked for Ian Gillan (Deep Purple) and met the Queen. I have met the Duke of Edinburgh and Prince Michael of Kent, Harry Secombe and the bloke that replaced Denis Waterman in Minder. Through my wife's chaperone business I have also met one or two others - John Thaw, a Corry actress and I sat next to Elvis Costello flight from Amsterdam once. He was very chatty and a nice guy. Can't think of any more. I'd sooner have you as my friend any day.
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@ellie333 (21016)
15 May 08
Delightful meeting you too! Oh I would have loved to have met John Thaw whilst he was alive, I didn't know anyone had replaced Denis Waterman in Minder though my mum has played darts with him though and Eric Bristow told me he would marry me when I grew up (I was about at at the time)LOL. At the end of the day they are just people eh! Just like the rest of us but their lives a little bit more public, but then saying that we give a lot away on here really about our lives so maybe not. Aaah What a lovely thing to say. Ditto. Ellie :D
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
15 May 08
Gary Webster was the chap in Minder. Had to look him up! To think that you might have been Mrs Eric Bristow. LOL.
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@Dasari100 (3791)
• Anantapur, India
16 May 08
I have meet so many famous people in my home town and in different people especially i met spiritual masters and Yogis in India which i met them directly and you know they meditated for a long time and they don't take food and anything so they are still walking and doing their activities around the world and i think i so lucky to met them.
@ellie333 (21016)
16 May 08
Yes you are very lucky to have met these spiritual leaders. I am sure you also learnt a lot from them. Thank you for sharing. Ellie :D
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@Dasari100 (3791)
• Anantapur, India
16 May 08
I have learned so many things from them because i have been doing meditation and i am always join their classes and listen their speeches so it is my pleasure to listen classes so i got so much information about life and how to live in the society and how to know the god and how to reach the god.
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@paid2write (5201)
16 May 08
When I was living and working in London I did meet quite a few British celebrities. My most famous encounter was with well known naturalist and broadcaster, David Attenborough. He has made many TV series about nature and wildlife. I was called out of my office by one of my assistants, who just said "Come and look who is here!", I went into the bookstore and this very familiar looking man was smiling at me. I said hello and asked how was he, still wondering who he could be. I thought he might be someone I had worked with previously or met through work. Suddenly I realized it was David Attenborough and he saw the look in my face and started laughing. He was very charming and friendly. I was selling his latest book in the store. Later he signed copies for me and my staff and more copies to sell to customers.
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@ellie333 (21016)
16 May 08
Wow David Attenborough, I bet that was funny when he saw your face as you realised who he was. That was lovely of him to sign copies of his book for you and all the staff. I should imagine he is a lovely person. Thank you so much for sharing. Ellie :D
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• India
16 May 08
i never met a celebrity personally in my life but if at all i get a chance i would like to meet two person's on top of anyone. One is Sachin Tendulkar and the other is Shreya Saran ( i like her the most when it comes to film world)
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@ellie333 (21016)
16 May 08
Well I hope you get to meet these people. Thank you for sharing. Ellie :D
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@Candee (530)
• India
16 May 08
Wow lucky you!! Gordon Ramsay! And cliff Richards! How I dreamt about him when still a kid... Ellie, I haven't been lucky enough to meet a great personality in person. May be someday I will.
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@ellie333 (21016)
16 May 08
Thanks Candee. Cliff Richard was friends with our Religious Studies teacher and so used to quite often turn up for assembly and he lived very local too. In fact where I grew up many celebraties used to live including Tom Jones the singer, Sue Barker the tennis player and many many more. My mum was always a big fan and she shares her birthday with him 14th October. I am sure you will meet someone when you are least expecting it. Ellie :D
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@nohbdy (4)
• United States
16 May 08
A couple weeks ago, I met Jack White and Brendon Benson in Austin on my birthday (May 3rd). In November, I met/worked for the band Kansas. I've met ZZ-Top, Alice Cooper, and a couple of the guys from Slipknot. My mom used to work for KLOL, which was a radio station here. And my dad used to work for Pace Concerts.
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@ellie333 (21016)
16 May 08
Belated happy birthday greetings for you. I hope you enjoyed your day. Wow you have really met a lot of people, lucky you. Thanks for sharing. Ellie :D
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@AmbiePam (96423)
• United States
16 May 08
I hope he doesn't curse in person as much as he does on TV! I've met some pro football players (American football) and a soap opera actor. And a singer from the old days of country. I don't think you'd know the football players, because people in England don't care about American football, right?
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@ellie333 (21016)
16 May 08
Well I personally don't watch any football Pam but it is great that you have met some of your players. Thanks for sharing. Ellie :D
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• Canada
16 May 08
I've met quite a few famous people. My aunt is a semi-famous musician so i've met artists like AC/DC and Pam Tillis through here, as well as my best friends mom dated the old bassist from Nickelback so I met them before they were famous. I also met Bruce Willis on the beach in Mexico when I was fifteen! That was pretty intense. I've met Gordon Ramssay too - my Fiance's brother has worked under him.
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@ellie333 (21016)
16 May 08
It seems that quite a few people have met Gordan but that is because he does get out and about among the people really with a lots of his shows eh! I would have loved to have met Bruce Willis especially on a beach lucky you. Thanks you so much for sharing. Ellie :D
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@gemini_rose (16264)
15 May 08
I cannot believe you met Gordon Ramsay, he is great he is!! I have met Jack Duckworth from Coronation Street, that was some years ago now. I have met some of the cast out of Heartbeat and The Royal, and I had my photo taken with Ocsar Blaketon from Heartbeat, he is a nice man. I am not a well known face, which I am glad about to be honest, I would not like all the mither that comes with it!!
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@ellie333 (21016)
15 May 08
But you might be. I couldn't get the link from the discussion to go check story on Helium but I will take the time to go into and find so I can give feedback, so can I have your autograph now please! I would have loved to meet Jack Duckworth such a character eh! Lucky girl aren't I eh! I agree he is great. Ellie :D
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@clei914 (28)
• United States
15 May 08
I've met a few actually....but they were always weird celebrities! lol I've met Mario Lopez (Saved by the Bell fame) and he was really nice. I met Ian Ziering (from 90210 fame). To be honest, neither one of them impressed me too much. I did meet the one person I've always wanted to meet - Patti LuPone (living Broadway legend). She is super great - shook my hand, let me take a picture with her, etc. To be honest, though, I talked more with her husband than I did her.
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@ellie333 (21016)
15 May 08
Hi Wow that is fantastic, but they are all people like us at the end of the day and I can relate to you talking to the husband bit more. Thank you for sharing. I really appreciate. Ellie :D
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• India
16 May 08
No but i want to meet celebraties
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@ellie333 (21016)
16 May 08
I'm sure you will. Sometomes you come accros them in the most unexpected places. Ellie :D
@meiteoh (416)
• Switzerland
16 May 08
Would meeting the Malaysian King and former Prime Minister count as someone famous? If so, yes, I've met them both...when I was a child and during festival open houses - Hari Raya and all. It was fun as a kid, getting your photo snapped with the King next to you. These days, the King doesn't even do open houses anymore. And no, I'm not famous. Wish I was though...making a killing with my novels but sadly, I'm not. T.T
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@ellie333 (21016)
16 May 08
Yes these both count as famous people. Thank you for sharing. Keep writing and I am sure you will be one day eh! Ellie :D
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