Why do you blog?

United States
May 15, 2008 7:35am CST
I feel as if I'm one of the few people who don't blog and I can't see to comprehend why people want to. Anyone care to fill me in on why you like to blog?
8 responses
@kmayrina (12)
• United States
19 May 08
Personally, I started my blog because it was easier to write in one spot for my friends and family (and anyone who cares to know) to get updated on what's going on with me. I usually blog about my thoughts about life in general and sometimes to just rant or rave. I find it's less intrusive than having to rant in an email. You kinda make the recipient feel obligated to write you back to acknowledge you. But when it's a blog, they can read it without feeling guilty if they don't write back.
• United States
20 May 08
You know that is an interesting point about not making them feel like they have to response.
• China
15 May 08
hi, paliz! it is very interesting to have a blog. first, you can write somehing when you feel lonely; second, you can make friends with other people; third, you can share ur ideas with your friends. maybe u can have a try.
@moxalot (100)
• United States
18 May 08
thank you for making blogging so easy to understand. I was thinking that there was some mystical thing about it... Now I'm kind of interested in this thing called blogging. Thank you for being helpful....
@pterion (417)
• India
19 May 08
Hmm...blogging...its got more to do with understanding yourself than with getting to know new people. You know, think of it like this....you can post articles on anything in this world, anything at all that tingles the neurons in your brain and in effect you make a roadmap of the thoughts that go on in your head. It'd be surreal to go through your own blog years from now. Have a looksee in mine...u kno, use it as a guide. http://norbisanidiot.blogspot.com
@sunita64 (6469)
• India
19 May 08
I feel each of us has a hidden writer, poet or creative person inside us and blogging is a good medium to express oursleves and shareing our feelings with others. For examples Before internet days I used to write poems and also used to loose them as well, not whatever poems I write I do in my blog and they remain there for future viewing.
• Thailand
23 May 08
I do blogging for share some ideas, opinions, etc. And to notice to myself to remember something. In addition, for earn some extra money.
• United States
19 May 08
I have more than a few blogs, and the reasons for why I have each of them varies as much as their subject matter. One is a place where I can touch bases with my closest friends, and they are the only ones that know where that blog is and have access to be able to read it. I have a blog where I talk about my weight loss efforts, including information on what works and what products I like or don't like. I also have a blog on being a family caregiver and one where I post information on scam e-mails that I get from people trying to steal personal information from me. So I suppose that my reason for blogging is because I want to share what I have learned with others, and because I feel more motivation to stick with goals I have set for myself when I am talking about what I am doing - such as losing weight or writing a book. Writing blogs are also a wonderful way to work through something. When I am stressed out, I will sit down and write about something, usually by the time I am ready to posy the blog entry I have calmed down or unstressed and feel better. I have even ranted about things that have happened to me a few times, using the blog to blow off some of the pent up steam and frustration that I can't take out on the people around me and don't want to take out on my friends. For many people I know that a blog is sort of like having a column in a newspaper. I have a few blogs that could be thought of that way, where the topic of the blog is focused and the posts to them are made to help others understand more about what it is that the blog focuses on. Examples might be a blog about movie or book reviews, a cooking blog, one on traveling, and so on.
18 May 08
For me it's mostly about promoting my political views, and also honing my writing skills. Sometimes I also just post things for fun, that I think my regular readers will enjoy.
@74nujs (7)
• India
18 May 08
Hi paliz !I do blogging for knowledge,fun and earnings.